Grade 8 Renaissance Faire Instructions

“Titans of the Renaissance”

Research and Debate Critical Thinking Project


Your task is to research a variety of influential individuals of the Renaissance; this research project will be developed using PowerPoint. Once you have gathered all your essential information you, will choose 6 of your “Titans” most important contributions and rank them in order of significance. Apply the criteria below to each of the 6 contributions.

Criteria of Significance

• How far reaching is the contribution.

• Does the contribution change the way we view the world.

• Perseverance of the person in the face of adversity and challenges.

• Does the person challenge the system and institutions based on personal beliefs and convictions

• Does the contribution have lasting impact

• Consider what we lose if this person had never lived (ie) Terry Fox


1. You will create an inquiry question from our essential question for the Renaissance to guide your research: “Did the Renaissance Titans change or challenge the medieval worldview of European society?”

2. Choose three influential individuals from the “Renaissance Topic List”.

3. Submit your “Proposal Sheet” that includes your topic and inquiry question.

4. You will fill out your research template chart and then identify your complementary booth activity products (see list).

5. Then create your visual Renaissance Fair board using the research you have gathered on your Titans of the Renaissance. You must cover all three panels of your display with information. Use large font sizes and visuals to make your board engaging.

6. Create your complementary presentation activities for your Renaissance Fair display. Be sure to allocate duties to all group members and ensure everyone does their part. (

7. You and your partners will work cooperatively together to create your product. Remember: you are being assessed on the process as well as the product.

8. You and your partner will present your Renaissance board, activities and information to the class during the Renaissance Fair!

Renaissance Topic List

|Architects |

|Alberti, Leon Battista |Jones, Inigo |

|Bramante, Donato |Palladio, Andrea |

|Brunelleschi, Filippo | |

|Painters |

|Angelico, Fra |Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da |

|Tintoretto |Piero della Francesca |

|Van Eyck, Jan | |

|Mantegna, Andrea |da Vinci, Leonardo |

|Botticelli, Sandro |Raphael |

|Masaccio | |

|Michelangelo | |

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|Political and Religious Figures |

|Borgia, Cesare |Luther, Martin |

|Borgia, Lucrezia |Machiavelli, Niccolo |

|Calvin, John |More, Saint (Sir) Thomas |

|Queen Elizabeth 1 |Lorenzo de Medici |

|Francis I (of France) | |

|Sculptors |

|Cellini, Benvenuto |Michelangelo |

|Della Robbia, Luca |Pisano, Giovanni |

|Donatello |Pisano, Nicola |

|Ghiberti, Lorenzo |Verrocchio, Andrea del |

|Writers |

|Boccaccio, Giovanni |Petrarch, Francesco |

|Rabelais, Francois |Erasmus, Desiderius |

|Machiavelli, Niccolo |Montaigne, Michel de |

|Castiglione, Baldassare |Marlowe, Christopher |

|Cervantes, Miguel de |Marot, Clement |

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|Scientists and Inventors |

|Copernicus, Nicolaus |Galilei, Galileo |

|Descartes, Rene |Gutenberg, Johanne |

|Galen, Eton |Mercator, Geradus |

|Explorers |

|Sir Walter Raleigh |Sir Francis Drake |

|Magellan |Columbus, Christopher |

|Polo, Marco |Jacques Cartier |

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|Influential Families |

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|Medici’s of Florence |

|Estes of Ferrara |

|Sforzas of Milan |

|Gonzagas of Mantua |

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Renaissance Project Proposal Sheet

Group Names/Signatures:



What is your topic?


How is the project going to be divided?


Materials Needed:


TEAMWORK Reflection Assessment

Name: _______________________


0 = Never 1 = Almost Never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Often 4 = Always

|I worked cooperatively with my partner. |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|I stayed on task. |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|I shared and presented my work on time. |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|I brought the necessary materials. |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|I did my best. |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Total |/20 |

Evaluation of Partner: Partner’s Name: _______________________

0 = Never 1 = Almost Never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Often 4 = Always

|My partner contributed to the work. |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|My partner expressed his/her ideas. |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|My partner accepted responsibility. |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|My partner stayed on task. |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|My partner did his/her part with effort. |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Total |/20 |

Did all members of the group contribute equally to this project? YES / NO: Explain why or why not.


If you were to do this project again, what would you do differently? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What did you particularly like about this project?


Renaissance Fair Evaluation Rubric

| |Mastery |Proficient |Acceptable |Beginning |

|Social Studies |Project demonstrates an |Project demonstrates a strong|Project demonstrates an |Project demonstrates an incomplete or|

|8.2.4 – Factors that |exemplary understanding of how|understanding of how the |adequate understanding of how |limited understanding of how the |

|Shaped Worldview in |the Renaissance thinkers and |Renaissance thinkers and |the Renaissance thinkers and |Renaissance thinkers and philosophers|

|Western Europe |philosophers sparked the |philosophers sparked the |philosophers sparked the growth|sparked the growth and exchange of |

| |growth and exchange of ideas. |growth and exchange of ideas.|and exchange of ideas. |ideas. |

|Social Studies |Project distinguishes cause, |Project distinguishes cause, |Project distinguishes cause, |Project distinguishes cause, effect, |

|8.S.2 – Develop Skills of|effect, sequence and |effect, sequence and |effect, sequence and |sequence and correlation in |

|Historic Thinking |correlation in historical |correlation in historical |correlation in historical |historical events in a limited or |

| |events in an in-depth fashion,|events in a solid fashion, |events in an adequate fashion, |incomplete fashion, including the |

| |including the long and |including the long and |including the long and |long and short-term causal relations.|

| |short-term causal relations. |short-term causal relations. |short-term causal relations. | |

|Language Arts |Project shows evidence of |Project shows evidence of |Project shows evidence of |Project shows evidence of limited |

|8.3.1 – Organize |exemplary organization of |strong organization of |adequate organization of |organization of information and |

|Information |information and illustrates an|information and illustrates a|information and illustrates a |illustrates an incomplete use of |

| |in-depth use of a variety of |solid use of a variety of |basic use of sources. |sources. |

| |sources. |sources. | | |

|Language Arts |Project organizes ideas and |Project organizes ideas and |Project organizes ideas and |Project organizes ideas and |

|8.3.2 – Select and |information in an exemplary, |information in a strong, |information in an adequate, |information in a limited, way and do |

|Process Information |creative, logical way to |creative, logical way to |creative, logical way to |not develop a comparison or |

| |develop a comparison or |develop a comparison or |develop a comparison or |chronology; cause-effect relationship|

| |chronology, and to show an |chronology, and to show a |chronology, and to show a basic|analysis is incomplete or limited. |

| |in-depth cause-effect |solid cause-effect |cause-effect relationship. | |

| |relationship. |relationship. | | |

|Overall Assessment |Mastery Proficient Acceptable Beginning |

Teacher Comments:




Name of Titan:

|Contributions |Ranking |Reasons for ranking |

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Complementary Activities Lists:

(You must complete all sections from each category)

Section A: All Groups will Complete this Section

➢ Create an informational board display that demonstrates your research and answers your inquiry question

➢ Include how your Titan Renaissance figures were influential and why they should be featured in our Renaissance Fair

Section B: Creating the Renaissance Atmosphere

➢ Showcase five artifacts that are relevant and connected to your selected Renaissance Titans

➢ Your group must dress in a historically accurate way to reflect the Renaissance Titans you are presenting on. These costumes should include full costumes, including hats, capes, gloves, and more!

➢ Bring a group renaissance food dish that will be shared with the Renaissance Guests at the grand feast! This food should include a list of ingredients and a unique name related to your Renaissance Titans.

Section C: Interacting with Renaissance Observers

➢ Create an interactive game that your renaissance observers can play when you complete your Titan presentation. The game might be anything from a drawing a da’Vinci artwork piece to a “building a book” activity for the Gutenberg Press. Be creative and have fun!

Protocol for the Renaissance Fair:

1) All Renaissance attendees will attend an opening ceremony speech, complete with an explanation of how the event will take place.

2) Renaissance Booths will open for visits from outside grade 8 students and members of the presentation committee. *Note: you will send one of your members to gather information from other booths and to take notes about historic figures. Take turns being the visitor for booths so that everyone gets a chance to showcase your featured Titan, as well as play the games at other booths! (

3) The Renaissance Feast will take place, with lots of food and fun for all!

4) There will be a Renaissance Fair debrief, will pictures, discussion and sharing.

5) You will submit your Field Reports, complete with the notes you have collected from other booths.

Field Report Requirements

(complete for each booth)

➢ Who were the Titans?

➢ What was their contributions?

➢ Why are they significant in the time of the Renaissance?

➢ How did they change the worldview of Medieval Europe and/or embrace humanism?

➢ *Any other interesting facts about the featured Titans.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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