Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

|B1 - What is the additional diagnostic value of the following diagnostic investigations to history taking and physical examination in infants and children 0-18 yrs with a suspicion of GERD? |

|Study |Population |

|Boix-Ochoa (1980)(1) |Patients |

|Cucchiara (1993) (5) |Patients |

|Patra (2011)(7) |Patients |

|Arasu (1980)(8) |Patients |

|Farhath (2013)(9) |

|B2 - What is the most effective and safe non-pharmacological treatment option on the reduction of signs and symptoms of GERD, when compared to no treatment, placebo, or alternative non-pharmacological treatment? |

|Author |

|Vander Hoof |

|(2003) (10) |

|Loots (2014) (24) |

|Neu, 2014 |

|B3 – What is the most effective and safe pharmacological treatment option of GERD, when compared to no treatment, placebo, non-pharmacological treatment or alternative pharmacological treatment? |

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|B3.1 - Anti-acids and alginates |

|Author |

|Miller (1999) (25) |

|Ummarino (2015) (18) |

|B3.2 - PPIs |

|Author |

|Orenstein (2009) (26) |

|Loots (2014) (27) |

|Hussain (2014) (30) |

|Moore (2003) (31) |

|Winter (2010) (32) |

|Ummarino, 2012 |

|Loots, 2014 |

|Khoshoo, 2007 |

|B3.3 – H2RAs |

|Author |

|Orenstein (2002) (33) |

|Cucchiara (1989) (34) |

|Simeone (1997) (35) |

|Oderda (1990) (36) |

|Martin (1989) (38) |

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|B3.4 - Prokinetics |

|Author |

|Omari (2006) (39) |

|DeLoore (1997) (40) |

|Bellissant (1997) (42) |

|DeLoore (1997) (40) |

|B4 – What is the prognosis of GERD in infants and children and what are prognostic factors? |

|Study |


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10. Vanderhoof JA, Moran JR, Harris CL, Merkel KL, Orenstein SR. Efficacy of a pre-thickened infant formula: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled parallel group trial in 104 infants with symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux. Clinical pediatrics. 2003;42(6):483-95.

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26. Orenstein SR, Hassall E, Furmaga-Jablonska W, Atkinson S, Raanan M. Multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial assessing the efficacy and safety of proton pump inhibitor lansoprazole in infants with symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. The Journal of pediatrics. 2009;154(4):514-20.e4.

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