100% organic, no compromises

alternative milk .75 almond ? oat ? coconut ? soy

flavor .75 vanilla ? caramel ? cacao ? lavender ? cardamom


espresso...................................................................................3 house coffee....................................................................2/2.5 pour over (see reserve coffee list)..................................... 4 americano........................................................................3/3.5 macchiato............................................................................3.5 cortado..................................................................................3.9 cappuccino............................................................................. 4 flat white.............................................................................3.5 latte.................................................................................4.2/4.7 mo ch a............................................................................. 4.7/5.2 cold brew...................................................................... 3.7/4.2 kyoto......................................................................................... 5 nitro cold brew...........................................................4.2/4.7


matcha shot........................................................................... 3 traditional hot matcha..................................................3.5 traditional iced matcha.................................................3.5 matcha macchiato..............................................................3.5 matcha cortado...................................................................3.9 matcha cappuccino.............................................................4 flat green.............................................................................3.5 matcha latte................................................................4.2/4.7 matcha mocha..............................................................4.7/5.2 matcha lemonade................................................................4

coffee signatures

campfire latte....................................................................5.2 toasted marshmallow, chocolate, graham cracker, hot creme brulee latte............................................................5.2 creme brulee, vanilla, hot french toast latte.......................................................4.7/5.2 cinnamon, maple syrup, hot or iced milk and honey latte................................................4.7/5.2 honey, cinnamon, hot or iced rush hour......................................................................4.7/5.2 half and half, cold brew, vanilla, iced mighty mocha.............................................................4.7/5.2 cold brew, espresso, cacao, iced the buddha...................................................................4.7/5.2 cardamom latte, hot or iced thin mint latte............................................................4.7/5.2 latte, cacao, mint, hot or iced

MATCHA signatures

french toast matcha latte......................................4.7/5.2 matcha latte, cinnamon, maple syrup, hot or iced matcha creme brulee..................................................... 5.2 matcha latte, creme brulee, vanilla, hot strawberry fields.......................................................4.7/5.2 matcha latte, strawberry, beetroot, hot or iced thin mint matcha......................................................4.7/5.2 matcha latte, cacao, mint, hot or iced solar power..................................................................4.7/5.2 dairy free, matcha tea, ginger, lemon, hot or iced milk and honey matcha..........................................4.7/5.2 honey, cinnamon, hot or iced lavender bloom latte................................................4.7/5.2 lavender, vanilla, hot or iced

house iced tea 2.2/2.7 loose leaf teas see list arnold palmer 2.2/2.7

tea and other

chai tea latte 4.4/4.9 london fog 4.7 milk, tea, lavender

strawberry milk 3.2 cookie milk 4

cookies steeped in milk

ice blended chai 5 la la hot chocolate 4 cacao, milk chocolate shavings

ICE BLENDED drinks 5

choose your base matcha or espresso choose your flavor vanilla, caramel, cacao, french toast, thin mint, lavender, or cardamom


all teas include a second steeping

Butterfly Tea Earl Grey

Lemongrass Ginger

classic tea 3.5

English Breakfast Chamomile Peppermint

Herb Harmony Sencha Green Licorice Peppermint Fennel

reserve teas

Yuzu Kukicha Green Tea...............................................5.6 Kirishima, Kagoshima, Japan Notes: Refreshing, Sweet, Citrus

Tres #8 Hong Cha Black Tea.........................................8.9 Yu Chi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan Notes: Honey, Baked Fruits, Camphor

On the fog-shrouded slopes of Kirishima Mountain, Japan's southernmost tea cultivation region, the Nishi family organically grow our Yuzu Kukicha. The vibrant green stems of Kukicha blend harmoniously with the Japanese citrus fruit Yuzu, yielding a revitalising, sweet tea with a punch of sweet citrus.

California Persian..........................................................5.9 Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China Notes: Floral, Sweet, Jasmine Blossom

Our California Persian starts with traditional Persian tea, which is a blend of black tea and rose petals, and then adds jasmine, orange, cardamom, and a hint of bergamot. Great with milk and sugar, this tea features high caffeine in a full-bodied floral infusion.

Liu Bao Heicha................................................................ 7.9 Liubao township, Guangxi, China Notes: Rich, Pine, Musk, Sweet Plum

Liu Bao is the lesser known sister to Puerh Tea, but no less enjoyable. Some say that the process used to make Liu Bao is where the Shou Pu-erh tea making process originated. Made from fermented black tea and grown high in the mountains near Liubao township, Guangxi, our Liu Bao tea is aged in baskets through a process of fermentation. The flavor is rich and bold, each sip offers a sweet comforting allure of musk, pine, and sweet plum.

First introduced to Taiwan in the early 1920s, The Taiwan Research and Extension Station (TRES) identified the Sun Moon Lake region of central Taiwan as providing the perfect conditions for black tea production. When infused, the large curved leaves produce a deep orange-brown hue with rounded fruity sweetness and superb cherry like aromas. Because of how dark and sweet this tea is, this tea pairs wonderfully with a croissant.

Jasmine Dragon Pearls.................................................. 7.9 Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China Notes: Floral, Sweet, Jasmine Blossom

Jasmine Dragon Pearl is known as a customary welcoming beverage in Northern China. It adopts a very distinct preparation method that involves fashioning an exceptionally long leaf and bud together into tightly rolled silvery colored pearls. This award winning tea uses the youngest leaves, harvested in early spring and scented 6 times over with Jasmine blossoms. Once steeped, the pearls unravel to unleash a sweet, medium-bodied green tea with an alluring velvety texture, intonated with inviting floral tones.

reserve coffee list

premium selections

Gedeb Natural

Country........................................................... Ethiopia Region................................Gedeo Zone, Yirgacheffe Elevation............................................................ 1900M Organization..............................Worka Cooperative Producer..............................................Kebede Wako Varieties..................................Ethiopian Landraces Process.....................Dried in cherry on raised beds Roaster Notes.....Berries, Stonefruit, Tropical Fruit

This coffee is grown by Kebede Wako and processed separate from the rest of the coffees at the Worka Cooperative, of which Kebede is a member. The cooperative was established in 2005, and Kebede's farm is used as a model for the other members to improve their harvesting methods. In addition to various fruit notes, we get white floral notes, brown sugar notes, and a toasted coconut aftertaste.


Country......................................................Colombia Region...............................................Southern Huila Elevation................................................1400-1950m Organization..........................................Cafe Origen Producer............................50+ Smallholder farmers Varieties.................Caturra, Castillo, and Colombia Process...............Washed, then Sun-Dried on Patios Roaster Notes....................Juicy, Orange, Chocolate

This coffee is grown by smallholder farmers around the town of Pitaltio in Huila, Colombia. These producers all belong to an organization called Cafe Origen that is a step removed from the traditional cooperative model?they negotiate and sell coffee together but otherwise operate independently. This coffee has a dominant silky notes of cocoa and citrus, but we also get notes of plum and sage.


100% organic, no compromises


la la avocado toast.............................................................. 6.2 mashed avocado, lemon, red pepper flakes, cilantro garnish banana brule? toast............................................................ 5.5 hazelnut spread, caramelized bananas honey strawberry toast...................................................... 5.5 strawberries, cream cheese, honey drizzle, mint garnish butter & jam toast.................................................................. 4

breakfast empanadas limited availability

baked egg, bacon, and potato empanada 4

pastries limited availability

croissant............................................................................... 4.2 chocolate croissant............................................................. 4.5 fluffy cheesecake................................................................... 6

LA LA cookiE

chocolate chip......................................................................... 4


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