Extra Credit Ideas - Ms. Rubin's Revolving World of Social ...

College Now Ms. E. Rubin

BSS 1 Spring 2014

Sociology Extra Credit

Extra credit when students are offered the opportunity to undertake optional work, additional to their compulsory school work, in order to gain additional credit that would boost their grades.

Part I: Possible Extra Credit Assignments

1. Textbook - Read a textbook chapter that was not assigned. Provide an outline of the key points in the chapter. Outline must be 2 pages.

2. Game- Invent a game you might like to play in class to help students learn or review key concepts in the course. The format can be based on an existing game (e.g., Jeopardy, Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary, Cranium), or your own idea. Create actual questions, answers, and rules for the game. The game should theoretically take 20-30 minutes. (Though not required, if it is feasible to play in class, I will attempt to make time to do so)

3. Volunteer - Pick a community service activity and write 2 pages. Discuss how a sociology topic we have covered relates to your volunteer experience. Briefly describe the volunteer experience (e.g., the organization, your role). Define or describe the sociology topic. Provide specific examples of how your experience illustrates or relates to the sociology topic.

4. Historical Event - Describe how a current or historical event relates to a sociology topic we have covered. In two pages, describe the event, define or describe the sociology topic and explain how the event or issue relates to the sociology topic.

Part II: Mechanics

• You can do up to 3 extra credit assignments.

• Each extra credit assignment is worth up to 5 points, for a total of 15 points.

• You are not guaranteed the full 15 points just because you hand in three papers. Be sure to follow directions to receive full credit.

• You must label each assignment. For example, on the top of the first page it would read “Extra Credit 1 – Textbook.

• Your paper must have 1-inch margins and use 12 pt. Times New Roman font when applicable

• You must demonstrate appropriate grammar usage in writing and mechanics of language


• You must not be finishing up your paper in class. It must be put together prior to class. If you are finishing it in class you will lose 5 points.

• NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. IF ABSENT, the assignment must be emailed to me by the beginning of class. For example – if class starts at 3PM your essay must be emailed to me by 3PM otherwise you will lose points for lateness.

• Plagiarism (presenting someone else’s work or idea as your own) is unacceptable. If done you will fail for the project.

Part III: Bibliography/Citations

Your paper must include a bibliography.

• You must have at least one source per assignment.

• Wikipedia and encyclopedias are NOT sources.

• Your bibliography must be properly formatted.

Any extra credit assignment with incorrect or incomplete bibliographies will NOT receive ANY credit.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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