HIPAA 2 – Version 5010 and ICD-10




Business Owner – Medical Assistance Division

Project Manager – Liz Shaw

Original Plan Date: May 18, 2009

Revision Date:

Revision: 1.0

Revision History iii

1.0 Project Overview 1

1.1 Executive Summary- rationale for the Project 1

1.2 funding and sources 1

1.3 constraints 1

1.4 dependencies 2


1.6 Initial Project Risks Identified 2

2.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure 3

2.1 Stakeholders 3

2.2 Project Governance Structure 4

2.2.1 Human Services Department Organization Chart 4

2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee 4

2.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, interfaces and responsibilities 5

2.3 Executive Reporting 5

3.0 Scope 6

3.1 Project Objectives 6

3.1.1 Business Objectives 6

3.1.2 Technical Objectives 6

3.2 Project exclusions 7

3.3 Critical Success Factors 7

4.0 Project Deliverables and methodology 7

4.1 Project Management Life Cycle 7

4.1.1 Project Management Deliverables 8

4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations 9

4.1.3 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure 9


4.2.1 Technical Strategy 10

4.2.2 Product and Product Development Deliverables 10

4.2.3 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations 10

4.2.4 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure 11

5.0 Project Work 11

5.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 11

5.2 Schedule allocation -Project Timeline 12

5.3 Project Budget 13

5.4 Project Team 13

5.4.1 Project Team Organizational Structure 13

5.4.2 Project Team Roles and Responsibilities 14


5.5.1 Project Staff 16

5.5.2 Non-Personnel resources 16


5.6.1 Project Team Training 16

6.0 Project Management and Controls 16

6.1 Risk and issue Management 16

6.1.1 Risk Management Strategy 17

6.1.2 Project Risk Identification 17

6.1.3 Project Risk Mitigation Approach 17

6.1.4 Risk Reporting and Escalation Strategy 17

6.1.5 Project Risk Tracking Approach 17


6.2 INDEPENDENT Verification And Validation - Iv&V 17

6.3 Scope Management Plan 17

6.3.1 Change Control 18

6.4 Project Budget Management 18

6.4.1 Budget Tracking 18

6.5 Communication Plan 18

6.5.1 Communication Matrix 18

6.5.2 Status Meetings 18

6.5.3 Project Status Reports 18


6.6.1 Baselines 18

6.6.2 Metrics Library 19


6.7.1 quality Standards 19

6.7.2 Project and Product Review AND ASSESSMENTS 19

6.7.3 Agency/Customer Satisfaction 19



6.8.1 Version Control 19

6.8.2 Project Repository (Project Library) 19


7. 0 Project Close 20

7.1 Administrative Close 20

7.2 Contract Close 20

Revision History


|1.0 |MAY 18, 2009 |INITIAL DRAFT |

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1.0 Project Overview

1.1 Executive Summary- rationale for the Project

In August 2005, the Medical Assistance Division of the Human Services Department contracted with Affiliated Computer Systems (ACS) for maintenance and development of enhancements of the current Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS). In January 2009, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) mandated two new rules for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Electronic Transaction Standards. One rule is to convert to ACS X12 Version 5010 and the other rule is to implement the new International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, ICD-10. The updated X12 standard, Version 5010, affects certain electronic health care transactions; provides an updated version of the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) standard for electronic pharmacy-related transactions; updated standards for claims, remittance advice, eligibility enquiries, referral authorization, and other administrative transactions; and accommodation of the ICD10 code sets, which are not supported by the current X12 standard.

1.2 funding and sources

|Source |Amount |Associated restrictions |Approvers |

|Laws of 2009, Chapter 124, |$6,737,400 (GF) |CMS approval of each project phase|CMS |

|Section 4, Human Services |$600,000 (Other state funds) |must be obtained. The approval | |

|Department, (3)(b) Medical |$19,082,100 (FF) |process uses the Advanced Planning| |

|Assistance | |Documents | |

1.3 constraints

Constraints are factors that restrict the project by scope, resource, or schedule.

|Number |Description |

|1 |Project Phase funding. CMS approval of Advanced Planning Documents, which describe the phase and its associated|

| |costs. |

|2 |The Version 5010 changes must be implemented by January 1, 2012 |

|3 |The ICD-10 code sets have a compliance date of October 1, 2013 |

1.4 dependencies

|Number |Description |Type M,D,E |

|1 |CMS approval of matching funds |External |


|Number |Description |

|1 |There will be adequate resources for the planning phase of this project, including the Project Manager, the |

| |business analysts, and the technical resources. |

|2 |The project team will have the software and reference tools they need in order to plan the changes for this |

| |project. |

|3 |NM DoIT will approve the project. |

1.6 Initial Project Risks Identified

Risk 1 - Assessment

|Description – Each area of the affected |Probability - Low |Impact - Medium |

|MMIS subsystems may not be assessed in | | |

|sufficient detail for the Implementation | | |

|Phase | | |

| |Mitigation Strategy – Sufficient peer reviews with ACS and MAD |

| |Contingency Plan - None |

Risk 2 – Loss of Key Staff

|Description – Loss of key project staff |Probability - Low |Impact - Medium |

| |Mitigation Strategy – Cross-training so that other staff can fill in as necessary |

| |Contingency Plan – Request additional resources and/or schedule changes to reduce the impact to |

| |the project |

2.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure

2.1 Stakeholders

|name |Stake in Project |Organization |Title |

|Carolyn Ingram |Executive Sponsor |HSD Medical Assistance |Director |

| | |Division (MAD) | |

|Julie Weinberg |Business Owner |HSD MAD |Deputy Director |

|Mark Pitcock |Business Owner |HSD MAD |Bureau Chief |

|Terri Gomez |Technical Sponsor |HSD Information Technology |Chief Information |

| | |Division (ITD) |Officer |

|Liz Shaw |Project Manager |HSD ITD |IT PM |

|Fasil Metike |Technical Lead |HSD ITD |Senior Software |

| | | |Developer |

2.2 Project Governance Structure

2.2.1 Human Services Department Organization Chart


2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee

|Steering Committee Member |Role |

|HSD Director, Medical Assistance |Once the project has been defined and agreed to by the Steering Committee, this person, in cooperation|

|Division |with the CIO, is responsible for overseeing the progress of the project and responding to any |

| |strategic problems as they arise |

|HSD CIO, Information Technology |Once the project has been defined and agreed to by the Steering Committee, this person, in cooperation|

|Division |with the Director, is responsible for overseeing the progress of the project and responding to any |

| |strategic problems as they arise |

|HSD Deputy Director, Medical |Once the project has been defined and agreed to by the Steering Committee, this person actively |

|Assistance Division |reviews the project’s progress and escalates any strategic problems to the HSD Director and/or HSD CIO|

|Project Manager |This person is responsible for developing, in concurrence with the Project Steering Committee, a |

| |project definition. The Project Manager then actively reviews the project’s progress and escalates |

| |any strategic problems to the HSD Director and/or HSD CIO |

|Bureau Chief, Medical Assistance |This person is responsible for developing, in concurrence with the Project Steering Committee, a |

|Division |project definition. The Medical Assistance Division Bureau Chief then actively reviews the project’s |

| |progress and escalates any strategic problems to the HSD Director and/or HSD CIO |

2.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, interfaces and responsibilities

HSD will interface with ACS as it currently does for the MMIS maintenance and operations contract.

2.3 Executive Reporting

Communications with the various Executives occur as per the Communications Matrix:

|Audience |Frequency | Mode of Communication |

|HIPAA 2 – Version 5010 and ICD10 |Monthly |Written |

|Executive Steering Committee | |Face-to-Face |

|NM DOIT |As Requested |Written |

| | |Face-to-Face |

|HIPAA 2 – Version 5010 & ICD10 Project |Weekly |Conference Call |

|Team | |Face-to-Face |

3.0 Scope

3.1 Project Objectives

3.1.1 Business Objectives

|Number |Description |

|Business Objective 1 |Replace the ICD-9-CM code set now used to report health care diagnoses and procedures with the |

| |ICD-10 code sets, with a compliance date of October 1, 2013. |

|Business Objective 2 |Adopt the updated X12 standard, Version 5010 for certain electronic health care transactions, with |

| |a compliance date of January 1, 2012 |

|Business Objective 3 |Update the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) standard, Version D.0, for |

| |electronic pharmacy-related transactions, with a compliance date of January 1, 2012 |

|Business Objective 4 |Adopt the updated X12 standard, Version 5010 for Medicaid pharmacy subrogation transactions, with a|

| |compliance date of January 1, 2012 |

|Business Objective 5 |Update the standards for claims, remittance advice, eligibility enquiries, referral authorization, |

| |and other administrative transactions, with a compliance date of January 1, 2012 |

3.1.2 Technical Objectives

HSD must convert two systems: Omnicaid (claims adjudication) and the Transaction Interface Exchange (messaging middleware). The transactions that will be assessed include:

|Number |Description |

|Technical Objective 1 |837 Professional for claims and encounters |

|Technical Objective 2 |837 Institutional for claims and encounters |

|Technical Objective 3 |837 Dental for claims and encounters |

|Technical Objective 4 |270 Eligibility Request |

|Technical Objective 5 |271 Eligibility Response |

|Technical Objective 6 |276 Claims Status Inquiry |

|Technical Objective 7 |277 Claims Status Response |

|Technical Objective 8 |820 Billing Remittance Advice |

|Technical Objective 9 |835 Remittance Advice |

|Technical Objective 10 |834 Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance Transaction |

|Technical Objective 11 |NCPDP transactions |

3.2 Project exclusions


3.3 Critical Success Factors

|Number |Description |

|Quality Metric 1 |Thorough analysis of all affected MMIS subsystems |

| |Additional Quality Metrics will be described for the Implementation Phase |

4.0 Project Deliverables and methodology

4.1 Project Management Life Cycle

|Phase |Summary of Phase |Key Deliverables |

|Planning |The MMIS subsystems, including TIE, will be evaluated |Requirements Analysis Document |

| |for the changes that will be necessary for this project|High Level Project Plan |

| | |Project Management Plan |

| | |Detailed Project Work Plan |

| | |Assessment Report |

|Implementation |Software changes will be made to the MMIS subsystems, |Coding, configuration and end-to-end testing |

| |tested, and then put into Production |Fully executed IV&V contracts |

| | |System testing |

| | |Risk Management |

| | |Issues Management |

|Closeout |All project payments will be made |Project documentation |

| | |IV&V reports |

| | |Lessons Learned |

| | |Project Closeout Report |

4.1.1 Project Management Deliverables High Level Project Plan

|Description – An accepted document used to show |Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – The document should indicate the major project |

|the overall project scope and schedule |steps and estimated milestones |

| |Standards for Content and Format – The document should be written in Microsoft Word|

| |Quality Review – The document will be reviewed and approved by HSD/MAD and HSD/ITD |

| | | Project Management Plan

|Description – Explanation of scope, overall |Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – The document should contain all of the sections |

|strategy, project organization, and project |in the Description, plus it should describe the project close and include a |

|management and controls |glossary |

| |Standards for Content and Format – The document should be written using the PMP |

| |template provided by NM DOIT |

| |Quality Review – The document will be reviewed and approved by HSD/MAD and HSD/ITD | Detailed Project Work Plan

|Description – Detailed work plan showing phases, |Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – The document should indicate for each item: |

|milestones, and deliverables |duration, percent work complete, and start and finish dates |

| |Standards for Content and Format – The document should be written using Microsoft |

| |Project |

| |Quality Review – The document will be reviewed and approved by HSD/MAD and HSD/ITD |

| |Quality Review – The document will be reviewed and approved by HSD/MAD and HSD/ITD |

4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations

|Deliverable Number |Deliverable |Approvers (Who can approve) |Date Approved |

|PRJ-DEL-001 |High Level Project Plan |ITD PM, MAD Bureau Chief | |

|PRJ-DEL-002 |Project Management Plan |ITD PM, MAD Bureau Chief | |

|PRJ-DEL-003 |Detailed Project Work Plan |ITD PM, MAD Bureau Chief | |

4.1.3 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure

Formal acceptance of the contractor-provided deliverables will consist of a signed cover sheet faxed to ACS. The timeframe for this is approximately 5 business days after the State receives the deliverable. If rework is required, ACS will make changes to the documents and re-submit to the State.


“During the project management lifecycle, agencies shall select and implement a phase product development lifecycle methodology approved by the Department.” PROJECT OVERSIGHT PROCESS Memorandum

|Phase |Summary of Phase |Key Deliverables |

|Define |N/A for this project. CMS requires that the |N/A |

| |requirements be completed as part of the | |

| |Planning Phase | |

|Design |Provide specifications for all the changes |Design documents |

| |needed for the subsystems |Test Plans |

|Build |Develop and implement the software changes |Unit and system tested subsystems |

| | |Test Results |

|Deployment |Software changes loaded into Production |System Incident Reporting |

4.2.1 Technical Strategy

The essential technical strategy is based on two approaches: write the code changes to TIE and Omnicaid simultaneously to adhere to the new federal requirements and then test on an end-to-end basis.

4.2.2 Product and Product Development Deliverables Processing Functions in Omnicaid And TIE Systems That Adhere to the Version 5010 and ICD-10 Specifications

|Description – Documentation of coding and |Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – End-to-end tested claims processing |

|configuration changes to Omnicaid and TIE to | |

|enable both systems to process HIPAA standard | |

|transactions according to the Version 5010 and | |

|ICD-10 specifications | |

| |Standards for Content and Format – Data files as transmitted through both systems |

| |Quality Review – Approval to be determined by Medical Assistance Division |

| |management |

4.2.3 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations

The following deliverables are listed as initial deliverables. These will be modified based upon continued review of coding and configuration efforts by ITD and MAD management.

|Deliverable Number |Deliverable |Approvers (Who can approve) |Date Approved |

|1 |Project Management Plan (PMP) |ITD |5/20/2009 |

|2 |Assessment of Version 5010 and ICD-10 coding changes |MAD | |

| |in Omnicaid | | |

|3 |Assessment of Version 5010 and ICD-10 coding changes |ITD | |

| |in TIE | | |

|4 |Implementation Coding |MAD & ITD | |

|5 |Implementation Configuration |MAD & ITD | |

|6 |Testing and confirmation of functionality |MAD & ITD | |

4.2.4 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure

Omnicaid deliverables will be accepted based on confirmation of performance by MAD staff. TIE deliverables will be accepted based on confirmation of performance by the ITD Application Services Bureau. End-to-end confirmation of performance will be accepted based on MAD review of performance and compliance.

5.0 Project Work

5.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

The following is the high level initial WBS planned for the change process to both systems, using a deliverables-based structure. The final WBS will be due from the vendor upon receipt of conditions for funding approval by CMS.

Planning Scope Plan

Vendor to develop draft Project Scope Document, Project Schedule, draft Project Management Plan and draft Requirements Analysis Document

HSD to review draft Project Scope document, draft Project Schedule, Project Management Plan, Requirements Analysis Document, and Assessment Report

Both vendor and HSD edit draft Project Scope document, Project Schedule, Project Management Plan, and Requirements Analysis Document

Vendor delivers Project Scope, Project Schedule, Project Management Plan, Requirements Analysis Document, and Assessment Report

Implementation Scope Plan

Vendor to develop draft Implementation Scope Document

HSD to review draft Implementation Scope Document

Both vendor and HSD edit draft Implementation Scope Document

Vendor delivers draft Implementation Scope Document

High Level Implementation Work Plan

Vendor creates draft High Level Implementation Work Plan

HSD reviews draft High Level Implementation Work Plan

Both vendor and HSD edit draft High Level Implementation Work Plan

Vendor delivers High Level Implementation Work Plan


MAD and vendor coordinate coding of Omnicaid system

ITD codes TIE system

Unit Testing

Both ITD and MAD coordinate system testing within each organization

End-to-End Testing

ITD and MAD coordinate with Vendor to complete end-to-end testing of both systems

Project Closeout

System documentation

Lessons Learned process

Project sign-off by HSD

5.2 Schedule allocation -Project Timeline

|Date |Activities |Organization(s) |

|December 2008 to March 2009|Vendor develops a scope document for HSD to determine the work required to modify |ACS |

| |the NM MMIS to meet Version 5010 and ICD-10 rules. | |

|December 2008 to March 2009|Develop Planning Advanced Planning Document to request Federal Funding Match by CMS.|HSD |

|March 2009 to May 2009 |CMS Reviews Planning APD and determines approval. |CMS |

|May 2009 |NM Project Certification Commission determines certification of planning phase. |PCC |

|May 2009 |CMS determines approval of Planning APD. |CMS |

|July 2009 to December 2009 |Vendor Team performs assessment of system. |Vendor |

|December 2009 to January |Evaluate initial results from assessment to establish Implementation Advanced |HSD |

|2010 |Planning Document. | |

|February 2010 |Implementation APD is submitted to CMS. |HSD |

|February 2010 |Project Management Plan and System Architecture are submitted to Architecture |HSD |

| |Committee for approval. | |

|April 2010 |CMS Reviews Implementation APD and determines approval. |CMS |

|April 2010 to October 2013 |Implementation work starts and continues to April 2011. |HSD |

|December 2013 |NM PCC determines approval of Closeout Phase |PCC |

5.3 Project Budget

|Phase / Activity |Associated Deliverables |Estimated Budget |

|Phase 1 |Requirements Analysis Document |$743,072 |

|Project Preparation & |High Level Project Plan | |

|Planning |Project Management Plan | |

| |Detailed Project Work Plan | |

| |Assessment Report | |

|Phase 2 |Coding, configuration and end-to-end testing |To be determined |

|Implementation |Fully executed IV&V contracts | |

| |System testing | |

| |Risk Management | |

| |Issues Management | |

|Phase 3 |Project documentation |To be determined |

|Project Closing |IV&V reports | |

| |Lessons Learned | |

| |Project Closeout Report | |

|TOTALS | | |

5.4 Project Team

5.4.1 Project Team Organizational Structure

For the Organizational Chart, see Section 2.2.1.

5.4.2 Project Team Roles and Responsibilities

|Role |Responsibility |Name |Functional Area |

|Project Steering Committee |Provide strategic direction |Carolyn Ingram |HSD MAD and HSD ITD |

| |Advise project on policy issues |Terri Gomez | |

| |Resolve inter-divisional issues |Julie Weinberg | |

| |Ensure involvement of participants in order to |Mark Pitcock | |

| |meet deadlines |Liz Shaw | |

| |Meet on a monthly basis | | |

| |Guide overall project | | |

|Project Manager |Provide contract and vendor oversight |Liz Shaw |HSD ITD |

| |Provide and publish project tracking | | |

| |Report to Project Steering Committee on a | | |

| |monthly basis on project status, issues, and | | |

| |activities | | |

| |Ensure mitigation of project issues and risks | | |

| |Assure Vendor deliverables meet the business | | |

| |and system requirements | | |

| |Ensure seamless communication with the Project | | |

| |Business Lead | | |

|Project Business Lead |Ensure business needs are met |Mark Pitcock |HSD MAD |

| |Collaborate with the Project Manager on Project| | |

| |Steering Committee meeting agendas and meeting | | |

| |materials | | |

| |Lead in requirements gathering | | |

| |Assure Vendor deliverables meet the business | | |

| |requirements | | |

| |Ensure mitigation of project issues and risks | | |

|System Engineer |Translate business requirements into technical |Vendor |Vendor |

| |requirements |Fasil Metike |HSD ITD |

| |Develop the system and subsystem design |Cody Misplay |HSD ITD |

| |Create the general system and subsystem and |Tom Sata |HSD ITD |

| |other technical features of the Implementation | | |

| |Advanced Planning Document | | |

|Business Analyst |Participate in system analysis, design, |Vendor |Vendor |

| |development, test, and implementation tasks |Chris Pruett |HSD MAD |

| |Participate in other project activities as |Darlene Martinez |HSD MAD |

| |required | | |

|IV&V Team |Deliver IV&V services as per contract |TBD |Contractor |


5.5.1 Project Staff

Planning Phase

Resource |Cost Estimate |Estimated Hours |Availability |Skill Set |Work Product/Deliverable | |HSD MAD and ITD personnel |$21,475 |430 | |IT PM, SME, Business Analysts, Programmers |See Section | |Vendor services |$721,597 |3065 | |IT PM, Business Analysts, Programmers |See Section | |5.5.2 Non-Personnel resources

There are no Non-Personnel Resources for the Planning Phase


The team will use biweekly teleconference meetings to communicate issues and organize resources. This will continue until communication needs require more frequent or involved communications.

5.6.1 Project Team Training

The Planning Phase will not require any training.

6.0 Project Management and Controls

6.1 Risk and issue Management


Risk: “An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project’s objectives.”

Issue: “A point or matter in question or dispute, or a point or matter that is not settled and is under discussion or over which there are opposing views or disagreements.”

Both Risks and Issues can significant impact a project’s success, and both should be handled in similar ways.

6.1.1 Risk Management Strategy

Risk management related to this project is addressed as follows:

6.1.2 Project Risk Identification

Risks are to be identified through staff reporting of issues identified in the coding process.

Risks identified will be collected at the project management level and assessed.

6.1.3 Project Risk Mitigation Approach

Mitigation of risks will be addressed with HSD management to determine policy, legal, and resource based approaches.

6.1.4 Risk Reporting and Escalation Strategy

Risk reporting and escalation will follow the current management structure in place at HSD. This will include reporting issues to various management (bureau chiefs or team leads) and escalating appropriately to the CIO level.

6.1.5 Project Risk Tracking Approach

Risks will be reported and tracked on the risk management matrix.

6.1.6 ISSUE MANAGEMENT Internal Issue Escalation and Resolution Process

The HSD ITD Project Management Bureau is responsible for addressing escalation of issues to the proper management levels. Senior HSD management is responsible for resolving that cannot be resolved at the bureau level. External Issue Escalation and Resolution Process

HSD Senior Management is responsible for addressing external issues that may impact other state departments.

6.2 INDEPENDENT Verification And Validation - Iv&V

This section will be updated for the Implementation Phase.

6.3 Scope Management Plan

The scope of this project is essentially a change request to change both Omnicaid and TIE to adhere to the Version 5010 and ICD10 requirements. Federal funding, state requirements, ad the set federal deadlines prevent scope enhancements.

6.3.1 Change Control Change Control Process

The requirements related to Version 5010 and ICD10 are specific in terms of date and regulatory requirements. Changes related to technical processing or administration will be addressed at the Project Management Bureau level and Divisional management level. Change Control Board (CCB)

Change control is governed by HSD Divisional management.

6.4 Project Budget Management

6.4.1 Budget Tracking

Budget tracking will be maintained by the Information Technology Division.

6.5 Communication Plan

6.5.1 Communication Matrix

Communication channels follow the current contractual and internal HSD channels.

6.5.2 Status Meetings

Status meetings will be held bi-weekly. Other standard management meetings report results as needed to senior management.

6.5.3 Project Status Reports

Federal approval may require a specific set of project status reports. If no new formats are required, then status reports will follow internal HSD guidelines.


6.6.1 Baselines

Project plans will be baselined to establish progress and performance. This will include schedule. Budget baselines (over or under budget requirements) will be managed in the HSD budget system.

6.6.2 Metrics Library

Metrics may be collected and recorded in the project documentation library.


6.7.1 quality Standards

IEEE STD 730.1-1995 (IEEE Guide to Software Quality Assurance Planning)

IEEE STD 730-1998 (IEEE Guide to Software Quality Assurance Plans

IEEE STD 1008-1987 (IEEE Standard for Software Unit Testing)

6.7.2 Project and Product Review AND ASSESSMENTS

A project memo will be created and delivered to the Vendor. The memo will contain various tasks that must be performed in order to complete the project. These items will be converted to specific deliverables to be presented to HSD or payment upon completion and acceptance. In general, when deliverables are completed, they will be documented on paper and electronic formats. Each deliverable will be forwarded to HSD ITD to support completion and documentation of delivery.

6.7.3 Agency/Customer Satisfaction

Accurate processing of transactions and claims that use the Version 5010 and ICD10 features.


Described in Section 6.7.2 above.


6.8.1 Version Control

The project will rely on Vendor and Division approaches for version control.

6.8.2 Project Repository (Project Library)

Project documents will be retained per HSD ITD procedures.


No procurements will be needed for the Planning Phase.

7. 0 Project Close

7.1 Administrative Close

The administrative close of the planning phase will be managed per HSD processes.

7.2 Contract Close

Contract closure will be managed per HSD procedures and federal document requirements.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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