
SOUTHERN WELLS COMMUNITY SCHOOLSBOARD AGENDAElementary Library Media CenterExecutive Session 4:30 PM Public Meeting 5 PMTuesday, April 18, 2017EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Southern Wells School Board met in executive session at 4:30 PM as allowed by IC 5-14-1.5-1:(5) To receive information about and interview prospective employees.The meeting was called to order with prayer by Vice-President Aaron Westfall at 5:03 PM. Others present were President Kevin Scott, Secretary Mark Durham, Liaison Todd Fiechter, Superintendent Steve Darnell, principals John Purcell and Chad Yencer, maintenance supervisor Ryan King, corporation treasurer Vicki Andrews, corporation secretary Robin Minniear, and Glen Werling of the Bluffton News-Banner.Also, invited guests Bruno Piggott and Paul Higginbotham of Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Justin and Kamryn Leas, and Cari and Seth Whicker. Also, Lynn and Tina Blevins, Emma Hamilton, Carrie Ramseyer, Kathy Christman, Wendy Springer, Mike Carter, Laura Westfall, Toni Coffel and Kristi Cale Jenney.PUBLIC MEETING:I.MEETING ORGANIZATION:1. ?Approve Agenda as modified.Motion: ScottSecond: WestfallVote: 4-02. ?Approve Minutes: April 3, 10, 17Motion: WestfallSecond: DurhamVote: 4-0Resolution of Recognition: A recommendation of recognition was made by Mr. John Purcell, ES Principal, as follows: A true education nurtures and promotes growth in academics and beyond. A virtue of Southern Wells Community Schools is its steadfast commitment to students’ education in music, visual arts, and physical wellness. When many schools view these as supplemental courses that detract from academics, Southern Wells embraces research findings that such courses promote higher academic achievement.Kamryn Leas is a sixth grade student and a prime example of a young person every teacher loves to have in class. She is a diligent and responsible worker who consistently wears a smile. Despite the difficult nature of the new math program she has excelled in her progress, demonstrating exceptional growth. But her success is evident in more than academics. During the recent Spring Fling show, Kamryn performed a solo vocal number. She stunned the audience with her beautiful voice and courage, as she stood alone in the spotlight. A vocal coach will tell you that, even with natural talent, it requires self-discipline and an uncommon commitment to hours of practice to refine that talent. Kamryn possesses both: a beautiful voice and commitment to polishing this gift. We are proud of Kamryn and present her to the school board for recognition. She is a kind, courageous, and hard-working student who has graced us with her beautiful gift in music. ?For her voice, commitment, and courage we recognize her this evening. Motion: WestfallSecond: FiechterVote: 4-0Presentation and dialogue with Invited Guests: Bruno Piggott, Commissioner of Indiana Department of Environmental Management, and Deputy Paul Higginbotham, expressed that they were present to offer advice and information. They first confirmed that an engineering firm would be required regardless if we decide to redo the on-site plant or pipe to Montpelier even “if we are changing pump for pump and tank for tank,” as questioned by Mr. Scott. Mr. Higginbotham noted that is still a requirement, and cited the regulation that states a design has to have professional engineer approval.Mr. Piggott counseled that we need to consider needs, not just today, but in 20 years and that an engineer will help with their experience and knowledge to plan for that over time, noting, “replacing may not be the best option for the school district.” Mr. Higginbotham added that the engineering firm can also help secure the funding processes.Mr. Fiechter asked if we can build a plant that will meet regulations or will those requirements continue to increase? Mr. Piggott noted if you “hook into somebody else, that is somebody else’s problem and the cost is borne by them; those are important factors to consider…If I were in your shoes, I’d consider hooking into someplace else. You lose control but you don’t bear the responsibility and government compliance is not an issue; maintenance is not a concern.”He continued, “IDEM doesn’t like little treatment plants. The smallest facilities have the biggest problems. We love it when people send it elsewhere and you benefit when you contract with others.”Mr. Higginbotham explained the reasons that Montpelier is currently undergoing major sewage upgrades and renovations – they have a requirement to improve to treat rain events and are starting to address manhole and lift station work and upgrading the treatment plant. It is a long-term control plan over 5-25 years.Mr. Scott noted he was concerned about Montpelier and the uncertainty of the facility. Mr. Higginbotham confirmed that Montpelier is not on any restrictions currently and could handle any flow from SWCS.Mr. Piggott concluded, “This isn’t going to be a problem, even at maximum 5,600 daily average is not a problem. They were built to spec at the time and they are one of many [facilities] that are having to do this correction.”Both expressed IDEM’s desire to work with Southern Wells regardless of which option was selected.II.FINANCIAL ITEMS:ClaimsMotion: WestfallSecond: DurhamVote: 4-02. Financial Reports, Bank Reconciliation, Credit Card Statement, Grant AcceptanceMotion: FiechterSecond: WestfallVote: 4-MUNITY INPUT:Kathy Christmas, a patron, inquired if she would be required to hookup to the sewer main if it was run in front of her property. Mr. King replied that since it is a force main that is not required by statute and confirmed by county surveyor Jarod Hahn.Another patron, Lynn Blevins, expressed concern over the financial need for this project and Emma Hamilton noted support for the long-term plant to be removed from service and a better system of sewage removal to be implemented.IV.ACTION ITEMS:1. PERSONNEL: Mr. Darnell, Superintendent, Mr. Chad Yencer, HS Principal, Mr. John Purcell, ES Principal, and Mr. Robert Mangus, AD, recommend that the Board approve the following personnel changes as outlined.Recommendation to employ the new elementary principal for the 2017-2018 school year.Background InformationThe position was posted in late January and closed on February 24, 2017.? We had 25 candidates apply.Once a complete application was received from a candidate, along with a signed statement on confidentiality about principal selection materials, candidates were sent four assessments (basically, these were job functions that a?Principal?routinely performs) to complete and return.?Any candidate choosing not to complete the assessment phase was excluded from advancing in the process.? We had 8 of the 25 drop out at that point.After assessment results were computed, and I conducted a review of candidate materials to make sure there would be a potential fit with the individual and position, we had 10 candidates invited to an interview.? Those interviews were scheduled for March 16 and 20.? We had the following team on the interview committee: ?Mr. Aaron Westfall and Mr. Mark Durham (Board member representation), Mrs. Toni Coffel (parent), Mrs. Kristi Jenney (ISWAT appointed teacher), Mr. Chad Yencer (administrative), and myself.We had 10 outstanding candidates!? Demographically, the candidates look like:- Variety of teaching and administrative experiences ranging from three years to well over 20 years- Employed with six different districts (Muncie, Huntington, Anderson, Blackford, Fort Wayne, Jay)- Three sitting administrators, six current teachers, one current counselorAfter the interview, Mr. Purcell took candidates on a school tour if they desired.When interviews with the committee were finished, each committee member was asked to recommend (individually - not as a group) two candidates they felt should advance to final interviews.? Final interviews with three candidates occurred on April 11.??We had such a talented, exceptional pool for candidates for the position.? When I consider and reflect on the application process for candidates and their responses, interview information from our committee, and the final interview, Mrs. Cari Whicker clearly is the best fit for our position, students, and staff. ?Mrs. Whicker comes to us with over 20 years of proven classroom experience both in an elementary and middle school setting.? She has her undergraduate degree in elementary education with endorsements in language arts and social studies.? She has a Master's degree in learning and technology with an endorsement in educational leadership.? Her leadership experience includes chairing numerous school and corporation-based committees and teams.? She is exceptional grant writer - one who as netted her school and district thousands of dollars over the years in grant funding.? As a teacher trainer, she has presented numerous inservice trainings for teachers locally and across Indiana.? She is a member of the Indiana State Board of Education and serves as the Board Vice Chair. ?RecommendationSuperintendent Darnell recommends Mrs. Cari Whicker as our elementary school Principal for an initial two-year contract, 220 days annually, salary of $77,000 with benefits afforded to her as provided for school administrators.? Her contract to begin on?July 1, 2017?with up to 5 days available prior to?July 1?for hiring staff as required. Motion: WestfallSecond: DurhamVote: 4-0Accept the retirement of Abby Shannon-Stallsmith after 32 years of service.Motion: WestfallSecond: DurhamVote: 4-0Approve volunteer chaperones for the 6th outdoor field trip to McCormick’s Creek.Approval of Sara Clark as varsity cheer coach.From: Robert MangusI am recommending Sara Clark for the position of Varsity Cheer Leading Coach. Sara will also continue as our junior high coach. Sara has done a great job developing our junior high cheer squad, and I look forward to her doing the same with our varsity programSummer IT Assistant recommendationWe would like to hire Lisa Rhoton for the Summer Technology position.? The hours range from 116 up to 160 with a rate of $10/hour.?Thank you,Chris HartmanMotion: WestfallSecond: FiechterVote: 4-0Summer School teacher recommendations: From:Chad YencerThis is to recommend Amy Smekens as the summer school instructor for Southern Wells High School. ?The class will be an online format utilizing Plato software, and Amy currently administers that program during the school year. ?Amy will work 10 hours per week for the four week summer school program.Additionally, I recommend hiring Abby McClain for 6 hours per week for four weeks to provide assistance to our special education students enrolled in summer school. From: John PurcellWe respectfully request the employment of Miss Susan Oswalt to teach the iREAD remediation class this summer. Miss Oswalt is a fourth grade teacher in our building and has been successful in this position for the past three summers. Transportation for this class will be provided. Students who did not pass the spring iREAD test are required to take a second iREAD test, offered at the end of the summer school course. ?As in the past, open spots in the class will be offered to students who would benefit from additional reading instruction. Teachers will recommend and encourage participation by these students through personal contact with parents. We respectfully request the employment of Mrs. Marilyn Lavanchy to teach the elementary summer mathematics course, contingent on the class being held. We are offering this course and will host it if a sufficient number of students register to participate. Since participation is not required, transportation will not be provided. Mrs. Lavanchy is a third grade teacher at Eastbrook North Elementary School and is well-respected for her performance in that position. Summer School bus driver recommendation: From: Robin MinniearSummer School is going to be held June 6-20, 2017 and, depending on student enrollment, we may need up to two bus drivers for the period.I recommend Tabby Fate and Angie Simpson as bus drivers for summer school, to be paid at an hourly rate of $18.77 for time worked.Motion: WestfallSecond: DurhamVote: 4-0Summer painting recommendationBackground InformationAs part of the ongoing school maintenance schedule, we have allocated $2,000 from CPF for summer painting within the CPF fund - general building maintenance.? This year, we need to focus efforts at the high school.? This amount is for labor cost only.RecommendationSuperintendent Darnell recommends that Bob Pace and Mike Carter be employed for up to 84 hours each at $12/hour for summer painting projects at the high school.Motion: DurhamSecond: WestfallVote: 4-02. APPROVAL OF BUILDING TRADES BY-LAWSMotion: WestfallSecond: FiechterVote: 4-03. APPROVE MISSION, VISION, TAGLINE AND CORE BELIEF STATEMENTSMotion: WestfallSecond: ScottVote: 4-04. APPROVE OUT OF DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION PICKUP SPOTSMotion: FiechterSecond: DurhamVote: 4-05. APPROVAL OF 2017 SUMMER PROJECTS: Mr. Darnell, Superintendent, recommends approval of summer projects and vendors as identified:Fire/Access Control/Intercom/Clocks upgrade was awarded to ESCO for $208,842 following a motion by Fiechter, seconded by Durham, 4-0 vote;Library/media center upgrade/refresh, awarded to Pridemark for $164,464 following a motion by Westfall, seconded by Durham, 4-0 vote;HS cafeteria sound replacement, awarded by ESCO for $12,639 following motion by Durham, second by Westfall, 4-0 vote;HS window shades for $24,870 awarded by Kyle’s following motion by Westfall, second by Durham, 4-0 vote;ES electrostatic paint lockers and PE lockers in girls’ locker room award to American Office services for $9,535.40 and $8,991 respectively following motion by Fiechter, seconded by Durham, 4-0 vote;Parking lot asphalt awarded by Liby’s Stripe right for $53,495 following motion by Fiechter, second by Durham, 4-0 vote;Stage curtain replacement awarded to Indianapolis Stage Sales for $8,325.80 following motion by Scott, second by Durham, 4-0 vote;ES bathroom fixture replacement, motion to award to Don Myers Plumbing by Westfall, second by Durham, vote 2-2, did not pass;Stage floor sand/stain, awarded by A&H Floor Service for $6,964 motion by Durham, second by Fiechter, 4-0 vote.5. APPROVAL OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT ENGINEERING FIRM AND PLAN Bid packages were received from Martin-Riley, Commonwealth, Triad, Engineering Resources and DLZ engineering firms, with breakdown of engineering fees, and costs for Montpelier hook-up and WWTP on-site replacement. Mr. Darnell advised that the recommendation from Mr. King and himself was to go with Commonwealth because they are local and already working with Poneto and Montpelier, know the area and have done a study for us before.Todd Fiechter made a motion to select Commonwealth to serve as our engineering firm. They are to be "directed to provide the cost to replace our plant with a mechanical operation like we currently have." In addition, the motion directed that our attorney is to draw up a contract with the City of Montpelier in the event we choose to pursue the option of piping our sewage there. Motion: FiechterSecond: DurhamVote: 3-1, Scott opposed6. REQUEST FOR ARCHERY CLUBMotion: FiechterSecond: WestfallVote: 4-07. CONFERENCE REQUESTS: Mr. Yencer, HS Principal, recommends approval of the following conference requests:Janel Franks, FCS Conference, Ivy Tech, IndianapolisVicki Andrews, IASBOMotion: FiechterSecond: WestfallVote: 4-08. FUNDRAISER REQUESTS: Mr. Yencer, HS Principal, and Mr. Purcell, ES Principal, recommend approval of the following fundraiser activities:Football youth camp for grades 4-6FFA scrap metal collectionMotion: WestfallSecond: DurhamVote: 4-0V.SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT:Update on new elementary school well. Mr. Darnell informed the board members that the new elementary well, which had been cited by IDEM and recently completed by Kell Drilling of Huntertown, has been declared unusable due to an orphan plume of petroleum byproducts. He assured the members that the well had never been put into service and never been connected to the existed water supply. However, it now leaves us with the need to drill another well after spending in excess of $92,000 for this worthless one.VI. ?SIGNING OF DOCUMENTS:VII. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM. The signatures below certify that the minutes accurately reflect what occurred in the regular meeting and that only those items permitted by Indiana Code were discussed in the executive session.Motion: FiechterSecond: DurhamVote: 4-0EXECUTIVE SESSION FOLLOWING: Cancelled.MARK DURHAMTODD FIECHTERKEVIN SCOTTAARON WESTFALLSOUTHERN WELLS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES ................

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