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Rhymers Are Readers: The Importance of Nursery Rhymes - KBYU


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- Safety for Your Child

1 Things to ask your child

about what they are learning...


- Ask questions to extend the stories, such as “Where did Little

Miss Muffet go when she ran away?” or “What do you think

happens next?” Let children imagine.

- Give them rhyming riddles to solve. For example, “I’m thinking of a word that rhymes with ‘go.’ I can tie it on a present or put it in my hair. What word could it be?”

Other ideas...

- Talk to your child about fire safety. Teach them about the sounds of the smoke detector and what to do if they smell smoke or hear the alarm go off. Have a practice fire drill. (We do at school;&)

r hear the alarm go off. Have a practice fire drill. (We do at school☻)

- Point out letters when you are out with your child. Letters are everywhere, and your child loves showing what he or she knows!

- Practice your address and ONE phone number with your child (cell or home). Remember that many preschoolers only count to approximately 10, so it is important to teach phone numbers, or larger numbers, with single digits so that it is meaningful to your child.

- Have your child practice dialing 911 and what to say. Stress speaking clearly so that they are understood. Remember to stress that 911 is only for emergencies, and give clear examples of what emergencies are, and are not.

-Heaven forbid, but talk to your child about what to do if he or she becomes lost. Talk about specific places you go, and who the ‘safe’ adults would be to ask for help. (For example, in a grocery store, you might go to the cash register…) Again, have your child practice what to say so that they have something to refer to in that scary situation.

2 Thought for the day:

"They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel."

Carol Buchner


3 Things You Need

4 to Know:


. * Our class will have a small Valentine's Day

. celebration on Thursday, February 11th. Attached

is a class roster. Students should bring in one valentine for each child listed. We will make bags in class( A sign up for the party will go out Monday via sign-up genius. If you do not have access to a computer, please send in a note to let me know.



1 * I was out for a few days last week due to a stomach bug. I know that this can make things difficult for your child, as the routine can be different. Please let me know if your child is having difficulty…

* As you know, it is winter and cold! However, we do like to go outside on occasions when the weather is cooperative. Please remember to send in hats, mittens, and proper shoes with your child. We also work on independence here at school, so please work with your child and encourage them to put on their own coats and work those zippers and fasteners themselves.

* Accidents do happen at school, and I’ve noticed that several students have used their extra clothes…and some may have outgrown them! Please send in a change with weather appropriate clothes.

* We are visiting the Post Office on Wednesday, February 10th.

A reminder that there is no school on February 15th in honor of

President’s Day.

February 2013

Lizard News [pic]





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