C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E - University of Idaho


University of Idaho

NAME: Dennis Robert Becker DATE: October 24, 2018

RANK OR TITLE: Professor

DEPARTMENT: Natural Resources and Society


875 Perimeter Drive, MS 1134 FAX:

College of Natural Resources EMAIL: drbecker@uidaho.edu

Moscow, ID 83844-1134 WEB:


DATE OF TENURE: May 2011 (University of Minnesota)



Degrees: Ph.D., University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, 2002, Natural Resources

M.S., Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 1997, Recreation & Tourism Resources

B.S., Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 1992, Park Resource Management


Teaching, Extension and Research Appointments:

Interim Dean, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID (6/2018 – present)

Professor, Natural Resources & Society, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID (8/2018 – present)

Associate Professor, Natural Resource & Society, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID (8/2015 – 8/2018)

Associate Professor, Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN (9/2011 – 8/2015)

Assistant Professor, Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN (6/2005 – 8/2011)

Post-Doctoral Fellow, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR (6/2002 – 6/2005)

Joseph L. Fisher Fellow, Resources For The Future, Washington, D.C. (8/2001 – 5/2002).

Research Assistant, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID (7/1997 – 8/2001)

Research Assistant, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (1/1996 – 7/1997)

Academic Administrative Appointments:

Director, Policy Analysis Group, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID (8/2015 – present)

Non-Academic Employment:

Youth Sports Director, East Lansing Recreation and Arts, East Lansing, MI. Directed and supervised sports programs for more than 750 children in the community, 100+ volunteers, 35 staff members (10/1995 – 6/1997).

Law Enforcement Park Ranger, Grand Canyon National Park, Grand Canyon, AZ; Olympic National Park, Port Angeles, WA. Provided visitor and natural resource protection as a law enforcement officer, wildland firefighter, technical search and rescue technician, and an emergency medical technician (4/1994 – 8/1995).

Laborer/ Interpretive Park Ranger, Kansas Wildlife & Parks, Glen Elder State Park, Glen Elder, KS. Responsible for developing maintenance task plans, maintenance of park facilities, implemented interpretive programs for park visitors, and assisted in park budget accounting and remittance (1/1993 – 4/1994, summers 1990, 1991).

Park Ranger, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tuttle Creek Project, Manhattan, KS. Provided visitor assistance and protection in recreation areas. Assisted in collecting survey information on visitor use patterns at Corps of Engineer recreation areas. (4/1992 – 10/1992).


Biomass Thermal Energy Council, Technical Consultant. Providing technical consultation on biomass energy development including training on the use of the Wood Energy Financial Calculator. (8/2015 – 12/2017).

Pinchot Institute for Conservation, Congressional Review Auditor. Science Review Panel member for the Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act. Evaluation of the Act relative to the forest management guidelines set forth Results provided to Congress. (12/2009 – 8/2013).

Scientific Certification Systems, Forest Stewardship Council and Sustainable Forestry Initiative Auditor. Responsible for evaluation of client management practices, stakeholder consultation, technical review and certification of approximately 8 million acres of public and private forest land in the US. (9/2000 – 05/2011).

USAID/USDA Forest Service, International Programs Office. Program Evaluator. Provided council to the government of Madagascar, Director of Environment, and National Forest Service Chief on policy development and implementation to combat illegal logging. Responsible for conducting site visits, interviews with officials and donor organizations, and presentation of findings (7/2005 – 12/2005).


Areas of Specialization: Natural Resource Policy, Research Methods, Policy Analysis, Problem Solving

Courses Taught:

University of Idaho

NR 101 Exploring Natural Resources (2 credits) (~130 undergraduate students) (fall 2016 – 2018)

NRS 504 Special Topics in Natural Resources: Policy Analysis (1 credit) (1 undergraduate, 4 graduate students) (fall 2016)

NRS 506 Fundamentals of Research (2 credits) (19 graduate students) (spring 2017, fall 2018)

FOR 484 Forest Policy and Administration (~45 undergraduate students) (spring 2017, 2018)

University of Minnesota

ESPM 2021 Environmental Sciences: Integrated Problem Solving (3 credits) (85 undergraduate students) (spring 2007, 2010, 2011, 2014).

ESPM 3241W- Natural Resource & Environmental Policy (3 credits) (120 undergraduate

ESPM 5242 students; 6 graduate students; writing intensive) (spring 2006 – 2015).

ESPM 4242- Environment & Natural Res Policy Analysis (3 credits) (30 undergraduate; 10

ESPM 5242 graduate students) (fall 2008, 2010, 2012).

ESPM 3000 Seminar: Natural Resource Policy Analysis (1 credit) (25 undergraduate students) (fall 2006)

Other Universities

FOR 506 Society & Policy Issues in Ecosystem Restoration (3 credits) (Northern Arizona University) (6 graduate students) (spring 2005)

RRT 385 Resource Recreation & Tourism Management (3 credits) (University of Idaho) (30 undergraduate students) (spring 1997-2000)

Students Advised:

Undergraduate Students (academic advising)

University of Minnesota (averaged 10 completed per year)

University of Idaho (average 3 completed per year)

Undergraduate Students (research advising):

Michelle Benedum, Natural Resource Conservation, undergraduate research adviser, 2016-2017

Karl Meyer, Natural Resource Conservation, undergraduate research adviser, 2017-2019

Jace Hogg, Environmental Science, thesis advisor, 2018-2019

Graduate Students: (student name, degree, date, current position)

Michelle Benedum M.S. IP

Nicole Stiffarm M.S. IP

Chelsea McIver Ph.D. IP

Katherine Wollstein Ph.D IP

Laura Eaton Ph.D. IP Doctoral candidate

Spencer Plumb Post-Doc 2017 Prog Assoc, National Forest Foundation

Jordan Kudrna M.S. 2015 Policy Analyst, US GAO

Ryan Aylesworth Ph.D. --- Transferred to Univ of Massachusetts

Eli Sagor Ph.D. 2012 Associate Extension Professor, UMN

Candi Schulman M.S. 2012 Biotech Research Associate, Hologic

Jon Klapperich M.S. 2010 Minnesota Chamber of Commerce

Amanda Kueper M.S. 2010 Planner/Analyst, Minnesota DNR

Kaitlin Steiger-Meister Ph.D. 2010 Deputy Ast Reg Dicector Science, USFWS

Jenna Clarke M.S. 2009 Program Manager, US State Department

Grant Wilson M.S. 2008 Program Manager, Minnesota DNR

Nadine Lehrer Ph.D. 2008 Assistant Professor, Chatham University

Zhao Ma Ph.D. 2008 Associate Professor, Purdue University

Dalia Abbas Post-Doc 2008 Assistant Professor, University of Georgia

Other graduate committee service: 13 PhD, 22 MS/MA

Teaching Honors and Awards:

Horace T. Morse Alumni Undergraduate Teaching Award, University of Minnesota (2011-2012)

CFANS Special Advisor Recognition, University of Minnesota (2010-2011)

CFANS Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, University of Minnesota (2009-2010)

CFANS Teacher of the Year Award (non-tenured), University of Minnesota (2008-2009)

Graduate Student Association Excellence in Teaching, University of Idaho (1999-2000)


Refereed Publications (*student co-authorship) (47 Total; Web of Science h-index = 23; 2,478 citations):

2018 *Carlton, L.E., D.R. Becker. 2018. Forest biomass policy in Minnesota: Supply chain perspectives on bioenergy development. Forests, 9(5):254.

Nicholls, D.L, *J.M. Halbrook, *M. Benedum, H.S. Han, E. Lowell, D.R. Becker, R. James Barbour. 2018. Socioeconomic constraints to biomass removal from forest lands for fire risk reduction in the western U.S. Forests, 9(5):264.

Paveglio, T, M.S. Carroll, *A. Stasiewicz; D. Williams, D.R. Becker. 2018. Incorporating social diversity into wildfire management: Proposing 'pathways' for fire adaptation. Forest Science. DOI 10.1093/forsci/fxy005.

*Plumb, S., T. Paveglio, K. Jones, B.A. Miller, D.R. Becker. 2018. Differentiated Reactions to Payments for Ecosystem Service Programs in the Columbia River Basin: A Qualitative Study Exploring Irrigation District Characteristics as Local Common-Pool Resource Management Institutions. International Journal of the Commons. 12(1):202–224. DOI: 10.18352/ijc.806.

Wilson, P.I., T. Paveglio, D.R. Becker. 2018. The Politically Possible and Wildland Fire. Fire, 1(1):12. DOI 10.3390/fire1010012.

2017 Abrams, J., D.R. Becker, J. Kudrna, C. Moseley. 2017. Does policy matter? The role of policy systems in forest bioenergy development in the United States. Forest Policy and Economics. 75:41-48. DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2016.12.007.

*Lucas, A.M., Y.S. Kim, B. Greco, D.R. Becker, E. Hjerpe, J. Abrams. 2017. The social and economic contributions of the White Mountain Stewardship Project: Final 10-year assessment—lessons learned and implications for future forest management initiatives. Journal of Forestry. 115(6):548-558.

2016 Cheng, T., R.J. Gutiérrez, S. Cashen, D.R. Becker, et al. 2016. Is There a Place for Legislating Place-Based Collaborative Forestry Proposals? Examining the Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act Pilot Project. Journal of Forestry. 114(4):494-504.

*Håbesland, D., M. Kilgore, D.R. Becker, S. Snyder, Sjølie, H.K., B. Solberg, B.H. Lindstad. 2016. Norwegian Family Forest Owner’s Willingness to Participate in Carbon Offset Programs. Forest Policy and Economics. 70:30-38.

Sjølie, H.K., D.R. Becker, D. Håbesland, B. Solberg, B.H. Lindstad, M. Kilgore, S. Snyder. 2016. Willingness of nonindustrial private forest owners in Norway to supply logging residues for wood energy. Small-Scale Forestry. 15(1):29-43.

2015 Gutiérrez, R.J., A.S. Cheng, D.R. Becker, S. Cashen, D. Ganz, J. Gunn, M. Liquori, A. Merrill, D. S. Saah, W. Price. 2015. Legislated collaboration in a conservation conflict: a case study of the Quincy Library Group, California. In People, Conflicts in Conservation: Navigating Towards Solutions, S.M. Redpath, R.J. Gutierrez, K.A. Wood, and J.C. Young, eds. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press: pp. 271-283.

Kukrety, S., Wilson, D.C., D’Amato, A.W., Becker, D.R. 2015. Assessing sustainable forest biomass potential and bioenergy implications for the northern Lake States region, USA. Biomass & Bioenergy. 81: 167-176.

2014 Harris, C.C., D.R. Becker, E.A. Nielsen, W.J. McLaughlin. 2014. Public deliberation about salmon restoration impacts: Differences in the input of citizens in different community roles. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management. 16(4): 64-97.

*Kueper, A.; *Sagor, E.; Blinn, C.; Becker, D.R. 2014. Extension forestry in the United States: Master volunteer and other peer-learning programs. Journal of Forestry 112(1):23-31.

*Sagor, E.; Becker, D.R. 2014. Personal networks and private forestry in Minnesota. Journal of Environmental Management. 132:145-154.

*Sagor, E.; *Kueper, A.; Blinn, C.; Becker, D.R. 2014. Extension forestry in the United States a national review of state-level programs. Journal of Forestry 112(1):15-22.

2013 Becker, D.R.; *Eryilmaz, D.; *Klapperich, J.J.; Kilgore, M.A. 2013. Social availability of residual woody biomass from non-industrial private woodlands in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Biomass & Bioenergy 56:82-91.

Jordan N., L.S. Moore, C. Williams, D. Mulla, D. Pitt, C. Schively-Slotterback, R. Jackson, D. Landis, B. Dale, D.R.. Becker, M. Rickenbach, M. Helmers, R. Bringi. 2013. Landlabs: An integrated approach to creating agricultural enterprises that meet the triple bottom line. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 17(4):175-200.

*Kueper, A.; *Sagor, E.; Becker, D.R. 2013. Learning from landowners: Exploring peer exchange in the private landowner community through organizational case studies. Society & Natural Resources 26(2):1-19.

*Sagor, E.; Becker, D.R. 2013. The effect of data collection technique on estimated landowner personal network attributes. Small-Scale Forestry. DOI 10.1007/s11842-013-9255-1.

2012 *Domke, G.M.; Becker, D.R.; D'Amato, A.W.; Ek, A.R., C.W. Woodall. 2012. Carbon emissions associated with the procurement and utilization of forest harvest residues for energy, northern Minnesota, USA. Biomass & Bioenergy 36(1):141-150.

Harris, C.C.; Nielsen, E.A.; Becker, D.R.; Blana, D; McLaughlin, W.J. 2012. Results of community deliberation about social impacts of ecological restoration: comparing public input of self-selected versus actively engaged community members. Journal of Env Management, 50(2):191-203.

*Ma, Z.; Becker, D.R.; Kilgore, M.A. 2012. Barriers to and opportunities for effective cumulative impact assessment within state environmental review frameworks in the United States. Journal of Environmental Planning & Management, 55(7):961-978.

*Steiger-Meister, K.; Becker, D.R. 2012. Using policy to promote participatory planning: An examination of Minnesota’s Lake Improvement Districts from the citizen perspective. Journal of Env Planning and Management, 55(5):599-615.

2011 Becker, D.R.; McCaffrey, S.; Abbas, D.; Halvorsen, K.E., Jakes, P.; Moseley, C. 2011. The conventional wisdoms of woody biomass utilization. Journal of Forestry, 109(4):208-218.

Becker, D.R.; Moseley, C.; Lee, C. 2011. A supply chain analysis framework for assessing state-level forest biomass utilization policies in the United States. Biomass & Bioenergy, 35(4):1429-1439.

*Dirkswager, A.L.; Kilgore, M.A.; Becker, D.R.; Blinn, C.R.; Ek, A.R. 2011. Logging business practices and perspectives on harvesting forest residues for energy: a Minnesota case study. Northern J. of Applied Forestry. 28(1):41-46.

Halvorsen, K.E.; Selfa, T.A.; Becker, D.R.; Hinrichs, C. (eds). 2011. Socioeconomic dimensions of U.S. bioenergy. Biomass & Bioenergy (Special Issue), 35(4).

*Ma, Z.; Becker, D.R.; Kilgore, M.A. An overview of state environmental review policies and procedures in the United States. UVP-Report 25(4):202-207. (previously published in the Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 52(8):1035-1051).

2010 Becker, D.R.; Wilson, G.; Snyder, S. 2010. Central Minnesota private landowner attitudes towards off-highway vehicle access. N Journal of Applied Forestry 27(2):62-67.

*Lehr, N.; Becker, D.R. 2010. Shifting paths to conservation: policy change discourses and the 2008 US farm bill. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 53(5):639-655.

*McGraw1, A.M.; Moen, R.; Wilson, G.; Edwards, A.; Peterson, R.; Cornicelli, L.; Schrage, M.; Frelich, L.; Lenarz, M.; Becker, D.R. 2010. An advisory committee process to plan for moose in Minnesota. ALCES 46:189-200.

2009 Becker, D.R.; Larson, D; Lowell, E.C. 2009. Financial considerations of policy options to enhance biomass utilization for reducing wildfire hazards. For Policy and Economics 11(8):628-635.

Becker, D.R.; Nechodom, M.; Barnett, A.; Mason, T.; Lowell, E.; Graham, D.; Shelly, J. 2009. Assessing the role of federal community assistance programs to develop biomass utilization capacity in the western United States. Forest Policy and Economics 11(2):141-148.

Becker, D.R.; Skog, K.; Hellman, A.; Halvorsen, K.E.; Mace, T. 2009. An outlook for sustainable forest bioenergy production in the Lake States. Energy Policy 37(12):5687-5693.

*Hjerpe, E.; *Abrams, J.; Becker, D.R. 2009. Socioeconomic barriers and the role of biomass utilization in southwestern ponderosa pine restoration. Restoration Ecology 27(2):169-177.

*Ma, Z.; Becker, D.R.; Kilgore, M.A. 2009. Characterizing the landscape of state environmental review policies and procedures in the United States: a national assessment. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 52(8):1035-1051.

*Ma, Z.; Becker, D.R.; Kilgore, M.A. 2009. Assessing cumulative impacts within state environmental review frameworks in the United States. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 29(6):390-398.

2008 Lowell, E.C.; Becker, D.R.; Larson, D.; Rummer, R.; Wadleigh, L. 2008. An integrated approach to evaluating the economic costs of wildfire hazard reduction through wood utilization opportunities in the southwest U.S. Forest Science 54(3):273-283.

Nechodom, M.; Becker, D.R.; Haynes, R. 2008. Evolving interdependencies of community and forest health. In Forest and Community Connections, Donoghue, E. and Sturtevant V., eds. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future. pp. 91-108.

Snyder, S.A.; *Whitmore, J.H.; Schneider, I.E.; Becker, D.R. 2008. Ecological criteria, participant preferences and location models: A GIS approach toward ATV trail planning. Applied Geography, 28:248-258.

2007 Becker, D.R.; Viers, J. 2007. Matching the utilization of the by-products of forest fuel reduction with community development opportunities. In People, Fire and Forests: A Synthesis of Wildfire Social Science, T. Daniel; M.S. Carroll, C. Moseley, and C. Raish, eds. Tucson, AZ: Oregon State Press: pp. 157-170.

2006 Kelkar, V.; Geils, B.; Becker, D.R. Overby, S.; Neary, D. 2006. How to recover more value from small pine trees: essential oils and resins. Biomass & Bioenergy, 30:316-320.

2005 Cheng, A.; Becker, D.R. 2005. Public perspectives on the “wildfire problem.” Fire Management Today, 65(3):12-15.

2004 Becker, D.R.; Harris, C.C.; Nielsen, E.A.; McLaughlin, W.J. 2004. A comparison of a technical and a participatory application of social impact assessment. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 22(3):177-189.

2003 Becker, D.R.; Harris, C.C.; McLaughlin, W.J.; Nielsen, E.A. 2003. A participatory approach to social impact assessment: The interactive community forum. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 23:367-382.

Harris, C.C.; Nielsen, E.A.; McLaughlin, W.J.; Becker, D.R. 2003. Community-based social impact assessment: The case of salmon-recovery on the lower Snake River. The International Association for Impact Assessment. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 21(2):109-118.

Refereed Publications in Review or Advanced Preparation (*student co-authorship):

Becker, D.R., P. Cook, *C. McIver. An analysis of state funding for wildfire suppression in the western US. Manuscript in review with Journal of Forestry.

*Håbesland, D., M. Kilgore, B.H. Lindstad, S. Snyder,D.R. Becker, Sjølie, H.K., B. Solberg. A comparative analysis of family forest owner interest in selling carbon offsets in Norway and the U.S. Lake States. Manuscript in review with Journal of Forest Economics.

*Rivera, L., T.M. Smith, D.R. Becker. The influence of US state policy on wood bio-energy use. Manuscript in review with Energy Policy.

Technical reports and other peer reviewed publications (*student co-authorship) (65 total):

2018 Abt, R.C., D.R. Becker, C.S. Galik, M.J. Kauffman, G.S. Latta, R.W. Malmsheimer. 2018. Projecting Landscape forest carbon emissions from changes in forest biomass electricity generation and forest products markets from 2014 to 2035: an analysis in Minnesota, Oregon, South Carolina, Virginia, and Washington. Report to the USDA Office of the Chief Economist, Washington, D.C.: (web_version)_04_03_2018.pdf. 118 p.

Alward, G.; D.R. Becker. 2018. Economic contributions of Idaho’s forest products industry 2016. Station Bulletin 107, University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station. 2 p.

Becker, D.R.; P.S. Cook. 2018. Idaho family forest survey. At A Glance, Volume 9, No. 1. James A. and Louise McClure Center for Public Policy Research, University of Idaho. 6 p.

Cook, P.S., D.R. Becker, *M. Benedum. 2018. Idaho’s family forest owners: 2016 survey results. Report No. 38. Policy Analysis Group, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho. 73 p.

Pokharel, R.; P.S. Cook; D.R. Becker; G. Latta. 2018. Idaho’s forest products industry 2017. Station Bulletin 106, University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station. 4 p.

Schultz, T., M. Fretwell, D.R. Becker, K. Williams. In press. Cooperative federalism, serving the public interest: a policy analysis of how the states can engage local stakeholders and federal land managers to improve the management of the national forests. In 193 Million Acres: Toward a Healthier and More Resilient US Forest Service, S. Wilent, ed.

2017 Alward, G., P.S. Cook, D.R. Becker. 2017. Economic contributions of Idaho’s forest products industry 2015. Station Bulletin 105, University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station. 2 p.

Becker, D.R. 2017. Grazing rate review analysis. Technical memo to the Idaho State Board of Land Commissioners, Grazing Rate Review Subcommittee. Policy Analysis Group, University of Idaho. 23 p. Addendum to the technical memo, 6 p.

Becker, D.R. 2017. Final analysis of grazing rate alternatives. Technical memo to the Idaho State Board of Land Commissioners, Grazing Rate Review Subcommittee. Policy Analysis Group, University of Idaho. 20 p.

Becker, D., J. Abrams, E. Fenster, J. Kudrna, T. Smith, and C. Moseley. 2017. The effect of state and federal policies on biomass business investments in California. Briefing Paper 71. Ecosystem Workforce Program, University of Oregon: Eugene, OR.

Becker, D., J. Abrams, E. Fenster, J. Kudrna, T. Smith, and C. Moseley. 2017. The effect of state and federal policies on biomass business investments in Michigan. Briefing Paper 72. Ecosystem Workforce Program, University of Oregon: Eugene, OR.

Becker, D., J. Abrams, E. Fenster, J. Kudrna, T. Smith, and C. Moseley. 2017. The effect of state and federal policies on biomass business investments in Minnesota. Briefing Paper 73. Ecosystem Workforce Program, University of Oregon: Eugene, OR.

Becker, D., J. Abrams, E. Fenster, J. Kudrna, T. Smith, and C. Moseley. 2017. The effect of state and federal policies on biomass business investments in Oregon. Briefing Paper 74. Ecosystem Workforce Program, University of Oregon: Eugene, OR.

Becker, D., J. Abrams, E. Fenster, J. Kudrna, T. Smith, and C. Moseley. 2017. The effect of state and federal policies on biomass business investments in Washington. Briefing Paper 75. Ecosystem Workforce Program, University of Oregon: Eugene, OR.

Becker, D., J. Abrams, E. Fenster, J. Kudrna, T. Smith, and C. Moseley. 2017. The effect of state and federal policies on biomass business investments in Wisconsin. Briefing Paper 76. Ecosystem Workforce Program, University of Oregon: Eugene, OR.

Cook, P.S.; D.R. Becker. 2017. State funding for wildfire suppression in the western U.S. Report No. 37. Policy Analysis Group, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho. 70 p.

Cook, P.S.; *M. Courtney; D.R. Becker. 2017. Maintenance of non-motorized trails on national forests in Idaho: funding background and opportunities for state assistance. Issue Brief No. 21. Policy Analysis Group, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho. 50 p.

Cook, P.S.; R. Pokharel; G. Alward; D.R. Becker; G. Latta. 2017. Idaho’s forest products industry 2016. Station Bulletin 104, University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station. 4 p.

Lowell, E.C.; D.R. Becker; D. Smith; M. Kauffman; D. Bihn. 2017. Community biomass handbook volume 4: eEnterprise development for integrated wood manufacturing. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-953. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 51 p.

*Plumb, S.; *M. Benedum; D.R. Becker. 2017. Review of Idaho’s Forest Legacy Program. Issue Brief No. 20. Policy Analysis Group, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho. 14 p.

2016 Becker, D.R.; P.S. Cook. 2016. Financial performance of Idaho's endowment rangelands. Issue Brief No. 17. Policy Analysis Group, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho. 20 p.

Cook, P.S.; D.R. Becker. 2016. Preliminary estimates of the economic effects of stream restoration on the Big Wood River Valley, Idaho. Issue Brief No. 18. Policy Analysis Group, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho. 37 p.

Cook, P.S.; *M. Benedum; D.R. Becker. 2016. Recreation access and leasing of state endowment lands. Issue Brief No 19. Policy Analysis Group, College of Natural Resources, Idaho Forest, Wildlife, and Range Experiment Station. 19 p.

Cook, P.S.; T.A. Morgan; S.W. Hayes; C.B. Sorenson; E. Simmons; D.R. Becker. 2016. Idaho’s forest products industry: Current conditions and 2016 Forecast. Station Bulletin 103, University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Exp. Station. 4 p.

Fenster, E.; J. Abrams, C. Moseley, D.R. Becker. 2016. Assessing policy impacts on natural resource businesses: A review of research methods. Ecosystem Workforce Program Working Paper No. 73. [Internet] Available at: .

2015 Abrams, J., C. Moseley, A. Ellison, D.R. Becker, J. Kudrna. 2015. The effectiveness of biomass policies in supporting business investments in Oregon: Preliminary results. Briefing Paper 61. Ecosystem Workforce Program, University of Oregon: Eugene, OR. .

*Håbesland, D.; M. Kilgore, S. Snyder, D. Becker, B.Solberg, H.K. Sjølie, B.H. Lindstad. 2015. An assessment of Norwegian family forest owner interest in carbon offset programs and comparisons to the Lake States. Staff Paper Series No. 37. Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota.

Lowell, E.C.; D.P. Parrent; R.C. Deering; D.G. Bihn; D.R. Becker. 2015. Community Biomass Handbook Volume 2: Alaska, Where Woody Biomass Can Work. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-920. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 104 p.

2014 Becker, D.R.; Lowell, E.; Bihn, D.; Anderson, R.; Taff, S. 2014. Community biomass handbook. Volume I: Thermal wood energy. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-899. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 93 p.

ACORE. 2014. The Outlook for Renewable Energy in America: 2014. American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE), Washington, DC.

Becker, D.R.; C. Moseley; T. Smith. 2014. Regional bioenergy policy effectiveness: compatibility, innovation, and coordination across the forest supply chain. In, Proceedings of the Seventh National New Crops Symposium: Bioenergy, Biomaterials, and Sustainability. October 13 -16, 2013, Washington DC.

2013 The Pinchot Institute for Cons. 2013. Independent Science Panel report: Herger – Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act. Prepared for: USDA Forest Service, AG-9JNE-K-07-0001.

2012 Becker, D.R.; *Eaton, L. 2012. Something old and something new: Forest bioenergy production in Minnesota. CURA Reporter 42(2):9-16.

Becker, D.R.; *Eaton, L. 2012. Overcoming barriers to Forest Bioenergy Production in Minnesota. CURA Policy Brief 2(1):1-4.

2011 Becker, D.R.; Taff, S.; Smale, A.; Wilson, D.; *Klapperich, J.; Hartley, C.; Fernholz, K.; Bratkovich, S.; Bowyer J.; Atwood G.; Miller, C. 2011. Forest biomass heating and electricity in Cook County, MN: Phase I report. Produced by Dovetail Partners for Cook County, MN Board of County Commissioners. [Internet] Available from: .

Becker, D.R., Abbas, D., Halvorsen, K.E., Jakes, P.J., McCaffrey, S.M., Moseley C. 2011. Conventional wisdoms of biomass utilization: findings from federal case studies. In Woody Biomass Utilization: Proceedings of the International Conference on Woody Biomass Utilization, Starkville, MS. August 4-5, 2009. pp. 83-91. Edited by John R. Shelly, Forest Products Society, Madison, WI. ISBN-13:978-1-892529-60-2.

Lowell, E.C; Becker, D.R.; Larson, D. 2011. Influence of policy incentives on biomass utilization. In Woody Biomass Utilization: Proceedings of the International Conference on Woody Biomass Utilization, Starkville, MS. August 4-5, 2009. pp. 74-82. Edited by John R. Shelly, Forest Products Society, Madison, WI. ISBN-13:978-1-892529-60-2.

Moen, R; Peterson, R.; Windels, S.; Frelich, L.; Becker, D.; Johnson, M. 2011. Minnesota Moose Status: Progress on Moose Advisory Committee Recommendations. NRRI Technical Report No. NRRI/TR-2011/41 Release 1.0.

*Schroeder, J.; Becker, D.R.; Kilgore, M.A. 2011. State forestry programs, budget strategies, and the recession. University of Minnesota, Dept of Forest Resources Staff Paper 213. 11 p.

2010 Becker, D.R., *Klapperich, J.; Domke, G.M.; Kilgore, M.A.; D’Amato, A.W.; Current, D.; Ek, A. 2010. 2010 Outlook for forest biomass availability in MN: physical, environmental, economic and social availability. University of Minnesota, Dept of Forest Resources Staff Paper 211. 83 p.

Turner, C.; Becker, D.R.; Taff, S.J.; Domke, G.M.; Gauto, V. 2010. Assessing forestation opportunities for carbon sequestration in Minnesota. Report for the Minnesota Forest Resources Council, St. Paul, MN. Available from: .

2009 Becker, D.R., Abbas, D., Halvorsen, K.E., Jakes, P.J., McCaffrey, S.M., Moseley C. 2009. Conventional wisdoms of woody biomass utilization. Final report to the Joint Fire Science Program. Available from:

Forest Guild. Characterizing lessons from federal biomass removal projects. Joint Fire Science Program Website: .

Joint Fire Sciences Program. 2009, September. Making biomass pay: obstacles and opportunities. Fire Science Digest.

*Ma, Z., Becker, D.R., Kilgore, M.A. 2009. The integration of cumulative environmental impact assessments and state environmental review frameworks. University of Minnesota, Dept of Forest Resources Staff Paper 201. 116 p.

Pinchot Institute for Conservation. 2009. Lake States Forest Biomass Policy Forum, Co-hosted with The Pinchot Institute for Conservation and the Heinz Center for Public Policy. Available from:

*Steiger-Meister, K.; Becker, D.R. 2009. The role of local stakeholders in water resource management: characterization and diffusion of Minnesota Lake Improvement Districts. University of Minnesota, Dept of Forest Resources Staff Paper 202. 33 p.

2008 *Aylesworth, R.J., Becker, D.R.; Kilgore, M.A. 2008. Benchmarking Minnesota's environmental review and permitting processes for forestry and mining industries: a comparative assessment. University of Minnesota, Dept of Forest Resources Staff Paper 195. 209 p.

Becker, D.R. 2008. Biomass Social Science (BioSS) Wiki [Internet] .

Becker, D.R.; Larson, D.; Lowell, E.; Rummer, R. 2008. User guide HCR Estimator 2.0: software to calculate cost and revenue thresholds for harvesting small-diameter ponderosa pine. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-748. Portland, OR: USDA, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.

Becker, D.R.; *Lee, C. 2008. State woody biomass utilization policies. University of Minnesota, Dept of Forest Resources Staff Paper 199. 183 p.

Becker, D.R.; *Wilson, G. 2008. Central MN private landowner attitudes towards off-highway vehicle access. Staff report prepared for the Central Minnesota Sustainable Development Partnership. University of Minnesota, Dept of Forest Resources Staff Paper 197. 32 p.

*Domke, G.M., Ek, A.R.; Becker, D.R.; Espeleta, J.F.; D’Amato, A.W.; Reich, P.B.; Suh, S.; Kilgore, M.A.; Current, D.A.; Hoganson, H.M.; Burk, T.E.; Blinn, C.R. 2008. Assessment of carbon flows associated with forest management and biomass procurement for the Laskin Biomass Facility. University of Minnesota, Dept of Forest Resources Staff Paper 198. 31 p.

USDA Forest Service. 2008. Harvest Cost-Revenue (HCR) Estimator, public domain software program for forest planners and contractors to calculate revenue thresholds for biomass harvesting: [Internet] .

2005 Becker, D.R.; Meyers, M.; Pierson, O. 2005. Evaluation of the current forestry law enforcement program and development of a new forestry control program targeting illegal logging. USDA-Forest Service Technical Assistance Mission, Republic of Madagascar.

2004 Becker, D.R.; *Hjerpe E.E.; Lowell, E.C. 2004. Economic assessment of using mobile MicroMill( for processing small diameter ponderosa pine. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-623. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.

Monserud, R.A.; Lowell, E.C.; Becker, D.R.; Hummel, S.S.; Donoghue, E.M.; Barbour, R.J.; Kilborn, K.A.; Nicholls, D.L.; Roos, J.; Cantrell, R.A. 2004. Contemporary wood utilization research needs in the western United States. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-616. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.

Moote, M.; Becker, D.R. 2004. Book review: Community forestry in the United States: Learning from the past, crafting the future. Rural Sociology 69(1): 161-164.

Moote, M.; Becker, D.R. (eds). 2004. Barriers to collaborative forestry: Lessons learned and recommended changes. Report from a workshop held at Hart Prairie, Flagstaff, AZ, September 17–19, 2003. Ecological restoration Institute. 23 p.

2003 Southwest Region. 2003. Multiparty monitoring and assessment guidelines for community based forest restoration in southwestern ponderosa pine forests. [WWW document]. . USDA Forest Service, Southwest Region, State and Private Forestry.

2002 Becker, D.R. 2002. A participatory approach to social impact assessment: The Interactive Community Forum. Dissertation, Univ. of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Moscow, ID.2001 Harris, C.C.; McLaughlin, W.J.; Becker, D.R.; Nielsen, E.A. 2001. Rural community assessments applying criteria and indicators for sustainable resource management. In, A. Franc, O. Laroussinie, T. Karjalainen, (eds.), Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management at the forest management unit level, pp. 29-44. European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland.

2000 Harris, C.C.; McLaughlin, W.J.; Brown, G.; Becker, D.R. 2000. Rural communities in the Inland Northwest: An assessment of small rural communities in the Interior and Upper Columbia River basins. General Technical Report, PNW-GTR 477, October 2000. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Experiment Station, Portland, OR.

1999 Harris, C.C.; McLaughlin, W.J.; Nielsen, E.; Becker, D.R. 1999, September. Lower Snake River juvenile salmon migration feasibility study: Community-based social impact assessment phase I – southeastern Washington, northeastern Oregon, and north Central Idaho [Website]. , Walla Walla, WA: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Harris, C.C.; McLaughlin, W.J.; Becker, D.R.; Nielsen, E. 1999, December. Lower Snake River juvenile salmon migration feasibility study: Community-based social impact assessment phase II – southern Idaho [Website]. products.htm Walla Walla, WA: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Becker, D.R. 1997. The classification of Corps of Engineers projects for economic impact assessment. Unpublished master’s thesis, Department of Park, Recreation and Tourism Resources, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Presentations (Invited only: 78 total):

2018 State funding for wildfire suppression in the western U.S. Montana Chapter Meeting of the Society of American Foresters. Whitefish, MT. April 12-13, 2018

Wood Energy Financial Calculator: a demonstration. Biomass Thermal Energy Council, Washington, D.C. [Website]. . March 30, 2018.

Idaho family forest owners. 2018. Family Forest Landowners & Managers Conference and Exposition, Moscow, ID. March 26-27, 2018.

Idaho family forest owners. LEAP, Idaho Forest Extension. Sandpoint, ID. March 21, 2018.

Western Wildfire Policy. FIRE Summit, Oregon State University, Portland, OR. March 1-2, 2018.

Policy Analysis Group studies. 17th Annual Foresters Forum: Promoting Professional Growth in the Forest Products Industry, Coeur d’Alene, ID. February 7-9, 2018.

Economic contributions of Idaho’s forests. 17th Annual Foresters Forum: Promoting Professional Growth in the Forest Products Industry, Coeur d’Alene, ID. February 7-9, 2018.

State funding for wildfire suppression in the western U.S. Western Fire Managers, Western Forest Leadership Coalition. San Diego, CA. January 22-23, 2018.

2017 The Future of Higher Education in Forestry. Presentation to the College of Forestry, Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR. November 30, 2017.

State of the Forest Resource: Managing for the Future. Idaho Forest Biomass Workshop. Grangeville, ID. November 8-9, 2017.

New Idaho Landowner Survey. Western Forest Legacy and Stewardship Program Managers Meeting. Coeur d’Alene, ID. June 7, 2017.

Policy Analysis Group studies. 2017 Family Forest Landowners & Managers Conference and Exposition, Moscow, ID. March 27-28, 2017.

Forest Policy and Idaho Loggers. LEAP, Idaho Forest Extension. Lewiston, Coeur d’Alene, Sandpoint, ID. March 14-15, 2017.

Overview of the Policy Analysis Group. 16th Annual Foresters Forum: Promoting Professional Growth in the Forest Products Industry, Coeur d’Alene, ID. February 8-10, 2017.

2016 The Wood Energy Calculator: overview & training on project assessment Tool. Western States Wood Energy Team Forum 2016, Missoula, MT. September 28-29, 2016.

Community Biomass Handbooks: biomass enterprise development in the digital age. Western States Wood Energy Team Forum 2016, Missoula, MT. September 28-29, 2016.

Biomass and our low-carbon energy future. Western States Wood Energy Team Forum 2016, Missoula, MT. September 28-29, 2016.

State Policy Developments in Biomass Utilization and Impact on Business Investment. Northwest Wood-Based Biofuels + Co-Products Conference, Seattle, WA. May 3-4, 2016.

Current and Future Policy Developments in Idaho. 2016 Family Forest Landowners & Managers Conference and Exposition, Moscow, ID. March 28-29, 2016.

Forest Collaboratives as the Sanctioned Alternative to Federal Forest Management. Idaho Forest Restoration Partnership Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. February 28-29, 2016.

2015 State Policy Developments in Biomass Utilization. Healthy Forests, Vibrant Economy 3rd Annual Conference hosted by the AZ Salt River Project. October 7-8, 2015.

Penciling it out: Using known data to determine financial viability of a biomass thermal project. Heating The Midwest, Minneapolis, MN. April 20, 2015.

Using Biomass to Control Heating Costs at Schools. Annual Minnesota School Board Association Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. January 16, 2015.

2014 Advance wood combustion: Local, renewable thermal energy in your community. American Planning Association – Minnesota Chapter, Duluth, MN. October 1, 2014.

Minnesota Wood Energy Challenges and Policy Needs. Joint meeting of the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Forestry Affairs Committee & Bemidji Area Forestry Affairs Council, Bemidji, MN. September 12, 2014.

Trajectory of wood energy policies in the US: Sustainability and governance in global markets. Pan-American Biofuels & Bioenergy Sustainability, Recife, Brazil. July 23-25, 2014.

Community Biomass Handbook and Wood Energy Financial App. Smallwood Conference 2014. Rochester, MN. June 3-5, 2014.

How can my business determine if wood energy makes economic sense? Heating Midwest with Renewable Biomass Conference and Expo, Green Bay, WI. April 29-May 2, 2014.

Minnesota Statewide Wood Energy Team. Minnesota Renewable Energy Roundtable. The Changing Landscape of Woody Biomass Utilization: Where Does Renewable Energy Fit? Grand Rapids, MN. April 9, 2014.

Wood energy financial app. Briefing and webinar to the USDA Forest Service and Secretary of Agriculture Office. Washington, DC, March 28, 2014.

2013 Regional bioenergy policy effectiveness: Compatibility, innovation and coordination across the forest supply chain. NIFA-AFRI Annual PI Meeting, Washington, DC, October 15, 2013.

United States biogenic carbon accounting policy. IUFRO—Forest Sector Modeling Conference, Lillehammer, Norway, October 15-18, 2013.

How will the United States calculate the climate impact of bioenergy? The New Bio Picture, Norsk Senter for Bioenergi-Forskning, Ås, Norway, October 10, 2013.

How different are Norwegian and American family forest owners? Implications for forest policy and programs. Department of Ecology and Natural Resources Seminar, University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway, October 9, 2013.

Trajectory of wood energy policies and production in the US. 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Setting the Course for a Biobased Economy. Copenhagen, Denmark, June 3-6, 2013.

Bioenergy investment challenges and policies in the US and Norway. Nordic Bioenergy 2013, Oslo, Norway, May 21-22, 2013.

2012 State policy developments in biomass utilization. 11th Annual Great Lakes Environmental Legislators Forum, National Caucus of Environmental Legislators, Chicago, IL, November 30, 2012.

Bioenergy business roundtable: expanding cooperation between Minnesota and Sweden. Minneapolis, MN, October 7, 2012.

Minnesota Environmental Policy Issues & Trends: 2012 State of the State. Nature Management in Norway, Nord Trondelag University. St Paul, MN, September 19, 2012.

Policy Strategies for Supporting Thermal Biomass in the Midwest. Heating the Midwest with Renewable Biomass, Eau Claire, WI, April 27, 2012.

2011 Federal and state policy developments in biomass utilization. UMN Extension Fall Woody Biomass Webinar Series (), St Paul, MN, September 28, 2011.

How long is too long? The politics of wood energy GHG accounting. Keynote presentation to the Woody Biomass Energy Research Symposium for the Northern Forest, Burlington, VT, April 28-30, 2011.

Policy mechanisms to address GHG emissions of woody biomass energy. Woody Biomass Energy Research Symposium for Northern Forest, Burlington, VT, April 28-30, 2011.

U.S. Biomass energy from wood: supply, markets and policy considerations. Chinese Forestry Delegation, Minneapolis, MN, March 7, 2011.

Biomass energy briefing: clean, American, renewable energy. U.S. Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, Washington, D.C., February 17, 2011.

Heating & cooling with sustainable biomass energy: Win-win for businesses, rural America and the environment. U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee, Washington, D.C., February 17, 2011.

2010 2010 outlook for Minnesota forest biomass availability. Minnesota Forest Resources Partnership, Grand Rapids, MN. December 16, 2010.

Heating and cooling with sustainable biomass energy. U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee, Washington, D.C., October 6, 2010.

2010 Minnesota forest biomass outlook. Minnesota Senate Forest Management and Climate and Energy Subcommittees. St. Paul, MN, September 20, 2010.

Carbon neutrality and biomass markets. Minnesota Forest Resources Council Northeast Landscape Committee. Duluth, MN, September 16, 2010.

Research and its implications for developing new markets for forest biomass. Joint Meeting of the National Association of State Foresters and National Association of Conservation Districts. Madison, WI, August 31, 2010.

2010 outlook for forest biomass availability in MN. Minnesota Forest Resources Council. Grand Rapids, MN, July 21, 2010.

Assessing forestation opportunities for carbon sequestration on MN DNR Lands. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Commissioner’s Office. St. Paul, MN, July 8, 2010.

Biomass energy: Where are we now? UMN Extension. Maplewood, MN, June 2, 2010.

Clean energy economy forum—rural energy opportunities. White House—USDA Secretary’s Office. Washington, D.C., May 5, 2010.

The social realities of woody biomass utilization. 25x’25/WBUG National Policy Roadmap Steering Committee. Hot Springs, AR, April 19, 2010.

Assessing forestation opportunities for carbon sequestration in Minnesota. Joint Minnesota Senate Committee on Energy, Utilities, Tech, and Communication and Env and Natural Resources Subcommittee. St. Paul, MN, April 6, 2010.

Importance of forest products industry infrastructure in meeting restoration and sustainability goals. Society of American Foresters Inland Empire. Climate Change, Bioenergy, and Sustaining the Forests of Idaho and Montana. Boise, ID, March 3, 2010.

2009 Sustainable forest biomass production: comparing physical, economic, and social availability. Next Gen Energy Board, State of MN. St Paul, MN, December 16, 2009.

Conventional wisdoms of woody biomass utilization. Joint Fire Sciences Program. Boise, ID, November 2, 2009.

Carbon impacts of forest bioenergy in Minnesota: Forest biomass and its role in a national renewable electricity standard. Briefing of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Sponsored by Environmental and Energy Study Institute. Washington, D.C. March 5, 2009.

2008 Carbon flows associated with forest management and biomass procurement for the Laskin biomass facility. MN Forest Resources Council Meeting, Cloquet, MN. December 3, 2008.

Woody biomass utilization in Ponderosa Pine Forest Types. Joint Fire Sciences Program in conjunction with the Black Hills National Forest, Custer, S.D., May 2008.

2007 Forest certification and international development. Department of Geography Spring Seminar, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. April 6, 2007.

2006 Forest certification: An auditor’s perspective. Forest Certification Workshop, Center for Research and Innovation, Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN. December 5, 2006.

An integrated research agenda for biomass utilization and policy development. Michigan Tech University, NSF-MUSES team, Houghton, MI. October 23-24, 2006.

2004 HCR Estimator – Calculating costs and revenue for southwest ponderosa pine. Four Corners Sustainable Forests Partnership Annual Workshop: Transitioning after Sunset and Still Sustaining Our Forests. Eager-Springerville, AZ. October 20-22, 2004.

The collaborative forest restoration program: The multiparty monitoring process. Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium: Unifying Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere, Denver, CO. September 20-24, 2004.

Matching utilization options with resource constraints & community needs in Arizona. Arizona Industries of the Future, Phoenix, AZ. June 15-16, 2004.

Estimating harvest costs and product values for southwest ponderosa pine. SmallWood 2004: Creating Solutions for Using Small Trees, Forest Products Association, Sacramento, CA. May 18-21, 2004.

Community partnerships & stimulating investment in small log utilization. Small Log Conf. on Utilization, TimberWest Publications, Coeur d’Alene, ID. March 31 – April 2, 2004.

Matching utilization options with resource constraints and community needs. Northern Arizona Chapter of Society of American Foresters, Flagstaff, AZ. March 4, 2004.

2003 Partnerships and utilization of small diameter wood on the Gila NF. Gila NF and NM Twenty-Communities Initiative, NM State Forestry, Silver City, NM. October 27, 2003.

The social realities of bioenergy in northern Arizona. International Energy Agency, Task 31, Conventional Forestry Systems for Sustainable Production of Bioenergy, Annual Workshop, Flagstaff, AZ. October 5-10, 2003.

Lumber Recovery from small diameter Ponderosa Pine in Northern Arizona. AZ Sustainable Forests Partnership, Show Low, AZ. May 15, 2003.

2002 Demonstration of Utilization Opportunities on Fort Valley Experimental Forest. Greater Flagstaff Forest Partnership, Flagstaff, AZ. October 29, 2002.

Community issues related to forest management. International Forest Leadership Forum, Atlanta, GA. April 2002.

Grants and Contracts Awarded (Total: $4,205,751; PI: $2,224,517)

2018 Oregon Forest Resources Institute. 2018 Oregon Forest Sector Economic Analysis. Becker, D.R. (PI) (06/2018 – 05/2019); $60,970.

2017 DOI, Bureau of Land Management. Analysis of Outcome-Based Management Policies on BLM Rangelands in Idaho. Becker, D.R. (PI) (10/2017 – 09/2018); $18,522.

USDA Office of the Chief Economist. Evaluating Policy and Market Barriers to the Use of Forest Biomass for Energy Production in the United States. Becker, D.R. (PI) (10/2017 – 09/2018); $200,000.

2016 Idaho Department of Lands, Forest Stewardship Program; UI Extension; McClure Center for Public Policy. Idaho Family Forest Landowner Survey. Becker, D.R. (PI) (08/2016 – 07/2017); $37,500.

Oregon Department of Forestry—USDA Office of the Chief Economist. Policy Analysis, Evaluation, and Facilitation to States Considering Biomass in their Clean Power Plan SIP. Kaufman, M. (PI); D.R. Becker; R. Malmsheimer (08/2016 – 07/2017); $150,000.

2015 University of Idaho, EPSCoR—Managing Idaho’s Landscape for Ecosystem Services, Undergraduate Research and Internships (MURI). Becker, D.R. (PI) (12/2015 – 5/2016); $4,000.

NIFA McIntire-Stennis—Evaluating Policies to Facilitate Sustainable Forest Management through Bioeconomy Development. Becker, D.R. (PI) (12/2015 – 8/2018); $205,000.

2014 University of Minnesota, Grant-in-Aid. Becker, D.R. (PI) (1/2015 – 6/2016); $38,546.

University of Minnesota, College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences. R.A. Skok Seminar Series Outreach. Becker, D.R. (PI) (11/2014 – 10/2015); $2,500.

University of Minnesota, Regional Sustainable Development Partnership. Woody Biomass in Northwest MN. Becker, D.R. (PI) (11/2014 – 8/2016); $2,500.

DOI, Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. Developing an In-Forest Drying Process for Wood Fuel, Create a Micro Wood Chip, and Test in Pellet Appliances. B. Zagar (PI), D.R. Becker, S. Olsen, B. Jones. (11/2014 – 12/2015); $250,000.

USDA Forest Service—Biomass Thermal Energy Council, Rural Revitalization through Forestry. Becker, D.R. (PI), J. Seymour (08/2014 – 07/2017); $100,000.

Southern Regional Extension Forestry. Wood Energy Financial App Outreach and Usability Testing in the Southern US. Becker, D.R. (PI) (08/2014 – 09/2014); $20,000.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Statewide Wood Energy Team. Becker, D.R. (PI) (08/2014 – 08/2015); $7,500.

2013 Visiting Fellow. University of Life Sciences, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Ås, Norway. Becker, D.R. (PI) (05/2013 – 06/2013); $8,600.

Fulbright Scholar Program, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, US Department of State, Washington, D.C. Becker, D.R. (PI) (08/2013 – 12/2013); $25,750.

USDA Forest Service, State & Private Forestry. Minnesota woody biomass thermal energy team. Becker, D.R., A. Dirkswager, B. Bradshaw, G. Mast (co-PIs) (10/2013 – 9/2016); $250,000.

2012 University of Minnesota, Institute on the Environment. LandLabs: developing bioenergy systems by integrating technology R&D with policy, economic and ecological analysis and innovation. Jordon, N. (PI), D.R. Becker, B. Dale, W. Lazarus, D. Mulla, D. Pitt, C. Schively-Slotterback (01/2013 – 12/2014); $375,000.

USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture, Regional bioenergy policy effectiveness: compatibility, innovation, and coordination across the supply chain. Becker, D.R. (PI) (01/2013 – 12/2016); $350,000.

Norwegian Centennial Chair Program. Supply chain analysis of United States and Norwegian bioenergy policies: comparison of policy drivers, structures, and trajectory of production. Becker, D.R. (PI) (08/2012 – 07/2014); $70,000.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Documentation and Assessment of Lessons Learned: MN DNR Biomass Harvesting Pilot Projects. Becker, D.R. (PI) (07/2012 – 12/2012); $5,000

University of Minnesota, College of Food Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences. Faculty Development Leave. Becker, D.R. (PI) (01/2013 – 12/2013); $24,000.

University of Minnesota, College of Food Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences. Faculty Development Grant. Becker, D.R. (PI) (09/2012 – 12/2013); $7,200.

2011 University of Minnesota, College of Food Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences. Experiential and interdisciplinary education. Becker, D.R. (PI) (05/2012 –12/2013); $78,000

USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Evaluating wood energy and bioeconomic opportunity zones. Becker, D.R. (PI) (08/2011 – 12/2014); $120,000.

Initiative for Renewable Energy and the Environment (IREE). Evaluating wood energy and bioeconomic opportunity zones. Becker, D.R. (PI) (08/2011 – 12/2012); $43,775.

Legislative Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR). Supporting community-driven sustainable bioenergy projects. Fernholz, K. (PI); Miller, C.; Becker, D.R.; Taff, S.J. (08/2011 – 09/2013); $150,000.

Norwegian Centennial Chair Program. Bioenergy research exchange mission to the University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway. Becker, D.R. (PI) (08/2011 – 09/2011); $4,000.

2010 Cook County, MN. Cook County-Grand Portage Biomass Energy Feasibility Studies. Dovetail Partners (PI); Miller, C.; Becker, D.R.; Taff, S. (10/10 – 08/13); $148,500.

The McKnight Foundation. Mississippi River Basin interagency coordination: Institutional frameworks for natural resource governance. Becker, D.R. (PI) (07/2010 – 02/2012); $23,000

Trust for Public Lands. An economic analysis of funding land conservation in Minnesota’s Clean Water, Land and Legacy Allocations. Taff, S.J. (PI); Polasky, S.; Becker, D.R. (08/2010 – 10/2010); $30,000.

University of Minnesota, Center for Urban & Regional Affairs. Effectiveness of State Policy to Promote Bioenergy Innovation. Becker, D.R. (PI) (05/2010 – 06/2011); $37,037.

2009 The Blandin Foundation. Ensuring forest sustainability in the development of wood bioenergy: Lessons from Minnesota. Becker, D.R. (PI) (02/2009 – 02/2010); $20,000.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Assessing reforestation opportunities in Minnesota. Becker, D.R. (PI) (10/2009 – 06/2010); $10,000.

Minnesota Forest Resource Council. Southeast Minnesota regional landscape analysis. Becker, D.R. (PI) (08/2009 – 06/2010); $5,000.

2008 Minnesota Next Generation Energy Board (NextGen). Sustainable forest biomass production: comparing physical, economic, and social availability. Becker, D.R. (PI); D’Amato, A.; Current, D.; Kilgore, M.; Ek, A. (11/2008 – 05/2010); $100,000.

Initiative for Renewable Energy and the Environment (IREE). Sustainable forest biomass production: comparing physical, economic, and social availability. Becker, D.R. (PI); D’Amato, A.; Current, D.; Kilgore, M.; Ek. A. (11/2008 – 05/2010); $44,895.

Minnesota Power. Assessment of carbon flows associated with forest management and biomass procurement for the Laskin biomass facility. Ek, A.R. (PI); Becker, D.R.; Blinn, C.R.; Burk, T.E.; Current, D.A.; D’Amato, A.W.; Kilgore, M.A.; Hoganson, H.M.; Reich, P.B.; Domke, G.M.; Sangwon S.; (04/2008 – 11/2008); $49,428.

2007 Joint Fire Science Program. Characterizing lessons from federal biomass removal projects. Becker, D.R. (PI); Abbas, D.; Halvorsen, K.E.; Jakes, P.; McCaffrey, S.; Moseley, C. (09/2007 – 02/2009); $187,503.

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Benchmarking Minnesota’s environmental review and permitting processes for forestry and mining industries: A comparative assessment. Kilgore, K.A. (PI); Becker, D.R.; Ek, A.R.; Aylesworth, R.J. (08/2007 – 05/2008); $33,941.

US Geological Service. The role of stakeholders in water resource management: Characterization and diffusion of MN Lake Improvement Districts. Becker, D.R. (PI); Steiger-Meister, K. (05/2007 – 05/2009); $33,145

USDA Forest Service, Cooperative Forestry. Association between participation in peer-to-peer woodland owner outreach and sustainable forestry knowledge; USDA Forest Service, Cooperative Forestry. Sagor, E. (PI); Becker, D.R. (09/2007 – 09/2009); $103,800.

USDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station. Peer-to-peer woodland owner outreach. Sagor, E. (PI); Becker, D.R. (2007); $23,810.

2006 University of Minnesota, Grant-in-Aid. Assessing barriers to implementation of state cumulative environmental impact review. Becker, D.R. (PI). (07/2006 – 05/2008); $25,674.

Central Minnesota Sustainable Development Partnership. Assessment of private and county land management issues associated with ATV use. Becker, D.R. (PI). (07/2006 – 07/2008); $19,900

USDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station. Off-highway vehicle trails, trail system and trail network optimization. Schneider, I. (PI); Becker, D.R. (07/2006 – 07/2008); $51,091.

2005 USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station, Wood Utilization and Fuels Reduction. Becker, D.R. (PI) (09/2005 – 12/2007); $23,000.

2002 Joint Fire Science Program. Wood utilization and fuels reduction. Lowell, E.C. (PI); Becker, D.R.; Larson, D.; Rummer, R. (03/2002 – 05/2005); $498,664.

2000 Resources for the Future. Salmon recovery social impact assessment. Becker, D.R. (PI) (01/2001 – 12/2001); $12,000.

1999 US Army Corps of Engineers. Salmon recovery social impact assessment. Harris, C. (PI); McLaughlin, W.; Nielsen, E.; Becker, D.R. (08/1999 – 05/2000); $167,000.

Research Honors and Awards:

Fulbright Fellow, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, US Dept of State (2013)

Potential for Long-term Impact Poster Award, IREE E3 2011, University of Minnesota (2011)

CNR Celebrating Natural Resources Alumni Award, University of Idaho (2010)

Outstanding Grad Student, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho (2001-2002)

Outstanding Grad Student, Resource Recreation & Tourism, University of Idaho (2001-2002)

Joseph L. Fisher Dissertation Fellow, Resources For the Future (09/2001 – 05/2002)

Jacobson Memorial Scholarship, College of Natural Resources, Unv of Idaho (2000)

Graduate Student Excellence Fellowship, Dept of Park, Recreation & Tourism Resources, Michigan State University (1996, 1997)

Outstanding Accomplishment, PNW Research Station, USDA Forest Service (2004, 2002)

Golden Key National Honor Society, Kansas State University (1991 – 1993)

Alpha Zeta National Agriculture Honor Society, Kansas State University (1990 – 1992)


Department and Collegiate Committees:

University of Idaho

Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences, Faculty Search, Endowed Regen Chair (2017 – present)

Department of Natural Resources and Society, Faculty Search, Human Dimensions (2017)

Department of Natural Resources and Society, Forest Economist Search Chair (2015)

College of Natural Resources, Environmental Science Curriculum Committee (2016 – present)

College of Natural Resources, Forest Utilization Research Committee Chair (2016 – present)

College of Natural Resources, Mentoring Committee (2015 – present)

College of Natural Resources, UI Experimental Forest, Forest Manager Search (2018)

College of Natural Resources, Communications Assistant Search (2017)

College of Natural Resources, Associate Director Rangeland Center Search Chair (2017)

College of Natural Resources, Environmental Science Director Search (2017)

College of Natural Resources, Range Extension Specialist Search (2016)

College of Natural Resources, Policy Analysis Group, Research Scientist Search Chair (2016)

President’s Office, McClure Center for Public Policy, Director Search (2017)

Provost Office, Social Science Task Force (2017)

University of Minnesota

Department of Forest Resources, Silviculture Faculty Search (2014)

Department of Forest Resources, Mentoring Committee (2008 – 2015)

Department of Forest Resources, Forest Hydrology-Watershed Mgt. Faculty Search (2012)

Department of Forest Resources, Human Dimensions Faculty Search (2008 –2009)

Department of Forest Resources, Undergraduate Curriculum Redesign (2010 – 2011)

Department of Forest Resources, Strategic Planning Committee (2008 – 2009)

College of Food, Agriculture Natural Resource Science, Undergraduate Program Review Committee (2011 – 2015)

College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Science, Scholastic Standing Committee (2010 – 2015)

College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Science, Student Board Faculty Representative (2006 – 2011)

Environmental Science Policy and Mgt (ESPM) Curriculum Co-Coordinator (2011 – 2015)

Environmental Science Policy and Mgt (ESPM) Curriculum Committee, PPLS (2008 – 2015)

Environmental Students Association, Student Board Faculty Representative (2014 - 2015)

Provost Office, Grand Challenges Curriculum Committee (2014 – 2015)

SCEP Classroom Advisory Subcommittee (2014 – 2015)

Faculty Senate Representative (2006 – 2009, 2014 – 2015)

Professional and Scholarly Organizations

Associate Editor, Fire (09/2017 – present)

Associate Editor, Journal of Forestry (09/2014 – present)

2018 National Convention General Program Chair, Society of American Foresters (02/2017 – present)

Policy Chair, Inland Empire Chapter, Society of American Foresters (03/2016 – present)

National Nominating Committee, Society of American Foresters (05/2016 – 12/2017)

Chair/Member, National Committee on Forest Policy, Society of American Foresters (01/2012 – 1/2016)

Core Member, interagency Minnesota Statewide Wood Energy Team (01/2014 – 08/2015)

Board of Directors, Biomass Thermal Energy Council (01/2014 – 8/2015)

Member of Governor’s Implementation Task Force for the MOU on Sweden-Minnesota Bioenergy Cooperation (2013 – 2015)

Advisory Group, MN Governor’s Environment and Energy Report Card (08/2012 – 7/2014)

Steering Committee, Coalition for Eastern Community Forests (04/2009 – 12/2012)

Board of Directors, Communities Committee of 7th American Forest Congress (05/2008 – 05/2015)

Science Advisory Panel (Auditor), Congressional Review Team for the Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Recovery Act (11/2007 – 5/2014)

National Woody Biomass Policy Steering Committee, 25x25—Interagency Woody Biomass Working Group (USDA-DOE-DOI) (10/2009 – 2012)

Advisory Board, Ag Utilization Research Institute (05/2006 – 05/2007)

Subcommittee Chair, Moose Advisory Committee, MN DNR (12/2008 – 06/2009)

Steering Committee, Minnesota 2020 (09/2007 – 12/2008)

Chair, Utilization & Econ Team, Greater Flagstaff Forests Partnership (05/2004 – 06/2005)

Multi-Party Monitoring Team, Collaborative For Restoration Program (11/2003 – 12/2005)

Committee Member, AZ Governor’s Healthy Forest Econ Subcommittee (08/2003 – 06/2005)

Forestry Steering Committee, AZ Industries of the Future (02/2003 – 04/2005)

Scholarly Reviews (average 5-10 external reviews per year)

Society & Natural Resources Energy Policy

Journal of Biomass and Bioenergy Environmental Management

Journal of Forestry Journal of Env Planning & Management

Northern J. of Applied Forestry Environmental Impact Assessment Review

Forest Policy & Economics Ecological Restoration

Forest Science Rural Sociology

Forests Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering

Biofuels, Bioproducts & Bioengineering Ecology and Society

Journal of Forest Products US Geological Service

USDA Forest Service University Ag Experiment-Related

Professional Memberships & Associations:

Forest Stewardship Council (2002 – present)

Society of American Foresters (2001 – present)

International Association for Society and Natural Resources (1997 – present)

Rural Sociological Society (1998 – 2009)

Community Service:

Board of Directors, Friends of Flagstaff’s Future (10/03 – 06/05)

Co-coordinator, Flagstaff Community Supported Agriculture (05/2003 – 06/2005)

Volunteer, The Peregrine Fund–World Center for Birds of Prey (11/2001 – 06/2002)

Service Honors and Awards:

Outstanding Rating of Service, National Park Service (1994, 1995)

National Park Service “On the Spot” Award for Excellence in Service (1994)



Early Career Faculty Teaching Program, University of Minnesota (9/2006 – 5/2007)

Next Generation of the Professorate, University of Minnesota (5/2007)


LEAD21, Land Grant University Leadership Training Program, University of Georgia (06/2017 – 4/2018)


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