Notes from the Homelessness consultation

Notes from Southend Homeless Action Network (SHAN) MeetingHeld at SCF’s Plaza Centre on Tuesday 11th July 2017Attendees (33): Jill Close (DWP); Debbie Ballard (SoS Job Centre); David Yallop (57 West & a Street Pastor); Hem Patel (57 West); Steve Campion; Michael Morgan; Robert Grove (aka the Rogue Landlord); Salvo; Del Thomas (Street Spirit); Majzoub Ali; ?Evatt ?? (SoS Job Centre); Peter Courtenay (Street Pastor); Glyn Halksworth (SBC, Drug and Alcohol Commissioner); ?Dorla ?? (SoS Adult & Community College); Alison Ponto (Rosemead); Trish ?? (SoS Adult & Community College); Janine Thomas (British Red Cross); 5 rough sleepers (or ex rough sleepers); Stanford Biti (CAST); Jill ?? (??); Zoe Smith and Colin Ball (both One Love); Gill Ioannis (Hope 3:16); Fay Kricha (Family Mosaic); Seb Whalley (Isaiah Project); Simon Cross (Green Party); Jo Bates (Homeless Street Hub); John Simmons (Co-Ordinator, SoS Churches Winter Night Shelters & Chair, Management Group, SoS Street Pastors) [Notes]; and John Barber (Chair). Apologies (15): Cllr Mark Flewitt (SBC); Rev. Dan Pratt (57 West); Cllr Lawrence Davies (SBC); Kelly Clarke (SBC); Andrew Fiske (SBC); Gary Turner (HARP); Trish Carpenter (Citizen’s Advice, SoS); Insp. Bill Potter (Essex Police); John Paul Anastasiadis (SEPT); Paul Slennett (SoS Christian Bookshop & a Street Pastor); Rev. Hannah Bucke (Methodist Church’s Town Centre Minister); Julie McEvoy (57 West); Rob Carvosso (Storehouse); Tina Shepherd; and Kim ElwellN.B. Action Points are in bold underlined italics.1. Welcome and Introductions.John B. welcomed all to the meeting and reminded all present about the “Rules of Engagement” for these meetings:- We are SHAN; we are about Southend; the Homeless; and Action; and are a Network of concerned people working to move the homeless onto a better place.We don’t discuss individual cases at the meetings, although anonymous examples can be given to make a point.We don’t have a go at each other for perceived shortcomings.He then thanked SCF for their hospitality.Please send all additions and amendments to the Contact List to John B. asap.Everyone then briefly introduced themselves by name, role and organisation. 2. Minutes and Action Points from our last meeting (14/03/17).a) After a correction to Item 4 (“Police Update”) to make it clear that the High Street Sweeps are a Council initiative with the support of the police, the minutes were accepted.b) Matters Arising:-John B. mentioned that the Rough Sleeper leaflet had been updated to version 3.2 and is now available at . He has already been told about some minor changes, but asked that he is informed about anything else that needs to be changed. He is not proposing this time to print the leaflet but if that is something others wish to do and pass them on, then please let him know.John B. said that he will arrange for a session about Trish Carpenter’s point about early intervention in housing matters to be on the agenda for a future meeting of SHAN (possibly the next one).3. The Isaiah Project - Seb Whalley.The Isaiah Project is a small registered charity that was set up by Southend Christian Fellowship.It helps find housing for a small number of people and runs a Drop-in every Tuesday (12:30) in the Living Room part of the Plaza Centre (entrance off the car park) where assistance can be given in e.g. applying for benefits.The major issue last year was landlords evicting tenants because they wanted to sell their properties; fortunately all the people they were supporting were able to find alternative housing.Their tenants sign an agreement to help them move forward with befrienders available to support them at weekly meetings, and assistance given for them to access addiction clinics, etc.They have 3 charity shops (2 in Southchurch Road - near the Plaza Centre - and 1 just off Hamlet Court Road).Seb was very grateful for assistance from the Council’s supported housing team and for them providing vouchers from their Discretionary Housing Fund for spending at the Project’s charity shops. 4. Sleeping bags for rough sleepers - Peter Courtenay.Peter Courtenay introduced this subject because of his work as a Street Pastor (SP).The SPs give out sleeping bags when necessary mostly to those who have suddenly found themselves without accommodation on Friday and Saturday nights. However, it appears that sometimes they are not valued by the recipients and are lost/stolen/damaged.It also appears that some rough sleepers get sleeping bags from the SPs, the Storehouse, Street Spirit and HARP, and may be from others as well.Peter suggested that the provision of sleeping bags is somehow co-ordinated, but didn’t really know how this could be done. He requested that ideas are sent to him at suggestions were:-The Storehouse should be the only place that gives them out, but what about when they are closed?Robert Crowe offered to store them on one of his premises (he already washes and recycles any he finds);Perhaps 57 West could store and give them out when they move to Clarence Road Baptist.5. DWP Presentation - Gill Close and Debbie Ballard.Gill gave a presentation about Universal Credit (UC) which is coming to Southend for all claimants on 19/07/17. The slides are sent by email along with these minutes.A toolkit is available via GOOGLE, and support is available at the Job Centre + (JC+) at Tyler’s Avenue.Debbie is the Community Work Coach at the SoS JC+ and has a caseload of 73 customers.Since April 2013, she has been liaising with other agencies in SoS (mostly Family Mosaic, STARS and HARP) so that she can better help her customers.She said that things will change under UC so she has been preparing her customers for the changes. They can come to her at the JC+, or she will go to them.Debbie is very proud that, over the last 3 years, 64 of her customers have gone from being on the streets to having paid employment. Claimant commitment is vital: they must agree to address any issues and move forward, if necessary in very small steps, to maintain their claims.Customers cannot be housed without a claim (because Housing Benefit depends on that).Debbie said that she will only sanction her customers if there is no other choice.She has been involved with the High Street sweeps and the setting up of the Complex Needs Hostel.In response to questions, Gill and Debbie said that:-There was no difference in the rules for under and over 21s in that the same rules apply to all over 18;Under UC, claimants will need their own e-mail address, but JC+ staff can help them set one up.If people turn up at the JC+ without an appointment, they may be asked to make one or they may have to wait until someone becomes available.6. The One Love Soup Kitchen - Colin Ball.Colin said that they were a new soup kitchen who have only been going for 7 weeks. They use the Clarence Road car park on Monday evenings and give out food, drinks, clothing, toiletries and night packs. They are currently funded by their members; they already have about 1400 via Facebook. They have more than 20 committed volunteers.They network with other agencies and will be holding fund-raising events.From 20/07/17, they will have a new supporter: Hollybrook. They have given permission for rough sleepers to use toilets, a shower block and laundry facilities at their building site in Carnarvon Road (next to the Civic Centre) from 17:30 - 20:30 with food available at 19:00. Hollybrook will provide security and there will conditions of entry. The site is available until at least August 2018. There will also be access to pens and paper and free Wi-Fi.Steve Smith gave his approval, but Michael Morgan was concerned about public safety.7. Hope 3:16 - Gill Ioannis.Gill said that Hope 3:16 was set up by a small group who worked at The Storehouse and is a Christian charity. Their aim is to get rough sleepers off the streets.At the moment they have 3 houses with 13 men in them and they are hoping to get 2 more houses that could take another 12 men. Each house is kitted out with furniture, PCs and Wi-Fi. Food is given to them by Sainsbury’s and M&S.They are trying to set up a Social Enterprise, but this is linked to 57 West’s move.They go to Brunel Manor for holidays and to e.g. Creation Fest.They have an allotment in Stambridge where they grow fruit and vegetables for the houses.Stanford Biti asked if they take people with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF). Gill said they couldn’t but 2 residents only have Housing Benefit; they ask for ?10/week as a top-up.8. Council Update - Glyn Halksworth.Homeless Prevention Strategy:The General Election (and the change of Chief Exec.) held it up, but it is almost ready to go out for consultation. It will include how SBC will:-Help people from becoming homeless;Help people when they are homeless;Provide more affordable rented accommodation;Work in partnership with other agencies and encourage them to work with each other;Possibly amend their allocation policy;Consider the provision of a year-round Night Shelter; andLook at their provision of temporary emergency accommodation.The Night-time Economy:SOVA have replaced the SoS Bus wef mid-June.They will take a bit of time to get up to plex Needs Panel (CNP):Dual Diagnosis (DD) is a key concern, but having a DD worker is not necessarily the answer. Embedding the skills is better and so the CNP includes members from SEPT and others with mental health awareness skills.The Complex Needs Hostel is now open and almost full with residents most of whom will be known to at least some at the meeting.They are seeking Lottery Funding to implement a MEAM pilot (MEAM = Make Every Adult Matter).High Street Patrols: An initiative being carried out without any additional funding to co-ordinate delivery of multi-agency services to the High Street.If they know those they see, they direct them to appropriate services.If they don’t know them, they ask how they can help.If necessary, enforcement action is taken against e.g. “professional” beggars.New Ideas:Glyn said that the Council are open to new ideas for helping the homeless / rough sleepers. 9. Any Other Business.Free First Aid Training: Janine Thomas offered free Everyday First Aid courses to any organisation particularly those involved with helping homeless people / rough sleepers / those with substance abuse issues / other vulnerable adults. This course is a 2 - 3 hour session covering key aspects of First Aid.For more information, please contact James Connolly at or on 07507 214334.Alan Brown’s funeral will be at SoS Crematorium at 09:40 on Wednesday 19th July.Churches Winter Night Shelters: John S. announced that HARP have produced their Impact Report; copies were distributed.Lockers for Homeless People: following an article in yesterday’s ECHO, John B. will try to get Cllr Mark Flewitt to speak about them at the next meeting.Start time for SHAN meetings: John B. proposed that the start time is brought forward to 10:00; this was agreed.10. SHAN Meetings for the rest of 2017 will be on:- Tuesday 12th September; and Tuesday 14th November.All meetings are 10:00 - 12:00 at The Plaza Centre (600 Southchurch Road, SS1 2PT).Unfortunately, parking is an issue; the Centre’s car park is very small and is usually full. It is probably better to park on the streets to the north of Southchurch Road, or in the small Pay & Display car park next to the Tesco Express to the west of The Plaza Centre.Note 1: following discussion by members, due to the nature of the meeting – primarily for those working among the homeless to exchange information and ideas, we will in future be making the meeting by invitation only, in order to reduce unnecessary interruptions on this emotive subject.Note 2: subject to confirmation, all meetings will begin at 10pm and it is hoped we will be able to meet at that time the second Tuesday in January, March, May, July, September, November 2018. ................

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