VISN 11 ICU RFP QUESTIONS – 03/20/13ItemPage #Para-graphRFP SectionRFP ClauseQuestionAnswerSchedule of Supplies/Services19CLIN 001 - 005Schedule of Supplies/ServicesContractor shall furnish unlimited, perpetual, non-exclusive software and interface licenses for the ICU CIS software only in CLIN 001-1. The price for CLIN 001-1 excludes installation and implementation. This item is for the price of the product only at Ann Arbor VAMCWhat CLIN should server costs be included in? Will it be acceptable to include in ICU CIS Software (CLIN 001) because the software is delivered on the servers, together at the same time.The server costs can be listed in CLIN 001. Be sure that the technical specifications appear in your technical response and not just your price response.Statement of Work/Specifications230BackgroundBackgroundThe CIS / ARK will interface with these VHA databases and systems through the DSS DataBridge, which the VISN is procuring separately.For the interface with the ARK, is VISN 11 intending to have the CIS/ARK interface owned by the ARK Vendor, CIS Vendor or both? Please provide requirements that are specific to the CIS/ARK interface and what collaboration (if any) is required by both the CIS and ARK Vendors within each of the respective contracts?The DSS databridge is the interface between the ARK and the CIS. The Vendor needs to demonstrate that they can communicate with the Data Bridge.333A.2.6Rosetta Terminology MappingThe VHA Health Care Technology Program is aligning VHA medical device interface protocol standards with the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE). The intent is to support the use of existing patient care medical device interface standards and to work with medical device Manufacturers to develop protocols using Rosetta Terminology Mapping (RTM). The Contractor shall coordinate with medical device manufacturers in the development and implementation of the ARK using RTM. All medical device data shall be transmitted consistent with Rosetta code format.What specific requirement applies to the CIS?Please identify the medical devices in use or being acquired by the VISN that supports RTM.This is part of the National Standardization. Our equipment is included in Attachment E435B.1INTRA-VISN STANDARDIZATIONThe CIS is required to function and operate as part of a unified data solution for clinical data for critical care throughout the VISN. The CIS data must be fully available across the VISN, consistent in the data that it represents, consistent in the templates that it provides to enter and access data, integrated at the facilities, and also integrated with the VistA systems of the VISN, and with the VISN's Analytics Database. Availability of data across the VISN needs to be real-time, and needs to be subject to data management that matches the clinical and administrative organization of the VISN, its facilities and its departments; data and templates for entering and accessing data are to be implemented and managed VISN-wide; and functionality is to be implemented in the CIS for ad hoc informational lines as needed to unique needs in patient care delivery and management.Please describe the “clinical and administrative organization of the VISN” for the purposes of the Intra-VISN Standardization section.We will have a VISN group review the templates to increase best practices and ensure data integrity and would review implement the changes. This group would work with the Medical Centers and the National CST to spread best practices535-361B.2A CIS version implements function and operations for implementation of VA standardized data, integration with VistA and extracts with the Analytics Database, and for providing data access and availability throughout the VISN. The Contractor shall maintain a version for the VISN that meets its specific needs. The VISN-level version is based “Is the complete VA National standardized terminology complete and available from a website? If so, please provide the link?See the table at the end of this document for the link636C.1.INTER-VISN STANDARDIZATIONThe government intends for the Contractor to provide the same version of its CIS to all VISNs. This includes implementation of VA data standards (as noted above in Requirements for Data Standardization), and interfaces for data exchange with VistA and data extracts to the Analytics Database, (as noted above in System Integration Requirements).The national version of the CIS shall be planned, tested and validated for proper functionality and operation with versions of VA standardized data, and versions of the DataBridge interface with VistA and with extracts to the Analytics Database. The Contractor shall provide an initial release, and then subsequent, future versions. The future versions shall be managed under National Change control, and within that under VISN Change Control.Please provide a summary of the National and VISN-level Change Control and Change Management processes. In particular, please describe whether and how VISN change control and National Change Control interact and how conflicts are resolved. Does National or VISN Change Control apply to the initial implementation of CIS?The VISN Standardization Committee will work with the National IPT group for changes to the National Nomenclature7381(C) Functional Review (FR):The contractor shall participate with the VISN, VAMCs and the VHA OHI Product Effectiveness (PE) team in the conduct of Functional Reviews (FRs) at key points in product implementation:Please provide information on the PE team and what are the governance rules in terms of taking direction from PE impacting contract or timeline etc.There will be scheduled meetings to review the implantation and effectiveness to garner best practices for other VISNs. This will not impact the contract or timeline.846G. ACRONYMS: (ICU) Intensive Care Unit (to include stepdown/intermediate care units at each hospital)Regarding the reference to “intermediate care units,” are there any intermediate units listed in your later bed count? If so, please provide an updated list?See Table at the end of this document. This proucurement will focus on the ICU and PACU locations. The Step-down ICU/Telemetry column is the number of available telemetry monitors. Battle Creek will not be considered in this Solicitation. Saginaw is the only facility that will have the step-down beds included. The rest of the medical centers will just be the PACU and ICU beds included.947H. VISN 11 FACILITIES: This VISN consists of 7 acute care hospitals or VAMCs as defined below. The number of ICU beds for the ICU CIS system is also listed in the table. The number of Anesthesia machines and ORs are also provided below to illustrate the scope of the ARK and OR Management systems for compatibility. The resulting contract requires an unlimited license; therefore CIS shall be installed initially at each ICU bed. Upon completion of the ICU locations, the Primary COR will advise the subsequent locations where the above will be installed. Cost for same is included in the contract price. Does this include telemetry?YES1047H. VISN 11 FacilitiesTable showing # of beds at each siteTwo of the sites (Danville and Saginaw) do not have ICU beds. If both PACU and Stepdown/Telemetry are excluded from the initial purchase order, will a purchase order still be provided for those 2 sites’ share of the ICU CIS Software that is installed at the offsite Data Centers, or should these costs be allocated only to the 5 sites that have ICU beds?Danville and Saginaw will have their Step down and Telemetry included in the solicitation. Battle Creek will not be included in the solicitation. The other medical centers will only be the PACU and ICU locations included. The cost should be for the sites receiving the software and hardware11471H. VISN 11 Facilities“CIS shall be installed initially at each ICU bed. Upon completion of the ICU locations, the Primary COR will advise the subsequent locations where the above will be installed. Cost for same is included in the contract price.”Will medical device interfaces be needed at all beds in ICU, PACU, and Stepdown/Telemetry? Yes12471H. VISN 11 Facilities“CIS shall be installed initially at each ICU bed. Upon completion of the ICU locations, the Primary COR will advise the subsequent locations where the above will be installed. Cost for same is included in the contract price.”If PACU and Stepdown/Telemetry are not going to be installed initially, will it be acceptable to separate the price for these locations and present as Value Added Items so that the VISN can purchase them at a later date, contemporaneous with the expected installation?PACU shall be included in the solicitation. The step-down /Telemetry column is just the maximum number of available telemetry. Only Saginaw and Danville will have their Step-down telemetry beds included. The vendor will need to describe the remote charting capabilities in the medical center and out of the medical center1348J.2CLIN Task 007 – Modifications, Maintenance and Support ServicesOperational Uptime Requirements. The system shall be operable and available for use 99.9% 24/7 unless otherwise stated. Downtime will be computed from notification of problem during normal work hours. Scheduled maintenance will be excluded from downtime during normal working hours as detailed herein. Operational Uptime will be computed during a month long time period. Repeated failure to meet this requirement can subject the Contractor to Termination for Default action.Defines Maintenance but not "Scheduled Maintenance".Please define "Scheduled Maintenance" for the purposes of section J.2 - Downtime.Does scheduled maintenance include scheduled repairs? Is there a maximum amount of time allowed for scheduled maintenance?The downtime will focus on un-planed failure or loss of service. Scheduled down time will not be included in that calculation. In your proposal please indicate how you track the system performance.Instructions in providing proposals14853Submittal of Hard Copies of the Proposal: Submittals must be in the quantities and format specified in the instructions provided below. All hard copies shall be mailed directly to the CO at the address provided on the SF 1449, unless otherwise specified.Is overnight Fed-Ex acceptable to receive all hard copy submissions?yes15865b.Redacting of Hard CopiesOfferors must redact all references from their hard copy proposal that might identify their companyDoes “redaction” only apply to the hard copy as stated? In other words, is it acceptable for the electronic copy to identify company and product? yes16865b.Redacting of Hard CopiesOfferors must redact all references from their hard copy proposal that might identify their companyAside from company and product names and other obvious exceptions, how should the Offeror handle “redacting” contextual information? For example: An Offeror has marketing materials (a VISN 11 RFP requirement) where their name and product is listed throughout. Please advise. The goal of the redaction is to review the vendors’ technical specifications without knowledge of the specific vendor. The marketing material should be sanitized to meet that goalRequired Submittals Envelope No. 2 – Technical Information17905Item 1A- Exhibit 1“If interfaces are required and additional charges may apply, the Offeror shall provide a written proposal that will include a detailed description of the product and estimated pricing structure associated with any additional interface with this proposal in this Exhibit. The above will be reviewed during the evaluation process however costs for the above are not to be included in the final price for this contract.”Please clarify how the Offeror can provide a proposal with estimated pricing but the costs will not be included in the final price of the contract. Does this mean that a separate proposal should be prepared independent of this one which will be funded as a separate contract, or should the extra charges be presented as a Value Added Item in this proposal?In the technical section the value added specifications should be noted that they are optional and not included in the base proposal.18913Item 1A-Exhibit 1“VISN 11 has two (2) datacenters. One located in Warner-Robbins, GA and one at St. Louis, MO. The VISN would require redundant servers at each of these sites that would serve all of VISN 11.” The 7 sites included in the Schedule of Supplies do not include the 2 data centers in Georgia and St. Louis. Under which of the CLINs should the equipment and software for the data centers be shown? Specifically, can the data centers be added as additional locations in this contract, separate from the other 7 sites, to be paid by the VISN and not individual sites? Clin001 – The servers will be hosted in the medical centers in the VISNAttachment D – CIS System Specifications19Attach D.3.4Nat’l Mandatory Requirements“Contractor shall ensure that VISN 11 will be able to operate servers at remote locations for decreased hardware maintenance.”On page 91 Item 1A, it was instructed that redundant servers will be required at each of the two datacenters. When this requirement in Item 3.4 says that servers are needed at “remote locations”, is this referring to the 2 datacenters or is it referring to each of the 7 hospital sites? If the requirement is for servers to be installed at each of the hospital sites plus the 2 datacenters, which ones are intended to be the production servers and which ones are intended to provide backup for Disaster Operational Continuity?The servers will be hosted in the medical centers in the VISN. There has been a delay in the VISN datacenter availability. The backup and production servers will be hosted in the VISN20Attach D.Desirable Elementsdesirable requirementsHow are "desirable requirements" responses weighed within the overall responseThere are technical factor evaluations that the desirable requirements strengths and weakness will be evaluated unitizing the technical factors.21Attach D.Desirable ElementsData center locationPlease confirm locations (since they are in VISN-covered United States) and please confirm WAN connectivity between each data center and all subject VAMCs and the other data centers.The servers will be hosted in the medical centers in the VISN. There has been a delay in the VISN datacenter availability.22Attach D.Desirable ElementsE-ICUIs E-ICU mandatory or optional? What are the customer’s specific requirements? Optional – the vendor should discuss how that option would be implemented into the system.23In the most recent discussions about the ARK, it was said that moving forward the CIS system would be used for charting in your PACU’s.? Should licensing and device interfacing for the PACU’s be considered in this quote, or only the CIS beds as outlined?The PACU is included in the CIS solicitation and be considered in this quote24Are you expecting vendors to quote workstation hardware for the ICU bed documentation areas?? If so, would you have people quote 1 per bedside and would these be wall mounted or on rolling stands in the patient rooms?Yes the workstations and associated mounting hardware is to be included in the solicitation along with the hardware to connect the medical devices to the CIS. The workstations. the specifications for the hardware are included in Attachment D535-361B.2ResponseSETVERSIONDATEFORMATLINKICU1.3September 2012SpreadsheetICU, V1.3, September 2012PACU1.3July 2012SpreadsheetPACU, V1.3, July 2012ARK1.3October 2011SpreadsheetARK, Version 1.3, October 2011ARK1.3October 2011MindmapARK (Mindmap), Version 1.3, October 2011Medical Device Data1.0May 2011SpreadsheetMDD, Version 1.0, May 2011Medical Device Data1.0May 2011MindmapMDD (Mindmap), Version 1.0, May 2011GI/Moderate Sedation1.0October 2011SpreadsheetGI/Moderate Sedation, Version 1.2.2, May 2012846G. ACRONYMS: ResponseStationOperating Rooms (OR's)Anesthesia machinesPost Anesthesia Care Unit BedsICU BedsICU Stepdown/(PACU)Telemetry506 – Ann Arbor VAMC911203280515 – Battle Creek VAMC000010550 – Danville VAMC44508538 – Detroit VAMC910121627583 – Indianapolis VAMC1012134648610 – NIHCS VAMC434610655 – Saginaw VAMC42504 ................

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