
European Parliament2014-2019Plenary sitting<NoDocSe>A8-0312/2018</NoDocSe><Date>{11/10/2018}11.10.2018</Date><TitreType>REPORT</TitreType><Titre>on the proposal for the appointment of the Deputy Managing Director of the European Fund for Strategic Investments</Titre><DocRef>(N8-0101/2018 - C80424/2018 – 2018/0904(NLE))</DocRef><Commission>{ECON}Committee on BudgetsCommittee on Economic and Monetary Affairs</Commission>Rapporteurs: <Depute>Jean Arthuis, Roberto Gualtieri</Depute>(Joint committee meetings - Rule 55 of the Rules of Procedure)PR_NLE_EconGovCONTENTSPage TOC \h \z \t "PageHeading;1;PageHeadingCaps;1;PageHeading;1" PROPOSAL FOR A EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DECISION PAGEREF _Toc527021087 \h 3ANNEX 1: CURRICULUM VITAE OF Iliyana Tsanova PAGEREF _Toc527021088 \h 5PROCEDURE – COMMITTEE RESPONSIBLE PAGEREF _Toc527021089 \h 8PROPOSAL FOR A EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DECISIONon the proposal for the appointment of the Deputy Managing Director of the European Fund for Strategic Investments(N8-0101/2018 - C80424/2018 – 2018/0904(NLE))(Consent)The European Parliament,–having regard to the proposal of the Steering Board of the European Fund for Strategic Investments of 19 July 2018 for the re-appointment of its Deputy Managing Director (C80424/2018),–having regard to Article 7(6) of Regulation (EU) 2015/1017 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2015 on the European Fund for Strategic Investments, the European Investment Advisory Hub and the European Investment Project Portal and amending Regulations (EU) No 1291/2013 and (EU) No 1316/2013 — the European Fund for Strategic Investments, –having regard to Rule 122a of its Rules of Procedure,–having regard to the joint deliberations of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs under Rule 55 of the Rules of Procedure,–having regard to the report of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (A8-0312/2018),A.whereas Article 7(6) of Regulation (EU) 2015/1017 provides that the Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director of the EFSI are to be appointed by the EIB for a fixed term of three years, renewable once, after approval by the European Parliament following an open and transparent selection process in line with EIB procedures, during which the European Parliament shall be kept duly informed in a timely manner at all stages; B.whereas, on 19 July 2018, the Steering Board of the EFSI adopted a proposal for the re-appointment of the Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director of the EFSI and transmitted this proposal to the European Parliament;C.whereas, on 25 September 2018, the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs held a hearing with Iliyana Tsanova, the proposed candidate for the function of Deputy Managing Director of the EFSI, at which she made an opening statement and then responded to questions from the members of the Committees;1.Gives its consent to the appointment of Iliyana Tsanova as the Deputy Managing Director of the European Fund for Strategic Investments;2.Instructs its President to forward this decision to the Council, the Commission, the European Investment Bank and the governments of the Member States.ANNEX 1: CURRICULUM VITAE OF Iliyana Tsanovaprofile?Currently holding the position of Deputy Managing Director of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), a EUR 26 billion guarantee facility provided by the EU to the European Investment Bank Group to support strategic investments in the EU. Responsibilities for the operational management of EFSI and co-chairing the EFSI Investment Committee. ?Over 10 years of development banking experience with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), London, UK. Positions held from Associate banker to Director, Financial Engineering and EU co-financing. Held a number of non-executive board positions with infrastructure funds and utility companies. ?In 2013 and 2014, appointed Deputy Prime Minister in charge of EU Funds management in two separate caretaker governments of Bulgaria.?Academic background in Corporate and Business Finance. Holder of MSc. in Finance from University for National and World Economy - Sofia, Bulgaria and postgraduate Certificate in Financial Management from Georgetown University – Washington DC, USA. Worked on an independent research project on mortgage finance development in developing countries under a Visiting Scholarship awarded by Georgetown University and USAID for selected professionals from Central and Eastern Europe. ExperienceJan 2016presentDeputy Managing Director, European Fund for Strategic Investments, EIB, Luxembourg?Nominated by the EFSI Steering Board and appointed following a hearing by the European Parliament.?Together with the Managing Director, responsible for the management of EFSI and co-chairing the meetings of the EFSI Investment Committee (IC). The IC is responsible for approving the use of the EU guarantee `for loan, guarantee and equity investments in line with EFSI investment policies and guidelines. ?Responsibilities for the EFSI implementation and achievement of the EFSI strategic objectives through close cooperation with the EIB Group and the EFSI Steering Board. Contribution to the development and implementation of the strategic priorities and objectives of the EFSI;?Representation of EFSI towards external stakeholders, high level meetings, speaking events and media. ?Policy dialog related to the effective use of financial instruments, regulatory and legal frameworks, effective governance and strategic orientation.March 2015-Jan 2016Director, EU Co-financing and Financial Engineering, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London, UKResponsibilities for developing strategic cooperation with the European Commission (EC) for devising and managing innovative financial instruments in the field of research and innovation, energy efficiency and urban development, environment and climate finance, SME financing. Providing related policy advise to EC, government authorities, financial institutions and other EBRD clients. In charge of setting up and staffing a new directorate, developing the strategic objectives of the team and business development. Reporting directly to the Chief Operating Officer. Aug 2014-Nov 2014Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the EU Funds management in the caretaker government of Bulgaria, appointed by the President of Bulgaria.Apr 2009-Aug 2014Senior Banker, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Municipal and Environmental Infrastructure Team, London, UK?Team leader for business origination, execution and implementation of debt and equity infrastructure investments in South Eastern Europe (SEE), Ukraine and Russia. ?Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Municipal Infrastructure Development Fund SICAV, a EUR 100 million impact investment vehicle, providing risk sharing and debt finance for infrastructure investments in the Western Balkans. Lead role for the conceptual development and structural establishment of the fund as well as fund raising. ?Member of the Board of Directors of FLAG in Bulgaria, an innovative investment vehicle providing blended finance for municipal infrastructure investments alongside EU Cohesion and Structural funds. ?From 2008 to 2010 – member of the Board of Directors of Sofia Water, a special purpose vehicle, responsible for the provision of water supply and sewage services in Sofia, Bulgaria and majority owned by United Utilities, an UK listed company. ?Responsibilities for relationship management and policy dialog with International Financial Institutions, European Commission, governments and regulatory authorities in the region of responsibility. March 2013-June 2013Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in charge of the EU Funds management in the caretaker government of Bulgaria, appointed by the President of Bulgaria. Apr 2006 –Apr 2009Principal Banker, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Municipal and Environmental Infrastructure team, HQ London, UK?Geographical focus on Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia and Russia?Leadership and management of project teams for structuring, negotiation and implementation of investment projects in the field of water and waste water, electricity and heat energy generation and supply, public transport, waste management. ?Structuring and financing of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). Successful track record as project leader in restructuring a key PPP project in the region as lead negotiator through management of significant number of interests (Project Company, Grantor, Regulator, Shareholders, Co-financiers).?Key responsibilities for relationship management and policy dialog in Bulgaria. Feb 2003 – Apr 2006Associate Banker, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Sofia , BulgariaManagement and implementation of projects in the field of railways, transport, water sector, airports, including concession financing. Key role in the preparation of the Bank’s business strategy for the infrastructure sector in Bulgaria.Aug 2001 – Feb 2003Deloitte, Dispute Consulting and Litigation, Washington DC, USA and Assurance and Advisory Services, Sofia, BulgariaInitially started as an intern at Deloitte Dispute Consulting Services in Washington DC, USA. Continued with Deloitte Audit and Advisory in Bulgaria as Senior Auditor. Worked as part of an audit team on a number of projects including statutory and international audits. Experience by client industry: insurance, banking, energy, construction, petroleum distribution and textile production.Aug 1996Aug 2000Commercial Bank Biochim (currently UniCredit Bulbank), Sofia, Bulgaria Started as an Account Manager, providing corporate account services, consulting and advisory. In 1998, promoted to Senior Financial Analyst, responsible for budgeting and cost benefit analysis. Delivering solutions for branch restructuring and consolidation. Member of the core team leading product development and creating Biochim’s Product ManualAcademic backgroundAug 2000 to Aug 2001Visiting Scholar. Georgetown University and George Washington University. Washington DC, USAVisiting Scholarship awarded by Georgetown University and USAID for selected professionals from Central and Eastern Europe. Postgraduate courses in Corporate Finance, Applied Forecasting and Time-Series Analysis, Advanced Financial Statement Analysis, Financial Management, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. Independent research project in the field of Mortgage Finance development in transition countries.Aug 1994 to Dec 1998MSc. in Finance. University for National and World Economy. Sofia, BGStudied courses in Finance, Accounting, Investments, Banking and Law. Focus on Corporate Finance. other qualifications and awards SkillsBusiness software: Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel)AwardsVisiting Scholarship, awarded by USAID and Georgetown University for postgraduate study and research, Washington DC, USA.Designated Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, year 2015LanguagesNative Bulgarian. Fluent in English. Russian – intermediate levelPROCEDURE – COMMITTEE RESPONSIBLETitleAppointment of the Deputy Managing Director of the EFSIReferences2018/0904(NLE)Date of consultation / request for consent26.7.2018Committees responsible???????Date announced in plenaryBUDG4.10.2018ECON4.10.2018Rapporteurs???????Date appointedJean Arthuis25.9.2018Roberto Gualtieri25.9.2018Date adopted9.10.2018Result of final vote+:–:0:4535Members present for the final voteNedzhmi Ali, Jean Arthuis, Richard Ashworth, Pervenche Berès, Reimer B?ge, Lefteris Christoforou, Gérard Deprez, Manuel dos Santos, Markus Ferber, José Manuel Fernandes, Jonás Fernández, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Stefan Gehrold, Sven Giegold, Ingeborg Gr??le, Roberto Gualtieri, Brian Hayes, Monika Hohlmeier, John Howarth, Bernd K?lmel, Georgios Kyrtsos, Philippe Lamberts, Werner Langen, Sander Loones, Bernd Lucke, Olle Ludvigsson, Ivana Maleti?, Marisa Matias, Gabriel Mato, Alex Mayer, Bernard Monot, Jan Olbrycht, Stanis?aw O?óg, Paul Rübig, Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner, Anne Sander, Petri Sarvamaa, Martin Schirdewan, Molly Scott Cato, Peter Simon, Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, Ernest Urtasun, Marco Valli, Tom Vandenkendelaere, Miguel Viegas, Tiemo W?lkenSubstitutes present for the final voteMady Delvaux, Ashley Fox, Ramón Jáuregui Atondo, Jan Keller, Thomas Mann, Nils Torvalds, Lieve WierinckDate tabled11.10.2018 ................

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