MPOG – Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group
Sample Query Specification PCRC 0096 – Inclusion CriteriaVariable NameDefinitionData FormatData Source / IDNotesDOSDate of Surgery/Procedure/ServiceMo/Day/YearPhenotype: Surgery Start Date/TimeInclude: Surgery performed between January 1, 2014 and August 1, 2019AgeAge in yearsNumPhenotype: Age (Years)Include: >/=18Cardiac_casesCardiac casesNumPhenotype: CardiacInclude:o Cardiac – Anesthesia CPT Codes 00550, 00560, 00561, 00562, 00563, 00567, 00580Sample Query Specification PCRC 0096 – Exposure Variables, Covariates, Exclusion Criteria, and OutcomesVariable NameDefinitionData FormatData Source / IDNotesDOSDate of Surgery/Procedure/ServiceMo/Day/YearPhenotype: Surgery Start Date/TimeInclude: Surgery performed between January 1, 2014 and August 1, 2019AgeAge in yearsNumPhenotype: Age (Years)Valid range: 18-120SexSexNumPhenotype: SexSexRacePatient RaceNumPhenotype: RaceRaceActual_Procedure_TextProcedure name (performed, not scheduled)CharacterPhenotype: Procedure TextActual_Procedure_TextCharge_Capture_Primary_ Diagnosis_CodeICD-9/ICD-10 CodeNumAll ICD diagnosis codesCharge_Capture_Primary_ Diagnosis_CodeMPOG_Patient_IDMPOG Patient ID NumberChar?MPOG_Patient_IDMPOG_Case_IDMPOG Case ID NumberChar?MPOG_Case_IDMPOG_Institution_IDMPOG Institution IDNumPhenotype: InstitutionMPOG_Institution_IDCardiac_cases_per_yearNumber of cardiac cases per yearNumNumber of Phenotype: Cardiac =1 per year Cardiac_cases_per_year_2014Cardiac_cases_per_year_2015 Cardiac_cases_per_year_2016 Cardiac_cases_per_year_2017 Cardiac_cases_per_year_2018Cardiac_cases_per_year_2019MPOG_Primary_Provider_IDMPOG Primary Provider, attending onlyNumPhenotype: PrimaryProviderMPOG_Primary_Provider_IDMPOG_Starting_Provider_IDMPOG Starting Provider, attending onlyNumPhenotype: StartingProviderMPOG_Starting_Provider_IDPrimary_Anesthesia_CPTPrimary anesthesia base CPTCharacterPhenotype: Primary Anesthesia CPTPrimary_Anesthesia_CPTPredicted_Anesthesia_CPTPredicted anesthesia CPTNumberAnesthesia CPT prediction toolPredicted_Anesthesia_CPTMPOG_Admission_TypeInteger representing patient admission typeNumPhenotype: Admission TypeMPOG_Admission_TypeMPOG_Primary_Procedural_ Service_Concept_IDInteger representing primary procedural serviceNumMPOG Surgical Services by codeMPOG_Primary_Procedural_ Service_Concept_IDMPOG_Primary_Procedural_ Service_Concept_DescDescription associated with concept identifier aboveCharMPOG Surgical Service by nameMPOG_Primary_Procedural_ Service_Concept_DescASA_Class_NumberASA classificationNumPhenotype: ASA Class (cleaned)ASA_Class_NumberEmergentProcessed emergent statusYes / NoPhenotype: Emergency Status (ASA Class) Yes/NoEmergentGeneral_ynGeneral anesthetic technique usedYes / NoPhenotype: Anesthesia Technique: GeneralGeneral_ynAnesthesia_Start_DTFirst date/time when anesthesia start documentedMo/Day/Year HH:MMPhenotype: Anesthesia StartAnesthesia_Start_DTAnesthesia_End_DTLast date and time when anesthesia end documented for caseMo/Day/Year HH:MMPhenotype: Anesthesia EndAnesthesia_End_DTPatient_In_Room_DTFirst date/time when patient in room documentedMo/Day/Year HH:MMPhenotype: Patient In Room Date/TimePatient_In_Room_DTPatient_Out_Of_Room_DTLast date/time when patient transport from room documented for caseMo/Day/Year HH:MMPhenotype: Patient Out Of Room Date/TimePatient_Out_Of_Room_DTVentilator_Start_DTDate and time of ventilator start timeMo/Day/Year HH:MMPhenotype: Ventilator Start TimeVentilator_Start_DTBypass_Start_DTFirst date/time when cardiopulmonary bypass start documented for caseMo/Day/Year HH:MMPhenotype: Cardiopulmonary Bypass StartBypass_Start_DTBypass_End_DTLast date/time when cardiopulmonary bypass end documented for caseMo/Day/Year HH:MMPhenotype: Cardiopulmonary Bypass EndBypass_End_DTBypass_DurationDuration of bypass in minutes from start to endNumPhenotype: Cardiopulmonary Bypass DurationBypass_DurationCase_Duration_In_Room_minMinutes from patient in room to patient out of roomNumPhenotype: Patient In Room DurationCase_Duration_In_Room_minCase_Duration_Anesthesia_minMinutes from anesthesia start to endNumPhenotype: Anesthesia DurationCase_Duration_Anesthesia_minCase_Duration_Surgery_minMinutes from procedure start to procedure endNumPhenotype: Surgery DurationCase_Duration_Surgery_minMeds_PreopList of preop medications – used to generate Home_Benzo_YN and Home_Opioid_YNList of CharPhenotype: PreopMedicationsMeds_Preop; used to generate Home_Benzo_YN and Home_Opioid_YNPMH_Elix_CHFHistory of Congestive Heart Failure, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Congestive Heart FailurePMH_Elix_CHFPMH_Elix_ArrhythmiaHistory of Cardiac Arrhythmia, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Cardiac ArrhythmiaPMH_Elix_ArrhythmiaPMH_Elix_ValvularHistory of Valvular Disease, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Valvular DiseasePMH_Elix_ValvularPMH_Elix_Pulm_CircHistory of Pulmonary Circulation Disorder, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Pulmonary Circulation DisordersPMH_Elix_Pulm_CircPMH_Elix_HTN_UncompHistory of Uncomplicated Hypertension, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Hypertension (uncomplicated)PMH_Elix_HTN_UncompPMH_Elix_HTN_CompHistory of Complicate, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Hypertension (complicated)PMH_Elix_HTN_CompPMH_Elix_NeuroHistory of Other Neurological Disorders, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Other Neurological DisordersPMH_Elix_NeuroPMH_Elix_CPDHistory of Chronic Pulmonary Disease, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Chronic Pulmonary DiseasePMH_Elix_CPDPMH_Elix_Diabetes_UncompHistory of Uncomplicated Diabetes, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM AlgorithmYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Diabetes (uncomplicated)PMH_Elix_Diabetes_UncompPMH_Elix_Diabetes_CompHistory of Complicated Diabetes, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Diabetes (complicated)PMH_Elix_Diabetes_CompPMH_Elix_Renal_FailureHistory of Renal Failure, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Renal FailurePMH_Elix_Renal_FailurePMH_Elix_Liver_DiseaseHistory of Liver Disease, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Liver DiseasePMH_Elix_Liver_DiseasePMH_Elix_ObesityHistory of Obesity (part of Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM), however will use MPOG to detectYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - ObesityPMH_Elix_ObesityPMH_Elix_EtOHHistory of Alcohol Abuse, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Alcohol AbusePMH_Elix_EtOHPMH_Elix_Drug_AbuseHistory of Drug Abuse, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity - Drug AbusePMH_Elix_Drug_AbusePMH_Elix_PsychosesHistory of Psychoses, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity- PsychosesPMH_Elix_PsychosesPMH_Elix_DepressionHistory of Depression, using Elixhauser Comorbidity Enhanced ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 AlgorithmsYes/NoPhenotype: Comorbidity- DepressionPMH_Elix_DepressionMPOG_Height_cmMPOG processed height in cm via most recent height in cm, or converted from inches if not availableNumPhenotype: Height (cm)MPOG_Height_cmMPOG_Weight_kgMPOG processed weight in kg via most recent weight in kg, or converted from pounds if not availableNumPhenotype: Weight (kg)MPOG_Weight_kgMPOG_Body_Mass_IndexMPOG BMI calculated from MPOG height and weightNumPhenotype: BMIMPOG_Body_Mass_IndexMPOG_WHO_BMI_ Classification_CDWHO BMI Classification code from MPOG BMINumPhenotype: WHO BMI ClassificationMPOG_WHO_BMI_ Classification_CDBaseline_MAPBaseline Mean Arterial PressureNumPhenotype: Baseline Blood Pressure - MeanBaseline_MAPMidazolamMidazolam given as infusion and bolus; date, time, and dose for each administration in a separate table; total dose for the preop period, total dose for intraop period Num, Mo/Day/Year HH:MM MPOG Concept: 10301MidazolamLorazepamLorazepam given as infusion and bolus; date, time, and dose for each administration in a separate table; total dose for the preop period, total dose for intraop periodNum, Mo/Day/Year HH:MMMPOG Concept: 10272LorazepamDiazepamDiazepam given as infusion and bolus; date, time, and dose for each administration in a separate table; total dose for the preop period, total dose for intraop periodNum, Mo/Day/Year HH:MMMPOG Concept: 10154DiazepamClonazepamClonazepam given as infusion and bolus; date, time, and dose for each administration in a separate table; total dose for the preop period, total dose for intraop periodNum, Mo/Day/Year HH:MMMPOG Concept: 10700ClonazepamAlprazolamAlprazolam given as infusion and bolus; date, time, and dose for each administration in a separate table; total dose for the preop period, total dose for intraop period Num, Mo/Day/Year HH:MMMPOG Concept: 10721AlprazolamFentanylFentanyl as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10186Fentanyl_YNFentanyl_inf_maxFentanyl_bolus_totalRemifentanilRemifentanil as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10390Remifentanil_YNRemifentanil_inf_maxRemifentanil_bolus_totalSufentanilSufentanil as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10414Sufentanil_YNSufentanil_inf_maxSufentanil_bolus_totalAlfentanilAlfentanil as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10020Alfentanil_YNAlfentanil_inf_maxAlfentanil_bolus_totalMethadoneMethadone as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10290Methadone_YNMethadone_inf_maxMethadone_bolus_totalHydromorphoneHydromorphone as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10219Hydromorphone_YNHydromorphone_inf_maxHydromorphone_bolus_totalMorphineMorphine as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10306Morphine_YNMorphine_inf_maxMorphine_bolus_totalPropofolPropofol as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10377Propofol_YNPropofol_inf_maxPropofol_bolus_totalEtomidateEtomidate as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10183Etomidate_YNEtomidate_inf_maxEtomidate_bolus_totalKetamineKetamine as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10238Ketamine_YNKetamine_inf_maxKetamine_bolus_totalPhenylephrinePhenylephrine as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10354Phenylephrine_YNPhenylephrine_inf_maxPhenylephrine_bolus_totalNorepinephrineNorepinephrine as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10326Norepinephrine_YNNorepinephrine_inf_maxNorepinephrine_bolus_totalVasopressinVasopressin as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10445Vasopressin_YNVasopressin_inf_maxVasopressin_bolus_totalDopamineDopamine as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10165Dopamine_YNDopamine_inf_maxDopamine_bolus_totalDobutamineDobutamine as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10162Dobutamine_YNDobutamine_inf_maxDobutamine_bolus_totalEpinephrineEpinephrine as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10176Epinephrine_YNEpinephrine_inf_maxEpinephrine_bolus_totalIsoproterenolIsoprotere as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10235Isoproterenol_YNIsoproterenol_inf_maxIsoproternol_bolus_totalMilrinoneMilrinone as a Y/N variable; if given as an infusion, max infusion rate for the case; if given as bolus, sum of total bolus dosesY/N, num for infusion, Num for bolusMPOG Concept: 10302Milrinone_YNMilrinone_inf_maxMilrinone_bolus_total ................
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