Dress in Blue Day for Colon Cancer - AAPC


February 2014

|President: Stacy Blodgett, CPC |Vice President: Joan Barker, CPC, |

|Email: president@ |Email: vp@ |

|Treasurer: Lydia Thomas, CPC, CCC, CEMC |Secretary: Elizabeth Pryor, CPC. CPC-H |

|Email: treasurer@ |Email: secretary@ |

|Education Officer: Vickie Kuhl, CPC |Member Development: |

|Email: education@ |Email: Andrea Neske, CPC |

| | |

Letter from the President

Greetings and salutations to the St. Louis West Chapter!

You asked, we listened! This month, our local chapter meeting will be held at Anthem College in Fenton, Missouri on February 20th 2014 at 6pm. I hope to see you all there! The month of February, while the shortest on the calendar, is packed with things to celebrate. Whether we are shaking our heads at that forsaken groundhog for seeing his shadow and extending the polar vortex another six weeks, acknowledging the contributions of African-Americans in our society, or celebrating the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, anyone who has stepped foot into a CVS or Wal-Greens this month has no doubt seen the abundance of pink and red that symbolizes Valentine’s Day.

We all remember those days back in elementary school; covering those shoe boxes with construction paper hearts and agonizing over the choice of Valentine for your secret crush, you know, the one whose name was written over and over again in your diary along with the various permutations of your first, last and middle names. Soon enough, the hours toiling over the perfect Valentine card give way to angry lip-synching in front of the mirror to, “Nasty” by Janet Jackson every February 14th. As we get older, we just recognize that love and admiration should be shown year round, not just on a designated spot on the calendar.

Remember, we are still collecting gloves, scarves, hats and other cold weather items this month so make sure to bring them in and receive a point for education!

Happy February everyone!

Stacy Blodgett, CPC

Chapter President 2014

From the AAPCCA Chapter Association

I always think first that February is a month about the heart. From Valentine’s Day to the American Heart Association program, it’s usually all about the heart! This February, we’re going to talk a little about something else. Did you know that it’s also the month which recognizes the need to screen for Eating Disorders? It’s true, and there is a website that can help anyone understand these diseases. Please see for more information than I can possibly give in this short article.

NEDA was formed in 2001, when Eating Disorders Awareness & Prevention (EDAP) joined forces with the American Anorexia Bulimia Association (AABA) – merging the largest and longest standing eating disorders prevention and advocacy organizations in the world. NEDA supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders, and serves as a catalyst for prevention, cures and access to quality care.

They have many resources available to provide the public with information on eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, as well as helpful preventive tips and a self-evaluation tool that anyone can use. Eating disorders are very complex conditions that arise from a combination of long-standing behavioral, biological, emotional, psychological, interpersonal, and social factors. In the United States, 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some time in their life, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, or an eating disorder not otherwise specified.

Eating Disorders are often unreported and insight is often not shared. This could be a great and enlightening discussion in your chapter that might help your members understand these long misunderstood disorders. Check it out…February isn’t just about the heart!

Barbara Fontaine, CPC

2013 Vice Chair of the AAPC Chapter Association

See information below for opportunities to attend an ICD-10 Boot Camp, get online training or set up a chapter boot camp. Everyone needs ICD-10 training!

ICD-10-CM BOOT CAMPS ($595) see for a list

Live training and a small group environment in a city near you

• 16 CEUs

• 2 Days

• ICD-10 code set course manual

• Added Value:

o Includes ICD-10-CM online assessment course ($395 value)

▪ Successful completion of this course will satisfy AAPC’s certification maintenance requirements for ICD-10-CM.

o Includes ICD-10-CM code set book ($89.95 value)

ICD-10-CM ONLINE ($395) or $195 if taken following a boot camp AND substitues for your Proficiency Exam – no need to stress over a timed test!

Online training at your own pace

• 16 CEUs

• 16 Hours (at your own pace)

• ICD-10 code set course manual

• Added Value:

o 2014 ICD-10-CM code set book may be added for $89.95 $50

ICD-10-CM LOCAL CHAPTERS - Live training in a group environment at a local chapter near you

• 16 CEUs Our two chapter Boot Camps will be announced next month! Get ready to sign up!

• 2 Days

• ICD-10 code set course manual

• Note: Only available with participating chapters. Contact your chapter officers for details.

• Added Value:

• Includes ICD-10-CM code set book ($89.95 value)


• Maximum of 50 attendees allowed for each Boot Camp.


|Amanda Barginear |

|Janet Bassel |

|George Bassett MD |

|Andrea Bell |

|Joyce Blumenfeld |

|Colette Bohon, CPC |

|Ashley Brickle |

|Amanda Burke |

|Angela Cameron |

|Kiana Chambers |

|Dawne Christy |

|Jennifer Cissell |

|Tiffany Covert |

|Cortney Crow |

|Christine Elder |

|Andrea Erger |

|Barbara Ferguson, CPC |

|Robyn Garlington |

|Chrystal Gilbert |

|Elizabeth Grillo |

|Julie M Harris |

|Drina Hawkins |

|Linda Henle |

|Linda Jones |

|Kartharin Karsten |

|Julie Konarik |

|Mary Krankeola |

|Jeanne Lehmann |

|Myrna Loewnau |

|Linda Malone |

|Monique Mayes |

|Taylor Lorean McLean |

|Ruthie Meyer |

|Deborah Nuernburger |

|Lea Prost |

|Helisa Rivera |

|Melissa Roberts |

|Michelle Sanders |

|Ashley Stevenson |

|Jennifer Thompson |

|Tammy Vortherms |

|Aubrey Vuylsteke, CPC |

|Jenna Walterman |

|Sandra West |

|Elizabeth Whitcraft |

|Mary Ann Wiegers |

|Kathy Williams |

|Felicia M Winters |

For information about our chapter, to be assigned to a mentor or anything regarding our chapter, please contact Member Development Officer Andrea Neske at development@ or any chapter officer. We would love to get acquainted and help you!


2/20/14 Our next local chapter meeting at 6 pm Different location this month!!!

Anthem College at 645 Gravois Bluffs Blvd, Fenton, MO 63026

Based on the survey we took a few months ago, members asked for a meeting in the south county area!

If you are interested in more south county meetings, please attend this first meeting to show your support!

Program Jill Tuthill, CPC – Comparison of ICD9 to ICD10 Guidelines, Part 1

3/15/14 Saturday 9 am Our first Saturday Chapter meeting! At St. Luke’s Emerson Auditorium

Jill Tuthill, CPC – Comparison of ICD 9 to ICD 10 Guidelines, Part 2

3/29/14 A & P Special Senses & Medical Terminology Review Anita Reger, CPC, CPC-H

5/3/14 A & P Digestive System Anita Reger, CPC, CPC-H

7/26/14 A & P Endocrine System Review Class Barbara Kisakye, CPC, CPC-I

All A & P classes are held at St. Luke’s Hospital Auditorium 9 am – 11 am

$20 fee for class - 2 CEUS will be awarded

[pic]Would you like a mentor or would you like to be one??? Contact Andrea Neske at development@


Looking for a job or know of one to post???

Please come to the meeting on February 20th to see our job board for leads on any jobs

We are here to help!

SSM has immediate openings for coders at their St. Charles location


Check our job listings on


January Chapter Minutes

St. Louis Professional Coders

St. Louis West Missouri Chapter

Chapter Meeting Minutes

January 16, 2014 6 p.m.

Vickie Kuhl, Educational Officer - introduced Rose Donnelly, RN from Barnes-Jewish Hospital who presented her topic on STROKES. Very good, educational and informative presentation, thank you Rose ! This presentation was worth 1 CEU and certificates were given to each one in attendance.

Stacy Blodgett, President - asked for volunteers to help with upcoming events such as May MAYnia, meetings, etc. Also, for months of January and February, Chapter is collecting warm clothing items such as hats, gloves, scarfs, etc. Please bring to next meeting - good way to earn one point for education!

Lydia Thomas, Treasurer - presented treasury report to cover 2013. Lydia stated at the meeting that the chapter is in much better financial status than this time last year. Lydia has copies of report if any member would like a copy. Also, Lydia is in need of two members to come to her house to audit the books from 2013. Please contact Lydia through the chapter website - email or phone number is listed there.

Andrea Neske, Member Development -announced new members to our chapter as well as newly certified members. Welcome new members and congrats to the newly certified members! Andrea announced ICD-10 classes being at St. Charles Community College and grant the college has received to offer to CPC’s. Please contact Andrea for more information. Andrea also asked if any member is interested in becoming a mentor to provide info, help with resources, etc., to members in our chapter - please contact Andrea if in you are interested in mentoring!

Joan Barker, Vice President - presented job board that included new job postings to include remote coding (50 coders needed) for 2014 year. Lydia Thomas also announced that she has job openings at SSM for GI, OB/GYN, cardiology, Internal Med, and general surgery. Please contact Lydia for info or you may go to SSM website to apply.

Stacy acknowledged the past presidents. Stacy announced the next A&P class on Feb. 8, 2014, at St. Luke’s. Topic is Musculoskeletal and presenter is Barbara Kisakye. She also announced that March & May A&P classes may be cancelled due to no instructor. Please contact Stacy if anyone interested in filling these two dates for an A&P class.

Our next chapter meeting will be on February 20, 2014, Thursday evening at 6:30 pm, at Anthem college 645 Gravois Bluff Dr. Fenton, Missouri. Speaker to be announced.

Lydia Thomas won the 50/50 raffle and kindly donated it back to the chapter! Way to go Lydia and thank you!

$10 Chapter Bucks were won by members Terry Burch, Brenda McNamara, Rhonda Bottoms, Ileana Stewart, Pam Tarpley and Stacy Blodgett !!!

Brenda McNamara,

Substitute Secretary

February Challenge

To challenge yourself, go to the National Eating Disorders website,

Find and read the article about this health problem.

1. What are some of the causes of these diseases?

2. Who is predominantly affected?

3. Name three eating disorders.

4. What are the main symptoms of these three disorders?

5. What can we do to help a person who is affected by an eating disorder?


| |Answers to the |

January Member Challenge

January was Thyroid Awareness Month. Did you choose the correct symptoms of

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) vs. Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)

fatigue, exhaustion

feeling run down and sluggish


depression, moodiness

difficulty concentrating, brain fog


unexplained or excessive weight gain

dry, coarse and/or itchy skin

shaky hands

panic disorder

dry, coarse and/or thinning hair

muscular weakness especially involving the upper arms and thighs

feeling cold, especially in the extremities

increased perspiration


more frequent bowel movements

muscle cramps

thinning of skin


increased menstrual flow

more frequent periods

lighter, less frequent periods

Fine, brittle hair


low blood pressure

racing heart

weight loss despite good appetite


February Is a Month to Carry On…

Share some kindness along the way!

The kindness you share will ALWAYS make a difference.


The very best starts with You

Happy Valentine’s Day


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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