BASHA HIGH SCHOOL - Chandler Unified School District




National Honor Society is proud to include students who maintain standards of excellence in the areas of scholarship, citizenship, leadership, service to community and school, and character.

Students seeking membership need to demonstrate strengths in the above-mentioned areas as well as have a 3.8 cumulative grade point average. As a student with at least a 3.8 cumulative grade point average, you have met the minimum requirements in one of the areas. Therefore, you are receiving an invitation for the selection process of National Honor Society.

In order to become a member, you must follow the process below:

Complete the NHS Application Packet. This packet can be found on the PHS website tab “Programs” and “National Honor Society” then “Future Members.” We highly recommend you download and type your application. Any clubs, sports or activities need to list the sponsor or coach’s name (in case the selection committee needs to verify your participation in the activity). Each coach or sponsor must provide a signature and a phone number for contact purposes. If no signature is possible, indicate why on the application form.

Once you have turned in your application packet, your name will be added to a list of candidates applying for membership. This list will be reviewed by all Perry faculty who will offer feedback concerning your character. You will not contact teachers for a recommendation.

An invitation to become a member does not guarantee selection to National Honor Society. A candidate must follow the process and be selected by the committee.

Applications are due by 3:00 to Mrs. Tonnemacher in C302 on Friday, February 28th, 2020.


Thank you for your interest in National Honor Society. Good Luck!!!


The Selection Committee, Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. Tonnemacher, & Mrs. Cooper - NHS Advisors

CC: Dan Serrano- Principal

NHS Application Packet

Student ID ONLY (No Name): ____________________________Grade: 10th 11th 12th

(Print clearly) (Circle One)

** It is suggested that you download and type your application – this ensures a professional presentation of the information

1. School Related ACTIVITES

List all PHS school-related activities in which you have participated during high school only. Include clubs, teams, musical groups, STEM program, etc.

Include any elected or appointed leadership positions held in school. Only those positions in which you were personally responsible for directing or motivating others should be included. For example: elected student body, class or club officer; committee chairperson; team captain; newspaper editor; soloist in musical ensemble, etc. Remember this is for your high school years only.

|Year of Participation |Activity or Club |Leadership Positions (in any) |Signatures of sponsors |

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***Please note that these will be checked for accuracy. Failure to provide proper documentation will result in those activities not being considered.

2. School Related AWARDS

Also list any honors, awards or recognition you have received during your high school years that support your bid for selection into the National Honor Society. If you were a member of National Junior Honors Society, please list that as well. Please attach copies of any awards to this application if possible. (these will not be returned, so make sure they are copies, not originals)

|Year of Participation |Award or Recognition |Signatures of sponsors |

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3. Community ACTIVITES

List all community-related activities in which you have participated during high school only. Include clubs, teams, musical groups, religious organizations, civic groups, etc. Give a short description of your involvement with each organization. Also list any honors, awards or recognition you have received during your high school years that support your bid for selection into the National Honor Society.

List any elected or appointed leadership positions held in in community activities. Only those positions in which you were personally responsible for directing or motivating others should be included. For example: committee chairperson; team captain; or community leader; Scout troop leadership, etc. You can also include work experience in this section. Remember this is for your high school years only.

|Year of |Activity or Organization |Leadership Positions/ Honors (if any) |Signatures of sponsors/ |

|Participation |w/ short description | |Contact Info |

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***Please note that these will be checked for accuracy. Failure to provide proper documentation will result in those activities not being considered.

4. SERVICE ACTIVITIES (Both School and Community)

List any service activities in which you have participated during your high school years. These can be service projects done with a group or done individually. Please include a brief description of the activity. For example: church groups, clubs sponsored outside of school, Boy or Girl Scouts, civic groups, or community art endeavors.

***Generally these are activities that occur on a more regular basis. Please do not repeat participation in other activities if they are listed earlier on the form.

**Generally speaking, service activities are those that are done for, or on behalf of others (not including family members) for which there is no compensation given or course credit received.

Year Description of Activity- Be Specific Total Hours Signature of Sponsor / Contact Info

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Please attach a 250 word writing sample on why you believe you will contribute to Perry High School’s National Honor Society chapter, and how the organization will benefit from your involvement. Please include ideas you have for the future of Perry’s NHS and how we can improve as a club.

To the best of my knowledge, all the information on this document is correct and truthful.

______________________________ ________________

Student Signature Date

To the best of my knowledge, all the information on this document is correct and truthful.

__________________________________ ___________________

Parent Signature Date


School Related ACTIVITIES

School Related AWARDS

Community Activities/Awards


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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