? IBO 2013


Campus des Nations is the most recent campus of the International School of Geneva. With modern buildings in the heart of Geneva's international quarter, this campus has quickly established itself as an educationally pioneering school committed to putting student learning at the centre of all its activities. Campus des Nations is proud to be an International Baccalaureate World School. Our programmes are based on the IB's "Learner Profile", a set of ideals that inspire, motivate and focus the work of the school and help students to become more thoughtful, moral, cultured and caring. Fostering these qualities is at the heart of all we do.

Campus des Nations is the smallest of the three campuses of the International School of Geneva. It opened in September 2005 and now has over 900 students representing more than 90 nationalities. Campus des Nations has two sites near the United Nations Office: Pregny (opposite the US Mission) and Saconnex (between the World Council of Churches, the International Labour Organisation and the World Health Organisation).

This is the only International School of Geneva campus that offers all four International Baccalaureate programmes. It provides a wholly integrated educational experience in which key themes are constantly reinforced. Beginning with an innovative inquiry-based Primary Years Programme (PYP), students move on to the Middle Years Programme (MYP), and then into the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP) or the IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC) at age 16. The IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC) is available as an alternative to the IB Diploma for students who wish to follow a more career-related education.

At Campus des Nations, students in years 12 and 13 can choose between two different International Baccalaureate courses; the Diploma Programme (IBDP) and the Career-related Certificate (IBCC).

The subjects offered in the Diploma Programme are also part of the Careers-related Certificate programme and the information contained in the IBDP Curriculum Guide has been repeated in the IBCC Curriculum Guide.

This booklet is intended to give you information on the subjects offered at Nations as well as the nature of assessment in the IBDP.

Table of Contents

The IB Careers-related Certificate.................................................................................................... 1 The Careers-related Certificate Programme.............................................................................. 1 Subject Choices................................................................................................................... 1 The BTEC Careers Qualification ......................................................................................... 1 What is a BTEC? ................................................................................................................. 2 Where can a BTEC take you? ............................................................................................. 2 The BTEC Art and Design curriculum: ................................................................................ 2 The BTEC Business curriculum:.......................................................................................... 2 Guidance .................................................................................................................................... 2 The Core of the IBCC................................................................................................................. 3 Community and Service ...................................................................................................... 3 The Reflective Project ......................................................................................................... 3 The Careers Course ............................................................................................................ 4 Global Affairs ....................................................................................................................... 4 GROUP 1: Language A.............................................................................................................. 5 English A Higher Level Literature (HL) ................................................................................ 5 French Higher Level Language and Literature (HL) ............................................................ 6 English A and French A Standard Level Language and Literature (SL) ............................. 6 GROUP 2: Second Language.................................................................................................... 8 Language B HL.................................................................................................................... 8 Language B SL .................................................................................................................... 8 Language B ......................................................................................................................... 8 Group 3 : Individuals and Societies ......................................................................................... 11 Economics ......................................................................................................................... 11 Geography ......................................................................................................................... 12 History in English ............................................................................................................... 14 History in French ............................................................................................................... 15 Psychology ........................................................................................................................ 16 GROUP 4: Experimental Sciences .......................................................................................... 18 Biology ............................................................................................................................... 18 Chemistry........................................................................................................................... 19 Physics .............................................................................................................................. 19 Design Technology ............................................................................................................ 20 GROUP 5: Mathematics........................................................................................................... 22 GROUP 6: Arts......................................................................................................................... 25 Visual Art ........................................................................................................................... 25 Film .................................................................................................................................... 27 Assessment in the IBCC .......................................................................................................... 29 Criterion-based grading ..................................................................................................... 29 The examinations .............................................................................................................. 29 Internal assessment and other non-examination components.......................................... 29 Publication of results ......................................................................................................... 30 Useful Contacts ........................................................................................................................ 31 Websites .................................................................................................................................. 32


The IB Careers-related Certificate

The International Baccalaureate Career-related Certificate is both a two year curriculum which prepares students for work and a university admissions qualification.

The IBCC is an umbrella qualification which, at Nations, includes a BTEC level 3 qualification, the IBCC core and a minimum of 2 IB Diploma Programme subjects.

The IBCC is a very exciting applied learning course. Students will be learning skills that many people don't learn until university or the first years of their career. They will be able to specialise in business or in art and design and they should feel their expertise grow in these areas. Students who work hard in school and build connections with industry outside of school will be able to build flourishing careers in areas they are passionate about. There are few greater rewards in life than loving your work.

For further information, please contact Conan de Wilde, the IBCC coordinator (

The Careers-related Certificate Programme

The IBCC encourages students and teachers to live out every aspect of the International School of Geneva's mission statement. One measure of this is the reflective project, which requires students to come up with creative ways of investigating complex problems. This is a chance for students to engage in independent research and present their conclusions in the most persuasive and creative manner which they can devise. The possibilities are endless and they certainly help develop each student into an independent learner. Another integral part of the student's life will be the community and service programme, which stresses humanitarian values and building community through service based learning experiences. The Nations Careers Course, taught in a mixture of French and English, and accessible to students of all language levels, will allow students to develop interdisciplinary skills ranging from ICT know-how to ethical thought to teamwork.

Subject Choices

All students of the IBCC will have to choose either a business level 3 BTEC or an art and design level 3 BTEC. Once you have chosen this, you are free to choose your Diploma Programme courses.

These are the subjects (at Higher and Standard level) available at Campus des Nations:

GROUP 1: English A; French A; self-taught A Standard level (please see Ms Juniper if you are considering a self-taught language).

GROUP 2: French B; Spanish B; French ab-initio; Spanish ab-initio.

GROUP 3: Geography; History; History in French; Psychology; Economics

GROUP 4: Biology; Chemistry; Physics: Design Technology (Standard)

GROUP 5: Mathematics Higher; Standard or Studies (Standard)

GROUP 6: Visual Arts; Film

Students must choose two to four of these subjects. They may choose either higher or standard level courses or a combination of the two.

Please note that courses can only run with a minimal enrolment number and some subject combinations may need to be revised due to timetabling constraints: the student may need to review your initial choices.

The BTEC Careers Qualification

Below are excerpts from . At Nations we offer a level 3 BTEC diploma. Depending on students, they will be able to attain a 90 credit diploma or the full diploma. Both allow students to continue with university or specialised study.

Please refer to the above site for further information or contact the IBCC coordinator.


What is a BTEC?

? BTECs are work-related qualifications suitable for a wide range of students. ? They're built to accommodate the needs of employers and allow progression to university. ? They provide a practical, real-world approach to learning without sacrificing any of the

essential subject theory. ? Available across a wide range of industry sectors, they're continually developed and

updated to meet the needs of employers and learners.

Where can a BTEC take you?

? BTECs have been around for nearly 30 years and their reputation is second to none. They're recognised by schools, colleges, universities, employers and professional bodies across the UK and in over 100 countries worldwide.

The BTEC Art and Design curriculum:

Students choosing the art and design BTEC will likely study the following units:

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 27 Unit 25 Unit 34 Unit 30 Unit 41 Unit 36 Unit 37

Visual Recording in Art and Design Materials, Techniques and Processes in Art and Design Ideas and Concepts in Art and Design Communication through Art and Design Contextual Influences in Art and Design Digital Image Capturing and Editing Studio Photography Image Manipulation Using Computer Applications Location Photography Word and Images in Graphic Design Starting a Small Business (A business unit taught to art and design students)

Business ethics (A business unit taught to art and design students)

The BTEC Business curriculum:

Students choosing the art and design BTEC will likely study the following units:

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 36 Unit 37 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 18 Unit 21 Unit 34

The Business environment Business resources Introduction to marketing Business communication Business accounting Starting a Small Business Business ethics Creative Product Promotion Market Research in Business Managing a Business Event Aspects of Contract and Business Law Website Design Strategy

(A description of each of these units can be found at: )


It is crucial that students and parents meet with Mr Grant or Mrs Levin (university guidance counsellors) at the outset of their choices in order to determine how the subject package they are considering may affect their preliminary university choices. This is particularly important for any student wishing to study in Europe or the United Kingdom. Regular contact with the counsellors is essential for all students.

Students are permitted to change subjects until November, and changes from Higher to Standard can be considered after this point, but the earlier you choose the right package the easier it will be to consolidate the knowledge gained. Pupils should also seek advice from their homeroom teachers as well as their subject teachers not only in terms of the subjects they feel comfortable with, but how to perform to their full potential. Remember that students have support at Nations and that our mission is to allow them to follow their dreams, but also to help them take the right road towards them.

Conan de Wilde, IBCC Coordinator



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