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15430-800735006192520-80391000IB Physics SL/HL Syllabus 2015-2016Teacher: Mr. Akshay Gandhi Phone: 410-266-5240 Ext: 256E-Mail: agandhi@ Planning Period: A-Day: 4th Period Time: 12:30-2:05pmTwitter: @GandhiTeaches B-Day: 2nd Period Time: 9-10:30amThe International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. Welcome to IB Physics SL/HL! IB Physics is a two year course that satisfies the Group 4 Science requirement of the IB Diploma Programme, and may be completed as a Standard Level (SL) or Higher Level (HL) course. Throughout this course, students will explore the foundational concepts of physics as a study, as well as the nature of science in regards to the learning and discovering of physics. In addition, students will submit an internal assessment, complete the requisite hours of practical lab work, and prepare for the culminating external assessment at the end of the students’ senior year.General IB Diploma Requirements:All students enrolled in the IB Diploma Programme will sit for a series of exams in 6 subject areas. All two year IB HL/SL courses are tested in May of the student’s senior year. Students enrolled in a 1 year IB SL class will sit for the exam in the year the class is taken. The 2016 IB Exam testing schedule starts on Monday, May 2, and concludes on Friday, May 20. To earn the IB Diploma the student must meet ALL of the following requirements:Submit the internal assessment assigned within each of the student’s selected courses of study. Students who fail to submit an internal assessment will receive a grade of N regardless of how many points are accrued on the external May exams. Therefore, a student missing an internal assessment cannot earn the diploma and may be requested to exit the IB Diploma Programme. Successful completion of the Extended Essay and the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Essay with a grade of D or higher. Students who earn an E on either the Extended Essay or the Theory of Knowledge Essay will not be awarded the diploma regardless of how many points are accrued on the external May plete 150 hours of Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) and submit a CAS portfolio which documents these hours.Sit for a series of 6 exams over the course of his or her junior and senior year and earn a minimum of 24 out of 45 possible points. Students must earn a minimum of 12 total points on the 3 HL exams and a minimum of 9 total points on the 3 SL exams.IB Grades are scored on a scale of 1 through 7:Grade 7: Excellent performance (A+ performance within the subject area. Denotes a high level of mastery of course content)Grade 6: Very good performance (A to A-performance within the subject area. Denotes a high level of mastery of course content)Grade 5: Good performance (B+ to B performance within the subject area. Denotes an above average mastery of course content)Grade 4: Satisfactory performance (B- to C performance within subject area. Denotes an average understanding of course content)Grade 3: Mediocre performance (A student awarded a 3 on four or more exams will be ineligible to earn the IB Diploma regardless of the total number of points accrued)Grade 2: Poor performance (A student awarded a 2 on three or more exams will be ineligible to earn the IB Diploma regardless of the total number of points accrued)Grade 1: Very poor performance (A student awarded a 1 on any exam will be ineligible to earn the IB Diploma regardless of the total number of points accrued)Nature of Physics:Physics is the most fundamental of the experimental sciences, as it seeks to explain the universe itself from the very smallest particles—currently accepted as quarks, which may be truly fundamental—to the vast distances between galaxies. Despite the exciting and extraordinary development of ideas throughout the history of physics, certain aspects have remained unchanged. Observations remain essential to the very core of physics, sometimes requiring a leap of imagination to decide what to look for. Models are developed to try to understand observations, and these themselves can become theories that attempt to explain the observations. Theories are not always directly derived from observations but often need to be created. These acts of creation can be compared to those in great art, literature and music, but differ in one aspect that is unique to science: the predictions of these theories or ideas must be tested by careful experimentation. Without these tests, a theory cannot be quantified. A general or concise statement about how nature behaves, if found to be experimentally valid over a wide range of observed phenomena, is called a law or a principle.Alongside the growth in our understanding of the natural world, perhaps the more obvious and relevant result of physics to most of our students is our ability to change the world. This is the technological side of physics, in which physical principles have been applied to construct and alter the material world to suit our needs, and have had a profound influence on the daily lives of all human beings. This raises the issue of the impact of physics on society, the moral and ethical dilemmas, and the social, economic and environmental implications of the work of physicists. These concerns have become more prominent as our power over the environment has grown, particularly among young people, for whom the importance of the responsibility of physicists for their own actions is self-evident. Physics is therefore, above all, a human activity, and students need to be aware of the context in which physicists work. Illuminating its historical development places the knowledge and the process of physics in a context of dynamic change, in contrast to the static context in which physics has sometimes been presented. This can give students insights into the human side of physics: the individuals; their personalities, times and social milieux; their challenges, disappointments and triumphs.Aims of IB Diploma Subject: The primary aims of the two year IB Diploma Programme Physics course are as follows:To appreciate scientific study and creativity within a global context through stimulating and challenging opportunitiesTo acquire a body of knowledge, methods, and techniques that characterize biologyTo apply and use a body of knowledge, methods, and techniques that characterize biologyTo develop an ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize scientific informationTo develop a critical awareness of the need for, and the value of, effective collaboration and communication during scientific activitiesTo develop experimental and investigative scientific skills including the use of current technologiesTo develop and apply 21st century communication skills in the study of scienceTo become critically aware, as global citizens, of the ethical implications of using science and technologyTo develop an appreciation of the possibilities and limitations of biologyTo develop an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and their influence on other areas of knowledgeIB Subject Course Outline: Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL) Core MaterialMeasurements and UncertaintiesMechanicsThermal PhysicsWavesElectricity and MagnetismCircular Motion and GravitationAtomic, Nuclear and Particle PhysicsEnergy ProductionAdditional Higher Level (HL) MaterialWave Phenomena (with Topic 4**)Fields (with Topic 5-6**)Electromagnetic Induction (with Topic 5**)Quantum/Nuclear Physics (with Topic 7**)Options SL and HL (Please note, HL students have more depth in the options)RelativityEngineering PhysicsImagingAstrophysicsPractical Scheme of WorkPractical Activities (Labs, Models, and Demonstrations)Individual Investigation (Internal Assessment – IA)Group 4 Project** = Topics will likely be merged together. Course is taught all as one. SL students will be super prepared.IB Course Assessment: Both SL and HL students in IB Physics will complete an internal assessment throughout the course of the two year program, as well as an external assessment given towards the end of the two year program. The two combine to create the overall score for the course as seen by the weighted percentages below.The internal assessment tasks the student with designing and completing one scientific investigation taking about 10 hours in time. This internal assessment will be completed during the second year of the course. The write-up should be about 6 to 12 pages long. This internal assessment should be an investigation into one of the topics discussed throughout the school year and will be open ended. Students will pose a question, design an experiment, collect data, thoroughly analyze the data, and come to a justifiable conclusion whilst analyzing the limitations and weaknesses of the experiment. The internal assessment will use five criteria to assess the final report. These five criteria are: Personal Engagement, Exploration, Analysis, Evaluation, and Communication.The external assessment will vary depending on the level of the exam taken. There are three portions to the test. Each portion is called a “Paper.” Paper 1 consists of multiple choice questions without the use of a calculator. Paper 2 consists of open, free-response questions that require students to show their work to earn marks. Papers 1 and 2 will consist of the core content material for the course. Paper 3 will also be open-ended but will consist of problems dealing with laboratory investigation scenarios and questions from the Options listed above. Students may select which option question to answer. The HL test has significantly more time and more questions than the SL test with a more in-depth look at many of the content topics. ComponentOverall WeightingDurationSLHLSLHLPaper 120 %20 %.75 hours1 hourPaper 240 %36 %1.25 hours2.25 hoursPaper 320 %24 %1 hour1.25 hoursInternal Assessment20 %20 %10 hours10 hoursIntercultural Understanding:Students will understand that physics is the foundation of all sciences and is often universal in practical work. Physics is also built upon a strong understanding of mathematical language. Thus, as Math is often considered a universal language, so is Physics. Scientists across the world and throughout numerous cultures all apply their understanding of the physical world in various spoken languages but they share the commonality of content material. All voices are equal within the realm of Physics.494234517399000Grading/Assessment:A (89.5-100%) - Outstanding level of achievementB (80-89%) - High level of achievementC (70-79%) - Satisfactory level of achievementD (60-69%) - Low level of achievementE (59% -50)- Failure {0 – If student does not attempt the work}Grades will be assessed in the following weighted categories:Homework and Classwork – 10%Labs (General) and Projects – 25%Assessments (Tests, Quizzes, and Internal Assessments) – 65%Minimum: A minimum grade of 50% will be given for all assignments or assessments for which the student made a good faith effort, as determined by the teacher. If a student does no work on an assignment or assessment, the teacher shall assign a grade of zero.IB Course Texts and Resources:Physics Course Companion by Oxford University PressPhysics for the IB Diploma (Study Guide book) by Oxford University PressPhysics, 6th Edition by Giancoli (This can be ever so slightly advanced, but it may be the best online resource you ever use for physics.) (People seem to like this one a lot. It has a lot of good practice problems.)Khan Academy (Very good videos)YouTube (If you use it correctly, then the physics videos will be of tremendous assistance.)Required materials:Students are expected to bring the following materials to every class every day.3” Binder (with dividers)Lined PaperPencil and/or Pen CalculatorIB Reference PacketOthers as requiredParent Notification:Parents will be notified at least three weeks prior to the end of a marking period if a student is currently earning a failing grade. At any time, parents may check parentconnect. to see their student’s grade. Please contact the guidance office if you do not already have a login. Additionally, parents are encouraged to contact Mr. Gandhi whenever they feel necessary.Late Work/Redo’s: Late Work: Please endeavor to turn all work in when due. If you have a reason that the work must be late please meet with me. Redo’s:Students shall have ONE additional chance to improve their score on a major test or assessment (as designated by the teacher). In order for this to happen the student MUST have submitted the original assignment ON TIME and set up a time with the teacher for re-teaching within 5 days of getting the graded assignment back. After the re-teaching, the student will have 10 days to resubmit the assignment. The higher grade will be the grade of record. Work that will be reassessed includes: Tests (On occasion…Through test corrections points are given back)Quizzes (On occasion...Through test corrections points are given back)3422460160020All student re-teaching will take place after school Tuesdays. Please attempt to schedule this meeting in advance so that we both are prepared.00All student re-teaching will take place after school Tuesdays. Please attempt to schedule this meeting in advance so that we both are prepared.Work that will not be reassessed includes:Internal AssessmentsLab ReportsHomeworkAttendance/Tardiness:IF YOU ARE ABSENT, PLEASE CONTACT Mr. Gandhi at agandhi@ to receive your make up work.All effort will be made to facilitate students when absent. Please make prior arrangements, if possible, to collect work from the instructor for days that are to be missed.It is the Annapolis High School expectation that all students will be on time. The policies for the tardy table will be followed. Academic IntegrityIn order to promote the pursuit of academic excellence and learning, Anne Arundel County Public Schools expects its students to conform to specific standards of academic integrity. Academic integrity is an integral part of promoting self-respect, trust, student achievement, and positive relationships among all stakeholders in our school community. Academic integrity means exhibiting honesty in all academic exercises and assignments. Academic dishonesty refers to any form of misconduct that occurs in relation to all formal academic exercises. Cell Phone Expectations: Only under explicit instruction will cell phones be used during class time. These times are designated by verbal instruction along with a Green Light or green paper posting on the board. The only time they will be used is along with content instruction. At all other times, cell phones must be kept away which is designated as Red Light time along with a red paper posting on the board.Behavioral Expectations:Annapolis High School students, staff, and visitors will make a pledge and commitment to their school and its mission. In doing so, students show respect for themselves, learning, others, and property.SelfBe preparedUse appropriate school languageHave respect for yourselfTry your best!Have a “Can Do” Attitude!OthersListen when others are talkingParticipate in class activitiesUse language appropriate for schoolAvoid conflict in classOffer and accept constructive criticismLearningCome to class daily and on timeBring all required materialsParticipate in classStudy for tests and quizzes by doing practice problemsAsk for help when neededFollow instructions and stay on taskComplete all assignments on timePropertyKeep an organized notebook complete with quality notesKeep your space cleanStay in your seat and keep the desk clean11766551212850021535503598781Students join this!400000Students join this!3651353897953Teacher Signature: ____________________________________________________________Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understood the course syllabus for IB Physics.Student (print name): ___________________________________________________________Student signature: ______________________________________________________________Parent/guardian (print name): _____________________________________________________Parent/guardian signature: _______________________________________________________Parent/guardian daytime phone number: ____________________________________________Parent/guardian e-mail: _________________________________________________________ ................

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