
Family Technology PacketDear Room 50 Family,In an effort to keep your sanity, I am sending home a packet with current letters regarding websites we are using. I am also sending home a copy of your student’s usernames and passwords. This may stay at home. Your child has a copy inside their classroom folder and I have a master copy for extra security. Room 50 is piloting a BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) trial this year. I have NOT started it yet. I am aiming to start this toward the end of the month or early October. The second and third page of this packet gives you more information, FAQ, and a waver to sign and return by September 20. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you do not have a device that is on the approved list or if you choose not to have your child participate, that is fine. We have 4 ipads and 2 computers in the classroom that students can share.BYOT Trial InformationI am excited to announce that our classroom has been selected to serve as a test bed for a Bring Your Own Technology model in the Intermediate School. In an effort to enhance our 21st Century learning skills, BYOT is currently being implemented in the High School and parts of the Middle School. Technology plays an important part of our H.E.A.T. framework. That’s why we plan to use it as a learning tool to be combined with quality instruction. As previously stated, this trial is merely meant to ascertain the effectiveness of a BYOT model in our elementary school. As of now, the trial is initially only planned to extend for one month. We ask for your patience and understanding as we attempt to identify the benefits and potential pitfalls of a BYOT model for elementary students. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or voicemail. If you and your student are interested in participating, we ask that you limit your device to the list below. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN YOUR STUDENT PARTICIPATING IN BYOT, PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THE WAIVER BY SEPTEMBER 20TH.Sincerely,Mrs. GehmanApproved Devices:-iPhone/iPod Touch-iPad, Android Tablet, Windows 8 Tablet-Smaller Laptops (nothing above 15” screen)Parent F.A.QsIf my student uses their own technology at school, will they be able to access things they normally do not when using District technology?Anyone connecting to the District wireless network will be filtered in the same way as using District-owned technology. Students using iPhones will use the wifi network instead of the cellular network. Students should not be accessing messaging/texting features on their phones.Since the District is promoting BYOT, does that mean that I have to buy my child a laptop or smartphone or another technology device? Absolutely not. We are encouraging families with devices available to consider participating. This will enable us to get closer to our goal of a “one-to-one” computing ratio. We feel that by combining quality instruction with increased technology accessibility, we can more effectively reach the needs of each learner. Please keep in mind that your student will experience a BYOT model in Middle School and High School. It may be beneficial to acclimate them to this system in Elementary School.What if my child’s laptop or other technology device is stolen?The District is not responsible for any damage or theft of student-owned devices. Keeping track of the device’s serial number, model and type at home is suggested. Theft or vandalism of any kind should be reported immediately to a School Administrator so he/she can take the appropriate steps. Teachers participating in the trial will be looking at various ways for students to securely store their devices in the classroom.What are the building/classroom rules for using student-owned devices, including iPhones?Teachers will make the final decisions for any technology used in their classrooms; student-owned devices would be no different. It will be up to the individual classroom teachers to communicate their expectations to students and parents. Feel free to contact your child’s teacher(s) or Administration for his/her expectations. What happens if my student misuses their device?If a student chooses to violate the Student Acceptable Use Policy (available online and in the student handbook), they may face confiscation of the device. The device will be placed in the Elementary School Office. It will then be available for pickup by the family. If problems persist, students may be asked to refrain from participating in the program in addition to facing consequences laid out in the Student Acceptable Use Policy.Does the District have an Acceptable Use Policy for technology?Yes, all students are required to read and sign a Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) in order to use District technology and technology related services. To view the Student Acceptable Use Policy please visit the District’s website or review the student handbook.Hershey Intermediate School BYOT Trial Parent WaiverThe District grants wireless capabilities in Derry Township School District to allow student-owned devices to be used in a classroom setting to support instruction and learning. With classroom teacher approval, students may use their own devices in the classroom to access, interact and save information from the Internet, communicate with other learners, and use productivity tools to create assignments/projects or take classroom assessments. This program is being offered on a trial basis for a limited number of classrooms. We ask for your patience and understanding as we determine the effectiveness of a BYOT model in the Intermediate School. Thank you for your anticipated participation in this program.ACCESSAccess to the Internet is provided via a DTSD wireless local area network. To be granted access, students must confirm they accept the Terms and Conditions of the Derry Township School District Technology Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) must be signed by all student users. By accepting the Terms and Conditions, users will be expected to uphold the contents of the AUP as well as the Student Code of Conduct on their student-owned devices while on District property. Additionally, in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), Derry Township School District will filter all content for users connected to DTSD’s network. THEFT, LOSS OR DAMAGEDerry Township School District, or any employee of the District, is not liable or responsible for any theft, damage or loss of any non-district device or the information on any such device. It is the responsibility of the owner of the device to ensure that the device is safe and MUNICATION/DATA PLAN FEESDerry Township School District is not responsible for any fees associated with using any personal technology devices. All fees and charges related to texting or Internet use on any student-owned device is the sole responsibility of the MON GUIDELINES AND EXPECTATIONSEach classroom teacher will choose whether or not mobile devices will be used within their classroom each day. Depending on the specific instruction planned for that period mobile devices may or may not be used. Each teacher will be responsible for communicating expectations of mobile device usage regarding their classroom. RECORDINGRecording audio, video, or photographic images without the subjects permission is not allowed in any area of the school. These actions alone can be a violation of state and federal law. Distributing such recordings or images can lead to further legal ramifications. I, _______________________________, parent of _________________________________, accept the preceding guidelines so that my child may use their own personal electronic computing device in school.Date:________________________________Classroom:________________________ ................

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