MYP unit planner - Weebly

|Unit Title |Our Relationship with Life’s Blueprint (DNA); from Modern Scientific Marvels to Mutant Monsters. |

|Teacher(s) |David Egan |

|Subject/grade level |8th Grade Science (Biology) |

|Time frame/duration |8 weeks |

MYP Unit Planner

Stage 1: Integrate significant concept, area of interaction and unit question.

|Area of interaction focus | |Significant concept(s) |

|Which area of interaction will be our focus? | |What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to|

|Why have we chosen this? | |retain for years into the future? |

|AOI/Global Context: Scientific & Technical | |Big Ideas- The importance of ethical reasoning and |

|Innovation---Biotechnology & Ethics what is our | |decision making when (applying the science of genetics)|

|Responsibility? | |making difficult choices. |

| | | |

|We have chosen this AOI/GT because of Biotech’s growing | |DNA is the fundamental Structure of all living things. |

|impact on humanity. While the understanding of DNA and | | |

|Genetics continues to unravel many mysteries regarding | |Key Concepts: Form, Structure Relationships & |

|human health and behavior. It also opens the proverbial | |Perspectives |

|Pandora’s box to many ethical debates regarding its | | |

|application. | |Concept Statements- |

| | | |

| | |The form and function of living things is related to |

|ATL- Information Literacy | |the structure of its DNA’s. |

| | | |

| | |There are a variety of perspectives regarding the |

| | |relationship between scientific knowledge and |

| | |understanding and its application. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Retained into the Future- When debating the use and |

| | |application of genetics, there are multiple points of |

| | |view. I can make a sound ethical decision regarding my |

| | |position on a range of bioethical issues. |

|MYP Unit Question* |

|Formerly the Guiding Question |

|Teacher Speak Unit Question: |

|What are the ethical implications regarding the use and application of scientific knowledge and |

|understanding of DNA and Genetics? |

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|Turn it into a Student Speak Unit Question: |

|How should we use Life’s Blueprint (DNA)? |

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|Statements of Inquiry: |

|Students will discuss, evaluate and debate ethical perspectives regarding a range of biotech issues. |

| |

|Students will discuss, evaluate and debate the relationship between scientific |

|understanding/capabilities and their use and application. |

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|Students will recognize the relationship between DNA’s structure and how it’s related to the form and|

|function of all living things. |

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|Inquiry Questions: |

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|What is Life’s Blueprint DNA? |

|What is bioethics and what is biotech? |

|What are the positive and negative aspects of various biotechnologies? |

|How has biotech changed our world and what is the future of biotech? |

|How should we regulate biotech and who should regulate it? |

|Assessment |

|What task(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question? |

|What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding? |

|How will students show what they have understood? |

|A piece of writing by the student of approximately 900–1,200 words in length. Criteria A and B must be used to assess this task. |

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|An end-of-unit or end-of-term test or examination. Criterion C must be one of the criteria used to assess this task. |

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|--What exemplars will students see so that they understand what is required? |

|Each Assessment will be accompanied by a task specific rubric which students receive prior to the assessment. The rubric will be |

|explained in detail and examples relevant to each level descriptor will be given. The One World essay will come with a detailed |

|project outline including examples of student expectations. |

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|--What will allow students the opportunity to answer the unit question at some point during the unit? |

|Student understanding of the underlying concepts and principles of genetics is built through labs, activities, problems, |

|discussions and readings. This learning experience cumulates with a concept based test. |

|Next students are introduced to ethical reasoning and decision making. This process will unfold as students discuss and debate the |

|use and application of genetics and its ethical implications. Learning experiences include: inquiry into various bioethical issues |

|via case studies, debates, film, current events and research. Learning cumulates in the answering of the unit question through |

|researching and writing a One World argumentative essay on an bioethical issue of their choice |

| |

|--How will the assessment task be differentiated? |

|Student understanding of the unit question will be assessed using two formats one is and argumentative essay while the other is a |

|test of student’s conceptual understanding. |

|Test- The concept based test will employ a variety and range of questions to assess student’s knowledge and understanding. These |

|range from simple problems involving recall and application to complex problems involving evaluation and analysis. There will also |

|be integration of math concepts (probabilities) in many of the problems. |

|One World Essay- There will be flexibility and choice in terms of topic selection and word limit. |

|Which specific MYP objectives will be addressed during this unit? |

|Directly from MYP Subject Guide. |

| |

|Objective A- This objective refers to enabling students to gain a better understanding of the role of science in society. Students |

|should be aware that science is a global endeavor and that its development and applications can have consequences for our lives. |

| |

|One world should provide students with the opportunity to critically assess the implications of scientific developments and their |

|applications to local and/or global issues. |

| |

|explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address specific problems or issues |

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|discuss the effectiveness of science and its application in solving problems or issues |

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|describe how science and its application interact with some of the following factors: moral, ethical, social, economic, political, |

|cultural and environmental. |

| |

|Objective B- This objective refers to enabling students to become competent and confident when communicating information in |

|science. Students should be able to use scientific language correctly and a variety of communication modes and formats as |

|appropriate. Students should be aware of the importance of acknowledging and appropriately referencing the work of others when |

|communicating in science. |

| |

|use scientific language correctly |

| |

|use appropriate communication modes, such as verbal (oral, written), visual (graphic, symbolic) and communication formats |

|(laboratory reports, essays, presentations) to effectively communicate theories, ideas and findings in science |

| |

|acknowledge the work of others and the sources of information used by documenting them using a recognized referencing system. |

| |

|Objective C- This objective refers to enabling students to understand scientific knowledge (facts, ideas, concepts, processes, |

|laws, principles, models and theories) and to apply it to construct scientific explanations, solve problems and formulate |

|scientifically supported arguments. |

| |

|recall scientific knowledge and use scientific understanding to construct scientific explanations |

| |

|apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations |

| |

|analyze and evaluate information critically to make judgments supported by scientific understanding |

|Which MYP assessment criteria will be used? |

|Directly from MYP Subject Guide. |

|Criterion A: One world |

|Maximum: 6 |

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|One world enables students to gain a better understanding of the role of science in society and allows them to explore how |

|scientific developments and applications are applied and used to address specific problems or issues in local and global contexts. |

| |

|Students should be able to: |

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|• explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue |

|• discuss the effectiveness of science and its application in solving the problem or issue |

|• discuss and evaluate the moral, ethical, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental implications of the use of |

|science and its application in solving specific problems or issues. |

| |

|Assessment tasks should give students the opportunity to explore how science is used to address a specific problem or issue. |

|Students are required to critically discuss and evaluate the implications associated with the use and application of science by |

|considering moral, ethical, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental factors. |

| |

|Suitable assessment tasks for criterion A include: written pieces of work, essays, case studies and research projects, as well as |

|debates, oral and multimedia presentations. |

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|Criterion B: Communication in science |

|Maximum: 6 |

| |

|Communication in science enables students to develop the communication skills to become competent and confident when communicating |

|information in science. |

| |

|Students should be able to use different communication modes, including verbal (oral, written) and visual (graphic, symbolic), as |

|well as appropriate communication formats (laboratory reports, essays, and multimedia presentations) to effectively communicate |

|scientific ideas, theories, findings and arguments in science. |

| |

|Students should be able to: |

| |

|• use scientific language correctly |

|• use appropriate communication modes and formats |

|• acknowledge the work of others and the sources of information used by appropriately documenting them using a recognized |

|referencing system. |

| |

|Suitable assessment tasks for criterion B include: scientific investigation reports, research essays, case studies, written |

|responses, debates and multimedia presentations among others. |

| |

|Criterion C: Knowledge and understanding of |

|science |

|Maximum: 6 |

| |

|Knowledge and understanding of science enables students to demonstrate their understanding of science by applying scientific |

|knowledge to construct scientific explanations, solve problems and formulate scientifically supported arguments. |

| |

|Students should be able to: |

| |

|• recall scientific knowledge and use scientific understanding to construct scientific explanations |

|• apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations |

|• critically analyze and evaluate information to make judgments supported by scientific understanding. |

| |

|Suitable assessment tasks for criterion C include: tests, examinations, case studies, written responses and other assignments that |

|combine a range of problems of different complexity, and opportunities for students to makes scientifically supported judgments. |

Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry

|Content |

|What knowledge and/or skills (from the course overview) are going to be used to enable the student to respond to the unit question?|

|What (if any) state, provincial, district, or local standards/skills are to be addressed? |

|How can they be unpacked to develop the significant concept(s) for stage 1? |

|What are the state GLCE’s or HSCE’s? |

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|-HSCE’s |

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|STANDARD B1: Inquiry, Reflection, and Social Implications |

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|B1.1- Scientific Inquiry |

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|B1.2- Scientific Reflection and Social Implications |

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|STANDARD B4: Genetics |

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|L4.p1 Reproduction (prerequisite) |

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|L4.p2 Heredity and Environment (prerequisite) |

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|B4.1 Genetics and Inherited Traits |

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|B4.2 DNA |

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|B4.2x DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis |

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|B4.3 Cell Division – Mitosis and Meiosis |

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|B4.4x Genetic Variation |

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|B4.r5x Recombinant DNA (recommended) |

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|STANDARD B2: Will be part of a review as students prepare for the genetics unit. |

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|NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) |

|HS-LS3: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits |

|HS-LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes (Includes Review Materials) |

|Common Core Standards: |

|ELA/Literacy- |

|RST.11-12.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions|

|the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account. (HS-LS3-1),(HS-LS3-2) |

|RST.11-12.9: Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into a coherent understanding |

|of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible. (HS-LS3-1) |

|WHST.9-12.1: Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content. (HS-LS3-2) |

|Mathematics – |

|MP.2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HS-LS3-2),(HS-LS3-3) |

|What skills and or concepts are embedded in those standards? |

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|ATL’s- see below |

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|Learner Profile Trait- Inquirer |

|This LP trait has been selected for explicit focus in this unit because through the inquiry cycle students will select a specific |

|issue that they feel passionate about, inquire into it through research and respond to the issue by supporting their position and |

|refuting the opposing side. By taking a position and arguing against the opposing side the students are taking the first step |

|toward action on an individual level. |

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|Skills- Analyzing, Classifying, Communicating, Defining, Evaluating, Inferring, Inquiring, Interpreting Data, Modelling, |

|Recognizing Patterns, Reading, Synthesizing and Using Numbers |

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|Command Terms- |

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|Describe: to give a detailed account. |

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|Discuss: to give an account including, where possible, a range of arguments for and against the relative importance of various |

|factors and comparisons of alternative hypotheses. |

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|Evaluate: to assess the implications and limitations. |

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|Explain: to give a clear account, including causes and reasons or mechanisms. |

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|State: to give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation. |

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|Document: to credit fully all sources of information used by referencing (or citing), following one recognized referencing system. |

|References should be included in the text and also at the end of the piece of work in a reference list or bibliography. |

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|Analyze: to identify parts and relationships and to interpret information to reach a conclusion. |

| |

|Complex problems: refers to problems that are set in a familiar or unfamiliar context and require analysis. These problems can |

|often be broken down into sub-problems or stages, each of which requires the selection and application of the appropriate |

|principle, rule, equation or method. |

| |

|Simple problems: refers to straightforward problems that are clearly stated and set in a familiar context, and require the student |

|to apply the appropriate principle, rule, equation or method. |

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|Personal, Social and Global Awareness (Attitudes and Beliefs)- Controversial Science Issues |

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|Key Concepts- Change (Constancy and Change in Life Forms); Structures, Patterns and Systems (Living Systems); Relationships, |

|Perspectives |

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|What is it that I must teach? |

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|Related Concepts- |

|Many of the related concepts or specific content expectations I will teach as part of the genetics unit will be adapted from the |

|HHMI & MIT Hierarchical Biological Concept Framework. Main areas of focus include: cell division, replication, transcription and |

|translation, classic Mendelian genetics, genetic disorders and genetic engineering. These concepts can be found at: |

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|Note: Many of the concepts will also be covered as a review of cell biology in order to prepare students for the genetics unit. |

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|Approaches to learning |

|How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general approaches to learning skills? |

|What Approaches to Learning are embedded in the subject-specific MYP Criteria that you are using to assess your MYP task? |

|These ATL’s are embedded in my tasks which will assess Criteria’s A, B & C. These skills will have an implicit focus. |

|Communication (Literacy), Thinking (Critical Thinking and Transfer) and Research (Information and media literacy, critical |

|literacy) |

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|What general Approaches to Learning will I embed in my unit? |

|These general ATL’s will be focused on explicitly in my unit. One of these, Research and its associated skill clusters is also |

|implicitly contained in my assessment task. This ATL skill has a general focus because it is easily transferable across the |

|disciplines throughout the MYP programme. Additionally, Research skills support school wide expectations in relation to use of |

|technology and referencing. Also the Social skill of Collaboration promotes good affect within our students. It also supports a |

|host of LP attributes such as being open-minded and exceptional communicators. |

|Research- (Information and Media Literacy, Critical Literacy) |

| |

|accessing information—including |

|researching from a variety of sources |

|using a range of technologies, |

|identifying primary and secondary |

|sources |

| |

|selecting and organizing information— |

|including identifying points of view, |

|bias and weaknesses, using primary and |

|secondary sources, making connections |

|between a variety of resources |

| |

|referencing—including the use of |

|citing, footnotes and referencing of |

|sources, respecting the concept of |

|intellectual property rights |

|Social- (Collaboration) |

| |

|accepting others—including analyzing |

|others’ ideas, respecting others’ points |

|of view, using ideas critically |

|Learning experiences |Teaching strategies |

|How will students know what is expected of them? Will they |How will we use formative assessment to give students feedback during |

|see examples, rubrics, templates? |the unit? |

|How will students acquire the knowledge and practise the |What different teaching methodologies will we employ? |

|skills required? How will they practise applying these? |How are we differentiating teaching and learning for all? How have we |

|Do the students have enough prior knowledge? How will we |made provision for those learning in a language other than their |

|know? |mother tongue? How have we considered those with special educational |

| |needs? |

|Pre Assessment |Formative Assessment |Differentiation |

|Prior Knowledge- Students prior knowledge will be activated |Cell division, DNA & Genetics will|Assessment and Pre Assessment will |

|via a review and test on cells and traits. Both of these |be assessed through- |be differentiated using a variety |

|topics have been previously covered and required the student|Student will draw the stages of |of Learning Styles/Intelligences |

|to have a simple general understanding of DNA and Heredity. |cell division (mitosis); drawings |such as: |

|It is from this point that we will begin to build and expand|will be labelled and explained. |- Kinesthetic (Hands On |

|student knowledge and understanding in detail. | |Activities/Labs) |

|We will also have an open class discussion around an ethical|Students will print and submit |- Visual (Drawing, Visual Aids, |

|dilemma in order to activate student’s prior informal |results of online activities and |Animation) |

|understanding of ethics. We will then begin building a |labs. |- Interpersonal (Group Work) |

|formal understanding from this point. | |- Intrapersonal (Readings and HW) |

|Cell division, DNA & Genetics will be learned through- |Students will take notes on all |- Linguistic/Audio (Books and |

|Direct instruction and lecture |videos and lectures. |Lecture) |

|The use of visual aids | |- Logical/Mathematical (Genetic |

|Readings |Students will be assigned section |Crosses & Word Problems) |

|Online Activities and Labs |review and chapter review |There is a heavy focus on math |

|Labs |questions on readings. |concepts in this unit. |

|Collaborative Group Work | |Answering higher level questions |

|Vocabulary Definition |Students will be given practice |aimed at assessing conceptual |

|Mind Maps |questions (genetic crosses) as HW |understanding and its application |

|Bioethics will be learned through- |and CW all questions will be |(Critical Thinking & Metacognition)|

|Lecture |discussed as a class. |Activities will employ different |

|Reading | |types of technology (ppt., smart |

|Class Discussion |Students will answer |board, audio, visual and internet).|

|Informal Debate |questions(genetic crosses) on the |Identify students that are |

|Open-ended Questions |smart board and explain their |struggling and use mixed ability |

|Audio/Video Analysis: Current Events, Gattaca, |answers to the class. |grouping for group work. |

|Intellengence2 Debate | |Engage and include students who |

|Note Taking |Students will extract DNA from a |tend to be on the outside of the |

|Case Studies |plant and report on their |social group. |

|Collaborative Group Work |procedure and results |Students have degree of choice and |

|Research | |freedom to choose their One World |

|Expectations: |Students will construct Reebops |Essays focus issue. |

|Some activities will be modelled. |and reflect on their results |The concept based test will employ |

|Formative Assessments Students will be given clear |(Meiosis & Expression of Alleles) |a variety and range of questions to|

|instructions and examples (checklists, rubrics, templates, | |assess student’s knowledge and |

|handouts) which will be discussed in class. | |understanding. |

|Summative Assessments Will be accompanied by a task specific|Anecdotal Notes |Identifying and correcting student |

|rubric which students receive prior to the assessment. The |Class Discussion (Q & A) these are|misconceptions about core concepts.|

|rubric will be explained in detail and examples relevant to |based on topics/concepts, and |-The assessment tasks will be |

|each level descriptor will be given. |inquiry activities. |differentiated as follows: |

|The One World essay will come with a detailed project |Marazano’s Vocabulary Definitions |The unit question will be assessed |

|outline including examples of student expectations. |Mind Map of DNA |using two formats an argumentative |

| | |essay and a conceptual test. |

| |Construct DNA out of found objects|Test- The concept based test will |

| | |employ a variety and range of |

| |Bioethics will be assessed |questions to assess student’s |

| |through- |knowledge and understanding. These |

| |Introduction to Ethics Activities |range from simple problems |

| |Anecdotal Notes |involving recall and application to|

| |Check Points/Deadlines for |complex problems involving |

| |Project---Spot checking by asking |evaluation and analysis. There will|

| |students what they are working on.|also be integration of math |

| |Peer evaluations. |concepts (probabilities) in many of|

| |Class Discussion (Q & A) these are|the problems. |

| |based on topics/concepts, and |One World Essay- There will be |

| |inquiry activities. |flexibility and choice in terms of |

| |Brain Storm for One World Essay & |topic selection and word limit. |

| |Bio Ethics Topics |Special Needs- |

| |Research for One World Essay |Students with special needs will be|

| |Rough Draft- One World Essay |accommodated on an individual |

| | |basis- Accommodations may include: |

| |Gattaca Analysis |use of technology, tutoring, change|

| | |in format, amount and difficulty of|

| |Case Study Analysis |work, position in class, |

| | |conferencing with parents and |

| |Notes on all videos |school social worker ETC..,. |

| | |Language Needs- |

| |Intelligence2 Class Poll |If a student has a language need |

| | |then I will work with either a |

| |Informal Debate |language B instructor if Arabic or |

| | |a Native Speaker of the students |

| |**End of Unit Reflection on Unit |language to accommodate that |

| |Question, ATL’s & LP |student. |

|Resources |

|What resources are available to us? |

|How will our classroom environment, local environment and/or the community be used to facilitate students’ experiences during the unit? |

|Textbook: Glencoe Science Level Green & Blue |

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|Handouts & Problems: Mendelian Genetic Crosses |

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|Lab: |

|DNA Extraction Lab Materials |

|Simulated PKU Testing Lab & Materials |

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|Online labs and Activities: |

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|Resources for Teaching Ethics: |

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|Videos: |

|DNA & Cell Division Animations |

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|Gattaca |

|Supreme Court Decisions on Genetics Issues |

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|Audio: |

|NPR 1,000$ Genome |

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|Possible Community Members as Guest Speakers (Bio-Patent Law) |

Ongoing reflections and evaluation

|In keeping an ongoing record, consider the following questions. There are further stimulus questions at the end of the “Planning |

|for teaching and learning” section of MYP: From principles into practice. |

|Students and teachers |

|What did we find compelling? Were our disciplinary knowledge/skills challenged in any way? |

|What inquiries arose during the learning? What, if any, extension activities arose? |

|How did we reflect—both on the unit and on our own learning? |

|Which attributes of the learner profile were encouraged through this unit? What opportunities were there for student-initiated |

|action? |

|Possible connections |

|How successful was the collaboration with other teachers within my subject group and from other subject groups? |

|What interdisciplinary understandings were or could be forged through collaboration with other subjects? |

|Assessment |

|Were students able to demonstrate their learning? |

|How did the assessment tasks allow students to demonstrate the learning objectives identified for this unit? How did I make sure |

|students were invited to achieve at all levels of the criteria descriptors? |

|Are we prepared for the next stage? |

|Data collection |

|How did we decide on the data to collect? Was it useful? |

|Students will reflect on their experience of the unit by using select Learner Profile traits. Their goal is to write a short |

|reflection discussing how the following LP traits are essential to the process of ethical decision making. |

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|Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems,|

|and make reasoned, ethical decisions. |

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|Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the |

|individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them. |

| |

|Open-minded They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and |

|traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are |

|willing to grow from the experience. |

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|Caring They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to |

|service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. |

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