School Business Official Recruitment and Selection Guide

At a time when resources are limited, hiring a capable and qualified school business official (SBO) is a solid investment in the success of your organization.

Superintendents are experiencing increased pressure and emphasis to focus on student achievement, teacher evaluations and a host of other mandates. At the same time school districts are working with increasing demands on their financial resources. With these factors in mind it is essential that part of the leadership team in a district include someone with a focus and expertise in financial management. This dedicated partner helps the superintendent focus on organizational and instructional leadership.

Another major role of a school business official (SBO) is to coordinate with the superintendent, board of education and community to support the vision and mission of the district. The SBO brings a long-range financial vision and perspective to strategic thinking that is valuable to complement the superintendent who often comes from a primarily educational background.

The superintendent looks to the SBO to provide financial strength, vision and guidance. The board of education looks to the SBO to make the complicated formulas and regulations understandable and help lead them through the long-term ramifications of their decisions.

Iowa ASBO is committed solely to provide programs and training to ensure the continued success of your SBO in realizing their potential. They will have access to conferences and workshops directly related to their responsibilities and connect to a network of supportive fellow professionals.


This resource is meant as a starting point to help you determine what specific skills you are looking for as you begin the search. The process is divided into the following steps:


Begin by filling out the Task and Function Checklist on the next page to understand the scope of duties you are seeking for your SBO to perform. That will provide a framework to refer to as you continue the next steps in the process.


Based on the decisions about what you would like the SBO to do and how they fit into the leadership team, use the chart of typical titles and qualifications on page 3 to help guide these decisions.


Use the Job Description Template included with this guide as a starting point to create a description that is tailored to the tasks and functions you have identified for the SBO.


You may choose to conduct an external search or “grow your own.” Iowa ASBO provides a free career posting service to school districts in addition to advertising through other local mediums. Posting on the IASBO site only requires the submission of the ad to iowaasbo@ where it will be posted for three weeks.


Determining when a candidate is an appropriate “fit” for your district can come down to asking the right questions. The compiled list of sample interview questions is provided to be an aid as you narrow down to the right candidate.


School Business Officials must complete an average of 20 contact hours per year of approved professional develop education sessions to maintain their State of Iowa Authorization to serve as an SBO. The average number of hours earned by SBOs in 2012-13 was over 36. The rate of change in the accounting and reporting standards imposed by state, federal and GASB sources has increased greatly in just the past 5-10 years. The SBO is responsible for the prudent and legal management of nearly half of most local property taxes and half of the State of Iowa general fund budget as they come to the local school districts. You DO need to have a competent and currently trained professional in that role.

• All documents identified above are available at no cost from Iowa ASBO by emailing the request to: iowaasbo@



Task and Function Checklist

check all that apply and add items unique to the position.

| | |FUNCTIONS | |

| TASKS |Perform Specific Tasks |Direct , Oversee and/or |Key Decision Maker and/or |

| |(i.e. payroll) |Supervise |Evaluator |

|Financial planning / budgeting | | | |

|Accounting & Finance Systems | | | |

|Debt Service & Capital Fund Management | | | |

|Auditing | | | |

|Purchase & Supply Management | | | |

|Facility Planning Construction | | | |

|Facility Operations | | | |

|Insurance / Risk Management | | | |

|Cost Analysis | | | |

|Reporting & Compliance | | | |

|Collective Bargaining | | | |

|Data Processing | | | |

|Cash Management & Investments | | | |

|Food Service | | | |

|Legal / Policy | | | |

|Office Management | | | |

|Categorical Program Management | | | |

|Community Relations | | | |

|Property Management | | | |

|Facility Security | | | |

|Staff Development | | | |

|Student Activity Funds | | | |

|Health & Safety | | | |

|Transportation Management | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


Common Titles for the School Business Official in Iowa:

• CFO – Chief Financial Officer – heavily focused on policy and global finance issues

• Executive Director of Business and Finance – primarily focused on fiscal operations policy

• Director of Finance and Support Services – responsible for financial and operational area(s)

• Finance Director – primarily focused on managing finances and office staff

• Business Manager – more “hands-on” responsibilities for budget and accountability

Desired Qualifications:

o Possess or ability to qualify for School Business Officer authorization

▪ Basic criteria include a minimum of an associate’s degree in business or accounting or 60 semester hours of coursework in business or accounting of which 9 semester hours must be in accounting.

▪ Applicants must have successfully completed an Iowa division of criminal investigation and national criminal history background check. The background check fee will be assessed to the applicant.

o Successful Experience as an Iowa Public School Business Official

o Undergraduate degree in __________


This is often a difficult area to resolve as compensation varies greatly depending on preparation, experience, scope of responsibilities, etc. Some superintendents compare with surrounding districts or districts of comparable size and responsibilities, and comparable positions with the community. Others consider the range of compensation of a beginning teacher to a teacher with experience and advanced education, and then correlate that nine month position to the SBO twelve month position. The salary packages for SBO vary about as widely as that for Superintendents.


Use the Job Description Template included with this guide in addendum A as a starting point to create a description that is tailored to the tasks and functions you have identified for the SBO.


You may choose to conduct an external search or “grow your own.” Iowa ASBO provides a free career posting service to school districts in addition to advertising through other local mediums. Posting on the IASBO site only requires the submission of the ad to iowaasbo@ where it will be posted for three weeks.


Determining when a candidate is an appropriate “fit” for your district can come down to asking the right questions. The compiled list of sample interview questions is provided in Addendum B to be an aid as you narrow down to the right candidate.


School Business Officials must complete an average of 20 contact hours per year of approved professional development education sessions to maintain their State of Iowa Authorization to serve as an SBO. The average number of hours earned by SBOs in 2012-13 was over 36. The rate of change in the accounting and reporting standards imposed by state, federal and GASB sources has increased greatly in just the past 5-10 years. The SBO is responsible for the prudent and legal management of nearly half of most local property taxes and half of the State of Iowa general fund budget as they come to the local school districts. You DO need to have a competent and currently trained professional in that role.

Addendum A Job Description Template

School Business Official

“Job Description”


“Position Responsibility”

Sample Template

__________________ COMMUNITY SCHOOLS

Assignment Description

(add / delete as appropriate to assignment)

Position Title: _______________________________

Reports to: Superintendent of Schools and Board of Education

Degree of Authority:

This position has the authority to decide or act within major areas of accountability subject to established guidelines.

Desired Qualifications:

o Possess or ability to qualify for School Business Officer authorization

• Basic criteria include a minimum of an associate’s degree in business or accounting or 60 semester hours of coursework in business or accounting of which 9 semester hours must be in accounting.

• Applicants must have successfully completed an Iowa division of criminal investigation and national criminal history background check.

o Successful Experience as an Iowa Public School Business Official or similar field

o Undergraduate degree in finance, business, accounting, or related areea

Annual Service: 12 month contract

Major Areas of Responsibility:

Financial Planning and Budgeting

1. Prepare certified and operating budgets in a timely manner.

2. Prepare enrollment projections, long range plans and projections pertinent to the financial needs of the district.

3. Prepare multi-year projections of revenues and expenditures.

4. Oversee implementation of grants and categorical funded projects.

5. Ensure compliance with bond and debt related issues.

6. Provide regular counsel and advice to the board and program administrators on fiscal and operational areas.

7. Optimize the handling of bank and deposit relationships and initiate strategies to enhance cash position and ensure appropriate investment of district funds as prescribed by Iowa Code and District policies.

8. Administer the continuous maintenance of property records.

9. Direct and implement an effective system of internal financial controls.

10. Oversee the maintenance of finance and business related records, reports and district files as determined by district policy and state laws.

11. Ensure district compliance with pertinent state and federal regulatory programs (i.e. AHERA, ATA)

12. Communicate district budget and operational status to the community as needed.

Accounting and Finance Systems

1. Ensure accounting procedures meet state requirements for all accounts.

2. Provide timely payment of bills and other accounts payable, prepare payroll.

3. Prepare monthly reports for the Board and program administrators highlighting variances in revenues and expenditures.

4. Investigate operations through appreciate internal audit procedures

5. Complete, monitor and report activities applicable to state and federally funded programs.

6. Maintain liaison with appropriate county and state officials as related to the fiscal operations of the district.

7. Arrange and coordinate preparation of documents for the annual financial audit

8. Implement audit suggestions regarding corrections, adjustments, internal controls and segregation of duties in the business office.

Purchasing and Supply Management

1. Supervise and evaluate Business Office personnel and budget

2. Oversee the district’s employee benefit program, including the district self-insurance program (if applicable) for medical/dental, workers compensation, life and disability insurance.

3. Ensure that payroll checks are issues to all district employees on a timely basis.

4. Make timely payments of employee withholdings to appropriate government and retirement systems.

5. Monitor compliance with 403B rules.

6. Submit required State and federal payments and reports.

7. Periodically gather comparison data on salary and benefits for negotiations.

8. Plan and coordinate the development of statistical, financial and management information related to employee relations.

9. Responsible for personnel and human resource operations, insurance and medical benefits.

Risk Management / Insurance

1. Manage the district insurance program related to property, worker compensation, liability, district-owned vehicles and employee health benefit programs

General Administration

2. Operate within the policies of and implement regulations developed by the District.

3. Establish annual personal and professional development goals focused upon effective leadership characteristics and specific job performance target areas.

4. Participate in workshops, conferences and / or other activities designed to maintain knowledge and skills regarding educational management, employee supervision and other matters pertaining to effective management.

5. Develop proposed policies relating to financial management for Board consideration.

6. Perform additional duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Superintendent of Schools

Community Relations

1. Prepare enrollment projections and assist the superintendent in projecting staff requirements

2. Participate in local, regional, state and national professional / educational organizations to stay current on school finance and related issues.

3. Regularly confer with building principals and administrators regarding problems / solutions related to district operations.

4. Work with commissioned architects in the construction and remodeling of facilities to ensure compliance with district requirements and economy.

5. Review all contracts between the district and outside contractors prior to board review.

6. Serve as an Officer of the Board as Board Secretary with related duties and responsibilities.

Office Management

1. Oversee the day-to-day operations of the district finance and business functions.

2. Recruit, interview and recommend qualified personnel for approved staff openings.

3. Establish orientation and staff development programs

4. Evaluate subordinate staff and make employment recommendations to the Superintendent.

Maintenance & Grounds

1. Supervise Buildings and Grounds staff.

2. Coordinate a system of preventive maintenance and duty schedules.

3. Develop plans of compliance with safety regulations for school facilities.

4. Make recommendations to the Superintendent and Board ofr needed repair and maintenance items that should be included in the budget.

5. Ensure appropriate maintenance, grounds keeping, security and housekeeping requirements for each building and site are accomplished.

Food Service

1. Supervise the manager or contracted service provider

2. Direct the general operations and financial procedures of the food service program.

3. Mange the free and reduced price federal lunch program component.

4. Supervise the health and safety standards compliance of the food program

5. Approve pay requests for services / products provided.

Transportation Service

1. Supervise the maintenance and safety inspection of school transportation equipment

2. Develop systems for reporting accidents, travel and service information.

3. Work with transportation supervisor, or contractor, to develop bus routes to provide safe and efficient services.

4. Approve pay requests for services / products provided.

Applicable School Business Official standards & criteria (delete as appropriate to assignment)

Iowa School Business Official Standards

281—81.7(256) School business official knowledge and skills standards and criteria.

Specific criteria within each standard may be located at

Standard 1. Each school business official shall demonstrate an understanding of Uniform Financial Accounting, governmental GAAP accounting, and statutory concepts.

Standard 2. Each school business official shall demonstrate the ability to implement

effective internal controls and accounting processes.

Standard 3. Each school business official shall demonstrate an understanding of and

compliance with federal, state, and local reporting requirements.

Standard 4. Each school business official shall demonstrate compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws.

Standard 5. Each school business official shall demonstrate competence in technology

appropriate to the school business official position.

Standard 6. Each school business official shall demonstrate appropriate personal skills.

Standard 7. Each school business official shall engage in professional growth.

Standard 8. Each school business official shall fulfill professional responsibilities

established by the school district.

Standard 9. If a school business official is also employed as the secretary or treasurer of the school board, the school business official shall perform those stipulated functions.

The above description is an outline intended as a guide and should not be taken as a complete itemization of all facets of any job.

I have read and understand this general description for the above job.

_____________________________ ____________

signature date

Addendum B Interview Template

School Business Official Interview

Sample Questions

To Add to Local District Process to

Secure the Best Candidate for Your District


1. What have been some of the highlights in your professional career?

2. Why are you interested in the _____ position in our district?

3. The responsibilities of the _____ is a demanding job. What are some of your favorite activities outside of school that enable you to maintain balance and fulfillment in your life?

4. As you reflect on your current job assignment, what do you do exceptionally well?

5. What should we know about you that would help convince us that you can effectively perform the duties of the _____?

6. Why are you interested in this position at this point in your career?

7. What have you done in your current position to enhance educational opportunities for students?

8. As you reflect on your current job assignment, what do you need to do to become more effective or efficient?

9. What is the best workshop or conference you have attended in the past two years? In what specific ways has this experience helped you in your current job assignment?

10. What would be the first three things you would do during your first week of work if you got this position?

11. What are your priorities and goals in adapting to a new administrative position?

12. In summation on this area, what can you offer this district to make it better?

13. How do you respond when you differ with the Board or Superintendent decisions?


1. What is your experience and expertise managing union and non-union working agreements?

2. Describe you experiences with collective bargaining


1. Accounting for, managing, and investing the school district’s financial resources are important responsibilities. What has been your experience in these areas?

2. Explain the timelines and procedures you take to prepare the annual certified budget and the operating or line-item budget.

3. Tell about a serious financial situation you have been involved in during your professional career. What was it, how were you involved and how was it resolved?

4. Explain your concept and understanding of appropriate internal controls and segregation of duties in the area of school business finance.

5. A principal comes into your office in August with a proposal to spend $10,000.00 on musical instruments. While this expenditure was not accounted for when the line item budget was being prepared, it is an excellent proposal with significant cost savings to the school district. How would you respond to the principal?

6. Describe your experience with special education finances.

7. What is your experience working with grants and other forms of categorical funding to ensure the dollars are spent appropriately?

8. If you have been involved with the issuance of bonds / debt at a school district explain your work with a Bond Underwriter or Financial Advisor to complete the process.


1. School finance is a complicated and often confusing topic for new Board members. What have you done in the past that has helped these new Board members better understand the financial side of operating a school district?

2. The position requires occasional interaction with various boards and groups in the community. What in you past would suggest that you will be successful in interacting with these bodies?

3. It’s the first day of school. Your office assistant receives several phone calls from irate parents complaining about the location of a bus stop in their neighborhood. They want you to change the bus stop. How would you respond?

4. What have you done in your prior work to develop a sense of trust and confidence in the accuracy of the financial reporting and forecasting you provide the Board, employee groups and community?

5. Give an example of a time when you were publically challenged on facts, data or conclusions you provided to the Board of Education. How did you respond and what resulted?


1. Describe your style of communication and the ways you connect with the office staff who report to you.

2. If we walked into your office today, what would we see and what kind of impression would the appearance of your office likely make on us?

3. Of the supervisors in your past experience, please share what you most appreciated in how they worked with you. What could past supervisors have done differently to make your work more productive.

select only those support program areas included in the position responsibilities


1. Describe your experience managing a school transportation department.

2. Describe your approach and rationale in determining weather conditions that would dictate delaying or cancelling classes due to weather conditions.

3. Describe your experience working with a school food-service program.

4. Describe your experience in the area of technology operations (e.g. computer networking phone communications, building security, HVAC).

5. What is your experience operating a school operations department (custodial, maintenance, ground, security)?

6. What is your experience with facility planning and school construction?

7. What is your experience in working with school architects, engineers and construction managers? Do you have a preferred method of building and renovating?

8. What will be your performance expectations of staff that report directly to you? In turn, what can the district expect from you regarding the day-to day operations of the departments in your charge?


1. What items do you not fully understand about the requirements and expectations of the position?

2. What questions do you have for us?

3. Why are you the most well-suited person for the assignment?

4. Please notify us if you decide to be withdrawn from consideration.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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