AP Psychology Course Syllabus - UserLand Software

IB SL Psychology Course Syllabus Parent Signature (review):__________________


Mr. Cline

Overview: For most of you, this course will be your initial experience with a social science course. Because this course is quite subjective in nature, students will be exposed to new terminology and ways of thinking. These may at first seem daunting due to their seeming uniqueness. The initial frustration will fade away as you learn. Social sciences, and particularly Psychology, are relatively new fields of study. This makes them quite fascinating but they can also demand a lot from the student. The social sciences differ from the natural sciences in that there are few absolutes. This lack of absolutes requires students to develop new ways of thinking which can be a lot of fun. Most students and professionals really enjoy getting into the human aspects of these fields.

Required Materials:

Psychology, by David Myers (7th ed.) & Accompanying “Study Guide”

Black Ink Pen

Red Ink Pen

3 Ring Binder (preferably 1”+)

Notebook Dividers

Barron’s “How to Prepare for AP Psychology” – purchase at at Park Rd. Books -I have placed an order for

your class (discount MP Psych cost = $21.00; this item is worth 10x its weight in gold)


1. Read the textbook as material is covered in the class. When studying a chapter or unit, students

need to determine what reading is appropriate. Daily reading assignments are a given…

they may not be “spoken” to every class period. Of course, if assigned reading is given, it is expected to be complete by the assigned date. To earn an “A” or “B,” students will have to read the text. On the tests and quizzes there will be material pulled exclusively from the text.

2. Complete in-class and outside assignments. They must be on time. Homework/Assignments are collected in the

beginning of the class period. It is 2006 and we will use PCs & the internet for assignments, if you do not have access at home, please get comfortable with the library’s computers and procedures. Plan ahead.

3. Bring Textbook, Black Pen, Red Pen, and paper to class every class period.

4. Contribute to class discussions.

IB Course Demands: Please understand that the expectations of this class are consistent with those of any IB Course. Expect a workload that would be similar to one that would be expected if you were taking the course at the college level. This includes extensive reading, active involvement in class discussion, taking notes, and performing research.


The IB Exam: Psychology SL Paper 1 is Thurs, May 17th @ 1:00 pm and SL Paper 2 is Fri, May 18th @ 8:00 a.m. Paper 1 covers the compulsory perspectives (Biological, Cognitive, & Learning) while Paper 2 Covers the option areas (Social Psych, Lifespan, Dysfunctional, etc.). Your IB score is based on your scores on Paper 1 (50%), Paper 2 (30%) and the Internal Assessment (20% see below).

The AP Exam: IB SL students will be prepared for and sit for the AP Psychology Exam. The 2007 AP Psychology Exam is Tuesday, May 15th at 12:00 pm. It consists of 100 multiple choice questions (70 min @ 66.6%) and 2 Free Response Questions (50 min @33.3%). Students who earn a passing score on this exam will receive credit for an introductory Psychology course on their college transcript.

Classroom: This room is home for us until June. Please respect it and go out of your way to help me in keeping it clean. Discard all trash before leaving each day. Please look around and pick up any trash that might be left behind. No Food or Drinks as they attract bugs and are a distraction to the learning environment (bugs are also!). Water is acceptable in a capped bottle unless a student forgets to discard/ recycle.

Being IB students, I will treat you as mature adults unless you violate this trust. (ie. It’s not necessary to raise your hand to use the restroom - simply move quietly w/ your pass and go. Please use judgment to decide when and when is not an appropriate time to get up.)

I am particular on a few issues when it comes to how we spend class time. Please do not use class time to catch up on sleep or to work on assignments for other classes. I reserve the right to deduct points from your tests if you do.

Absences: If you are absent, it is your responsibility to determine what you’ve missed. It is usually best to exchange numbers with a few trusted classmates to learn what make-up work you need to do. Select 3 “buddies and write down their names, phone numbers, and email addresses in your notebook. Please also write your selected “buddies’” names down on your student information sheet. Make-up work (homework/ quizzes) is due the next day in class and must be accompanied by appropriate documentation into office for absence. If you miss a test or quiz, the MPHS 5 Day make-up policy will be enforced. You must see me individually to schedule a make-up. Note: As an incentive to have perfect attendance on test days, I will offer a bonus of three points to all students if the entire class is present on a test day.

On a personal note: As your teacher, I will do everything that I can to make this class both interesting and challenging for you. I will make my best effort and ask the same from each of you. Please plan to come to class prepared and alert. It is my desire to get to know each of you personally and to be available for any concerns that may arise during the year.

Q1 Grading Breakdown: 60% Tests, 40% Homework and Quizzes (Note: Social Studies Test Days- S1: M/T, S2: F/M)


Research Question and References: M/T, Oct 16/17

Introduction: M/T, Nov 20/21

Method: M/T, Dec 11/12

Results: M/T, Jan 8/9

Discussion: F, Jan 26

Abstract and Title Page: F, Feb 16


2006 – 2007 IB SL Psychology First Semester Schedule

|Unit |Chap |Pages |Dates |Topics |

|History, Approaches & | | | |History, Perspectives, |

|Methods |P & 1 |1-55 |A 8/25,29,31,9/5,7 |Disciplines, Scientific Method, |

| | | |B 8/28,30, 9/1, 6,8 |Research Methods, Statistics, |

| | | | |Ethics |

| | | | |Neural communication, |

|Biological Basis of Behavior |2 |57-133 |A 9/11,13,15,19,21,25 |Neurotransmitters, Nervous |

| | | |B 9/12,14,18,20,22,26 |System, Brain structures, |

| | | |Prog Rept 9/21&9/22 |Endocrine System |

| | | | |Levels of Consciousness, |

|States of Consciousness |7 |264-307 |A 9/27,29,10/4 |Biorhythms, Sleep, Dreams, |

| | | |B 9/28,10/3,10/5 |Hypnosis, Drugs, Near-Death Exp |

| | | | |Thresholds,Top-Down v Bottom Up |

| | | | |Processsing, Vision, Hearing, |

| | | |A 10/6,10,12,16,18,20 |Touch, Taste, Smell, Vestibular &|

|Sensation & Perception |5 & 6 |192-263 |B 10/9,11,13,17,19,25 |Kinesthetic Senses, Attention, |

| | | | |Gestalt, Monocular and Binocular |

| | | |Q1 Ends 10/20 |Cues for Depth Perception, Motion|

| | | | |Perception, Perceptual |

| | | | |Interpretation, ESP |

| | | | | Memory processes, models, |

| | | | |STM,LTM, nemonics, Forgetting, |

|Cognition |9 & 10 |342-419 |A 10/26,30,11/1,3,7,9, |Memory Construction, Problem |

| | | |B10/27,31,11/2,6,8,13 |Solving, Language Structure, |

| | | | |Relnshp b/w Language and Thought,|

| | | | |Animal Thinking and Language |

| | | | |Origins of Intel Testing, |

|Intelligence, Testing & | | | |Definitions of Intel, Theories of|

|Individual Differences |11 |418-453 |A 11/14,16,20,27 |Intel, Test Construction, Intel |

| | | |B 11/15,17,21,28 |across the lifespan, Gender |

| | | | |Differences, Genetic & |

| | | | |Environmental Influences on Intel|

| | | | |Classical Conditioning, |

|Learning |8 |308-341 |A 11/29,12/1,5,7,11 |Latent Learning, Cogntive |

| | | |B 11/30,12/4,6,8,12 |Mapping, |

| | | |Prog Rept 11/30 & 12/1 |Operant Conditioning, |

| | | | |Observational Learning |

| | | | |Theories of Motivated Behavior, |

|Motivation & Emotion |12 & 13 |454-529 |A12/13,15,19,21,1/3,5 |Hunger, Sex, Work; Theories of |

| | | |B 12/14,18,20,1/2,4,8 |Emotion, Physiology of Emotion, |

| | | | |Emotional Expression, Fear, |

| | | | |Anger, Happiness |

|Semester Exam (20%) | | |1/16-1/19 |Final Exams – January 16th – 19th|








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