Icd 10 code for old compression fracture lumbar spine


Icd 10 code for old compression fracture lumbar spine

The type of fracture in the spine that is typically caused by osteoporosis is generally referred to as a compression fracture. A compression fracture is usually defined as a vertebral bone in the spine that has decreased at least 15 to 20% in height due to fracture. Watch: Spinal Compression Fracture Video These compression fractures can occur in vertebrae anywhere in the spine, but they tend to occur most commonly in the upper back (thoracic spine), particularly in the lower vertebrae of that section of the spine (e.g. T10, T11, T12). They rarely occur above the T7 level of the spine. They often occur in the upper lumbar segments as well, such as L1. This article provides in-depth information on vertebral compression fractures, including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments. Types of Fracture A spinal fracture due to osteoporosis (weak bones) is commonly referred to as a compression fracture, but can also be called a vertebral fracture, osteoporotic fracture, or wedge fracture. The term "wedge fracture" is used because the fracture usually occurs in the front of the vertebra, collapsing the bone in the front of the spine and leaving the back of the same bone unchanged. This process results in a wedge-shaped vertebra. A wedge compression fracture is generally a mechanically stable fracture pattern. advertisement While wedge fractures are the most common type of compression fracture, there are other types as well, such as: Crush fracture. If the entire bone breaks, rather than just the front of the vertebra, it may be called a crush fracture. Burst fracture. This type of fracture involves some loss of the height in both the front and back walls of the vertebral body (rather than just the front of the vertebra). Making this distinction is important because burst fractures can be unstable and result in progressive deformity or neurologic compromise. Compression Fracture Symptoms Vertebral fractures are usually followed by acute back pain, and may lead to chronic pain, deformity (thoracic kyphosis, commonly referred to as a dowager's hump), loss of height, crowding of internal organs, and loss of muscle and aerobic conditioning due to lack of activity and exercise. A combination of the above problems from vertebral fractures can also lead to changes in the individual's self-image, which in turn can adversely affect self-esteem and ability to carry on the activities of daily living. Because the majority of damage is limited to the front of the vertebral column, the fracture is usually stable and rarely associated with any nerve or spinal cord damage. advertisement Spinal compression fractures that occur as a result of osteoporosis are actually quite common, occurring in approximately 700,000 people in the U.S. each year.1,2 See What You Need to Know About Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is especially common in postmenopausal women. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 25% of all postmenopausal women in the United States have had a vertebral compression fracture.3 See Signs and Complications of Osteoporosis While osteoporosis is far more prevalent in women - approximately four times as many women have low bone mass or osteoporosis as men - it still occurs in men. As many as 25% of men over age 50 will suffer a bone fracture (e.g. hip or spine) due to osteoporosis.4 See Osteoporosis in Men The problem is that the fracture is not always recognized or accurately diagnosed - instead, the patient's pain is often just thought of as general back pain, such as from a muscle strain or other soft tissue injury, or as a common part of aging. As a result, approximately two thirds of the vertebral fractures that occur each year are not diagnosed and therefore not treated. Patients with fractures of the thoracic and lumbar spine that have been caused by trauma need emergency treatment. It may be difficult to assess the extent of their injuries on first evaluation. At the accident scene, EMS rescue workers will first check the patient's vital signs, including consciousness, ability to breathe, and heart rate. After the vital signs are stabilized, rescue workers will assess obvious bleeding and limb-deforming injuries. Before moving the patient, the EMS team must immobilize the individual in a cervical (neck) collar and backboard. The trauma team will perform a complete and thorough evaluation in the hospital emergency room. The emergency room doctor will conduct a thorough evaluation, beginning with a head-to-toe physical examination of the patient. This will include an inspection of the head, chest, abdomen, pelvis, limbs, and spine. The doctor will evaluate the patient's neurological status. This includes testing his or her ability to move, feel, and sense the position of all the limbs. The patient's reflexes will also be tested to help determine whether there has been an injury to the spinal cord or individual nerves. The doctor may also check the tone of the anal muscles and determine whether the patient is able to empty his or her bladder without assistance. Problems with bowel and bladder function may indicate a more serious spinal cord injury. Tests Imaging tests. After the physical examination, a radiologic evaluation is required. Depending on the extent of injuries, this may include x-rays, computerized tomography (CT) scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of multiple areas, including the thoracic and lumbar spine. The (or "vertebral bodies") are the bones that form the spinal column. A compression fracture of the spine describes a collapse of one or more of these bones. How Do Compression Fractures of the Spine Happen? Anyone can get a compression fracture of the spine from a serious fall or car accident. People with weakened bones can get them from a minor fall or without any trauma at all. Medical problems that cause weakened bones include and osteogenesis imperfecta. What Are the Signs & Symptoms of a Compression Fracture of the Spine? Someone with a compression fracture of the spine may have pain that happens right after an injury. Or they might notice back pain that seems to start without a known cause, but doesn't go away. Sometimes people with a compression fracture of the spine do not have any pain at all. Over time, a compression fracture can lead to loss of height and curving of the spine. How Are Compression Fractures of the Spine Diagnosed? To diagnose a compression fracture, health care providers talk to patients about their symptoms, do a physical exam, and get X-rays. Sometimes other imaging tests, like a CT scan or MRI, are done to get more information about the fracture and the areas around it. A bone density test may be done to learn more about the strength of the bones. How Are Compression Fractures of the Spine Treated? Treatment for a compression fracture of the spine depends on how severe it is and if there are other medical problems. Treatments may include: rest a back brace pain medicine physical therapy to strengthen the muscles that support the spine medicines, if there is a health problem causing weak bones surgery When Should I Call the Doctor? Call your health care provider right away if your child has: severe back pain that does not go away after taking pain medicines loss of feeling or "pins and needles" in the legs or feet trouble controlling his or her bladder or bowels Looking Ahead How a child heals from a compression fracture depends on how severe it is and what caused it. Help your child get the best result by going to all follow-up doctor visits, giving medicines as directed, and following instructions about which activities are OK and which to avoid. Reviewed by: Jeanne M. Franzone, MD Date reviewed: November 2018 A spinal compression fracture occurs when the vertebral body in the front of your spine gets compressed due to axial loading. Underlying medical conditions, such as osteoporosis and spinal tumors are common causes for these fractures.1 A spinal fracture may also be referred to as a vertebral fracture, osteoporotic fracture, or wedge fracture. Watch: Spinal Compression Fracture Video This blog highlights the essentials of spinal compression fractures and how they can contribute to middle or lower back pain. Spinal compression fractures can be spontaneous. Conditions such as osteoporosis or spinal tumors can weaken the vertebrae in your spine. Once the bone has weakened, it may no longer be able to support your spinal column as you go about your daily activities. In these cases, compression fractures may occur spontaneously when you perform everyday activities, such as2: Opening a window Coughing or sneezing Lying in bed Osteoporotic compression fractures can become recurrent, affecting several vertebrae after the first incident.3 It is also possible for compressive spinal fractures to occur as a result of high energy trauma, such as from falls or motor vehicle accidents.3 See When Back Pain Is a Spine Compression Fracture advertisement While a compression fracture can occur anywhere along your spine, the most common areas are in the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. 60% to 75% of vertebral compression fractures typically occur at the T12 to L2 vertebral levels--your middle back area.3 30% of vertebral compression fractures may occur at the L2 to L5 vertebral levels--your lower back area.3 These fractures are relatively rare in the neck or upper back. A compression fracture often results in a wedge-shaped vertebral body. This shape is the result of the front of the vertebral bone collapsing (or compressing), while the back of the bone remains unchanged.3 Watch Spine Anatomy Overview Video Spinal compression fractures may cause localized or radiating pain. Pain and dysfunction from spinal compression fractures typically depend on the number of vertebrae affected and the involvement of any surrounding nervous tissue. Compression of the vertebra(e) typically causes1: A dull, deep ache in the region of the fracture. Increased pain when the area of the fracture is touched or gently pressed. Sudden pain when you take a deep breath, cough, sneeze, and/or move your spine in certain directions. If the fracture occurs from a traumatic injury, the skin over the affected vertebra may appear red. If the compressed vertebra impinges on a nearby spinal nerve root, one or more of the following additional symptoms and signs may occur1: A sharp, severe, stabbing pain at the region of the fracture Shooting pain that radiates into the arm(s) or leg(s) Difficulty in walking Read more about Vertebral Fracture Symptoms In severe cases, vertebral compression fractures may cause complications related to the spinal cord. advertisement Compression fractures of the spine are typically treated with rest, bracing, heat and/or cold therapy and pain-relieving medication.1 In more severe cases, compression fractures are treated with kyphoplasty, which is a minimally invasive procedure. See Compression Fracture Treatment If you experience any of the above symptoms or suspect a spinal compression fracture, consult a doctor for a complete diagnostic check-up and treatment. A doctor can help conduct the necessary medical tests and formulate an accurate treatment plan for your compression fracture. Learn more: Diagnosing Vertebral Compression Fractures Multiple Compression Fractures

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