ICD-10-CA Reference Guide - Canadian Institute for Health Information


Reference Guide

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? 2022 Canadian Institute for Health Information

How to cite this document: Canadian Institute for Health Information. ICD-10-CA Reference Guide. Ottawa, ON: CIHI; 2022.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en fran?ais sous le titre Guide de r?f?rence de la CIM-10-CA.

ICD-10-CA Reference Guide


The ICD-10-CA Reference Guide was developed by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). It provides a list of common terms used to describe diseases and health conditions that are often encountered in long-term care and home care settings, along with their corresponding ICD-10-CA codes. The codes in this reference guide represent a small subset of codes in the complete 2022 version of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision, Canada (ICD-10-CA). For a complete list of all diseases and health conditions (with additional specificity) not included in this reference guide, CIHI recommends that users refer to the full classification.


The purpose of this document is to assist RAI assessors in completing Section I2: Other Diseases Diagnoses of the interRAI Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF) or Section I2: Other Diseases Diagnoses of the interRAI Home Care (HC). This document is not intended to be used as a pick-list for a vendor assessment solution. When completing interRAI assessments, the level of specificity, as well as the application of ICD-10-CA coding conventions and standards, used in acute and ambulatory patient-level abstracting is not required. This document was designed to help assessors find appropriate ICD-10-CA codes to document the presence of any diseases or other conditions relevant to the person's current health status that are not listed in Section I1: Disease Diagnoses of the interRAI LTCF or interRAI HC.

New for 2022

ICD-10-CA codes related to the COVID-19 pandemic have been added (see Table 12).


ICD-10-CA Reference Guide

Table 1 Neurological diseases and conditions

Terms ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, Charcot's disease, motor neuron disease Bell's palsy, facial palsy Brain cancer (primary) Brain injury, late effect Cauda equina syndrome Cerebral palsy Epilepsy

Huntington's disease, chorea Hydrocephalus Lewy body disease

Migraine Myasthenia gravis Parkinson's disease Peripheral neuropathy Pick's disease Post-polio syndrome Seizure disorder Transischemic attack, transient ischemic attack, TIA

ICD-10-CA code Code title


Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

G51.0 C71.9 T90.5 G83.4 G80.9 G40.10

G10 G91.9 G31.8

G43.9 G70.0 G20 G62.9 G31.00 G14 R56.80 G45.9

Bell's palsy Malignant neoplasm of brain unspecified Sequelae of intracranial injury Cauda equina syndrome Cerebral palsy, unspecified Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with simple partial seizures, not stated as intractable Huntington's disease Hydrocephalus, unspecified Other specified degenerative diseases of nervous system Migraine, unspecified Myasthenia gravis Parkinson's disease Polyneuropathy, unspecified Pick's disease Postpolio syndrome Seizure disorder, so described Transient cerebral ischaemic attack, unspecified


ICD-10-CA Reference Guide

Table 2 Eye diseases and conditions

Terms Blindness in both eyes Cataracts Diabetic retinopathy Glaucoma Macular degeneration

ICD-10-CA code

H54.0 H25.9 H36.0 H40.9 H35.3

Code title

Blindness, binocular Senile cataract, unspecified Diabetic retinopathy Glaucoma, unspecified Degeneration of macula and posterior pole

Table 3 Pulmonary diseases and conditions

Terms Asthma Common cold Cystic fibrosis Emphysema Flu, influenza

ICD-10-CA code

J45.90 J00 E84.9 J43.9 J11.1

Lung cancer


Obstructive sleep apnea G47.30

Pleural effusion


Aspiration pneumonia J69.0

Pulmonary edema,



Pulmonary fibrosis





Code title

Asthma, unspecified, without stated status asthmaticus Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] Cystic fibrosis, unspecified Emphysema, unspecified Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, virus not identified Malignant neoplasm bronchus or lung, unspecified, unspecified side Sleep apnoea, obstructed Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified Pneumonitis due to food and vomit Pulmonary oedema

Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis Other secondary pulmonary hypertension


ICD-10-CA Reference Guide

Table 4 Cardiac and circulatory diseases and conditions

Terms Angina, cardiac chest pain Abdominal aortic aneurysm, dilation, AAA Aortic valve disorder Arrhythmia Atrial fibrillation Cardioverter, defibrillator Coronary angioplasty, presence of coronary stent, post-angioplasty Deep vein thrombosis, DVT

Hypertension Hypotension Lymphedema Mitral valve disorder Pacemaker Peripheral vascular disease, not specified as diabetic Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) due to diabetes with gangrene Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis

Venous insufficiency

ICD-10-CA code

I20.9 I71.4

I35.9 I49.9 I48.90 Z95.01 Z95.5


I10.0 I95.9 I89.0 I34.9 Z95.00 I73.9




Code title

Angina pectoris, unspecified Abdominal aortic aneurysm, without mention of rupture Aortic valve disorder, unspecified Cardiac arrhythmia, unspecified Atrial fibrillation, unspecified Presence of cardioverter/defibrillator Presence of coronary angioplasty implant and graft Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of other deep vessels of lower extremities Benign hypertension Hypotension, unspecified Lymphoedema, not elsewhere classified Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorder, unspecified Presence of cardiac pacemaker Peripheral vascular disease, unspecified

Unspecified diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy with gangrene Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of unspecified site Venous insufficiency (chronic) (peripheral)


ICD-10-CA Reference Guide

Table 5 Gastrointestinal diseases and conditions

Terms Celiac disease C. difficile infection, enterocolitis Colon cancer, large intestine Alcoholic cirrhosis Diverticulitis

ICD-10-CA code

K90.0 A04.7

C18.9 K70.3 K57.9

Esophageal stenosis, stricture Gastroenteritis Hemorrhoids Chronic hepatitis Hernia, abdominal, ventral

K22.2 A09.9 K64.9 K73.9 K46.9

Hernia, hiatal Hernia, inguinal

K44.9 K40.9

Irritable bowel syndrome, IBS Liver cancer Liver disease Rectal prolapse

K58.8 C22.9 K76.9 K62.3

Code title

Coeliac disease Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile

Malignant neoplasm colon, unspecified Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver Diverticular disease of intestine, part unspecified, without perforation or abscess Oesophageal obstruction Gastroenteritis and colitis of unspecified origin Haemorrhoids, unspecified Chronic hepatitis, unspecified Unspecified abdominal hernia without obstruction or gangrene Diaphragmatic hernia without obstruction or gangrene Unilateral or unspecified inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene Other and unspecified irritable bowel syndrome Malignant neoplasm of liver unspecified Liver disease, unspecified Rectal prolapse

Table 6 Metabolic/endocrine diseases and conditions

Terms Cachexia, adult failure to thrive Diabetes type 1

Diabetes type 2

Goitre Hemochromatosis Hypercholesteremia, high cholesterol

ICD-10-CA code




E04.9 E83.10 E78.0

Code title


Type 1 diabetes mellitus without (mention of) complication Type 2 diabetes mellitus without (mention of) complications Nontoxic goitre, unspecified Haemochromatosis Pure hypercholesterolaemia


ICD-10-CA Reference Guide


ICD-10-CA code

Hypoglycemia, low blood sugar E16.2



Hypothyroidism, myoedema E03.9

Hyperkalemia, high potassium E87.5

Hypokalemia, low potassium, E87.6 potassium deficiency



PKU, phenylketonuria


Code title

Hypoglycemia, unspecified Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified Hypothyroidism, unspecified Hyperkalaemia Hypokalaemia

Obesity, unspecified Classical phenylketonuria

Table 7 Musculoskeletal diseases and conditions


ICD-10-CA code

Amputee (leg), loss of limb (post-traumatic/-operative)


Arthritis, osteoarthritis, OA (knee) M17.9

Arthritis, osteoarthritis OA (hip) M16.9

Arthritis, osteoarthritis, OA (general)


Degenerative disc disease


(thoracic, lumbar or sacral areas)

Degenerative disc disease (cervical)




Lupus, systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE


Muscular dystrophy




Osteomyelitis, bone infection


Prosthetic knee, knee replacement Z96.61

Prosthetic hip, hip replacement Z96.60

Restless leg syndrome


Rotator cuff syndrome Rheumatoid arthritis

M75.1 M06.9

Code title

Acquired absence of leg above knee

Gonarthrosis, unspecified Coxarthrosis, unspecified Arthrosis, unspecified

Other specified intervertebral disc degeneration

Other cervical disc degeneration

Fibromyalgia Systemic lupus erythematosus, unspecified

Muscular dystrophy Osteoporosis, unspecified Osteomyelitis, unspecified, unspecified site Presence of artificial knee Presence of artificial hip Other specified extrapyramidal and movement disorders Rotator cuff syndrome Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified



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