
0000Massachusetts Case Mix Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data (August 2017)USER GUIDETable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc488655787 \h 8Part A. Data Collection PAGEREF _Toc488655788 \h 9Part B: Applying For and Using CHIA Data PAGEREF _Toc488655789 \h 11Part C: Data Elements PAGEREF _Toc488655790 \h 13AccommodationsID PAGEREF _Toc488655791 \h 23Active PAGEREF _Toc488655792 \h 23AdmissionDate PAGEREF _Toc488655793 \h 24AdmissionDayOfWeek PAGEREF _Toc488655794 \h 24AdmissionMonth PAGEREF _Toc488655795 \h 24AdmissionSourceCode1, AdmissionSourceCode2 PAGEREF _Toc488655796 \h 25AdmissionType PAGEREF _Toc488655797 \h 25AdmissionYear PAGEREF _Toc488655798 \h 26AgeLDS PAGEREF _Toc488655799 \h 26AncillaryID PAGEREF _Toc488655800 \h 26ADM_DRG (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_) PAGEREF _Toc488655801 \h 27ADM_MDC ( APR200_, APR261_, APR300_) PAGEREF _Toc488655802 \h 27ADM_RCD (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_) PAGEREF _Toc488655803 \h 27ADM_ROM (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_) PAGEREF _Toc488655804 \h 27ADM_SOI (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_) PAGEREF _Toc488655805 \h 28DIS_DRG (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_) PAGEREF _Toc488655806 \h 28DIS_MDC (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_) PAGEREF _Toc488655807 \h 28DIS_RCD (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_) PAGEREF _Toc488655808 \h 29DIS_ROM (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_) PAGEREF _Toc488655809 \h 29DIS_SOI (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_) PAGEREF _Toc488655810 \h 29AssociatedIndicator PAGEREF _Toc488655811 \h 30AttendingPhysicianNumber PAGEREF _Toc488655812 \h 30Birthweight PAGEREF _Toc488655813 \h 30ClaimCertificateRID PAGEREF _Toc488655814 \h 31CMS_ADM_DRG PAGEREF _Toc488655815 \h 31CMS_ADM_MDC PAGEREF _Toc488655816 \h 31CMS_ADM_RCD PAGEREF _Toc488655817 \h 32CMS_ADM_ROM PAGEREF _Toc488655818 \h 32CMS_ADM_SOI PAGEREF _Toc488655819 \h 32CMS_DIS_DRG PAGEREF _Toc488655820 \h 33CMS_DIS_MDC PAGEREF _Toc488655821 \h 33CMS_DIS_RCD PAGEREF _Toc488655822 \h 33CMS_DIS_ROM PAGEREF _Toc488655823 \h 34CMS_DIS_SOI PAGEREF _Toc488655824 \h 34ConditionPresent PAGEREF _Toc488655825 \h 34ConditionPresentECode PAGEREF _Toc488655826 \h 35DaysBetweenStays PAGEREF _Toc488655827 \h 35DHCFPSubmissionFile PAGEREF _Toc488655828 \h 35DiagnosisCode PAGEREF _Toc488655829 \h 36DischargeDate PAGEREF _Toc488655830 \h 36DischargeDayOfWeek PAGEREF _Toc488655831 \h 36DischargeMonth PAGEREF _Toc488655832 \h 37DischargePassed PAGEREF _Toc488655833 \h 37DischargeYear PAGEREF _Toc488655834 \h 37DNRStatus PAGEREF _Toc488655835 \h 37Ecode PAGEREF _Toc488655836 \h 38EDFlagCode PAGEREF _Toc488655837 \h 39EmployerZipCode PAGEREF _Toc488655838 \h 39ErrorCategory PAGEREF _Toc488655839 \h 40ErrorDescription: PAGEREF _Toc488655840 \h 40Ethnicity1, Ethncity 2 PAGEREF _Toc488655841 \h 40HispanicIndicator PAGEREF _Toc488655842 \h 41HomelessIndicator PAGEREF _Toc488655843 \h 41HospitalBillNo PAGEREF _Toc488655844 \h 42ICD Indicator PAGEREF _Toc488655845 \h 42IdOrgFiler PAGEREF _Toc488655846 \h 43IdOrgHosp PAGEREF _Toc488655847 \h 43IdOrgSite PAGEREF _Toc488655848 \h 43IdOrgTransfer PAGEREF _Toc488655849 \h 43Indicator PAGEREF _Toc488655850 \h 44Indicator PAGEREF _Toc488655851 \h 44LeaveOfAbsenceDays PAGEREF _Toc488655852 \h 44LegCHIAAttendingPhysicianNumber PAGEREF _Toc488655853 \h 45LegCHIAOperatingPhysicianP PAGEREF _Toc488655854 \h 45LegCHIAOperatingPhysicianP1-P14 PAGEREF _Toc488655855 \h 45LengthOfStay PAGEREF _Toc488655856 \h 46LineNumber PAGEREF _Toc488655857 \h 46MedicalRecordNumber PAGEREF _Toc488655858 \h 46MotherMedicalRecordNumber PAGEREF _Toc488655859 \h 47MothersUHIN PAGEREF _Toc488655860 \h 47NewBornAge PAGEREF _Toc488655861 \h 48NumberDischargesFailed PAGEREF _Toc488655862 \h 48NumberDischargesPassed PAGEREF _Toc488655863 \h 48NumberOfANDs PAGEREF _Toc488655864 \h 48NumberOfDiagnosisCodes PAGEREF _Toc488655865 \h 49NumberOfDischarges PAGEREF _Toc488655866 \h 49NumberOfErrors PAGEREF _Toc488655867 \h 49NumberOfProcedureCodes PAGEREF _Toc488655868 \h 50OperatingPhysicianPrincipal PAGEREF _Toc488655869 \h 50OperatingPhysicianSignificant1-14 PAGEREF _Toc488655870 \h 50OrgId PAGEREF _Toc488655871 \h 51OrgName PAGEREF _Toc488655872 \h 51OtherCareGiverCode PAGEREF _Toc488655873 \h 51OtherEthnicity PAGEREF _Toc488655874 \h 52OtherRace PAGEREF _Toc488655875 \h 52OutpatntObsrvStayFlagCode PAGEREF _Toc488655876 \h 52Passed PAGEREF _Toc488655877 \h 53PatientBirthDate PAGEREF _Toc488655878 \h 53PatientStatus PAGEREF _Toc488655879 \h 53PayerCode1 PAGEREF _Toc488655880 \h 54PayerCode2 PAGEREF _Toc488655881 \h 54PeriodEndingDate PAGEREF _Toc488655882 \h 54PeriodEndingMonth PAGEREF _Toc488655883 \h 55PeriodEndingYear PAGEREF _Toc488655884 \h 55PeriodStartingDate PAGEREF _Toc488655885 \h 55PeriodStartingMonth PAGEREF _Toc488655886 \h 56PeriodStartingYear PAGEREF _Toc488655887 \h 56PermanentPatientCityLDS PAGEREF _Toc488655888 \h 56PermanentPatientCountryLDS PAGEREF _Toc488655889 \h 56PermanentPatientStateLDS PAGEREF _Toc488655890 \h 57PermanentPatientStreetAddress PAGEREF _Toc488655891 \h 57PermanentPatientZIP3CodeLDS PAGEREF _Toc488655892 \h 57PermanentPatientZIP5CodeLDS PAGEREF _Toc488655893 \h 58PermanentPatientZIPCode PAGEREF _Toc488655894 \h 58PreOperativeDays PAGEREF _Toc488655895 \h 59PrimaryConditionPresent PAGEREF _Toc488655896 \h 59PrimaryDiagnosisCode PAGEREF _Toc488655897 \h 59PrimaryPayerType PAGEREF _Toc488655898 \h 59PrincipalPreoperativeDays PAGEREF _Toc488655899 \h 60PrincipalProcedureCode PAGEREF _Toc488655900 \h 60PrincipalProcedureDate PAGEREF _Toc488655901 \h 60PrincipalProcedureMonth PAGEREF _Toc488655902 \h 61ProcedureCode PAGEREF _Toc488655903 \h 61ProcedureCodeDate PAGEREF _Toc488655904 \h 61Quarter PAGEREF _Toc488655905 \h 62Race1, Race2 PAGEREF _Toc488655906 \h 62RecordType20ID PAGEREF _Toc488655907 \h 63RevenueCode PAGEREF _Toc488655908 \h 63RevenueCodeType PAGEREF _Toc488655909 \h 64SecondaryPayerType PAGEREF _Toc488655910 \h 64Sequence PAGEREF _Toc488655911 \h 64SexLDS PAGEREF _Toc488655912 \h 65SpecialConditionIndicator PAGEREF _Toc488655913 \h 65SubmissionActive PAGEREF _Toc488655914 \h 66SubmissionControlID PAGEREF _Toc488655915 \h 66SubmissionPassed PAGEREF _Toc488655916 \h 66SubmissionPassedFlag PAGEREF _Toc488655917 \h 67SubmissionQuarter PAGEREF _Toc488655918 \h 67SubmissionYear PAGEREF _Toc488655919 \h 67TemporaryPatientCityLDS PAGEREF _Toc488655920 \h 67TemporaryPatientStateLDS PAGEREF _Toc488655921 \h 68TemporaryPatientZip3CodeLDS PAGEREF _Toc488655922 \h 68TemporaryPatientZip5CodeLDS PAGEREF _Toc488655923 \h 69TemporaryPatientZIPCode PAGEREF _Toc488655924 \h 69TemporaryUSPatientStreetAddress PAGEREF _Toc488655925 \h 69TotalCharges PAGEREF _Toc488655926 \h 70TotalChargesAll PAGEREF _Toc488655927 \h 70TotalChargesAncillaries PAGEREF _Toc488655928 \h 71TotalChargesRoutine PAGEREF _Toc488655929 \h 71TotalChargesSpecial PAGEREF _Toc488655930 \h 71TransmittalID PAGEREF _Toc488655931 \h 72UHIN PAGEREF _Toc488655932 \h 72UHIN_SequenceNo PAGEREF _Toc488655933 \h 73UnitsOfService PAGEREF _Toc488655934 \h 73VeteransStatus PAGEREF _Toc488655935 \h 73Year PAGEREF _Toc488655936 \h 74Executive SummaryThe FY2016 Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data Guide provides general information about CHIA’s most recent inpatient data holdings. Each quarter, Massachusetts facilities provide CHIA with information that CHIA compiles into annual Hospital Inpatient Discharge databases (HIDDs).This data is collected from Massachusetts’ acute care hospitals and includes all inpatient admissions. The FY2016 HIDD includes Inpatient discharges that occurred between October 1, 2015 and September 30, 2016. Facilities reported a total of 800,990 dischargesThe information in this guide includes high level data notes (data collection, data application, and use) and a codebook (data element list, data dictionary, Reference tables, and summary statistics). As always, CHIA strongly suggests that users perform some qualitative checks of the data prior to drawing conclusions about that data.New in FY 2016CHIA will report diagnoses and procedures using ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS codes (International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification and Procedure Coding System). Most hospitals reported only ICD-10 codes. Very few discharges have an ICD Indicator flag that identified ICD-9 codes. If a primary diagnosis, primary procedure, admitting diagnosis, or admitting procedure code did not match the code tables for each ICD Code set, that value was replaced by a “-“ to indicate it was invalid for that ICD type.Part A. Data CollectionAcute hospitals in Massachusetts are required to submit discharge data to CHIA under 957 CMR 8.00 - APCD and Case Mix Data Submission and Regulation 957 CMR 5.00: Health Care Claims, Case Mix and Charge Data Release Procedures. Researchers can access HIDD regulations by visiting CHIA’s web site () or by faxing a request to CHIA at 617-727-7662.957 CMR 8.00 - APCD and Case Mix Data Submission requires acute care hospitals to submit discharge data to CHIA 75 days after each quarter. The quarterly reporting intervals for the FY2016 HIDD are as follows:Quarter 1: October 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015Quarter 2: January 1, 2016 – March 31, 2016Quarter 3: April 1, 2016 – June 30, 2016Quarter 4: July 1, 2016 – September 30, 2016CHIA reviews each hospital’s quarterly data for compliance with 957 CMR 8.00 - APCD and Case Mix Data Submission using a one percent error rate. The one percent error rate is based upon the presence of one or more errors per discharge for the hospital’s quarterly submission. CHIA checks for valid codes, correct formatting, and presence of the required data elements. If one percent or more of the discharges are rejected, CHIA rejects the entire submission. Each hospital receives a quarterly error report displaying invalid discharge information. Quarterly data that does not meet the one percent compliance standard must be resubmitted by the reporting hospital until the standard is met.Emergency department (ED) and observation unit initiated stays Discharges that began in an ED and ended in an Inpatient stay will have a positive value in the “ED Indicator”. Discharges that began in an observation unit and ended in an inpatient stay will have a positive value in the “Observation Indicator”. Any ED or observation visit that resulted in an inpatient stay will appear only in the FY2016 HIDD, and not in the FY2016 ED or FY2016 Outpatient Observation Database.HIDD Verification Report ProcessSemi-Annually CHIA sends each hospital a report on their discharge data to maintain and improve the quality of their submissions. The Verification Report process gives the hospitals the opportunity to review the data they have provided to CHIA and affirm data accuracy.CHIA produces hospital specific Verification Reports after each hospital successfully submits two quarters and four quarters of data. CHIA asks each hospital to review and verify the data contained within the report. Each Verification Report has a series of frequency tables for selected data elements that include, but are not limited to, the number of discharges per month and breakouts by admission type, admission source, race, and disposition. Hospitals affirm that reported data is accurate or identify any discrepancies on the year–end verification cycle. Hospitals certify the accuracy of their data by completing a Verification Report Response form. CHIA accepts two response types from hospitals:A: A hospital indicates its agreement that the data appearing on the Verification Report is accurate and that it represents the hospital’s case mix profile.B: A hospital indicates that the data on the report is accurate except for the discrepancies noted. If any data discrepancies exist, CHIA requests that hospitals provide written explanations of the discrepancies. Users interested in the FY2016 HIDD Verification Reports should contact CHIA at Please indicate the fiscal year of the Verification Report, the dataset name, and if you need information for a specific hospital or set of hospitals.Part B: Applying For and Using CHIA DataResearchers interested in receiving CHIA data should follow the instructions below to receive access to the data. Due to the custom nature of the request, limited information about how to use the CHIA is provided. Users needing additional assistance applying for data or using the data should contact [].How to Apply for the DataTo obtain a copy of the Data Use Agreement and/or other documents required for application, go to: the links to the forms that correspond to the data (Case Mix, APCD) and application type (Government, Non-Government) that are appropriate to your data request.For FY2016, Non-Government users can access pre-configured Limited Data Set (LDS), designed to protect patient data confidentiality while ensuring analytic value. This streamlined approach also improves CHIA’s ability to deliver the data efficiently. Securing CHIA Data Prior to UseAs an approved data recipient, or its agent, you are obliged by your application and confidentiality agreement to secure this data in a manner that protects the confidentiality of the records and complies fully with the terms of CHIA’s Data Use Agreement. All data obtained from CHIA must reside on an encrypted hard drive and/or secure network.Data DeliveryCHIA delivers HIDD on CD-ROMs. Users must be able to meet the following Hardware, and CD requirements. As well, users must be able to read and download the data files to their back office.Hardware Requirements:CD ROM DeviceEncrypted Hard Drive with 2.0 GB of space availableData UseThe FY2016 Case Mix HIDD consists of up to 10 Microsoft Access Database (.mdb) files or 10 SAS files (.sas7bdat). Each file name will have a suffix of “_Full_AAAA_BBBB”. AAAA indicates the specific view of the data. BBB indicates whether the data is from an LDS or Government dataset.The main FIPA_HIDD_2016_Discharge (table name: Discharge), contains one record per discharge. The unique identifier on this table is the RecordType20ID. FIPA_HIDD_2016_DiagnosesCode (table name: Diagnoses), contains one record per diagnosis reported for each visit. The Discharge table has a one-to-many relationship with this table by linking the RecodType20ID.FIPA_HIDD_2016_ProcedureCode (table name: Procedures), contains one record per procedure for each visit. The Discharge table has a one-to-many relationship with this table by linking the RecodType20ID. FIPA_HIDD_2016_ServiceCode (table name: Services), contains one record per revenue code service reported for each visit. The Discharge table has a one-to-many relationship with this table by linking the RecodType20ID.FIPA_HIDD_2016_Organization (table name: OrgIds) contains one record per organization. This table can be used to lookup facility names, EMS region, and Teaching status. The Discharge table has a many to one relationship with this Table, by linking the the appropriate OrgId (IdOrgFiler, IdOrgHosp, IdOrgSite or IdOrgTransfer). FIPA_HIDD_2016_SubmissionLog_ (table name: DataSubmissionLog) contains one record per quarter for each of the Inpatient facilities filing data. The Discharge table has a many to one relationship with this Table, by linking the IdOrgFiler.FIPA_HIDD_2016_Error Log_ (table name: ErrorLog) contains records by quarter and by fiscal year on the number of records pass and fail and the reason for fail by IdOrgFiler. The Discharge table has a one- to-many relationship with this Table, by linking the RecordType20ID. Groupers:FIPA_HDD_2016_APR20.0, FIPA_HDD_2016_APR261, FIPA_HDD_2016_APR300, FIPA_HDD_2016_CMS340 contain grouper data. The Discharge table has a one to one relationship with each Table, by linking the RecordType20ID. Linking FilesHistorically, case mix data users receive a Microsoft Access version of the data. Access is not a recommended development platform, and is used here as a convenient data transport format only. Most users import the data into SQL, STATA?, SPSS?, SAS?, or R for analysis or data management. To accommodate the expanding one-to-many relationship between the main discharge table and other tables (due to lifting the limit on the number of diagnoses and procedure codes), files distributed will now contain multiple tables that are linked using the RecordType20ID field. The RecordType20ID field is a unique identifier used to link the main Discharge table to Services, Diagnoses, and Procedures tables. The Organization table can be linked to columns on the Discharge table that contain Organization ID numbers (OrgId’s).Any additional questions can be addressed by contacting CHIA at C: Data ElementsThe purpose of the following section is to provide the user with an explanation of some of the data. For more information about specific data elements, facility reporting thresholds, or other questions about the data, please contact CHIA by emailing About the Limited Data Set (LDS)The pre-configured Limited Data Set (LDS) is designed to protect patient data confidentiality while ensuring analytic value. The “core” data elements are available to all users (non-government and government). Users wishing to add to the “core” elements must indicate this by selecting from the list of “buy-ups”. The “Buy-up” process allows a user to receive more granular data – for example, instead of a 3 digit patient zip code; the user can request a “buy-up” to a 5 digit patient zip code. Note that buy-ups will be reviewed for approval by CHIA based on research needs related to the project Description:.CHIA makes an additional set of core elements available only to government users. These elements are provided to all government users. Government users must specifically identify requested Government-Only in their application. Master Data Elements ListFor the FY2016 HIDD, CHIA is providing a master data elements list by table. Not every user will see every data element – some are reserved for limited dataset buy-ups or for government use. All users should have access to the “CORE” data. Users who choose limited dataset buy-ups may receive access to some “LDS” elements. Only government users may have access to the “GOV” or “GOV-SPEC” fields. Users interested in purchasing the data should visit the CHIA website for instructions.DISCHARGE TABLE—CORE ELEMENTSAdmissionDayOfWeekDischargeDayOfWeekPrincipalPreoperativeDaysAdmissionSourceCode1-2DischargePassedPrincipalProcedureCodeAdmissionTypeDischargeYearPrincipalProcedureDateAdmissionYearEcodePrincipalProcedureMonthAgeLDSEDFlagCodeQuarterBirthweightHispanicIndicatorRecordType20IDConditionPresentECodeHomelessIndicatorSecondaryPayerTypeDaysBetweenStaysICD IndicatorSexLDSConditionPresentECodeIdOrgFilerSpecialConditionIndicatorDaysBetweenStaysIdOrgHospSubmissionControlIDDischargeDayOfWeekIdOrgSiteSubmissionPassedFlagDischargePassedDischargeDayOfWeekTemporaryPatientStateLDSDischargeYearDischargePassedTemporaryPatientZip3CodeLDSEcodeDischargeYearTotalChargesAllEDFlagCodeEcodeTotalChargesAncillariesHispanicIndicatorEDFlagCodeTotalChargesRoutineHomelessIndicatorHispanicIndicatorTotalChargesSpecialICD IndicatorHomelessIndicatorYearIdOrgFilerICD IndicatorDISCHARGE TABLE—LDS ELEMENTSAdmissionDateLegCHIAOperatingPhysicianP1-P14PermanentPatientZIP5CodeLDSAdmissionMonthMothersUHINRace1AttendingPhysicianNumberOperatingPhysicianPrincipalRace2DischargeDateOperatingPhysicianSignificant1-14TemporaryPatientCityLDSDischargeMonthPeriodEndingDateTemporaryPatientZip5CodeLDSEthnicity1PeriodEndingMonthUHINEthnicity2PeriodStartingDateUHIN_SequenceNoLegCHIAAttendingPhysicianNumberPeriodStartingMonthLegCHIAOperatingPhysicianPPermanentPatientCityLDSDISCHARGE TABLE—GOVERNMENT-ONLY ELEMENTSMedicaidMemberIDMotherMedicalRecordNumberDNRStatusOtherEthnicityEmployerZipCodeOtherRaceHospitalBillNoPatientBirthDateMedicalRecordNumberVeteransStatusDIAGNOSIS TABLE—CORE ELEMENTSAssociatedIndicatorConditionPresentDiagnosisCodeIndicatorRecordType20IDPROCEDURE TABLE—CORE ELEMENTSAssociatedIndicatorIndicatorPreOperativeDaysProcedureCodeProcedureCodeDateRecordType20IDSERVICE TABLE—CORE ELEMENTSAccommodationsIDQuarterRevenueCodeTypeAncillaryIDSubmissionControlIDSequenceLineNumberYearTotalChargesRevenueCodeRecordType20IDUnitsOfServiceRevenueCodeTypeAccommodationsIDQuarterSequenceAncillaryIDSubmissionControlIDTotalChargesLineNumberYearUnitsOfServiceRevenueCodeRecordType20IDGROUPER—CORE ELEMENTSAPR200_ADM_DRGAPR300_ADM_DRGAPR200_ADM_MDCAPR300_ADM_MDCAPR200_ADM_RCDAPR300_ADM_RCDAPR200_ADM_ROMAPR300_ADM_ROMAPR200_ADM_SOIAPR300_ADM_SOIAPR200_DIS_DRGAPR300_DIS_DRGAPR200_DIS_MDCAPR300_DIS_MDCAPR200_DIS_RCDAPR300_DIS_RCDAPR200_DIS_ROMAPR300_DIS_ROMAPR200_DIS_SOIAPR300_DIS_SOIAPR261_ADM_DRGCMS_ADM_DRGAPR261_ADM_MDCCMS_ADM_MDCAPR261_ADM_RCDCMS_ADM_RCDAPR261_ADM_ROMCMS_ADM_ROMAPR261_ADM_SOICMS_ADM_SOIAPR261_DIS_DRGCMS_DIS_DRGAPR261_DIS_MDCCMS_DIS_MDCAPR261_DIS_RCDCMS_DIS_RCDAPR261_DIS_ROMCMS_DIS_ROMAPR261_DIS_SOICMS_DIS_SOIOrganization TableThe “Organization” table contains 1 record for every valid OrgId reported in the Discharge database. Referenced OrgId’s include: IdOrgFiler, IdOrgHosp, IdOrgSite, and IdOrgTransfer data elements in the Discharge database. A sample list of OrgId’s referenced in FY2016 HIDD is listed in Table 1. Table 1: ORGANIZATIONPrincipal Data Elements :ORGIDIdOrgFilerIdOrgHospIdOrgSiteIdOrgTransferRulesThe Organization Table will contain 1 record for every valid OrgId reported in the Discharge database. The following table lists Hospitals only for submissions in a recent year. Last Updated12/7/2016CODEDESCRIPTION/ORGANIZATION NAME1Anna Jaques Hospital2Athol Memorial Hospital3North Shore Medical Center, Inc. - Union Campus4Baystate Medical Center5Franklin Medical Center6Baystate Mary Lane Hospital7Berkshire Medical Center - Berkshire Campus8Fairview Hospital9Berkshire Medical Center - Hillcrest Campus10Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center - East Campus16Boston Medical Center - Harrison Avenue Campus22Brigham and Women's Hospital25Brockton Hospital27Cambridge Health Alliance - Cambridge Campus39Cape Cod Hospital40Falmouth Hospital41Caritas Norwood Hospital42Caritas Carney Hospital46Children's Hospital Boston49MetroWest Medical Center - Framingham Campus50Cooley Dickinson Hospital51Dana-Farber Cancer Institute52Nashoba Valley Medical Center53Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital - Needham57Emerson Hospital59Faulkner Hospital62Caritas Good Samaritan Medical Center - Brockton Campus66Hallmark Health System - Lawrence Memorial Hospital Campus68Harrington Memorial Hospital70Merrimack Valley Hospital71Health Alliance Hospitals, Inc.73Heywood Hospital75Caritas Holy Family Hospital and Medical Center77Holyoke Medical Center78Hubbard Regional Hospital79Jordan Hospital81Lahey Clinic -- Burlington Campus83Lawrence General Hospital85Lowell General Hospital88Martha's Vineyard Hospital89Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary91Massachusetts General Hospital97Milford Regional Medical Center98Milton Hospital99Morton Hospital and Medical Center100Mount Auburn Hospital101Nantucket Cottage Hospital103New England Baptist Hospital104Tufts-New England Medical Center105Newton-Wellesley Hospital106Noble Hospital107North Adams Regional Hospital109Northeast Health System - Addison Gilbert Campus110Northeast Health System - Beverly Campus112Quincy Medical Center114Saint Anne's Hospital115Saints Memorial Medical Center116North Shore Medical Center, Inc. - Salem Campus118Mercy Medical Center - Providence Behavioral Health Hospital Campus119Mercy Medical Center - Springfield Campus122South Shore Hospital123Southcoast Hospitals Group - Charlton Memorial Campus124Southcoast Hospitals Group - St. Luke's Campus126Caritas St. Elizabeth's Medical Center127Saint Vincent Hospital129Sturdy Memorial Hospital130UMass Memorial Medical Center - Memorial Campus131UMass Memorial Medical Center - University Campus132Clinton Hospital133Marlborough Hospital135Kindred Hospital Boston North Shore 136Kindred Hospital Boston138Winchester Hospital139Wing Memorial Hospital and Medical Centers141Hallmark Health System - Melrose-Wakefield Hospital Campus142Cambridge Health Alliance - Whidden Memorial Campus143Cambridge Health Alliance - Somerville Campus144Boston Medical Center - East Newton Campus145Southcoast Hospitals Group - Tobey Hospital Campus457MetroWest Medical Center - Leonard Morse Campus4448Lahey Clinic Northshore4460Caritas Good Samaritan Medical Center - Norcap Lodge Campus8509Health Alliance Hospital -- Leominster Campus8548Health Alliance Hospital -- Burbank CampusGroupersFor researcher convenience, CHIA performs data grouping using the 3M? APR-DRG grouper and the CMS grouper. The All Patient Refined DRGs (3M APR-DRG) is a severity/risk adjusted classification system that provides a more effective means of adjusting for patient differences.For Interim FY2016 HIDD, CHIA has produced four versions of the Grouper: APR-DRG versions 20.0, 26.1 and 30.0 and CMS version 34.0. For each of these versions five data elements were generated: MDC DRG, ROM, and SOI. The Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) places a patient into a clinically relevant medical category. The Major Diagnostic Categories (MDC) is a classification system that parses all principal diagnoses into one of 25 categories primarily for use with DRGs and reimbursement activity. Each category relates to a physical system, disease, or contributing health factorRisk of mortality (ROM) is a clinical subclass indicating likelihood of dying. The ROM subclass data elements can be found in the ROM lookup table. In the APR-DRG system, a patient is assigned four distinct descriptors for ROM, numbered sequentially from 0 to 4. Researchers seeking to evaluate patient mortality, should use the 3M? APR-DRGs in conjunction with the ROM subclass.Severity of Illness (SOI) relates to the extent of physiologic decompensation or systematic loss of organ function experienced by the patient In the APR-DRG system, a patient is assigned four distinct descriptors for SOI, numbered sequentially from 0 to 4. The SOI subclass data elements can be found in the SOI lookup table. CHIA recommends that researchers seeking to evaluate resource use or establishing patient care guidelines use the 3M? APR-DRGs in conjunction with SOI anization of the Diagnosis and Procedure CodesFor FY2016, CHIA organized the procedure and diagnosis fields into three tables—Discharge, Diagnoses, and Procedure. All secondary diagnosis and procedure codes are in the Diagnoses and Procedure tables, respectively. Indicator codes are available for each secondary diagnosis of procedure code and are a based on the order in which those codes were sent to CHIA. Discharges reached a maximum of 98 secondary diagnosis codes, and a maximum of 147 secondary procedure codes. Diagnoses and procedures are ordered as submitted to CHIA. CHIA does not require the order of diagnoses and procedures to be medically relevant. CHIA does not affirm or confirm the medical relevancy of the?principal diagnosis, procedure, or e-code reported on the discharge table.? Organization Identifiers (ORGID) FY2016 HIDD Interim contains four organization identifier fields. These fields are a CHIA assigned unique code for each Massachusetts facility:Massachusetts Filer Organization ID (IdOrgFiler): The Organization ID for the facility that submitted the ED visit data to CHIA.Massachusetts Site Organization ID (IdOrgSite): The Organization ID for the site where the patient received ED care.Massachusetts Hospital Organization ID (IdOrgHosp): The Organization ID for the main hospital affiliation. For example 3108 (Cambridge Health Alliance) is the IdOrgHosp for the IdOrgSite 142 (Whidden Hospital).Massachusetts Transfer Hospital Organization ID (IdOrgTransfer): is the Organization ID for the facility from which a patient is transferred. If the patient is transferred from outside of Massachusetts, the IdOrgTransfer will be 9999999.Age LDS If the date of birth and admission date are valid, then CHIA calculates Age LDS in years. The calculation is as follows:Age is calculated to be the rounded integer value – of the difference between Date of Birth and Discharge date. Age is zero when less than 1 year. Where Age is valid and < 90, set AgeLDS = Age;Where Age is valid and > 89 and <= 115, set AgeLDS = 999???????????? Else, where Age is missing, negative value or value > 115, set AgeLDS = nullDiscretion should be used whenever a questionable age assignment is noted. Researchers are advised to consider other data elements in their analysis of this field. Data LimitationsThe HIDD is derived from patient visit summaries, which can be traced to information gathered upon admission or from information entered by admitting and attending health professionals into the medical record. The quality of the HIDD is dependent upon facility data collection policies and coding practices of the medical record rmation may not be entirely consistent from facility to facility due to differences in:Collection and verification of patient supplied information before or at admission,Medical record coding, consistency, and/or completeness,Extent of facility data processing capabilities,Flexibility of facility data processing systems,Varying degrees of commitment to quality of merged case mix and charge data,Capacity of financial processing system to record late occurring charges on CHIA’s electronic submission,Non-comparability of data collection and reporting.CHIA strongly suggests that users perform qualitative checks prior to drawing conclusions about the data.Historical Data ElementsUsers of multiple years of Case Mix data should be careful, especially when analyzing multi-year trends. In order to maintain consistency across years, it may be necessary to merge some codes used for specific data elements. Users with questions about new data elements or changes in coding from year to year should contact CHIA at Data DictionaryFY2016 HIDD data dictionary provides metadata for the following attributes:Data Element name as it appears in the fileShort description: to help users understand the what the element containsPrimary table the main table (MS ACCESS) or file (SAS) that the data element will appear inLinking tables other tables that contain the data elementAvailability to users indicates if the data is available to all users (“CORE”) a buy-up (“LDS”), or available only to government “Government”Type of Data describes if the data element is Categorical, Ordinal, an Identifier, Continuous, Date/Time, or Open TextFormat indicates if the data is formatted in a specific fashionCHIA derived or calculated indicates if the field was created by CHIAReference table: indicates if a Categorical data element has set of valid values that are associated with other informationDescription: is a longer explanation of the data element and its limitationsUsers of the data with additional questions about any specific data element should contact CHIA at description:CHIA created field.Primary table:ServiceLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoActiveShort description:CHIA indicator of quarterly submission status.Primary table:DataSubmissionLogLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:NoDescription:Chia processing field.Reference table:NoAdmissionDateShort description:The date the patient was admitted to the hospital as an inpatient for this episode of care.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:DateFormat:YYYYMMDDLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoAdmissionDayOfWeekShort description:Week day that patient was admitted to hospital.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:DateFormat:DDLength: 3CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoAdmissionMonthShort description:Month in which patient was admitted to hospital.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:DateFormat:MmLength: 6CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoAdmissionSourceCode1, AdmissionSourceCode2Short description:How a patient entered the hospital.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:These two codes ndicate the source of originating, referring or transferring the patient to inpatient admissions. Reporting patterns for the source of stay data element may vary widely.Reference table:Yes REF _Ref473724735 \h \* MERGEFORMAT AdSource Summary StatisticsAdmissionSourceCode1 Frequency AdmissionTypeShort description:Admission statusPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:A standardized category of the patient's status upon admission to the hospital.Reference table:YesSummary StatisticsAdmissionType FrequencyCODEDESCRIPTION1Emergency2Urgent3Elective4Newborn5Information UnavailableAdmissionYearShort description:Year in which patient was admitted to hospital.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:DateFormat:MmLength: 4CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoAgeLDSShort description:Age of the patient.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:YYLength: 3CHIA derived:YesDescription:Age of the patient as calculated by CHIA. Rounded up to the nearest integer. Patients younger than 1 year or older than 80 years have their ages grouped. Discretion should be used whenever a questionable age assignment is noted. Researchers are advised to consider other data elements in their analysis of this fieldReference table:NoSummary StatisticsAgeLDS MeanAncillaryIDShort description:CHIA created field.Primary table:ServiceLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoADM_DRG (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_)Short description:Admitting diagnosis related group.Primary table:Grouper – APR 20.0, Grouper – APR 26.1, Grouper – APR 30.0Linking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Standard DRG based on admission diagnoses.Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesADM_MDC ( APR200_, APR261_, APR300_)Short description:Admitting major diagnostic category.Primary table:Grouper – APR 20.0, Grouper – APR 26.1, Grouper – APR 30.Linking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Admission MDC should classify the patient, based on an Admission diagnoses and procedures, into a standard major diagnostic group. Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesADM_RCD (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_)Short description:Null grouper field.Primary table:Grouper – APR 20.0, Grouper – APR 26.1, Grouper – APR 30Linking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description: n/a.Reference table:ADM_ROM (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_)Short description:Admitting risk of mortality.Primary table:Grouper – APR 20.0, Grouper – APR 26.1, Grouper – APR 30.1Linking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Admitting ROM should classify the patient, based on an admitting diagnoses and procedures, into a standard category of clinical risk. Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesADM_SOI (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_)Short description:Admitting severity of illness.Primary table:Grouper – APR 20.0, Grouper – APR 26.1, Grouper – APR 30Linking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Admitting SOI should classify the patient, based on an admitting diagnoses and procedures, into a standard category of illness severity. Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesDIS_DRG (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_)Short description:Discharge diagnosis related group.Primary table:Grouper – APR 20.0, Grouper – APR 26.1, Grouper – APR 30Linking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Standard DRG based on Discharge diagnoses..Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesDIS_MDC (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_)Short description:Discharge major diagnostic category.Primary table:Grouper – APR 20.0, Grouper – APR 26.1, Grouper – APR 30Linking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Discharge MDC should classify the patient, based on an Discharge diagnoses and procedures, into a standard major diagnostic group. Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesDIS_RCD (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_)Short description:Null grouper field.Primary table:Grouper – APR 20.0, Grouper – APR 26.1, Grouper – APR 30Linking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:n/a.Reference table:DIS_ROM (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_)Short description:Discharge risk of mortalityPrimary table:Grouper – APR 20.0, Grouper – APR 26.1, Grouper – APR 30Linking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Discharges ROM should classify the patient, based on an discharges diagnoses and procedures, into a standard category of clinical risk. .Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesDIS_SOI (APR200_, APR261_, APR300_)Short description:Discharge severity of illness.Primary table:Grouper – APR 20.0, Grouper – APR 26.1, Grouper – APR 30Linking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Discharges SOI should classify the patient, based on an discharges diagnoses and procedures, into a standard category of illness severity. Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesAssociatedIndicatorShort description:Category of diagnosis or procedure.Primary table:DiagnosisLinking tables: ProcedureAvailability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 2CHIA derived:Description:Indicates if the diagnosis or procedure was primary, secondary, admitting, or discharge.Reference table:YesCODEDESCRIPTIONAAdmittingDDischargePPrincipalSSecondarySummary StatisticsNoAttendingPhysicianNumberShort description:ID of the Attending physician.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: 6CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoBirthweightShort description:The specific birth weight of the newborn recorded in grams.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:NNNNLength: 4CHIA derived:NoDescription:Must be present if type of admission is 'newborn'Reference table:NoClaimCertificateRIDShort description:Medicaid Recipient Identification Number.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOV-SPECType of Data:DateFormat:Length: 12CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoCMS_ADM_DRGShort description:CMS 34.0 Grouper - Admitting diagnosis related group.Primary table:Grouper – CMSLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Admitting DRG should classify the patient, based on an admitting diagnoses and procedures, into a standard major diagnostic group. Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesCMS_ADM_MDCShort description:CMS 34.0 Grouper - Admitting major diagnostic category.Primary table:Grouper – CMSLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Admitting MDC should classify the patient, based on an admitting diagnoses and procedures, into a standard major diagnostic group. groups. lth factor.Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesCMS_ADM_RCDShort description:Null grouper field.Primary table:Grouper – CMSLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:n/aReference table:CMS_ADM_ROMShort description:CMS 34.0 Grouper - Admitting risk of mortality.Primary table:Grouper – CMSLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Admitting ROM should classify the patient, based on admitting diagnoses and procedures, into a standard category of clinical risk. .Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesCMS_ADM_SOIShort description:CMS 34.0 Grouper - Admitting risk of mortalityPrimary table:Grouper – CMSLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Admitting SOI should classify the patient, based on admitting diagnoses and procedures, into a standard category of illness severity. Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesCMS_DIS_DRGShort description:CMS 34.0 Grouper - Discharge diagnosis related groupPrimary table:Grouper – CMSLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Discharge DRG should classify the patient, based on discharge diagnoses and procedures, into a standard major diagnostic group. Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesCMS_DIS_MDCShort description:CMS 34.0 Grouper - Discharge major diagnostic categoryPrimary table:Grouper – CMSLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Discharge MDC should classify the patient, based on discharge diagnoses and procedures, into a standard major diagnostic group. groups.Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesCMS_DIS_RCDShort description:CHIA Dervived data elementPrimary table:Grouper – CMSLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:N/AReference table:CMS_DIS_ROMShort description:CMS 34.0 Grouper - Discharge risk of mortalityPrimary table:Grouper – CMSLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Discharge ROM should classify the patient, based on discharge diagnoses and procedures, into a standard category of clinical risk. .Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesCMS_DIS_SOIShort description:CMS 34.0 Grouper - Discharge risk of mortalityPrimary table:Grouper – CMSLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Discharge SOI should classify the patient, based on an discharge diagnoses and procedures, into a standard category of illness severity. Reference table:Standard 3M Grouper ValuesConditionPresentShort description:Flags whether the diagnosis was present on admission.Primary table:DiagnosisLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 2CHIA derived:NoDescription:Indicates the onset of a diagnosis preceded or followed admission. There is a POA indicator for every diagnosis and E-code.Reference table:Condition Present REF _Ref473724863 \h \* MERGEFORMAT ConditionPresentECodeShort description:Flags whether the e-code was present on admission.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:Indicates the onset of a diagnosis preceded or followed admission. There is a POA indicator for every diagnosis and E-code.Reference table:Condition PresentDaysBetweenStaysShort description:Count of stays between admissions.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: 4CHIA derived:Description:This CHIA calculated field indicates the number of days between each admission and each consecutive admission for applicable patients. That is, a match with the UHIN only is used to make a determination that a patient has been readmitted.Reference table:NoDHCFPSubmissionFileShort description:CHIA created fieldPrimary table:DataSubmissionLogLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoDiagnosisCodeShort description:ICD-10 code for each diagnosis reported by the facility. Primary table:DiagnosisLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 7CHIA derived:NoDescription:ICD-10 Associated Diagnosis. Excludes the decimal point. May be an External Cause Code or an Associated or Supplemental External Cause Code IF the Principal External Cause Code is present. Associated External Cause Codes may be: ICD-10 (V00-Y84.9) and supplemental codes: (Y90-Y99) (place of injury, activity, status).Reference table:Standard ICD-9 or ICD-10 Diagnosis CodesDischargeDateShort description:The date the patient was discharged from inpatient status in the hospital for this episode of care.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:DateFormat:YYYYMMDDLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:Calendar date of discharge from the ED.Reference table:NoDischargeDayOfWeekShort description:Day of the month on which the patient was discharged from ED.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:DateFormat:DDLength: 3CHIA derived:NoDescription:Calendar day of discharge from ED. Only values between 1 and 31 are validReference table:NoDischargeMonthShort description:Month in which patient was discharged from ED.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:DateFormat:MMLength: 6CHIA derived:NoDescription:Month of discharge from ED. Only two-digit values are valid.Reference table:NoDischargePassedShort description:CHIA derived fieldPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoDischargeYearShort description:Year in which patient was admitted to hospital.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:DateFormat:YYYYLength: 4CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoDNRStatusShort description:Indicates whether there is an order not to resuscitate the patientPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOVType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:Description:A status indicating that the patient had a physician order not to resuscitate or the patient had a status of receiving palliative care only. Do not resuscitate status means not to revive from potential or apparent death or that a patient was being treated with comfort measures only.Reference table:YesSummary StatisticsDNRStatus FrequencyCODEDESCRIPTION1 DNR order written 2Comfort measures only3No DNR order or comfort measures orderedEcodeShort description:ICD-10 External Cause code.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 6CHIA derived:NoDescription:International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD) V-codes, and or W-codes, X-codes, or Y-codes (V00-Y99) are used to categorize events and conditions describing the external cause of injuries, poisonings, and adverse effects. Codes adequate to describe the external cause are reported for discharges with a principal and/or other diagnoses classified as injuries or poisonings of the ICD-10(S00-T88) or where the ICD-10 codes demonstrate that an additional E-code is appropriate. The principal external cause of injury code shall describe the mechanism that caused the most severe injury, poisoning, or adverse effect. Additional codes used to report place of occurrence or to completely describe the mechanism(s) that contributed to the injury or poisoning or the causal circumstances surrounding any injury or poisoning are reported in the Diagnosis table. This data element describes the principal external cause of injuries, poisonings, and adverse effects using ICD-9 codes. In addition to the dedicated E-Code field, facilities record additional E-Codes in the associated diagnosis fields for conditions having multiple causes.Reference table:Standard ICD-9 or ICD-10 Diagnosis CodesEDFlagCodeShort description:Indicates if admission began in the Emergency DepartmentPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:Summary StatisticsEFlagCode FrequencyCODEDESCRIPTION0Not admitted from the ED, no ED visit reflected in this record1Not admitted from the ED, but ED visit(s) reflected in this record2Admitted from the EDEmployerZipCodeShort description:Zip code of the patient's employerPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOVType of Data:ZipcodeFormat:NNNNNNNNNLength: 9CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoErrorCategoryShort description:Indicates what the error was on a visit record.Primary table:ErrorLogLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:YesDescription:CHIA flag. Used for processing.Reference table:NoErrorDescription:Short description:Standardized Description: of the reported error.Primary table:ErrorLogLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:YesDescription:CHIA flag. Used for processing.Reference table:NoEthnicity1, Ethncity 2Short description:Standardized, facility reported ethnicity.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 6CHIA derived:NoDescription:Primary (Ethnity 1) or Secondary (Ethnicity 2) ethnicity as reported by the provider. CHIA’s Provider community utilizes the full list of standard ethnicity codes, per the Center for Disease Control ()and the specific codes listed below.Reference table:CODEDESCRIPTIONAMERCNAmericanBRAZILBrazilianCVERDNCape VerdeanCARIBICaribbean IslandPORTUGPortugueseRUSSIARussianEASTEUEastern EuropeanOTHEROther EthnicityUNKNOWUnknown/Not SpecifiedHispanicIndicatorShort description:Indicates whether patient was Hispanic.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:A flag for patients of Hispanic/Latino/Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.Reference table:YesSummary StatisticsHispanicIndicator FrequencyCODEDESCRIPTIONYPatient is Hispanic/Latino/Spanish.NPatient is not Hispanic/Latino/Spanish.HomelessIndicatorShort description:Indicates whether the patient was homeless.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:This flag indicates that the patient was homeless at the time of visit.Reference table:Summary statisticsHomessIndicator FrequencyCODEDESCRIPTIONYPatient is known to be homeless.NPatient is not known to be homeless.HospitalBillNoShort description:Unique patient billing record.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOV-SPECType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: 17CHIA derived:NoDescription:Facility unique number associated with all billing for the visit.Reference table:NoICD IndicatorShort description:ICD versionPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 2CHIA derived:NoDescription:Indicates if the diagnoses, e-codes, and procedure codes are ICD-10 or ICD-9CODEDESCRIPTION9Indicates all the codes in the discharge are ICD-90Indicates all the codes in the discharge are ICD-10Reference table:YesIdOrgFilerShort description:ID number of the facility that submitted ED claims.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: DataSubmissionLogErrorLogAvailability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:NoDescription:The Organization ID for the facility that submitted the ED visit data to CHIA.Reference table:OrganizationIdOrgHospShort description:Facility identifier.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:The Organization ID for the main facility affiliation.Reference table:Organization IdOrgSiteShort description:Facility identifier.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:The Organization ID for the site where the patient received ED care.Reference table:OrganizationIdOrgTransferShort description:IDOrgTransfer Indicates where patient was transferred from.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 10CHIA derived:NoDescription:Organization ID for the facility from which a patient is transferred. If the patient is transferred from outside of Massachusetts, the IdOrgTransfer will be 9999999.Reference table:OrganizationIndicatorShort description:Indicates the order in which facilities submitted Procedure Codes for a visit.Primary table:ProcedureLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: 2CHIA derived:NoDescription:Order in which corresponding diagnosis code was submitted to CHIAReference table:NoIndicatorShort description:Indicates the order in which facilities submitted Diagnosis Codes for a visit.Primary table:DiagnosisLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: 2CHIA derived:NoDescription:Order in which corresponding procedure code was submitted to CHIAReference table:NoLeaveOfAbsenceDaysShort description:Days patient was absent from hospital stay during admission/discharge period.. Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:NNNNLength: 4CHIA derived:NoDescription:If the patient left the hospital during the stay, then this field must indicate how many days the patient was absent during the total length of stay. Reference table:NoLegCHIAAttendingPhysicianNumberShort description:ID of the Attending physicianPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: 6CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoLegCHIAOperatingPhysicianPShort description:ID of the primary Procedure PhysicianPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoLegCHIAOperatingPhysicianP1-P14Short description:ID of any other physician who performed a significant procedure on the patientPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: 6CHIA derived:NoDescription:CHIA identifier of operating physicians 1 through 14. Ordered as reported by hospital in agreement with Significant Procedures 1 through 14.Reference table:NoLengthOfStayShort description:Count of days in the hospital..Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:NNNLength: 4CHIA derived:YesDescription:Count of hours between the admitting and discharge time for an ED visit. Reference table:NoLineNumberShort description:CHIA processing fieldPrimary table:ServiceLinking tables: ServiceAvailability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Reference table:NoMedicalRecordNumberShort description:Admission identifier assigned by the facilityPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOV-SPECType of Data:Open TextFormat:VARCHARLength: 10CHIA derived:NoDescription:The unique number assigned to each patient within the hospital that distinguishes the patient and the patient’s hospital record(s) from all others in that institution.Reference table:NoMotherMedicalRecordNumberShort description:Patient's mother's unique hospital assigned identifierPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOV-SPECType of Data:Open TextFormat:VARCHARLength: 10CHIA derived:NoDescription:The medical record number assigned within the hospital to the newborn’s mother is to be reported for the newborn. The medical record number of the newborn’s mother distinguishes the patient’s mother and the patient’s mother’s hospital record(s) from all others in that institution.Reference table:NoMothersUHINShort description:Patient's mother's unique id.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:Open TextFormat:VARCHARLength: 9CHIA derived:NoDescription:CHIA generated unique identifier of a newborn's mother. For newborns or for infants less than 1 year old, CHIA derives a unique ID for the patient’s mother. This unique ID allows a newborn visit to be associated with a Mother’s visit. Linkable across records and fiscal years. Each patient is given by CHIA a Unique Health Information Number (UHIN), which is a surrogate key that can link patients over time and across facilities. The data element is blank, a single dash (-) appears in the UHIN field. It is valid for facilities to report that the unique patient identifier is unknown. In these cases, the UHIN appears as ‘000000001’. The utility of the UHIN field is dependent on the reporting data. For a small number of facilities, little or no UHIN data exists, as these institutions failed to report patients’ uniquely identified information. Other facilities reported the same data repeatedly, resulting in numerous admissions for one UHIN. In other cases, the demographic information (age, sex, etc.) was not consistent when a match did exist with the UHIN. Some explanations for this include assignment of a mother’s unique identifiers to her infant or assignment of a spouse’s unique identifiers to a patient. Invalid data uses the code UHIN=”4”.Reference table:NoNewBornAgeShort description:Newborn's age in weeks at admissionPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:NNLength: 2CHIA derived:YesDescription:Reference table:NoNumberDischargesFailedShort description:CHIA derived error fieldPrimary table:DataSubmissionLogLinking tables: ErrorLogAvailability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Reference table:NoNumberDischargesPassedShort description:CHIA derived error fieldPrimary table:DataSubmissionLogLinking tables: ErrorLogAvailability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Reference table:NoNumberOfANDsShort description:Total administratively necessary daysPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: 4CHIA derived:NoDescription:The number of days which were deemed clinically unnecessary in accordance with review by the Division of Medical Assistance.Reference table:NoNumberOfDiagnosisCodesShort description:Count of diagnosis codes in a particular submission.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: 3CHIA derived:Description:Reference table:NoNumberOfDischargesShort description:Count of discharges in a particular submission.Primary table:DataSubmissionLogLinking tables: ErrorLogAvailability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Reference table:NoNumberOfErrorsShort description:Count of errors in submission.Primary table:ErrorLogLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Reference table:NumberOfProcedureCodesShort description:Count of procedure codes in a particular submission.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: 3CHIA derived:Description:Reference table:NoOperatingPhysicianPrincipalShort description:ID of the primary operating PhysicianPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: 6CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoOperatingPhysicianSignificant1-14Short description:ID of any other physician who operated on the patientPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: 6CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoOrgIdShort description:Unique identifier for ED facility. Linkage across tables and fiscal years.Primary table:Org IDSLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:NoDescription:ED facility specific identifier.Reference table:Yes OrgNameShort description:Name of ED facility.Primary table:Org IDSLinking tables: DataSubmissionLogErrorLogAvailability to users:COREType of Data:Open TextFormat:VARCHARLength: 30CHIA derived:NoDescription:ED facility specific name.Reference table:NoOtherCareGiverCodeShort description:Indicates if the patient had a caregiver.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:This data element indicates the type of primary caregiver responsible for the patient’s care other than the attending physician, operating room physician, or nurse midwife as specified in the Regulation. Other caregiver codes include resident, intern, nurse practitioner, and physician’s assistant.Reference table:Yes Summary StatisticsOtherCareGiverCode FrequencyCODEDESCRIPTION1Resident2Intern3Nurse Practitioner4Not Used5Physician AssistantOtherEthnicityShort description:Non-standard patient ethnicity designations.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOVType of Data:Open TextFormat:VARCHARLength: 20CHIA derived:NoDescription:Patient’s ethnicity as entered by the facility. Other ethnicity is an open text field for reporting additional ethnicities when ethnicity 1 or ethnicity 2 equals “R9”, or “Other ethnicity”.Reference table:NoOtherRaceShort description:Non-standard patient race designations.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOVType of Data:Open TextFormat:VARCHARLength: 15CHIA derived:NoDescription:Patient’s Race as entered by the facility. Other Race is an open text field for reporting additional races when Race 1 or Race 2 equals “R9”, or “Other Race”.Reference table:NoOutpatntObsrvStayFlagCodeShort description:Indicates admission began in observation unitPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:Description:Reference table:Yes Summary StatisticsOutpatientObsrvStayFlagCode FrequencyPassedShort description:CHIA processing fieldPrimary table:DataSubmissionLogLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoPatientBirthDateShort description:Patient Date of BirthPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOV-SPECType of Data:DateFormat:YYYYMMDDLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoPatientStatusShort description:A code indicating the patient's status upon discharge and/or the destination to which the patient was referred or transferred upon dischargePrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 2CHIA derived:NoDescription:This field identifies the disposition and destination of the patient after discharge from the Inpatient unit. A small percentage of records are missing the zero used to pad codes 10 thru 18. For example, the entire code might consist of the digit 7, rather than 07. A full list of codes is available in the Reference table:.Reference table:Yes REF _Ref473725236 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Patient StatusPayerCode1Short description:Categorical. Standardized payer source code.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 3CHIA derived:NoDescription:A standardized source of payment code (different than payer code). Most MA payers are identified in advance of the payment cycle. This field captures the specific differences between those payers. The payer table is extensive.Reference table:Yes. Payment Source REF \h \* MERGEFORMAT PayerCode2Short description:Categorical. Standardized payer source code.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 3CHIA derived:NoDescription:A standardized source of payment code (different than payer code). Most MA payers are identified in advance of the payment cycle. This field captures the specific differences between those payers. The payer table is extensive.Reference table:Yes. Payment Source REF _Ref473725248 \h \* MERGEFORMAT PeriodEndingDateShort description:Must be the last day of the quarter for which data is being submittedPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:DateFormat:YYYYMMDDLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoPeriodEndingMonthShort description:Must be the last month of the quarter for which data is being submittedPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:DateFormat:MmLength: 2CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoPeriodEndingYearShort description:Must year for which data is being submittedPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:DateFormat:YYYYLength: 4CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoPeriodStartingDateShort description:Must be the first day of the quarter for which data is being submittedPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:DateFormat:YYYYMMDDLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoPeriodStartingMonthShort description:Must be the first month of the quarter for which data is being submittedPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:DateFormat:MmLength: 2CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoPeriodStartingYearShort description:Must be the year for which data is being submittedPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:DateFormat:YYYYLength: 4CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoPermanentPatientCityLDSShort description:Permanent city of residence for the patient.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:Open TextFormat:VARCHARLength: 25CHIA derived:NoDescription:Primary city of residency for patient.Reference table:NoPermanentPatientCountryLDSShort description:Permanent country of residence for the patient.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:Open TextFormat:VARCHARLength: 2CHIA derived:NoDescription:Primary country of residency for patient.Reference table:NoPermanentPatientStateLDSShort description:Permanent state of residence for the patient.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 2CHIA derived:NoDescription:Primary state of residency for patient.Reference table:Yes. StatePermanentPatientStreetAddressShort description:Patient's street addressPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOV-SPECType of Data:Open TextFormat:VARCHARLength: 30CHIA derived:NoDescription:Address for patient's permanent residence as provided by the hospital. CHIA does not alter or standardize this fieldReference table:NoPermanentPatientZIP3CodeLDSShort description:3-digit zip code of the patient's permanent residence.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ZipcodeFormat:NNNLength: 9CHIA derived:NoDescription:First three digits of patient's permanent zip code. Zip codes are not standardized and this field is as reported from a nine-digit zip code. For LDS users only, if the patient state is not in Massachusetts or a state bordering Massachusetts (Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont or Rhode Island) zip codes are set to zeros (0s) and the state is removed. Any additional questions can be addressed by contacting CHIA at table:NoPermanentPatientZIP5CodeLDSShort description:5-sigit zip code of the patient's permanent residence.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:ZipcodeFormat:NNNNNLength: 9CHIA derived:NoDescription:First five digits of patient's permanent zip code. Zip codes are not standardized and this field is as reported from a nine-digit zip code. For LDS users only, if the patient state is not in Massachusetts or a state bordering Massachusetts (Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont or Rhode Island) zip codes are set to zeros (0s) and the state is removed. Any additional questions can be addressed by contacting CHIA at table:NoPermanentPatientZIPCodeShort description:Patient's zip codePrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOV-SPECType of Data:ZipcodeFormat:NNNNNNNNNLength: 9CHIA derived:Description:Zip code of patient's permanent address. CHIA does not alter or standardize the values in this field.Reference table:PreOperativeDaysShort description:Count of days between admission and procedurePrimary table:ProcedureLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: 4CHIA derived:Description:Calculation of the number of days between admission and the procedure.Reference table:PrimaryConditionPresentShort description:Flag indicating that principal condition was present on admission.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:Indicates that principal condition was present on admission.Reference table:Yes Condition PresnetPrimaryDiagnosisCodeShort description:ICD-10 code for the Condition that led to the admission to the ED. ED determined.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 6CHIA derived:NoDescription:The ICD diagnosis code corresponding to the condition established after study to be chiefly responsible for the admission of the patient for hospital care.Reference table:Yes Standard ICD-9 or ICD-10 Diagnosis CodesPrimaryPayerTypeShort description:Indicates the type of payerPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:Yes Payment Source REF _Ref473725248 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Summary StatisticsPrincipalPreoperativeDaysShort description:Count of days between admission and primary procedure.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: 5CHIA derived:Description:Calculation of the number of days between admission and the procedure.Reference table:NoPrincipalProcedureCodeShort description:ICD-10 code for the most import procedure in the ED visit. ED determined.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 7CHIA derived:NoDescription:The chief procedure performed in the ED.Reference table:Yes Standard ICD-9 or ICD-10 Procedure CodesPrincipalProcedureDateShort description:Date of the principal procedure was performedPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:DateFormat:YYYYMMDDLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoPrincipalProcedureMonthShort description:The month in which the principal procedure was performedPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:DateFormat:MmLength: 2CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoProcedureCodeShort description:ICD-10code for each significant procedure reported by the facility. Up to X Procedures in FY2016.Primary table:ProcedureLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 7CHIA derived:NoDescription:The ICD procedure code usually corresponding to additional procedures which carry an operative or anesthetic risk or require highly trained personnel, special equipment or facilities.Reference table:Yes Standard ICD-9 or ICD-10 Procedure Codes ProcedureCodeDateShort description:Date that the procedure was performedPrimary table:ProcedureLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:DateFormat:YYYYMMDDLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoQuarterShort description:Quarter of submission.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: ServiceServiceDataSubmissionLogAvailability to users:COREType of Data:DateFormat:QQLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:Quarter in which the visit was submitted to CHIA.Reference table:NoRace1, Race2Short description:Standardized, facility reported race.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 6CHIA derived:NoDescription:Primary race as reported by the provider. CHIA’s Provider community utilizes the full list of standard race codes, per Center for Disease Control () and , and those listed belowReference table:Yes CODEDESCRIPTIONR1American Indian/Alaska NativeR2AsianR3Black/African AmericanR4Native Hawaiian or other Pacific IslanderR5WhiteR9Other RaceR1American Indian/Alaska NativeR2AsianR3Black/African AmericanSummary StatisticsRace1, Race2RecordType20IDShort description:Unique per Visit. Key to link from Visit table.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: DiagnosisProcedureServiceServiceGrouperAvailability to users:COREType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:Indicator for Record Type '20'. Required for every ED Visit. Only one allowed per ED Visit. ED Visit specific record identifier used to link data about a specific visit across CHIA data tables. Users should use this identifier with facility IDs and Discharge ids to capture a unique record.Reference table:NoRevenueCodeShort description:Billing code.Primary table:ServiceLinking tables: ServiceAvailability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:A numeric code which identifies a particular routine or special care accommodation. The revenue codes are taken from the Uniform Billing (UB) revenue codes and correspond to specific cost centers in the DHCFP-403 cost report.Reference table:Yes Revenue REF _Ref473725401 \h \* MERGEFORMAT RevenueCodeTypeShort description:Type of Billing codePrimary table:ServiceLinking tables: ServiceAvailability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:NoDescription:Category of billing code to allow association with specific billing systemsReference table:Yes Revenue SecondaryPayerTypeShort description:Secondary payer for the visit.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 4CHIA derived:NoDescription:Secondary payer for this visit.Reference table:Yes Payment SourceSequenceShort description:Order of hospital visits for a patientPrimary table:ServiceLinking tables: ServiceAvailability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:This calculated field indicates the chronological order of Inpatient discharge for patients with multiple Inpatient discharges in a calendar. A match with the UHIN only, is used to make the determination that a patient has had multiple discharges. The Sequence Number uses the following data conventions: (1) The sequence number is calculated by sorting the file by UHIN and visit date (in ascending order). (2) The sequence number is then calculated by incrementing a counter for each UHIN’s set of visits. A sequence number of “1” indicates the first admission for the UHIN in that fiscal year. (3) If a UHIN has two visits on the same day, the visit date is used as the secondary sort key. (4) If the UHIN is undefined (not reported, unknown or invalid), the sequence number is set to zero.Reference table:NoSexLDSShort description:Indicates genderPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:YesCODEDESCRIPTIONMMaleFFemaleUUnknownSpecialConditionIndicatorShort description:Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:YesSubmissionActiveShort description:CHIA processing fieldPrimary table:ErrorLogLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:Description:Reference table:NoSubmissionControlIDShort description:Unique per facility-quarter-submission. Key to link from the Visit table .Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: ServiceServiceDataSubmissionLogErrorLogAvailability to users:COREType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: 4CHIA derived:NoDescription:Unique id for a facility's submission of data to CHIA. Usually one Submission Control ID is associated with a facilities quarterly submissions.Reference table:NoSubmissionPassedShort description:CHIA flag.Primary table:ErrorLogLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: CHIA derived:YesDescription:Indicates that visit was submitted to CHIA and passed.Reference table:NoSubmissionPassedFlagShort description:CHIA derived fieldPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 4CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoSubmissionQuarterShort description:Indicates the quarter (1-4) in which the record was submitted to CHIA.Primary table:ErrorLogLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:DateFormat:Length: CHIA derived:NoDescription:Quarter in which the visit was submitted to CHIA.Reference table:NoSubmissionYearShort description:Indicates the year (2014-2016) in which the record was submitted to CHIA.Primary table:ErrorLogLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:DateFormat:Length: CHIA derived:NoDescription:Year in which the visit was submitted to CHIA.Reference table:NoTemporaryPatientCityLDSShort description:Current municipality of residence for a patient, if different from permanent residence.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:Open TextFormat:VARCHARLength: 25CHIA derived:NoDescription:MA city in which the patient temporarily resides.Reference table:NoTemporaryPatientStateLDSShort description:Current state of residence for a patient, if different from permanent residence.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 2CHIA derived:NoDescription:Indicates "MA" if the patient temporarily resides in Massachusetts.Reference table:YesStateTemporaryPatientZip3CodeLDSShort description:Current 3-digit zip code of patient residence, if different from permanent residence.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ZipcodeFormat:NNNLength: 9CHIA derived:NoDescription:First three digits of patient's temporary, Massachusetts zip code. Zip codes are not standardized and this field is as reported from a nine-digit zip code. The Limited Data Set supports selection of 3-character Zip Code or 5-character Zip Code for approval by CHIA. Government users may be able to request a 9-character Zip Code. For LDS users only, if the patient state is not in Massachusetts or a state bordering Massachusetts (Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, or Rhode Island) zip codes are set to zeros (0s) and the state is removed.Reference table:NoTemporaryPatientZip5CodeLDSShort description:Current 5-digit zip code of patient residence, if different from permanent residence.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:ZipcodeFormat:NNNNNLength: 9CHIA derived:NoDescription:First five digits of patient's temporary, Massachusetts zip code. Zip codes are not standardized and this field is as reported from a nine-digit zip code. The Limited Data Set supports selection of 3-character Zip Code or 5-character Zip Code for approval by CHIA. Government users may be able to request a 9-character Zip Code. For LDS users only, if the patient state is not in Massachusetts or a state bordering Massachusetts (Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, or Rhode Island) zip codes are set to zeros (0s) and the state is removed.Reference table:NoTemporaryPatientZIPCodeShort description:Patient's zip codePrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOV-SPECType of Data:ZipcodeFormat:NNNNNNNNNLength: 9CHIA derived:Description:Zip code of patient's temporary Massachusetts address. CHIA does not alter or standardize the values in this field.Reference table:TemporaryUSPatientStreetAddressShort description:Patient's street addressPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOV-SPECType of Data:Open TextFormat:VARCHARLength: 30CHIA derived:NoDescription:Address for patient's temporary, Massachusetts-based, residence as provided by the hospital. CHIA does not alter or standardize this fieldReference table:NoTotalChargesShort description:Total charges associated with ED visits in a Facility-Submission-Quarter.Primary table:ServiceLinking tables: ServiceDataSubmissionLogAvailability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: CHIA derived:NoDescription:Sum of charges for the visit.Reference table:NoTotalChargesAllShort description:Hospital charges (all)Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:NNNNNNNNLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:The full, undiscounted charges summarized by specific accommodation revenue code(s). Total charges should not include charges for telephone service, television or private duty nurses. Any charges for a leave of absence period are to be included in the routine accommodation charges for the appropriate service (medical/surgical, psychiatry) from which the patient took the leave of absence. Any other routine admission charges or daily charges under which expenses are allocated to the routine or special care reporting centers on the CHIA-403 must be included in the total charges. This is the grand total of charges associated with the patient’s emergency room visit. The total charge amount should be rounded to the nearest dollar. A charge of $0 is not permitted unless the patient has a special Departure Status.Reference table:NoTotalChargesAncillariesShort description:Hospital ancillary chargesPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:NNNNNNNNLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:The full, undiscounted charges summarized by a specific ancillary service revenue code(s).Reference table:NoTotalChargesRoutineShort description:Hospital routine chargesPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:NNNNNNNNLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:The full, undiscounted charges for patient care summarized by prescribed revenue code for routine accommodation services as specified in Inpatient Data Code Tables(3)(a).Reference table:NoTotalChargesSpecialShort description:Special charges for hospital servicesPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:NNNNNNNNLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:The full, undiscounted charges for patient care summarized by prescribed revenue code for accommodation services in those special care units which provide patient care of a more intensive nature than that provided in the general medical care units, as specified in Inpatient Data Code Tables(3)(b).Reference table:NoTransmittalIDShort description:CHIA created fieldPrimary table:DataSubmissionLogLinking tables: Availability to users:COREType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoUHINShort description:Patient's unique id.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:IdentifierFormat:VARCHARLength: 9CHIA derived:NoDescription:CHIA generated unique identifier of the patient. Linkable across records and fiscal years. Each patient is given by CHIA a Unique Health Information Number (UHIN), which is a surrogate key that can link patients over time and across facilities. The data element is blank, a single dash (-) appears in the UHIN field. It is valid for facilities to report that the unique patient identifier is unknown. In these cases, the UHIN appears as ‘000000001’. The utility of the UHIN field is dependent on the reporting data. For a small number of facilities, little or no UHIN data exists, as these institutions failed to report patients’ uniquely identified information. Other facilities reported the same data repeatedly, resulting in numerous admissions for one UHIN. In other cases, the demographic information (age, sex, etc.) was not consistent when a match did exist with the UHIN. Some explanations for this include assignment of a mother’s unique identifiers to her infant or assignment of a spouse’s unique identifiers to a patient. Invalid data uses the code UHIN=”4”.Reference table:NoUHIN_SequenceNoShort description:Unique patient id created by CHIAPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:LDSType of Data:ContinuousFormat:VARCHARLength: 3CHIA derived:YesDescription:Reference table:NoUnitsOfServiceShort description:Number of days with an Accommodation chargePrimary table:ServiceLinking tables: ServiceAvailability to users:COREType of Data:ContinuousFormat:Length: CHIA derived:NoDescription:Reference table:NoVeteransStatusShort description:Indicates veteran statusPrimary table:DischargeLinking tables: Availability to users:GOVType of Data:CategoricalFormat:Length: 1CHIA derived:NoDescription:CODEDESCRIPTION1 YES2 NO (includes never in military, currently inactive duty, national guard or reservist with 6 months or less active duty)3 Not applicable4 Not Determined (unable to obtain information)Reference table:Yes YearShort description:Indicates year of submission.Primary table:DischargeLinking tables: ServiceServiceDataSubmissionLogAvailability to users:COREType of Data:DateFormat:YYLength: 8CHIA derived:NoDescription:Calendar Year the data was submitted.Reference table:NoLonger Reference TablesFY2016 HIDD has 20 standard reference tables. These relate to categorical variables are driven by the Hospital Inpatient Discharge Database April 2014 Submission Guide. Some of the tables have been integrated into the data dictionary. This section contains longer tables to tables used by multiple data elements. Users of the data with additional questions about any specific Reference table: should contact CHIA at 1. ADSOURCEPrincipal Data ElementAdmissionSourceCode1Other Data ElementsAdmissionSourceCode2RulesAll other values are invalidLast Updated12/7/2016CODEDESCRIPTION0Information Not Available1Direct Physician Referral2Within Hospital Clinic Referral3Direct Health Plan Referral/HMO Referral4Transfer from Acute Care Hospital5Transfer from a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)6Transfer from Intermediate Care Facility (ICF)7Outside Hospital Emergency Room Transfer8Court/Law Enforcement9OtherFTransfer from a Hospice FacilityLOutside Hospital Clinic ReferralMWalk-In/Self-ReferralRInside Hospital ER TransferTTransfer from Another Institution’s Ambulatory Surgery (SDS)WExtramural BirthXObservationYWithin Hospital Ambulatory Surgery Transfer (SDS Transfer)SRCADM codeFOR NEWBORN:0Information not Available1Normal Delivery2Premature Delivery3Sick Baby4Extramural BirthTable 1. CONDITION PRESENTPrincipal Data ElementPrimaryConditionPresentOther Data ElementsConditionPresentConditionPresentECodeRulesAll other values invalid.Last Updated1/31/2017CODEDESCRIPTIONYYesNNoUUnknownWClinically undetermined1Not applicable (only valid for NCHS official published list of not applicable ICD-9-CM or ICD-10-CM codes for POA flag)[Blank]Not applicable (only valid for NCHS official published list of not applicable ICD-9-CM or ICD-10-CM codes for POA flag)Table 1. PATIENT STATUSLook-up TablePatient StatusPrincipal Data ElementPatientStatusOther Data ElementsRulesAll other values invalid.Last Updated1/30/2017CODEDESCRIPTION1 Discharged/transferred to home or self-care (routine discharge)2 Discharged/transferred to another short-term general hospital for inpatient care3 Discharged, transferred to Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) 4 Discharged/transferred to an Intermediate Care Facility (ICF)5 Discharged/transferred to a Designated cancer Center or Children’s Hospital.6 Discharged/transferred to home under care of organized home health service organization7 Left against medical advice (AMA)8 Discharged/transferred to home under care of a Home IV Drug Therapy Provider9 Not allowed in the MA Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data12 Discharge Other13 Discharge/transfer to rehab hospital14 Discharge/transfer to rest home15 Discharge to Shelter20 Expired (or did not recover - Christian Science Patient)50 Discharged to Hospice - Home51 Discharged to Hospice Medical Facility43Discharged/transferred to federal healthcare facility61Discharged/transferred within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare-approved swing bed62Discharged/transferred to an inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital.63Discharge/transfer to a Medicare certified long term care hospital.64Discharged/transferred to a nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare65Discharged/transferred to psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital.66Discharged/transferred to a Critical Access Hospital (CAH).70 Discharged/transferred to another Type of Health Care Institution not defined elsewhere in this Code List81Discharged to home or self-care with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission 82Discharged/transferred to a short term general hospital for inpatient care with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission 83Discharged/transferred to a skilled nursing facility (SNF) with Medicare certification with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission 84Discharged/transferred to a facility that provides custodial or supportive care with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission 85Discharged/transferred to a designated cancer center or children’s hospital with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission86Discharged/transferred to home under care of organized home health service organization with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission 87Discharged/transferred to court/law enforcement with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission 88Discharged/transferred to a federal health care facility with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission 89Discharged/transferred to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission 90Discharged/transferred to an inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission 91Discharged/transferred to a Medicare certified long term care hospital (LTCH) with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission 92Discharged/transferred to a nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission 93Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission 94Discharged/transferred to a critical access hospital (CAH) with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission 95Discharged/transferred to another type of health care institution not defined elsewhere in this code list with a planned acute care hospital inpatient readmission Table 1. PAYER TYPEPrincipal Data ElementPayerTypeOther Data ElementsManagedCareCodeMCareMCaidPrivCodeRulesAll other values invalid.payer type CODEpayer type abbreviationpayer type DEFINITION1SPSelf-Pay2WORWorker's Compensation3MCRMedicareFMCR-MCMedicare Managed Care4MCDMedicaidBMCD-MCMedicaid Managed Care5GOVOther Government Payment6BCBSBlue CrossCBCBS-MCBlue Cross Managed Care7COMCommercial InsuranceDCOM-MCCommercial Managed Care8HMO HMO9FCFree Care0OTHOther Non-Managed Care PlansEPPOPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere ClassifiedHHSNHealth Safety NetJPOSPoint-of-Service PlanKEPOExclusive Provider OrganizationTAIAuto InsuranceQComCareCommonwealth Care/ConnectorCare PlansZDENDental PlansNNoneNone (Valid only for Secondary Payer)Table 1. PAYMENT SOURCEPrincipal Data ElementPayerCode1Other Data ElementsPayerCode2PrimaryPayerTypeSecondaryPayerTypeRulesAll other values are invalidSome codes are valid as Secondary Source of PaymentLast Updated12/7/2016payer CODEPAYERTYPECODEpayerSOURCEDEFINITIONPAYERCATEGORY18Harvard Community Health PlanHMO2CBay State - a product of HMO BlueBlue Cross Managed Care3CNetwork Blue (PPO)Blue Cross Managed Care48Fallon Community Health PlanHMO78Tufts Associated Health PlanHMO88Pilgrim Health CareHMO98United Health Plan of New England (Ocean State)HMO10EPilgrim Advantage - PPOPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified11CBlue Care ElectBlue Cross Managed Care13JCommunity Health Plan Options (New York)Point-of-Service Plan14JHealth New England Advantage POSPoint-of-Service Plan17DPrudential Healthcare POSCommercial Managed Care18DPrudential Healthcare PPOCommercial Managed Care198Matthew ThorntonHMO208HCHP of New England (formerly RIGHA)HMO21ECommonwealth PPOPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified22DAetna Open Choice PPOCommercial Managed Care23DGuardian Life Insurance Company PPOCommercial Managed Care248Health New EnglandHMO258Pioneer PlanHMO27DFirst Allmerica Financial Life Insurance PPOCommercial Managed Care28DGreat West Life PPOCommercial Managed Care307CIGNA (Indemnity)Commercial Insurance31DOne Health Plan HMO (Great West Life)Commercial Managed Care33DMutual of Omaha PPOCommercial Managed Care34DNew York Life Care PPOCommercial Managed Care35DUnited Healthcare Insurance Company - HMOCommercial Managed Care36DUnited Healthcare Insurance Company - PPOCommercial Managed Care378HCHP-Pilgrim HMO (integrated product)HMO388Health New England Select (self-funded)HMO398Pilgrim DirectHMO408Kaiser FoundationHMO428ConnectiCare Of MassachusettsHMO438MEDTACHMO448Community Health PlanHMO458Health Source New HampshireHMO468Blue CHiP (BCBS Rhode Island)HMO478Neighborhood Health PlanHMO488US HealthcareHMO49EHealthsource CMHC Plus PPOPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified506Blue Health Plan for KidsBlue Cross517Aetna Life InsuranceCommercial Insurance527Boston Mutual InsuranceCommercial Insurance547Continental Assurance InsuranceCommercial Insurance557Guardian Life InsuranceCommercial Insurance567Hartford L&A InsuranceCommercial Insurance577John Hancock Life InsuranceCommercial Insurance587Liberty Life InsuranceCommercial Insurance597Lincoln National InsuranceCommercial Insurance627Mutual of Omaha InsuranceCommercial Insurance637New England Mutual InsuranceCommercial Insurance647New York Life Care IndemnityCommercial Insurance657Paul Revere Life InsuranceCommercial Insurance667Prudential InsuranceCommercial Insurance677First Allmerica Financial Life InsuranceCommercial Insurance697Corporate Health Insurance Liberty PlanCommercial Insurance707Union Labor Life InsuranceCommercial Insurance71EADMARPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified727Healthsource New HampshireCommercial Insurance737United Health and LifeCommercial Insurance747United Healthcare Insurance CompanyCommercial Insurance75DPrudential Healthcare HMOCommercial Managed Care77EOptions for Healthcare PPOPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified78DPhoenix Preferred PPOCommercial Managed Care79EPioneer Health Care PPOPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified80ETufts Total Health Plan PPOPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified81CHMO BlueBlue Cross Managed Care82DJohn Hancock PreferredCommercial Managed Care83EUS Healthcare Quality Network Choice- PPOPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified84EPrivate Healthcare Systems PPOPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified857Liberty MutualCommercial Insurance86EUnited Health & Life PPOPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified87DCIGNA PPOCommercial Managed Care88EFreedom CarePPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified897Great West/NE CareCommercial Insurance90EHealthsource Preferred (self-funded)PPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified917New England BenefitsCommercial Insurance93EPsychological Health PlanPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified947Time Insurance CoCommercial Insurance95EPilgrim Select - PPOPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified967Metrahealth (United Health Care of NE)Commercial Insurance977UniCareCommercial Insurance989Healthy StartFree Care99JOther POS (not listed elsewhere)Point-of-Service Plan1007Transport Life InsuranceCommercial Insurance1017Quarto ClaimsCommercial Insurance1027Wausau Insurance CompanyCommercial Insurance1034Medicaid (includes MassHealth)Medicaid104BMedicaid Managed Care-Primary Care ClinicianMedicaid Managed Care106BMedicaid Managed Care-Central Mass Health CareMedicaid Managed Care107BMedicaid Managed Care - Community Health PlanMedicaid Managed Care108BMedicaid Managed Care - Fallon Community Health PlanMedicaid Managed Care109BMedicaid Managed Care - Harvard Community Health PlanMedicaid Managed Care110BMedicaid Managed Care - Health New EnglandMedicaid Managed Care111BMedicaid Managed Care - HMO BlueMedicaid Managed Care112BMedicaid Managed Care - Kaiser Foundation PlanMedicaid Managed Care113BMedicaid Managed Care - Neighborhood Health PlanMedicaid Managed Care114BMedicaid Managed Care - United Health Plans of NEMedicaid Managed Care115BMedicaid Managed Care - Pilgrim Health CareMedicaid Managed Care116BMedicaid Managed Care -Tufts Associated Health PlanMedicaid Managed Care118BMedicaid Mental Health & Substance Abuse Plan - Mass Behavioral Health PartnershipMedicaid Managed Care119BMedicaid Managed Care Other (not listed elsewhere)Medicaid Managed Care1205Out-of-State MedicaidOther Government Payment1213MedicareMedicare125FMedicare HMO - Fallon Senior PlanMedicare Managed Care127FMedicare HMO - Health New England Medicare WrapMedicare Managed Care128FMedicare HMO - HMO Blue for SeniorsMedicare Managed Care129FMedicare HMO - Kaiser Medicare Plus PlanMedicare Managed Care131FMedicare HMO - Pilgrim Enhance 65Medicare Managed Care132FMedicare HMO - Matthew Thornton Senior PlanMedicare Managed Care133FMedicare HMO -Tufts Medicare Supplement (TMS)Medicare Managed Care134FMedicare HMO - Other (not listed elsewhere)Medicare Managed Care1353Out-of-State MedicareMedicare1366BCBS MedexBlue Cross1377AARP/Medigap supplementCommercial Insurance1387Banker's Life and Casualty InsuranceCommercial Insurance1397Bankers Multiple LineCommercial Insurance1407Combined Insurance Company of AmericaCommercial Insurance1417Other Medigap (not listed elsewhere)Commercial Insurance1426Blue Cross IndemnityBlue Cross1439Free CareFree Care1445Other GovernmentOther Government Payment1451Self-PaySelf-Pay1462Worker's CompensationWorker's Compensation1477Other Commercial (not listed elsewhere)Commercial Insurance1488Other HMO (not listed elsewhere)HMO149EPPO and Other Managed CarePPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified170JUS Healthcare Quality POSPoint-of-Service Plan171DCIGNA POSCommercial Managed Care172DMetrahealth - POS (United Health Care of NE)Commercial Managed Care173FAetna Medicare Open Medicare Managed Care1748Aetna Health Inc. - Quality POSHMO1758Aetna Health, Inc. - HMOHMO1767Carelink (CIGNA & Tufts)Commercial Insurance1777Chesapeake Life Insurance CompanyCommercial Insurance1785Children's Medical Security Plan (CMSP)Government1797First Health Life and Health Insurance CompanyCommercial Insurance180FFresenius Medical Care Health Plan (Medicare Advantage Plan)Medicare Managed Care181DFirst Allmerica Financial Life Insurance EPOCommercial Managed Care182DUniCare Preferred Plus Managed Access EPOCommercial Managed Care183KPioneer Health Care EPOExclusive Provider Organization184KPrivate Healthcare Systems EPOExclusive Provider Organization1857Connecticut General Life - IndemnityCommercial Insurance186JConnecticut General Life - POSPOS187EConnecticut General Life - PPOPPO188JFallon Flex POSPOS1897Fallon Major Medical - IndemnityCommercial Insurance190DFallon Preferred Care - PPOCommercial Managed Care191DGenworth Preferred PPOCommercial Managed Care192DGuarantee Trust Life Insurance Company - PPOCommercial Managed Care1937Harvard Pilgrim - IndemnityCommercial Insurance1948Harvard Pilgrim - POSHMO1958Harvard Pilgrim - PPOHMO1968Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. (HMO)HMO1977Health Insurance Plan of New York (HIP)Commercial Insurance1987John Alden Life Insurance CompanyCommercial Insurance199KOther EPO (not listed elsewhere)Exclusive Provider Organization2007Hartford Life Insurance CoCommercial Insurance2017Mutual of OmahaCommercial Insurance2027New York Life InsuranceCommercial Insurance2037Principal Financial Group (Principal Mutual Life)Commercial Insurance2047Christian Brothers EmployeeCommercial Insurance205EHealth New England Select Premier PPOPPO2067Health New England Guaranteed Issue - Individual PlansCommercial Insurance207BNetwork Health (Cambridge Health Alliance MCD Program)Medicaid Managed Care208BHealthNet (Boston Medical Center MCD Program)Medicaid Managed Care2097Mid-West National Life Insurance Company of TennesseeCommercial Insurance210FMedicare HMO - Pilgrim Preferred 65Medicare Managed Care211FMedicare HMO - Neighborhood Health Plan Senior Health PlusMedicare Managed Care212FMedicare HMO - Healthsource CMHC Central Care SupplementMedicare Managed Care213FMedicare HMO - Medicare Complete Plans offered by SecureHorizons Medicare Managed Care214FMedicare HMO - Harvard Pilgrim Health Plan - Medicare EnhanceMedicare Managed Care215FTufts Medicare HMO - Medicare PreferredMedicare Managed Care216FMedicare Special Needs Plan - Commonwealth Care AllianceMedicare Managed Care217FMedicare Special Needs Plan - Fallon Community Health PlanMedicare Managed Care218FMedicare Special Needs Plan - Senior Whole HealthMedicare Managed Care219FMedicare Special Needs Plan - United Health Group Evercare Mass. SCO and Evercare Plan IPMedicare Managed Care220FMedicare HMO - Blue Care 65Medicare Managed Care221FMedicare HMO - Harvard Community Health Plan 65Medicare Managed Care222FMedicare HMO - Healthsource CMHCMedicare Managed Care223FMedicare HMO - Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of New England Care PlusMedicare Managed Care224FMedicare HMO - Tufts Secure HorizonsMedicare Managed Care225FMedicare HMO - US HealthcareMedicare Managed Care226DUnited Health Care of New England, mercial Managed Care227ENortheast Health Direct - PPOPPO2287Oxford Health PlansCommercial Insurance2297Professional Insurance Company (Indemnity)Commercial Insurance230FMedicare HMO - HCHP First SeniorityMedicare Managed Care231FMedicare HMO - Pilgrim PrimeMedicare Managed Care232FMedicare HMO - Seniorcare DirectMedicare Managed Care233FMedicare HMO - Seniorcare PlusMedicare Managed Care234FMedicare HMO - Managed Blue for SeniorsMedicare Managed Care2357Trustmark Life Insurance CompanyCommercial Insurance2368Tufts Health Maintenance Organization, Inc. (TAHMO)HMO237ETufts Insurance Company PPOPPO2388Tufts Associated Health Maintenance Organization, Inc. PPOHMO2398Tufts Associated Health Maintenance Organization, Inc. POS PlanHMO240EUnicare PPOPPO2417Union Security Insurance CompanyCommercial Insurance2427Wellcare Health Plans, mercial Insurance2438Pioneer Health NetworkHMO2447Tufts Medicare Complement (TMC)Commercial Insurance245FTrail Blazer Health Enterprises, LLCMedicare Managed Care246CPreferred Blue PPOBlue Cross Managed Care2477Humana Insurance Company **Commercial Insurance2487Mail Handlers Benefit Plan Commercial Insurance2497MEGA Life and Health Insurance CompanyCommercial Insurance250DCIGNA HMOCommercial Managed Care2518Healthsource CMHC HMOHMO252FHealth New England (HNE) Medicare Advantage PlanMedicare Managed Care253FBlue Medicare PFFSMedicare Managed Care254FCigna Medicare Access PlansMedicare Managed Care255FHealth Net PearlMedicare Managed Care256FHumana Gold PFFSMedicare Managed Care257FToday's Options Premier from Universal AmericanMedicare Managed Care258FUnicare Security Choice Medicare Managed Care2598CeltiCare Health Plan of MassachusettsCommercial Insurance270DUniCare Preferred Plus PPOCommercial Managed Care2718Hillcrest HMOHMO272TAuto InsuranceAuto Insurance273FMassHealth Senior Care Options****Medicare Managed Care274BMedicaid Managed Care - Network HealthMedicaid Managed Care275FMedicare SCO - NaviCare (HMO)Medicare Managed Care276FMedicare SCO - Tufts Senior Care OptionsMedicare Managed Care277FMedicare SCO - United Health CareMedicare Managed Care278FMedicare SCO - Commonwealth Care AllianceMedicare Managed Care279FMedicare One Care - Fallon Total CareMedicare Managed Care280FMedicare One Care - Network HealthMedicare Managed Care281FMedicare One Care - Commonwealth Care AllianceMedicare Managed Care282BBMC MassHealth CarePlusMedicaid Managed Care283BFallon MassHealth CarePlusMedicaid Managed Care284BNHP MassHealth CarePlusMedicaid Managed Care285BNetwork Health MassHealth CarePlusMedicaid Managed Care286BCelticare MassHealth CarePlusMedicaid Managed Care287BMassHealth CarePlusMedicaid Managed Care288QBoston Medical Center HealthNet ConnectorCareCommonwealth Care Plans289QCeltiCareConnectorCareCommonwealth Care Plans290QFallon ConnectorCareCommonwealth Care Plans291QHealth New England ConnectorCareCommonwealth Care Plans292QMinuteman Health ConnectorCareCommonwealth Care Plans293QNeighborhood Health ConnectorCareCommonwealth Care Plans294QNetwork Health ConnectorCareCommonwealth Care Plans2958MeritainHMO300QCommCare: BMC HealthNet Plan/Commonwealth Care – General Classification Commonwealth Care Plans301QCommCare: BMC HealthNet Plan/Commonwealth Care – Plan Type ICommonwealth Care Plans302QCommCare: BMC HealthNet Plan/Commonwealth Care – Plan Type IICommonwealth Care Plans303QCommCare: BMC HealthNet Plan/Commonwealth Care – Plan Type IIICommonwealth Care Plans304QCommCare: BMC HealthNet Plan/Commonwealth Care – Plan Type IVCommonwealth Care Plans400QCommCare: Cambridge Network Health Forward – General ClassificationCommonwealth Care Plans401QCommCare: Cambridge Network Health Forward – Plan Type ICommonwealth Care Plans402QCommCare: Cambridge Network Health Forward – Plan Type IICommonwealth Care Plans403QCommCare: Cambridge Network Health Forward – Plan Type IIICommonwealth Care Plans404QCommCare: Cambridge Network Health Forward – Plan Type IVCommonwealth Care Plans500QCommCare: Fallon Community Health Care: Commonwealth Care FCHP Direct Care – General Classification Commonwealth Care Plans501QCommCare: Fallon Community Health Care: Commonwealth Care FCHP Direct Care – Plan 1 (Group No. 4445077)Commonwealth Care Plans502QCommCare: Fallon Community Health Care: Commonwealth Care FCHP Direct Care – Plan 2 (Group No. 4455220)Commonwealth Care Plans503QCommCare: Fallon Community Health Care: Commonwealth Care FCHP Direct Care – Plan 3 (Group No. 4455221)Commonwealth Care Plans504QCommCare: Fallon Community Health Care: Commonwealth Care FCHP Direct Care – Plan 4 (Group No. 4455222)Commonwealth Care Plans600QCommCare: Neighborhood Health Plan– General ClassificationCommonwealth Care Plans601QCommCare: Neighborhood Health Plan – NHP Commonwealth Care Plan – Plan Type I (9CC1)Commonwealth Care Plans602QCommCare: Neighborhood Health Plan – NHP Commonwealth Care Plan – Plan Type II (9CC2)Commonwealth Care Plans603QCommCare: Neighborhood Health Plan – NHP Commonwealth Care Plan – Plan Type III (9CC3)Commonwealth Care Plans604QCommCare: Neighborhood Health Plan – NHP Commonwealth Care Plan – Plan Type IV (9CC4)Commonwealth Care Plans700QCommCare: Celticare Health Plan of Massachusetts / Commonwealth Care General ClassificationCommonwealth Care Plans701QCommCare: Celticare Health Plan of Massachusetts / Commonwealth Care - Plan 1Commonwealth Care Plans702QCommCare: Celticare Health Plan of Massachusetts / Commonwealth Care - Plan 2Commonwealth Care Plans703QCommCare: Celticare Health Plan of Massachusetts / Commonwealth Care - Plan 3Commonwealth Care Plans704QCommCare: Celticare Health Plan of Massachusetts / Commonwealth Care Bridge ProgramCommonwealth Care Plans800ZAetna DentalCommercial Managed Care801ZAflacCommercial Insurance802ZAllStateCommercial Insurance803ZAltus DentalCommercial Managed Care804ZAmeritas Life Insurance CorpCommercial Insurance805ZAnthem Blue Cross Blue ShieldBlue Cross Managed Care806ZAssurantPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified807ZBlue Cross Blue Shield of MA Blue Cross Managed Care808ZBlue Cross Blue Shield of RIBlue Cross Managed Care809ZChildren’s Medical Security Government810ZCigna DentalPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified811ZCreative Plan Dental AdministratorsPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified812ZDelta Dental of MACommercial Managed Care813ZDelta Dental - OtherCommercial Managed Care814ZDelta Dental of New YorkCommercial Managed Care815ZDentaQuest Commonwealth CareCommonwealth Care Plans816ZDentaQuest MassHealthMedicare Managed Care817ZDentaQuest Senior Whole HealthPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified818ZEverCare DentalPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified819ZFallon Health PlanCommercial Insurance820ZGreat West DentalPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified821ZGuardian DentalMedicaid822ZHarvard Pilgrim Health CarePPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified823ZMetLife DentalPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified824ZPrincipal Plan DentalMedicare Managed Care825ZUnicare DentalPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified826ZUnited ConcordiaOther Government Payment827ZUnited HealthCare: DentalPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified828ZAlicareCommercial Insurance829ZAdventist Risk Management INCCommercial Insurance830ZBlue Cross Blue Shield of TexasBlue Cross Managed Care831ZBrokers National Life insuranceCommercial Insurance832ZCba Blue DentalBlue Cross Managed Care833ZChesterfield ResourcesCommercial Insurance834ZCompanion Life insuranceCommercial Insurance835ZDental Health AllianceCommercial Insurance836ZEBS Benefit SolutionsCommercial Insurance837ZEmpire Blue CrossBlue Cross Managed Care838ZExcellus Blue crossBlue Cross Managed Care839ZFortisCommercial Insurance840ZGEHA Connection DentalCommercial Insurance841ZGHICommercial Insurance842ZLincoln Financial GroupCommercial Insurance843ZLondon Health AdministratorsCommercial Insurance844ZMidwest Life InsuranceCommercial Insurance845ZPremier Access Dental PlansCommercial Insurance846ZSentry Life InsuranceCommercial Insurance847ZSonocoCommercial Insurance848ZSun Life Dental BenefitsCommercial Insurance849ZSymetra Life Insurance CompanyCommercial Insurance850ZTricare DentalPPO and Other Managed Care Plans Not Elsewhere Classified851ZDentemax InsuranceCommercial Insurance9909Free Care - Co-pay, Deductible, or Co-InsuranceFree Care995HHealth Safety Net OfficeHSNO9969Charity CareOther Free Care (Charity Care)VALID AS SECONDARY SOURCE PAYER CODEPAYER SOURCE DEFINITION137AARP/Medigap Supplement138Banker’s Life and Casualty Insurance139Bankers Multiple Line136BCBS Medex140Combined Insurance Company of America200Hartford Life Insurance co.127Medicare HMO -Health New England Medicare Wrap212Medicare HMO - Healthsource CMHC Central Care Supplement128Medicare HMO -HMO Blue for Seniors129Medicare HMO-Kaiser Medicare Plus Plan131Medicare HMO-Pilgrim Enhance 65210Medicare HMO-Pilgrim Preferred 65201Mutual of Omaha211Neighborhood Health Plan Senior Health Plus202New York Life Insurance Company141Other Medigap (not listed elsewhere) ***133Medicare HMO -Tufts Medicare Supplement (TMS)Table 1. REVENUEPrincipal Data ElementRevenueCodeOther Data ElementsRevenueCodeTypeRulesAll other values are invalidREVENUE CENTERREVENUE CODEUNITS OF SERVICEtype1Medical/Surgical111 (Includes codes: 0111, 0121, 0131, 0141, and 0151.)DaysRoutine2Obstetrics112 (Includes codes: 0112, 0122, 0132, 0142, and 0152.DaysRoutine3Pediatrics113 (Includes codes: 0113, 0123, 0133, 0143, and 0153.)DaysRoutine4Psychiatric114 (Includes codes: 0114, 0124, 0134, 0144, and 0154.)DaysRoutine5Hospice115 (Includes codes: 0115, 0125, 0135, 0145, and 0155.)DaysRoutine6Detoxification 116(Includes codes: 0116, 0126, 0136, 0146, and 0156.)DaysRoutine7Oncology117 (Includes codes: 0117, 0127, 0137, 0147, and 0157.)DaysRoutine1Neo-natal ICU175 (Includes codes: 0173 & 0174.)DaysSpecial Care2Medical/Surgical ICU200(Includes codes: 0201 & 0202.)DaysSpecial Care3Pediatric ICU203DaysSpecial Care4Psychiatric ICU204DaysSpecial Care5Intermediate ICU206DaysSpecial Care6Burn Unit207DaysSpecial Care7Trauma ICU208DaysSpecial Care8Other ICU209DaysSpecial Care9Coronary Care Unit210DaysSpecial Care10Myocardial Infarction211Days1011Pulmonary Care212Days1112Heart Transplant213Days1213Post Coronary Care214Days1314Other Coronary Care219Days141Special Charges220Zeros12Incremental Nursing Charge Rate230Zeros23All Inclusive Ancillary240Zeros34Pharmacy250Zeros45IV Therapy260Zeros56Medical/Surgical Supplies and Devices270Zeros67Oncology280Zeros78Durable Medical Equipment290Zeros89Laboratory300Zeros910Laboratory Pathological310Zeros1011Diagnostic Radiology320ZerosAncillary Services12Therapeutic Radiology330ZerosAncillary Services13Nuclear Medicine340ZerosAncillary Services14CT Scan350ZerosAncillary Services15Operating Room Services360ZerosAncillary Services16Anesthesia370ZerosAncillary Services17Blood380ZerosAncillary Services18Blood and Blood Component Administration, Processing and Storage390ZerosAncillary Services19Other Imaging Services400ZerosAncillary Services20Respiratory Services410ZerosAncillary Services21Physical Therapy420ZerosAncillary Services22Occupational Therapy430ZerosAncillary Services23Speech-Language Pathology440ZerosAncillary Services24Emergency Room450ZerosAncillary Services25Pulmonary Function460ZerosAncillary Services26Audiology470ZerosAncillary Services27Cardiology480ZerosAncillary Services28Ambulatory Surgical Care490ZerosAncillary Services29Outpatient Services500ZerosAncillary Services30Clinics510ZerosAncillary Services31Free-Standing Clinic520ZerosAncillary Services32Osteopathic Services530ZerosAncillary Services33Ambulance540ZerosAncillary Services34Skilled Nursing550ZerosAncillary Services35Medical Social Services560ZerosAncillary Services36Home Health Aide570ZerosAncillary Services37Other Visits (Home Health)580ZerosAncillary Services38Units of Service 590ZerosAncillary Services39Oxygen (Home Health)600ZerosAncillary Services40Magnetic Resonance Technology (MRT)610ZerosAncillary Services41Medical/Surgical Supplies - Extension of 270620ZerosAncillary Services42Pharmacy – Extension of 0250630ZerosAncillary Services43Home IV Therapy Services640ZerosAncillary Services44Hospice Service650ZerosAncillary Services45Respite Care 660ZerosAncillary Services46Outpatient Special Residence Charges670ZerosAncillary Services47 Trauma Response680ZerosAncillary Services48Not Assigned690n/aAncillary Services49Cast Room700ZerosAncillary Services50Recovery Room710ZerosAncillary Services51Labor Room/Delivery720ZerosAncillary Services52EKG/ECG (Electrocardiogram)730ZerosAncillary Services53EEG (Electroencephalogram)740ZerosAncillary Services54Gastro-Intestinal Services750ZerosAncillary Services55General Treatment or Observation Room760ZerosAncillary Services56Treatment Room761ZerosAncillary Services57Observation Room762HoursAncillary Services58Other Observation Room769HoursAncillary Services59Preventative Care Services770ZerosAncillary Services60 Telemedicine780ZerosAncillary Services61 Extra-corporeal Shock Wave Treatment (formerly Lithotripsy)790ZerosAncillary Services62Inpatient Renal Dialysis800ZerosAncillary Services63 Acquisition of Body Components810ZerosAncillary Services64Hemodialysis - Outpatient or Home820ZerosAncillary Services65Peritoneal Dialysis - Outpatient or Home830ZerosAncillary Services66Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis - Outpatient or Home840ZerosAncillary Services67Continuous Cycling Peritoneal Dialysis - Outpatient or Home850ZerosAncillary Services68Invalid (Reserved for Dialysis - National Assignment)860n/aAncillary Services69Invalid (Reserved for Dialysis - National Assignment)870n/aAncillary Services55General Treatment or Observation Room760ZerosAncillary Services56Treatment Room761ZerosAncillary Services57Observation Room762HoursAncillary Services58Other Observation Room769HoursAncillary Services59Preventative Care Services770ZerosAncillary Services60 Telemedicine780ZerosAncillary Services61Extra-corporeal Shock Wave Treatment (formerly Lithotripsy)790ZerosAncillary Services62Inpatient Renal Dialysis800ZerosAncillary Services63 Acquisition of Body Components810ZerosAncillary Services64Hemodialysis - Outpatient or Home820ZerosAncillary Services65Peritoneal Dialysis - Outpatient or Home830ZerosAncillary Services66Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis - Outpatient or Home840ZerosAncillary Services67Continuous Cycling Peritoneal Dialysis - Outpatient or Home850ZerosAncillary Services68Invalid (Reserved for Dialysis - National Assignment)860n/aAncillary Services69Invalid (Reserved for Dialysis - National Assignment)870n/aAncillary Services70Miscellaneous Dialysis880ZerosAncillary Services71 Reserved for National Assignment890ZerosAncillary Services72 Behavioral Health Treatments/Services900ZerosAncillary Services73 Behavioral Health Treatments/Services910ZerosAncillary Services74Other Diagnostic Services920ZerosAncillary Services75 Medical Rehabilitation Day Program930n/aAncillary Services76Other Therapeutic Services940ZerosAncillary Services77Other Therapeutic Services – Extension of 0940950ZerosAncillary Services78Professional Fees960 (Includes codes: 0960, 0961, 0962, 0963, 0964, and 0969.)ZerosAncillary Services79Professional Fees970 (Includes codes: 0970, 0971, 0972, 0973, 0974, 0975, 0976, 0977, 0978, and 0979.)ZerosAncillary Services80Professional Fees980 (Includes codes: 0980, 0981, 0982, 0983, 0984, 0985, 0986, 0987, 0988, and 0989.)ZerosAncillary Services81Patient Convenience Items990ZerosAncillary Services82Behavioral Health Accommodations1000ZerosAncillary Services83Reserved for National Assignment1010 - 2090n/aAncillary Services84Alternative Therapy Services2100ZerosAncillary Services85Reserved for National Assignment2110 - 3090n/aAncillary Services86Adult Care3100ZerosAncillary Services87Reserved for National Assignment3110 - 9990n/aAncillary ServicesTable 1. STATEPrincipal Data ElementPermanentPatientStateLDSOther Data ElementsTemporaryPatientStateLDSRulesAll other values are invalidMust be present when Patient Country is ‘US’Must be valid U.S. postal code for stateSTATE/POSSESSIONABBREVIATIONAlabamaALAlaskaAKAmerican SamoaASArizonaAZArkansasARCaliforniaCAColoradoCOConnecticutCTDelawareDEDistrict of ColumbiaDCFederated States of MicronesiaFMFloridaFLGeorgiaGAGuamGUHawaiiHIIdahoIDIllinoisILIndianaINIowaIAKansasKSKentuckyKYLouisianaLAMaineMEMarshall IslandsMHMarylandMDMassachusettsMAMichiganMIMinnesotaMNMississippiMSMissouriMOMontanaMTNebraskaNENevadaNVNew HampshireNHNew JerseyNJNew MexicoNMNew YorkNYNorth CarolinaNCNorth DakotaNDNorthern Mariana IslandsMPOhioOHOklahomaOKOregonORPalauPWPennsylvaniaPAPuerto RicoPRRhode IslandRISouth CarolinaSCSouth DakotaSDTennesseeTNTexasTXUtahUTVermontVTVirgin IslandsVIVirginiaVAWashingtonWAWest VirginiaWVWisconsinWIWyomingWYPart D: Summary StatisticsDescriptive Statistics of Selected Continuous Data ElementsFor the FY2016 HIDD data, CHIA produced a number of descriptive statistics for continuous data elements in the Discharge table. Please find below statistics for 14 data elements. DATAELEMENTNN MISSINGMINIMUMMEANmaximumAgeLDS800,9873-51.90116.00DaysBetweenStay800,990--15.00999.00LeaveOfAbsenceDay755,40945,581---LengthOfStay800,985514.74767.00NewBornAge (in weeks)79,652--2.6599.00NumberOfAND800,990--0.87445.00NumberOfDiagnosisCode800,990--12.88100.00NumberOfProcedureCode800,990--1.66148.00PrincipalPreoperativeDay489,665311,325.00(366.00)1.17349.00TotalChargesAll800,990--30,736.527,988,289.00TotalChargesAncillaries800,990--20,715.495,699,428.00TotalChargeSpecial800,990--2,983.741,761,880.00TotalChargesRoutine800,990--7,037.292,062,467.00UHIN_SequenceNo800,990--1.3749.00*For NewBornAge (in weeks) is populated if AgeLDS equal 0 and if Year is the release year, then this field is populated. CHIA populated NewBornAge with “99”. Only weeks between 0 and 52 are valid. Frequency Tables for Selected Data ElementsFor the FY2016 HIDD data, CHIA produced tabulations for selected categorical data elements in the Discharge table. AdmissionSourceCode1CODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT#1010-27250.3427260.34061880.7789141.11123477429.3124368830.422285873.5727227533.993840.01272359344444305.5531678939.555100621.2632685140.81613230.1732817440.97721000.2633027441.23811500.1433142441.389463005.7837772447.16A632407.944096455.05B6650.0844162955.14C4030.0544203255.19D1130.0144214555.2F450.0144219055.21L56140.744780455.91M26198832.7170979288.61R8840611.0479819899.65T5079820399.65W6079820999.65X17960.2280000599.88Y9850.12800990100AdmissionSourceCode2CODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT-59284474.0159284474.01014545218.1673829692.17142800.5374257692.71213300.1774390692.8731074390792.8742140.0374412192.954250.0574454692.9562074454892.9588074455692.9593530.0474490993A7074491693D2074491893L1074491993M13930.1774631293.17R511846.3979749699.56T3079749999.56X30110.3880051099.94Y4800.06800990100AdmissionTypeCODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT-3030145740757.1145741057.11214205217.7359946274.84313081016.3373027291.174706278.8280089999.995910.01800990100-3030145740757.1145741057.11DNRStatusCODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT038910.4938910.49179709999.51800990100038910.4938910.49179709999.51800990100EDFlagCodeCODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT-1010034526443.134526543.1115191518.9749718062.07230381037.93800990100HispanicIndicatorCODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENTN73828392.3373828392.33R1073828492.33U3073828792.33Y613457.67799632100HomeslessIndicatorCODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENTN59990798.859990798.8Y72711.2607178100OtherCareGiverCodeCODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT170510.8870510.8825120.0675630.944409435.11485066.06550430.63535496.6967280.09542776.787149681.87692458.6489940.12702398.7710401225.0111036113.7816253973.1713575816.9522468385.8518259622.825115441.4419414024.2427106791.3320481925.5739157191.9622053827.534063430.7922688128.3341109451.3723782629.694249500.6224277630.3146154881.9325826432.2449118831.4827014733.735071800.927732734.625112670.1627859434.785324220.328101635.085785091.0628952536.155992101.1529873537.362143601.7931309539.096623640.331545939.386840930.5131955239.897176390.9532719140.857346310.5833182241.437599691.2434179142.677762830.7834807443.467997741.2235784844.6881236772.9638152547.6383121181.5139364349.1485175742.1941121751.348811270.1441234451.488911100.1441345451.6291533076.6646676158.279788881.1147564959.389850320.6348068160.019957630.7248644460.73100134171.6849986162.411016570.0850051862.491038018150853663.49104179172.2452645365.73105186912.3354514468.0610629640.3754810868.4310920130.2555012168.68110169292.1156705070.7911496661.215767167211542900.5458100672.54116191332.3960013974.9211846120.5860475175.5119117611.4761651276.97122284773.5664498980.52123155561.9466054582.47124167332.0967727884.56126130381.6369031686.18127194872.4370980388.6212973280.9171713189.53131413755.1775850694.71329840.1275949094.8213336050.4576309595.27138129991.6277609496.8913927860.3577888097.2414188841.1178776498.3514553950.6779315999.02446025950.3279575499.3569632030.0379595799.371146630810.3879903899.761146718780.2380091699.9911718740.01800990100OutpatntObsrvStayFlagCodeCODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT-80078399.9780078399.9701080078499.973520.0180083699.9851540.02800990100PatientStatusCODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT-2170.032170.03145695357.0545717057.082155451.9447271559.02310217612.7657489171.77412000.1557609171.92527030.3457879472.26614790018.4672669490.727119171.4973861192.21841940.5274280592.74930074283592.74133074286892.741228760.3674574493.11361710.7775191593.87144640.0675237993.93152910.0475267093.97228075269893.9720151971.976789595.8721540.0176794995.8735480.0776849795.94412580.0376875595.98432220.03768977965042590.5377323696.545124770.3177571396.8462800.0377599396.88614850.0677647896.9462129831.6278946198.566346720.5879413399.1464680.0179420199.156557230.7179992499.87661580.0280008299.89707330.0980081599.988128080084399.988214080085799.98836080086399.988633080089699.99873080089999.99891080090099.99909080090999.99911080091099.99923080091399.999327080094099.999422080096210095280800990100PrimaryConditionPresentCODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT1438605.54438605.54A46790.59485396.13E212542.69697938.82N191932.428898611.24U19640.259095011.49W27150.349366511.83Y69791688.17791581100PrimaryPayerTypeCODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT-29029002920.043210.04150310.6353520.67224750.3178270.98328590535.6929373236.674495016.1834323342.85585791.0735181243.926279483.4937976047.417271373.3940689750.888842911.0449532661.8496440.0849597061.92B11248714.0460845775.96C745159.368297285.27D194312.4370240387.69E105351.3271293889.01F653858.1677832397.17H45150.5678283897.73J16150.278445397.94K1290.0278458297.95N1078458397.95Q95551.1979413899.14T19960.2579613499.39Z48540.61800988100c10800989100Race1CODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT-260260R19700.129960.12R2228272.85238232.97R3631777.898700010.86R44160.058741610.91R562893278.5271634889.43R9444315.5576077994.98UN1076078094.98UNKNOW402105.02800990100Race2CODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENTR12440.542440.54R210602.3613042.9R333907.55469410.45R4340.08472810.53R52690959.913163770.44R915073.363314473.79UNKNOW1177226.2144916100R12440.542440.54R210602.3613042.9SecondaryPayerTypeCODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT-909001390.021480.021279633.49281113.5121150.01282263.52312264215.3115086818.844758279.4722669528.3553940.6723208928.986513796.4128346835.397264333.330990138.698135261.6932342740.38921920.2732561940.65B87141.0933433341.74C70840.8834141742.62D56500.7134706743.33E23440.2934941143.62F85761.0735798744.69H131231.6437111046.33J38037114846.34K6037115446.34N42756353.3879871799.72Q9250.1279964299.83T3680.0580001099.88Z9800.12800990100SexCODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT-2020F44180355.1644180555.16M35915944.84800964100U260800990100VeteranStatusCODEFREQUENCYPERCENTCUMULATIVE FREQUENCYCUMULATIVE PERCENT1580927.25580927.25248985361.1654794568.41310606813.2465401381.65414697718.35800990100 ................

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