St. Francis Preparatory School

Discussion Questions for Act I of?Death of a Salesman??1.What does Biff realize every time he comes home?2.What does Happy do after he’s “ruined” women who are engaged??3.How do Biff and Happy react to their father’s beginning to talk to himself more and more loudly and noticeably?? About what are they concerned?4.In what ways does Willy contribute to Happy’s obsession with losing weight??5.What has Bernard been trying to do for Biff??6.What has Biff done (a bit prematurely) that shows his total confidence he will get into the University of Virginia??7.Why does Willy believe Biff will definitely go to college??8.How might Biff still blow his chance of getting into college??9.How does Willy view/treat Bernard??10.Why might Willy exaggerate how much he has sold when he’s talking to Linda??11.What do Linda and Willy talk about right after she figures how much money he’s actually brought into their household??12.What does Willy say to Linda about himself that reveals how he truly views himself?13.What had Willy heard a buyer saying about him and how did he react?14.What does Willy tell Bernard to do for Biff about his math class?15.What is the reason why Bernard can’t do this for Biff when Biff needs the help the most?16.What lesson is Willy teaching his sons about education??17.Why does he tell Linda to throw out her stockings?18.How does Willy remember his own father?19.How did Ben get to be so wealthy??20.Why does Willy look up to Ben as his ideal?21.What question does Willy ask of his brother, Ben, regarding Biff and Happy?22.What is some evidence that Willy is suicidal??23.How do Biff and Happy react to finding out the truth about Willy, that his company has taken away his salary and put him on commission, that he’s been suicidal??? ................

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