1. Which of the following is good advice for strength training?

A. Skip the warm-up to preserve your energy.

B. Hold your breath during the lifting phase.

C. Lift the weights rapidly to take advantage of momentum.

D. Use free weights, if you are a beginner.

E. Perform exercises for all major muscle groups.

2. The My Pyramid healthy eating guide contains the following five major food groups:

A. Protein, carbohydrate, water, vitamins and minerals.

B. Grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, and meats and beans.

C. Pasta and rice, cheese, poultry, eggs and green veggis.

D Wheat, white meat, skim milk, brown eggs and organic produce.

3. The body’s emotional, mental, and physiological response to any situation that is new, threatening, frightening or exciting is called .

A. Stressor

B. Stress

C. Distress

D. Eustress

4. The second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. is .

A. cigarette smoking and tobacco use

B. overweight or obesity

C. injuries

D. drug use

5. The key principle for building strength is .

A. to lift weights quickly.

B. to use near-maximum resistance.

C. to do at least 12 repetitions of each exercise.

D. to take little or no rest between sets.

6. Nutrients found in fruits and vegetables that help prevent cancer by blocking the formation of cancerous tumors are called .

A. carcinogens

B. malignant tumors

C. phytochemicals

D. metastasis

7. One pound of fat represents calories.

A. 1,500

B. 2,500

C. 3,500

D. 4,500

8. The “good” cholesterol is also referred to as:

A. there is no such thing as good cholesterol




9. Which of the following is true of “yo-yo” dieting?

A. Weight is lost more slowly with repeated cycles of dieting.

B. Weight is regained more slowly following repeated cycles of dieting.

C. It promotes long-term weight control.

D. It is the most popular commercial diet program available.

E. It involves alternating bouts of exercise.

10. The recommended target zone intensity is what percentage?

A. 40-50%

B. 50-90%

C. 60-85%

D. 80-90%

11. carbohydrates are low in nutritional density and are commonly found in foods considered to possess “empty calories” such as candy and soft drinks.

A. Complex

B. Simple

C. All

D. No

12. The training concept that states that the demands placed on a system must be increased systematically and progressively over time is referred to as:

A. The overload principle.

B. Specificity of training.

C. Progressive resistance training.

D. Positive resistance training.

13. Which of the following is not included among the seven warning signals for cancer?

A. unusual bleeding or discharge

B. thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere

C. hair falling out

D. nagging cough or hoarseness

14. blood pressure is the contraction of the heart.

A. Diastolic

B. Systolic

C. Bradycardia

D. Stethoscope

15. Cardiorespiratory endurance is a measure of how the lungs, heart and blood vessels work together during aerobic activities.

A. True

B. False

16. Which of the following is true of complex carbohydrates?

A. They are high in calories and lead to weight gain.

B. They should comprise the highest percentage of your diet.

C. Excess consumption can lead to conditions such as diabetes.

D. They promote cholesterol formation.

E. They are a poor source of dietary fiber.

17. Large short-term changes in body weight from day to day are most likely to result from changes in

A. body fat.

B. body water.

C. protein.

D. bone.

18. The most accurate method for assessing the percent of body fat is .

A. girth measurement.

B. underwater or hydrostatic weighing.

C. skinfold measurement.

D. bioelectrical impedance.


19. To lose weight, a frequency of training sessions per week is recommended.

A. three to five 20 to 30 minute

B. five to six 20 to 30 minute

C. three to five 45 to 60 minute

D. five to six 60 to 90 minute

20. Exercise is a positive method for controlling stress because .

A. it increases muscular tension.

B. endorphins are released.

C. it tires you out.

D. it increases flexibility.

21. Which of the following tests measures the flexibility of the hamstring muscle and , to a lesser extent, the lower back muscles?

A. Total body rotation

B. Shoulder rotation

C. Sit-and-reach test

D. Repetition maximum

22. protects against disease and helps fight cancer.

A. Transfatty acids

B. Empty calories

C. Antioxidants

D. Simple carbs

23. Which of the following is true of body fat?

A. Males have more fat than females.

B. Abdominal body fat poses the greatest health risks.

C. Cellulite is a more dangerous form of body fat.

D. Fat can be lost in specific sites using appropriate exercises.

24. Close to 80% of deaths could be prevented by following a healthy lifestyle.

A. True

B. False

25. The best way to control body fatness is to .

A. reduce calories in the diet.

B. exercise to increase caloric output.

C. combine diet modification and exercise.

D. use fat-reducing creams on fatty areas.

E. take appetite suppressants.

26. Which of the following is a recommendation for a healthy diet?

A. Reduce intake of dietary fiber.

B. Reduce fat intake to less than 30% of total calories.

C. Reduce complex carbohydrate consumption.

D. Reduce unsaturated fats to less than one third of total fat.

27. Individuals that are more laid back and easy going are considered to have personality.

A. Type A

B. Type B

C. Type C

D. no answers are correct

28. Tumors that are noncancerous and do not spread are .

A. benign.

B. malignant.

C. mutation.

D. oncogenesis.

29. Positive stress is also called

A. hypostress.

B. distress.

C. eustress.

D. burnout.

E. rustout.

30. Which of the following is good advice for weight/fat control?

A. Eat fast so you do not think about food.

B. Space meals equally throughout the day.

C. Skip lunch or breakfast if you do not feel hungry.

D. Eat a large dinner and a small breakfast and lunch.

E. Read a book while eating to take your mind off food.

31. A “set” in strength training refers to:

A. a given quantity of exercises

B. a number of repetitions

C. the starting position prior to lifting the weight

D. the individual’s frame of mind prior to lifting a heavy weight

32. Ballistic stretching is typically associated with:

A. jerky, rapid, and bouncy movements

B. gradual movements through the full range of motion

C. weights to increase the range

D. is based on the “contract and relax” method of stretching

33. “Empty calories” refers to:

A. food that does not make you fat.

B. calories with a low caloric content.

C. regurgitation of food to prevent weight gain.

D. food that is low in nutrients and high in calories.

E. the apparent inability of thin people to gain weight.

34. The American Cancer Society estimates that about percent of all human cancer could be prevented through positive lifestyle behaviors.

A. 20%

B. 40%

C. 60%

D. 80%

35. To maintain cardiovascular fitness, you should exercise at least .

A. 5 – 10 minutes

B. 20 – 30 minutes

C. 30 – 40 minutes

D. 60 minutes

36. Strength training should be done either through a total body workout a week, or more frequently if using a split body routine.

A. 1 – 2 times

B. 2 – 3 times

C. 3 – 5 times

D. 5 – 7 times

37. Like heart disease, cancer is largely .

A. preventable

B. curable

C. unavoidable

D. deadly

38. For health and fitness how many repetitions should you perform when strength training?

A. 1-4

B. 4-8

C. 6-10

D. 8-12

39. The best method for monitoring the intensity of an appropriate aerobic workout is:

A. length of workout

B. heart rate during the workout

C. using the rate of perceived exertion

D. calculating how tired you are after the workout

40. Jane believes that she has an ideal job that is both challenging and rewarding. She is having a high level of wellness.

A. environmental

B. occupational

C. social

D. physical

41. Cancer is defined as:

A. an uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells

B. a rapid and regular growth of benign cells

C. a process whereby some cells invade and destroy the nervous system

D. the normal growth and spread of cells

42. VO2 Max or O2 uptake with Cardiorespiratory training.

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains unchanged

D. no answers are correct

43. The epidemic of physical inactivity in the United States is called .

A. Inactive Death Syndrome (Ids)

B. Physical Death Syndrome (Pds)

C. Secondary Death Syndrome (Sds)

D. Sedentary Death Syndrome (Seds)

44. Which is true of the heart?

A. A healthy heart pumps more blood with each beat.

B. A healthy heart has a faster heart rate.

C. The heart is inefficient compared to an automobile engine.

D. Vigorous exercise harms the heart.

45. A person can gain weight on a weight control and exercise program because .

A. lean weight or muscle is gained.

B. the body retains water.

C. fat becomes more devise.

D. the program is ineffective.

46. Which of the following terms is used to describe an increase in the size of muscle cells?

A. hyperplasia

B. hypertrophy

C. elasticity

D. atrophy

E. hyperkalemia

47. Which of the following is an “anti-oxidant all star?”

A. broccoli

B. bread

C. fiber

D. pasta

E. water

48. Which is the best advice for stretching?

A. Stretch before you warm up.

B. Stretch after the muscles are warmed up.

C. Stretch until it is painful and hold it until the pain subsides.

D. Start with ballistic stretches and progress to static stretches.

49. Weight management is accomplished by .

A. Following the South Beach Diet for one year.

B. Following the low-carbohydrate high-protein diet for one year.

C. Joining a gym that has the best equipment.

D. Making a lifetime commitment to exercise and healthy eating.

50. The National Academy of Sciences states that percent of total daily calories should come from carbohydrates in a well-balanced diet.

A. 15-35

B. 25-45

C. 35-55

D. 45-65

E. Less than 10

51. The most important factor(s) affecting your health and well-being is .

A. beyond your personal control.

B. controlled by nature and environment.

C. lifestyle related.

D. related to infectious diseases.

E. related to heredity.

52. A decrease in muscle size and strength is called .

A. atrophy

B. hypertrophy

C. fast-twitch muscle fibers

D. resistance

53. Which of the following is a component of health-related fitness:

A. Speed and power

B. Metabolic fitness

C. Reaction time

D. Muscular strength

54. Hypokinetic means

A. low blood pressure

B. too little exercise

C. water exercise

D. infectious disease

55. To lose 1 pound of body fat per week means you have to create a caloric deficit of calories per week.

A. 2500

B. 3500

C. 2000

D. 2200

E. 1800

56. Fat/cholesterol deposits in the walls of the arteries that leads to plaque formation is called .

A. thrombosis

B. fibrinate

C. atherosclerosis

D. peripheral vascular disease

E. hypercholesteremia

57. elevates cholesterol and contributes to the formation of blood clots and plaque that may lead to heart attacks and strokes.

A. Unsaturated fats

B. Omega 3 fatty acids

C. Trans-fatty acids

D. Proteins

58. Which of the following is the best recommendation for long term weight control?

A. go on a caloric restricting diet once a month

B. skip breakfast

C. eat a low fat diet and perform regular exercise

D. never eat out at a restaurant

E. avoid complex carbohydrates

59. Which behavior type has the higher risk of disease?

A. Type A

B. Type B

C. Type C

D. no answers are correct

60. The typical amount of essential fat in women is percent of the body.

A. 3

B. 12

C. 14

D. 15

61. Ideal or average blood pressure is about .

A. 140/90 mm Hg

B. 70/40 mm Hg

C. 120/80 mm Hg

D. 200/140 mm Hg

62. Aerobic exercise has been shown to .

A. increase HDL-cholesterol

B. increase LDL-cholesterol

C. increase VLDL-cholesterol

D. decrease HDL-cholesterol

63. A positive way to manage stress is to .

A. exercise on a regular basis.

B. allow more time for work.

C. insist on having things your way.

D. avoid talking about your problems.

E. pretend the problem does not exist.

64. For most people, the target zone for fat reduction is a loss of no more than pounds per week.

A. 4

B. 10

C. 8

D. 6

E. 2

65. The psychological response of the body to stress that prepares the individual to take action by preparing the body to defend itself is called .

A. homeostasis

B. resistance

C. fight-or-flight

D. exhaustion

66. Which is a healthy recommendation for underweight people trying to gain weight?

A. eat more than 3 meals per day and perform strength training.

B. avoid complex carbohydrates.

C. eating more meat and taking a protein supplement.

D. perform regular aerobic exercises.

67. The National Academy of Sciences states that percent of total daily calories should come from fats in a well-balanced diet.

A. 10-25

B. 20-35

C. 30-45

D. 40-55

E. 55-65

68. When lowering caloric intake females should not go below:

A. 1200 calories per day.

B. 1500 calories per day.

C. 3000 calories per day.

D. 1000 calories per day.

69. High blood pressure or hypertension begins around:

A. 120/80 mm Hg

B. 130/85 mm Hg

C. 140/90 mm Hg

D. 200/140 mm Hg

70. What is the best example of a complex carbohydrate?

A. hot dog

B cheese

C. soda

D. cake

E. whole grain bread

71. As long as females are able to train as hard as males, females can achieve the same amount of muscle hypertrophy or size as men.

A. True

B. False

72. Cardiovascular disease is the cause of death in the United States

A. leading

B. second

C. third

D. fourth

73. The six essential nutrients include .

A. meat and dairy products, grains, fruits, and vegetables.

B. substrates, protein, calcium, iron and multiple vitamins.

C. water, whole grains, white meat, fruits and vitamins.

D. carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals and water.

74. Slow-sustained stretching .

A. has a high risk of injury

B. is based on the “contract and relax” method of stretching

C. causes muscles to tighten up

D. is most frequently used and recommended for flexibility programs

75. Cancer is the leading cause of death in the United States.

A. 1st

B. 2nd

C. 3rd

D. 4th

76. Normally, resting heart rate as the level of cardiorespiratory endurance increases.

A. increases

B. decreases

C. stays the same

D. no answers are correct

77. The “big three” negative lifestyle behaviors causing death in the U.S. are:

A. tobacco use, poor diet and inactivity, and alcohol abuse

B. poor diet and inactivity, sexual behavior, and drug abuse

C. sexual behavior, drug abuse, and accidents

D. inactivity, accidents, and tobacco use

78. The major risk associated with low-carb and high protein diets is an increased risk of heart disease because:

A. protein-rich foods are often high in carbohydrates.

B. excess protein is used to produce more muscles.

C. high protein foods are often high in fat.

D. few people consume adequate amounts of protein.

79. The second leading cause of deaths in the United States is .

A. accidents

B. cancer

C. cardiovascular disease

D. pulmonary disease

80. is found just beneath the skin and around the major organs.

A. Organ fat

B. Essential fat

C. Skin fat

D. Storage fat

81. As much as 80% of the risk for cancer is related to lifestyle factors.

A. True

B. False

82. Resting metabolic rate:

A. is unaffected by increases in lean body mass

B. decreases as lean body mass increases

C. increases as lean body mass increases

D. changes are unpredictable with increases in lean body mass

83. A constant and deliberate effort to improve quality of life that has 7 dimensions is best defined as:

A. good physical fitness

B. absence of cardiovascular problems

C. wellness

D. freedom of disease

84. The greatest benefit to your health is that physically fit individuals:

A. have optimal athletic performance

B. enjoy a better quality of life

C. always live a longer life

D. can always avoid injuries

85. Flexibility is:

A. the ability to perform movements until encountering significant resistance through its motion

B. the ability of a joint to move freely through its full range of motion

C. the ability of muscles to be pliable in all their movements

D. a prerequisite to effective stress management

86. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease include:

A. high stress levels

B. cigarette smoking

C. poor dietary habits

D. all answers are true

87. The mechanism that appears to regulate how much a person weighs is known as .

A. set point

B. weight factor

C. basal metabolic rate

D. energy-balancing equation

88. are the major source of energy for the body.

A. Carbohydrates

B. Fats

C. Proteins

D. Vitamins

E. Minerals

89. Mary has a sense of meaning and direction in her life and a relationship to a higher being. She is having a high level of wellness.

A. intellectual

B. mental

C. spiritual

D. emotional

90. The typical American diet:

A. does not provide enough sodium

B. contains adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables

C. is to low in protein

D. is to high in fat and calories

91. The typical amount of essential fat in men is percent.

A. 3

B. 12

C. 14

D. 15

92. For successful weight loss, at least minutes of daily exercise is recommended.

A. 10 minutes

B. 20 minutes

C. 30 minutes

D. 60 minutes

93. The suggested lower limits of daily caloric consumption are for males and for females.

A. 1,500 and 1,200 calories

B. 1,800 and 1,500 calories

C. 2,100 and 1,800 calories

D. 2,400 and 2,100 calories

94. Resting heart rate should be assessed when .

A. You have been resting in bed quietly.

B. You have been exercising vigorously.

C. You have been watching an action movie.

D. You have been exercising lightly.

95. The spread of tumors cells from one part of the body to another forming new tumors, is a process called .

A. metastasis

B. melanoma

C. malignancy

D. cancer

96. As long as the food label says that there is zero percent of trans fat per serving, you can eat as many servings of the food as you like without worrying about getting any trans fat.

A. True

B. False

97. Saturated fatty acids tend to cholesterol.

A. slightly decrease

B. decrease

C. increase

D. not effect

98. The intensity of stretching when performing flexibility development exercises should:

A. involve no pain at all

B. be to a degree of significant discomfort

C. be to a point of mild discomfort

D. be as painful as a person can tolerate

99. The most practical and valid technique to estimate body fat is:

A. skinfold thickness.

B. body mass index.

C. girth measurements

D. waist-to-hip ratio.

100. What is the best measure of overall health?

A. Cardiorespiratory Endurance

B. Body Composition

C. Flexibility

D. Strength


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