MARCH 16, 2011 – 6:30 P.M.



I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Agenda

III. Approval or Correction of Minutes

IV. Public Forum

A. Mindi Kirkhart – Softball Field

B. Angie Metcalf

C. Sandra Moradi

V. Informational Items

A. Silver Cord Presentations

1. Kaila Butts

2. Katie Helling

VI. Reports

A. Transportation Report

B. Maintenance Supervisor

C. Elementary Principal

D. Middle School Principal

E. Secondary Principal

F. Project Director DFC

G. Board Secretary/Business Manager

H. Superintendent

VII. Old Business

A. Finance

1. Budget Reduction Recommendations – Action Item

2. Set Special Board Meeting for Certified Budget Approval – Action Item

3. District credit cards – Action Item

B. Negotiations

C. Transportation Services

1. Lease Agreement – Action Item

2. Tools Purchase Update

D. Board Vacancy

1. Installation of new board member

VIII. New Business

A. 2011-2012 School Calendar – Action Item

B. 1st Reading Series 300 Policies

C. 1st Reading 812, Intangible Assets

D. Good Conduct Policy

E. Skeet Shooting

F. Maintenance Truck Bids

IX. Consent Agenda

A. Personnel

1. Resignations

a. Dorothy Coffin, .5 FCCLA Teacher

2. Terminations

a. Yvonne DeBuhr, Bus Driver

3. New Hires

4. Transfers

5. Volunteers

B. Leave Requests

a. Amanda Kite, Science Fair, Ames, IA, March 31-April 1

b. Robyn Nolting, IASBO, Ames, IA, March 31-April 1

c. Lisa Beames, Vision to Action, Coralville, IA, April 14 & 15

d. Camp Courageous, 22 students and chaperones

e. Renee Thomas and Chris Shaw, Title I Reading Conf., April 7 & 8

f. Jennifer Gardner, State FFA, April 13-14

g. Chuck Banks, AD Convention, Iowa City, March 28 & 29

C. Open Enrollment

1. Out

a. 2010-2011, Dakota Nye (8) to Fairfield Community – Good Cause

b. 2010-2011, Sheridan Nye (7) to Fairfield Community – Good Cause

c. 2010-2011, Corrina Mineart (1) FROM Fairfield – Good Cause

d. 2010-2011, Bryson Mineart (4) FROM Fairfield – Good Cause

e. 2011-2012, Trace DeVries (K) to Davis County

f. 2011-2012, Teddy Volchko (12) to Davis County

g. 2011-2012, Haley Moore (10) to Davis County

h. 2011-2012, Kaylee Watson (7) to Fairfield Community

D. Fundraisers

X. Approval of Bills

XI. Communications

XII. Closed Session per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) – Superintendent Evaluation

XIII. Adjournment


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