Southeastern’s Sustainability Center Addition

Southeastern’s Sustainability Center Addition Andrew LeBlancInstructors: Chris Koustagraus E. Rode Byron PattersonTable of ContentsAbstract……………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….2Vocabulary…………………………………….………………………………………………………………3-4Why this project…………………………………..…………………………………………………………5Uses and location of project……………………….………………………………….……………….6Building Codes, permits and approval………….………………………..………………………7-8The design…………………………………….……………………………………………………………..8-11Calculations……………………………..………………………………………………………………..12-21Budget/Estimate…………………….………………………………………………………………….21-25Project Management…………………………..…………………………………..………………..25-26The Construction Process…………..…………………………………………………………….26-27Osha Guidelines………………………………………………………..……………………………….27-29Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………………………30Index (Autocad Plans)………………………………………………………………………………..31-40Works Cited………………………………………………………………………………….…………………41AbstractThe construction process is a collaborative effort in which the overall goal is to satisfy and exceed the owners’ needs and desires and to provide a safe and valuable structure to the society. In the construction field one job can take part in a lot of different areas such as; design, building, estimation, construction, steel design and project management. These aspects of the job will be covered based on the project at hand, which in this case is the design and building of a 24’ x 24’ structure.We will talk about why I chose this project, the uses of the building, location of the building, the design process, a budget and estimate for the overall job, the management side, steel design and the construction process. This will give insight on the details not seen by an everyday person when watching a company build a project.VocabularyBuckling- the loss of compressive load carrying capacity resulting from a change in the geometry of the memberBudget- an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of timeCompression- the reduction in volumeElevation- height above or below a fixed reference pointFoundation- the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground levelFracture of net section- breaking the section perpendicular to applied force direction through the reduced cross-sectional area of a member, usually across bolt holesGirt- secondary wall members of a metal structureIBC- International Building CodeLabor- the people assigned to a certain task on a jobsiteLateral tensional buckling- Buckling mode of a flexural member involving deflection normal to the plane of bending occurring simultaneously with twist about the shear center of the cross sectionLRFD- Load Resistance and Factor DesignNFPA- National Fire Protection AssociationOSHA- Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationProject Management- the process and activity of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals in scientific or daily problems.Purling- secondary roof member of a metal structureShear stress- component parallel to a given surface, such as a fault plane, that results from forces applied parallel to the surface or from remote forces transmitted through the surrounding rock.Tension- the state of being stretched tight.Yield of gross section- the elongation of members until failureWhy this project?Food, clothing, and shelter are said to be the three main things needed to survive in this world. Some people find comfort in feeding the hungry and clothing the less fortunate, but I find comfort in one day being able to provide shelter and a warm place for people to call home.The construction business is a perfect fit for me to be able to pursue my goals in life. By its ever growing business applications, techniques and creativity being at the core of its foundation, it is an industry which is ranked second only to medicine. This provides a lot of opportunities for young people like me. So I decided to focus on becoming a Construction Engineer.Majoring in Construction Engineering Technology at Southeastern Louisiana University, I have learned that being an engineer, one has to take responsibility not only for their actions but take responsibility for the safety of the community and its well-being for every project one takes part in. Furthermore, being the family based person I have been raised to be, I feel an obligation to not only better myself but better my community and others around me as well to set and lead by example. So in selecting my senior project for the 2013 fall and 2014 spring semesters I felt I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself and tackle an opportunity that not too many people can say they have been a part of.My project was showcased to me by Mr. Rode and Mr. Patterson in which my duties were to design and help construct a 24’ x 24’ metal building in which would house a pellet mill on Southeastern’s Sustainability Center on North Campus. The project’s overall vision is to provide a power source in which will help Southeastern be more self-sufficient by way of the pellet mill process and a solar panel system as well. This is the beginning of a ten year plan which all will be based off of the first and main component, which is my project.Uses and location of projectTo design buildings of this nature one must take into account the uses, location and occupation of the building in question. In this particular instance the uses of this building are agricultural in which a pellet mill process will be executed. The pellet mill process basically takes woody product and mashes it into small pellets and is conveyed into a boiler chamber. The boiler chamber thus takes these pellets and burns them producing steam. This steam will then be placed through a micro turbine which coverts this steam into electrical energy, which can be stored. In addition, the secondary function of this structure will to be housing a solar panel system on the roof. This process takes solar energy and converts it into electrical energy as well. Secondly, the location of the building is on Southeastern’s Sustainability Center which is a semi isolated section of the campus which means some sound proofing or noise reducing elements should be considered as well. Lastly, the occupation of this building will only be for employees and maintenance crews. In conclusion, we need a multifunctional building in which its main functions are for a pellet mill and solar system, some sound proofing may be required and a safe work environment for the potential employees to enter and maintain the machinery and building components.Building codes, permits and approvalIn every construction project there are local and national regulations that have to be met for the building to be safely built. These regulations are laid out in permits and must be obtained and approved before construction process can start or continue. The most common codes or rules regulated by national governments are the IBC, which is the international building code. The IBC focuses on several aspects of the building process: Building occupancy classificationsBuilding heights and areasInterior finishesFoundation, wall, and roof constructionFire protection systems (sprinkler system requirements and design)Materials used in constructionElevators and escalatorsAlready existing structuresMeans of egressThat being said, the IBC’s main focus is on fire prevention and it is the majority of the document. There are also other codes that the IBC references to abide by, but these sections of the IBC all layout the basic conditions of the construction process. In my design we will be following the 2009 code and focusing on the aspects which regard my building (Council). In addition to the IBC, local laws and regulations must be followed as well. The building in which I designed is in Hammond, Louisiana and different aspects come into play when designing a building. For example, if I were to erect a metal building in Hammond, Louisiana which the wind load is only specified to San Francisco, California’s wind load, then when a hurricane were to come through Louisiana’s gulf coast the building would collapse because the wind load of the building was not strong enough to withstand the heavy winds of a hurricane. This must be taken into consideration as well as other aspects such as soil density and compaction in different areas and locations.Also, since the main focus for building codes is safety and fire prevention, the local Fire Marshal must review the drawings and specifications for the proposed construction and determine that they apply with the State Fire Marshal’s standards. For example, this year a memorandum was passed in which specified that any plans or specifications for structures built or remodeled in the state of Louisiana shall be submitted for review and must be drawn in accordance with the requirements of the listed primary publications. To name a few there is the NFPA 101 Life and Safety Code and Chapters 9 and 10 of the IBC 2012 (Delaune).Having these codes and specifications ensures the safety of the building’s construction and the longevity of the structure. Without enforcing these codes, the community will be harmed and potentially seriously injured. The DesignEvery idea must be taken from a person’s mind to paper. This is a process in which it does not take only one person but a collaboration of people to be able to complete the overall vision. My advisors for this project consist of Mr. Patterson, the owner, and my professor, Mr. Rode. In working together I hoped to find the wants and desires of Mr. Patterson to perfect his goal which is to help SLU be more efficient through power saving processes. Mr. Rode will guide me in the right direction with his experience and knowledge of the construction industry to help me to perform at a high level. In addition, I will also contact professional offices such as the Tangipahoa Planning and engineering department for further advice in my designs. (For Southeastern Sustainability Center Addition plans see the Index)In the designing process of this structure I have to take into account the wants of Mr. Patterson. Here are a few requests: as fireproof as possible, worker safe, purling and girt system, vapor barriers for walls, roll up OHD doors on each side, walking door, ventilation system, fluorescent lights and a single sloped 45 degree roof system for the solar panels to be at maximum capacity. These elements will affect the design of the building and I must ensure its overall safety, functionality, and durability. Ensuring the owner of his wants is a must in the construction business. Sometimes when a better option arises make sure to keep it within the wants of the owner and not stray too far from the overall vision, even though it might be more cost effective.In researching the single sloped roof of metal building systems I have found that a single sloped roof is ideal for agricultural use. Some benefits of this metal building system include easy runoff of weather, hardly any maintenance, and visually what the owners asked for. The reason a metal system was requested rather than the traditional wood stud system is because of the longevity and maintenance of the components. Using a wood base is suspect to maggot, bugs and other creatures destroying the framing from the inside out. In contrast one may say that having a metal structure may rust just as wood may get infested. That is correct, but the metal beams and systems today are treated for weather proofing and ensure that will not happen.Furthermore, the building’s design will have two roll up OHD doors on the eastern and western sides and a walk through door on the northern and southern side. A total of four framed opening will have to be taken into account for this structure. Also, the 45 degree pitched roof will be intact. Lastly, the framing and support system will be a purling and girt system for stability and reinforcement.Fireproofing the building goes hand and hand with worker safety in which safeguards the employees and building from combusting or catching fire since the pellet mill system is a very dusty and hazardous work condition. Some steps that we can take into consideration to rid the dusty air are to put in place a ventilation system to clear the air from not only the fire hazard but to purify the breathing air for any potential employee. In addition, the walls will have fireproofing and also a fire sprinkler system will be put into place as well. The fire sprinkler system will put out any fire that may happen given that the previous stated precautions fail.Now that the main desires are covered we must now tackle the design process in which I drew on the 2013 AutoCAD application. Each of the following design of drawings serves a different purpose to the buildings construction. Each worker will use these drawings to help guide them and instruct them in the right direction. The accuracy of these drawings has to be factual or else the building will suffer and the workers will not have the proper guidance. So let’s explain what each individual drawing will show in this particular project. (For Southeastern Sustainability Center Addition plans see the Index)The Foundation plans shows the footings, slab, plumbing, and groundwork. It will give specific dimensions and locations to each aspect of the drawing. This is the groundwork of the job and if this is done incorrectly, this leads to cracking, splitting or even collapse of the structure it stands on.The floor plan shows the view of the building from a top view. Without showing a roofing design or rafter plan, it expresses any openings, cabinets, doors, windows and any specific item that needs to be constructed in the house. This is the main source of information for any design and will affect every part of the project.The electrical plan displays any components in which will need to be wired. Items such as fans, lights, outdoor lights, switches and plugs are all included. Furthermore, the power source and breaker box also is located on this plan.The elevation plan expresses the look of the building from the north, south, east and west views. This particular plan is essential because it gives the overall dimensions of the project.The framing plan shows how the building will be supported and holds everything together. For example, in a wood framing plan it will have corner studs, king studs, headers, frames, rafters and ridge boards and how these are all connected together.The plumbing plan illustrates how clean and dirty water is filtered and flowed through the building. It also has the potential to have such items as fire sprinklers and outside faucets.The site plan indicates how the project’s site will be leveled and graded to ensure that the building will not fail due to bad soil, sink holes, and even mud slides.The anchor bolt plan showcases how the beams in metal buildings will be set into the slab of a project. This ensures the strength of the beams and is essential to the construction of this particular metal building.All of these aspects of the design process focus on making the owners vision a reality. Taking into consideration their desires and the overall application and ability to meet those desires, one can create the vision through the different plans.CalculationsCalculations in the design process are vital to ensure that the metal in the building will not buckle, break or bend in high stress and strain situations. I will be expressing how to calculate different metal to metal connections, beam buckling, bending forces and max loads. These calculations ensure that the building is properly built and secure. The high stress and strain situations that must be accounted for in steel design are mainly natural forces such as rain, snow, wind and earthquakes. In these situations the LFRD code is followed to design members in which can take dead and live loads in addition to the ones listed above. The following equations can be used to find the amount in which needs to be taken into consideration:LRFD Load CombinationsPu = load, D = dead load, L = live load, Lr = Roof load, S = Snow, W = Wind load, E = Earthquake1. Pu = 1.4D2. Pu = 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or S or R)3. Pu = 1.2D + 1.6 (Lr or S or R) + (0.5L or 0.8W)4. Pu = 1.2D + 1.6W + 0.5L + 0.5 (Lr or S or R)5. Pu = 1.2D + 1.0E + 0.5L +0.2S6. Pu = 0.9D + (1.6W or 1.0E)(McCormac)Example: Find the LRFD Load Combinations for Southeasten’s Sustainability Center Addition, given: D = 30kips, L = 30kips, W = 12.5 kips1. 1.4D = 1.4(30k) = 42k2. 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or S or R) = 1.2(30k) + 1.6(30k) + 0 = 84k3. 1.2D + 1.6 (Lr or S or R) + (0.5L or 0.8W) = 1.2(30k) + 0 + 0.5(30k) = 51k = 1.2(30k) + 0 + 0.8(12.5k) = 46k4. 1.2D + 1.6W + 0.5L + 0.5 (Lr or S or R) = 1.2(30k) + 1.6(12.5k) + 0.5(30) + 0 = 71k5. 1.2D + 1.0E + 0.5L +0.2S = 1.2(30k) + 0 + 0.5(30) + 0 = 51k6. 0.9D + (1.6W or 1.0E) = 0.9(30k) + 1.6(12.5k) = 47kAfter calculating these equations the highest number equated of tension (-) and compression (+) must be used in the design process. If not then there will surely be failure in members in high tension and compression situations. Since in this calculation there were no tension members and only compression, the LRFD Load we will be designing for is 84k.Furthermore, this tension and compression found from the LRFD method can be used to find the yield of gross section and fracture of net section of different tension and compression members. Tension members are structural elements that are subjected to axial tensile forces. They are usually used in different types of structures. Examples of tension members are: bracing for buildings and bridges, truss members, and cables in suspended roof systems (McCormac). To calculate these tension members’ attributes we would use the following:Tension Members Design Equations:Yield of Gross SectionThe LRFD available strength for yielding on gross section in tension = φtPnφt = 0.90 (LRFD)Pn = nominal strength of member = FyAgFy = yield stress of steelAg = gross cross-sectional area(McCormac)Fracture of Net SectionFracture of the net section refers to “breaking” the section perpendicular to applied force direction through the reduced cross-sectional area of a member, usually across bolt holes.The LRFD available strength for fracture on net section in tension = φtPnφt= 0.75 (LRFD)Ae = area effectiveAn = net areaU = shear lag factor (table1.1)(McCormac)Example: A C8x18.75 is being used and its connection is as follows:Figure 1.Given: Fy = 50 ksi, Fu = 65 ksi, Ag = 17.1 in^2, and the bolts used are 5/8 inches in diameter.Yield of gross sectionPn = 0.9 Fy Ag = 0.9(50ksi)(5.51 in^2) = 247.95 kipsFracture of net sectionPn = 0.75 Fu A eAe = An UU = table D3.1 AISC manual (case 7)An = Ag -2(6/8 * 5/8)*(6/8) = (5.51 in^2) – 0.94 = 4.81 in^2Ae = (4.81 in^2)(0.8) = 3.85 in^2Pn = 0.75(65 ksi)(3.85 in^2) = 187.69 kipsφPn > Pu 187.69 kips > 84 kipsUsing the section C8x18.75 you want to ensure that the nominal strength of member, Pn, is greater than the load of the members, Pu. In calculating the yield and the fracture strength of the connections you can compare the two. In step one, you are using the equation and finding the yield strength by multiplying all of the givens together. Now, given the equation for the fracture of the net section, one will notice that you need to find the area effective. The U factor is found on the table and is determined by the connection on the beam. The net area must also be found. An = Ag – (amount of holes seen through cross section)((thickness of hole)(thickness of bolt))(thickness of hole). To find the thickness of the hole add 1/8” to the thickness of the bolt being used. Following the LFRD load combinations, yield of cross section and fracture of net section equations will give you the design specifications in which to fabricate the building. These equations will give a strong and secure structure for all to use. Without taking these affects into consideration then the building will in all likelihood fail. BucklingThe primary strength limit state for a compression member is buckling or instability. Buckling is the loss of compressive load carrying capacity resulting from a change in the geometry of the member. A structure may fail to support its load when a connection snaps, it bends until it is useless, or a member in tension either pulls apart or a crack forms that divides it. In addition, a structure could also fail if a member in compression crushes and crumbles, or a member in compression buckles. Of all of these modes of failure, buckling is probably the most common and most catastrophic (McCormac). Flexural buckling (also known as Euler’s buckling) is the primary type of bucking. Members are subject to flexure, or bending, when they become unstable. To find this value to design your structure to prevent buckling you must know several aspects of the beam. First of all, you must discover the “K” value of a beam. The “K” value is the effective length factor and is the number that must be multiplied by the length of the column to find its effective length (see Figure 2). The column’s magnitude depends on the rotational restraint supplied at the ends of the column an upon the resistance to lateral movement provided. In addition, depending if the column is either pinned, fixed, or rotationally fixed differs the value.Secondly, finding the slenderness ratio of the overall length of the column is essential. The slenderness ratio equation is KL/r. K= effective length factor, L= length of the column and r= radius of column found in the AISC manual.Next, you must determine the AISC equation in which will give you the LRFD critical buckling load equation. If KL/r ≤4.71EFy , then Fcr=0.658FyFe. If KL/r > 4.71EFy, then Fcr=0.877 Fe. After calculating which equation will be used in your particular situation, you must now calculate the elastic buckling stress. Fe = buckling stress, Fy = ksi value found in AISC manual for given beam. To find the elastic buckling stress we have to apply Euler’s equation. Euler’s equation is, Fe=π2EIKLr2 , see figure 3. This value will then be plugged into your LRFD equation which you found earlier depending on the value of KL/r. Thus, plugging in the values into the LRFD critical buckling load equation will give you the buckling load of the given beam.Figure 2.Figure 3.Design of Beams for MomentsLateral tensional buckling is a mode of a flexural member involving deflection normal to the plane of bending occurring simultaneously with twist about the shear center of the cross section. This is yet another form of failure but a less common type, but uses the moments in the beam to figure the buckling load. To understand how and why this type of buckling happens, we must know several attributes.Figure 4Looking at Figure 4, you can see how the beam acts as it passes through each zone with respect to the moment and unbraced length of a beam. So as the length of the unbraced member increases the resisting moment of the beam decreases and increases the chance of the failure.Plastic Behavior (Zone 1)If we were to take a compact beam whose compression flange is continuously braced laterally, we would find that we could load it until its full plastic moment Mp is reached at some point or points. In other words, the moments in these beams can reach Mp and then develop a rotation capacity sufficient for moment redistribution.If we now take one of these compact beams and provide closely spaced intermittent lateral bracing for its compression flanges, we will find that we can still load it until the plastic moment plus moment redistribution is achieved if the spacing between the bracing does not exceed a certain value, called Lp herein. (The value of Lp is dependent on the dimensions of the beam cross section and on its yield stress.) Most beams are Zone 1 (McCormac).Inelastic Behavior (Zone 2)If we now further increase the spacing between points of lateral or torsional bracing, the section may be loaded until some, but not all, of the compression fibers are stressed to Fy. The section will have insufficient rotation capacity to permit full moment redistribution and thus will not permit plastic analysis. On other words, in this zone we can bend the member until the yield strain is reached in some, but not all, of its compression elements before lateral buckling occurs. This is referred to as inelastic buckling (McCormac).As we increase the unbraced length, we will find that the moment the section resists will decrease, until finally it will buckle before the yield stress is reached anywhere in the cross section. The maximum unbraced length at which we can still reach Fy at one point is the end of the inelastic range. It’s shown as Lr in Fig. 9.1; its value is dependent upon the properties of the beam cross section, as well as on the yield and residual stresses of the beam. At this point, as soon as we have a moment that theoretically causes the yield stress to be reached at some point in the cross section (actually, it’s less than Fy because of residual stresses), the section will buckle (McCormac).Elastic Buckling (Zone 3)If the unbraced length is greater than Lr, the section will buckle elastically before the yield stress is reached anywhere. As the unbraced length is further increased, the buckling moment becomes smaller and smaller. As the moment is increased in such a beam, the beam will deflect more and more transversely until a critical moment value Mcr is reached. At this time, the beam cross section will twist and the compression flange will move laterally. The moment Mcr is provided by the torsional resistance and the warping resistance of the beam (McCormac).Since the most common zone is zone 1 we will have an example on how to figure the Mn, nominal moment, and Pn, concentrated load, of the beam in question. Keep in mind that this example falls into zone 1 and will have to use the plastic theory method. Example: Select a beam section by using the LRFD method for the span and loading, assuming full lateral support is provided for the compression flange by the floor slab above (Lb=0) and Fy=50ksi.Figure 5.First we will find the LRFD of both the dead and live load, Pu (neglect beam weight for this example):Pu=1.2D = 1.2(1.5 k/ft) = 1.8 k/ftPu = 1.6L = 1.6(30k) = 48kThen find the required end beam moment, Mu, by using the corresponding max bending moment equations in Figure 6.Mu=WuL28+WL4Mu= 1.8(30)28+48(30)4Mu=562.5 ft-kNow use the AISC manual table 3-2 and the LRFD moment column to finds the corresponding section to use. In this case it will be a W24 X 62, which the moment is 574 ft-k. You will always select a higher section than the designed moment for extra safety precautions.Finally, double check your answer by plugging in the selected beams dimensions into the equations used above. If the result is that the selected beam’s moment is greater than the figured moment than the selection is okay to use.Figure 6.Budget/EstimateWith every project comes a cost for materials, labor, and an overall budget to stay within. Given the projects overall budget by the owner one can start to calculate the cost that will occur with the construction of this building. This is called an estimate. This includes all the materials one will have to purchase for the completion of the project as well as the labor to put together the project and the cost of any equipment used. For example, if you are building a small shed in your backyard one would not just drive to your local building supply store and purchase double the amount of materials needed for your project. A knowledgeable person will estimate the amount of materials needed so the waste factor is minimized so the optimal amount is spent on the project.These estimates are most important in the bidding process where different contractors bid on a project. If your company is around the median of the groups in which bid on that project then most likely your estimate is closely correct to the current market for materials and supply. If one bidder is lower or higher than the median then either the bidder did not take into account certain factors or his suppliers cost is elevated. In the Figure 7 below, is the detailed estimate for Southeastern’s Sustainability Center Addition in which I have constructed. These listed materials are what is needed for construct the job, in addition to the labor cost which is incurred through the project. The only aspect that was not calculated in this estimate is profit margin. Depending on the contractor you choose this is the main variable in the overall estimate. Commonly, the profit margin of the overall project is 15% additional to the cost. In this case, it would be $3,370.03, bringing the total to $25,837.13.Figure 7.Overall, the estimate is a process in which will have to be examined and carefully thought through. For example, if the estimator forgets to add an equipment rental and a project is bid on, that cost comes out of your profit. With a good estimate and knowledgeable estimator one can assure the overall profit is maximized.Project ManagementIn addition to the estimate, everyone who is spending money to purchase a house or building will want to know when it could be expected to be completed. This process is called project management. Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals. This process is very important to the completion time of the project and takes every individual part of the job and gives it an amount of time. Given the complexity of the job, one can expect a lot of tasks per job. So it’s the project manager’s job to find the best possible way to complete the job in the least amount of time. One must not only be knowledgeable in the construction process of the job but also have the problem solving skills to think of how, where and when the materials will arrive on scene and the cost that will occur to get the materials to the site. For example, if in a busy traffic area and storage of materials is limited, the truck driver which delivers the resources can arrive at times where the road is not so busy so loading and unload product can be done in a timely and efficient manner.I used Microsoft Project 2013 to layout the tasks at hand and found the best way to tackle the project in the optimal amount of time. The total completion time for my design was six weeks and used approximately seven laborers at an average pay of 15 dollars per hour based on the government BLS website. In addition, making a proper schedule of tasks and assigning team members to those tasks is a good way of keeping the project under budget. In most cases, labor is the deciding factor in the overall price of the project. If your company bids $10,000 on a project at an expected labor price of $2000, the project manager’s job is to ensure that the workers do not exceed that $2000 labor price but still complete the job completely and in a timely manner.In conclusion, my project will take 30 days from the beginning to end with seven laborers at $15 per hour. Also, there were a total of 27 tasks to complete in the total project. In trying to complete the project in the optimal amount of time I was able to overlap some tasks by starting other aspects of the project while others would still be finishing. The Construction ProcessMetal buildings are a rather quick and efficient way of construction. The reason for the rapid nature of this system is because of the way the pieces are fabricated. Comparing to a wood structure, the majority of the pieces need to be cut onsite to the length needed. On the other hand, in metal buildings, shop drawings are sent to fabricators in which specify the exact measurements needed for a particular job. This significantly reduces the time on the job site. On the job site the main aspects consist of preparing the foundation, primary framing, secondary framing, roof and wall sheeting and finally adding the trim and accessories. Since I will not be actually constructing the building myself, to showcase some of the attributes I have gained, I will construct a miniature version of the building I am designing. It will be 1/12 the size and will include the two overhead doors, the single sloped roof and lastly, wall and roof panels for coverage. To be able to move and deliver the project to the final presentation I will construct the roof in a way that will be retractable. This also adds the attribute that people may look inside to see how I constructed the building as well. In addition, the model will be made of 1x2 boards cut to length and will be painted different colors to show the different beams, purling, and girts used in the construction of the actual building. As well as matted boards for the siding, white felt to act as the insulation in the structure and last of all cardboard for the roll up doors. OSHA GuidelinesSafety, in most companies, is considered as priority because of the dangerous nature of the construction field. The construction field is the second most dangerous industry due to the amount of injuries in and on the workplace. To insure that the employees in this field are properly cared for and practice safety for the betterment of their selves, regulations were put into place. The Safety and Health Regulations for Construction in OSHA’s 29CFR1926 section it elaborates on methods and standards which must be met to have a safe work environment.Some of the main subparts of the 29CFR1926 section of OSHA regulations for construction include: Subpart E - Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment, Subpart H - Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal, Subpart I - Tools - Hand and Power, Subpart J - Welding and Cutting, Subpart L - Scaffolds, Subpart M - Fall Protection, and Subpart R - Steel Erection (Mangan). Subpart E - Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment 1926.95(a)"Application." Protective equipment, including personal protective equipment for eyes, face, head, and extremities, protective clothing, respiratory devices, and protective shields and barriers, shall be provided, used, and maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition wherever it is necessary by reason of hazards of processes or environment, chemical hazards, radiological hazards, or mechanical irritants encountered in a manner capable of causing injury or impairment in the function of any part of the body through absorption, inhalation or physical contact (Mangan).Subpart H - Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal 1926.250(a)(1)All materials stored in tiers shall be stacked, racked, blocked, interlocked, or otherwise secured to prevent sliding, falling or collapse (Mangan).Subpart I - Tools - Hand and Power 1926.300(a)Condition of tools. All hand and power tools and similar equipment, whether furnished by the employer or the employee, shall be maintained in a safe condition (Mangan).Subpart J - Welding and Cutting 1926.350(a)(11)Inside of buildings, cylinders shall be stored in a well-protected, well-ventilated, dry location, at least 20 feet (6.1 m) from highly combustible materials such as oil or excelsior. Cylinders should be stored in definitely assigned places away from elevators, stairs, or gangways. Assigned storage places shall be located where cylinders will not be knocked over or damaged by passing or falling objects, or subject to tampering by unauthorized persons. Cylinders shall not be kept in unventilated enclosures such as lockers and cupboards (Mangan).L – Scaffolds 1926.451(a)(2)Direct connections to roofs and floors, and counterweights used to balance adjustable suspension scaffolds, shall be capable of resisting at least 4 times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold operating at the rated load of the hoist, or 1.5 (minimum) times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold operating at the stall load of the hoist, whichever is greater (Mangan).Subpart M - Fall Protection 1926.501(b)(2)(ii)Each employee on a walking/working surface 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above a lower level where leading edges are under construction, but who is not engaged in the leading edge work, shall be protected from falling by a guardrail system, safety net system, or personal fall arrest system. If a guardrail system is chosen to provide the fall protection, and a controlled access zone has already been established for leading edge work, the control line may be used in lieu of a guardrail along the edge that parallels the leading edge (Mangan).Subpart R - Steel Erection 1926.753(c)(1)(i)Cranes being used in steel erection activities shall be visually inspected prior to each shift by a competent person; the inspection shall include observation for deficiencies during operation (Mangan). Each section specifies a particular task in the construction process that may be done onsite. These Subparts elaborate on what, how and where these tasks should be done. If these methods are not followed and a safety inspector would to see the misuse of these methods, then the main contractor onsite will be fined for each individual offense. Knowing the proper methods will save your company not only money and fines but will ensure the safety of all of the people around you.ConclusionIn conclusion, being passionate about constructing structures in which people will use on a daily basis gives you satisfaction you cannot find anywhere else. That’s why I chose to design a building in which will help my University be more self sufficient.In doing so, there are many things in which go into the process of constructing a building. Tasks that are included in this process are obtaining permits and codes, the design process, calculations, estimate, project management, construction, and OSHA guidelines.When obtaining permits and abiding by codes one’s main focus is to ensure that you are abiding by local and federal laws which regard the construction of your building. Next, the design process is where you and the owner get together and makes their vision a reality. Following the design process is the calculations, where it is ensured that the connections and beams in the structure will be strong enough and be able to withstand the forces of nature. Subsequently, the estimate and project management aspect follow. These aspects both have an impact on the cost of the overall project and want to get as close to the specified budget as possible. Finally, the construction process is where OSHA guidelines must be followed to ensure employee safety and the timely building process of the structure.Overall, the construction process is a collaborative effort in which one overall goal is to be reached. Each individual must be dedicated to using their knowledge and skill to the advancement and betterment of human welfare at the upmost performance. Furthermore, by living and working by the laws to the highest standard and putting service and public welfare before one’s own personal gain each project can be accomplished to better your community and provide for others.IndexWorks citedCouncil, International Code. "IBC 2009 Building Codes." Law.. International Code Council, 17 Mar. 2009. Web. 17 Feb. 2014. Delaune, Joe. “Public Safety Services memorandum.” sfm.dps.. 2014. Web. April 29, 2014. Johnson, Alford. “American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc.” . 2002. Web. April 14, 2014. Maluinu, Jamie. "How to Calculate Wind Load." wikiHow. N.p., 10 Apr. 2012. Web. 1 Feb. 2014. Mangan Communications. “OSHA 29CFR1910.” . Jun. 2013. Web. April 21. 2014.McCormac, Jack C. and Stephen F. Csernak. Structural Steel Design Fifth Edition. New Jersey: Pearson, 2012.Text Book."Sprinkler Head Spacing and Location." The architect's technical resource. . Arch Media, 20 Dec. 2006. Web. 13 Apr. 2014. Sunward, Jonthan. "Erection." Erection. scg-. 7 Mar. 2010. Web. 10 Jan. 2014. ................

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