DHS-904-A Foster Care/Adoption/Juvenile Justice Caseworker ...

|Foster Care/Adoption/Juvenile Justice Caseworker/Child Visit Tool |

|Michigan Department of Health and Human Services |

|1. Child/Children’s name(s) |2. Date/time of visit |

|      |      |

|3. Caseworker name |4. County name/number |

|      |      |

|5. Visit location |6. Announced visit |

| Child’s residence | Other |      | Yes | No |

|7. List all persons/caregiver(s) present at visit |

|      |

|8. List any changes in the home, including who resides in home |

|      |

|9. Assessment of home (any sanitary concerns, safety or privacy issues, safe sleep issues for infants) |

|      |

|10. Notice of court hearing given |

| Caregiver | Child |


|11. Child seen alone during visit? |12. Viewed child’s bedroom? |

| Yes | No | Yes | No |

|13. Note child’s physical appearance |

|      |

|14. Child’s feelings/observations about being in their residence |

|      |

|15. Education – grades, Individualized Education Plan (IEP), Early On, school issues |

|      |

|16. Discuss parent/sibling visitation plan |

|      |

|17. Extracurricular/cultural/hobbies – participated in since last visit |

|      |

|18. Medical/dental/mental health needs and appointments |

|      |

|19. Discuss psychotropic medications with child and document side effects, benefits, administration, time frame, and regularity |

|      |

| |

|20. Permanency plan and how shared with the child |

|      |


|21. Date of child’s last physical exam |22. Date of child’s last dental exam |

|      |      |

|23. List medications – dosage, physician, diagnosis of child |

|      |

|24. Discuss psychotropic medications with caregiver and document side effects, benefits, administration, time frame, and regularity |

|      |

|25. Child’s medical/dental/mental health – concerns, appointments, medication reviews, lab work, psychological evaluations, monitoring treatment, follow-up care, and |

|therapy updates |

|      |

|26. Progress toward reaching goals addressed in the Service Plan/Risk Assessment |

|      |

|27. Child behaviors – worker/caregiver concerns, developmental milestones |

|      |

|28. Human trafficking indicators |

|      |

|29. Education – school status/performance, behaviors, and services provided |

|      |

|30. Caregiver tasks required to meet the child’s needs (completed/attempted) |

|      |

|31. Caregiver family adjustment to child’s placement |

|      |

|32. Permanency plan and how shared with the caregiver |

|      |

|33. Any CPS complaint made since last visit |

|      |

|34. For relative placement, if the relative is pursuing foster care licensure, obtain update on progress towards achieving a license |

|      |

|CHILD MOVE/REPLACEMENT (if applicable) |

|35. Medicaid card/number/records sent to caregiver within 5 days |

|      |

|36. Enrolled in/attending school and provided education records within 5 days |

|      |

|37. If child is attending same school, discuss transportation plan |

|      |

|38. Revision of parent/sibling visitation (if applicable) |

|      |


|39. Unmet needs or services to be provided |

|      |

|40. Follow-up activities for worker |

|      |

|41. Date of next scheduled visit |

|      |

|42. List changes in dosage or discontinuation of psychotropic medications |

|      |

|The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) does not discriminate against any individual or group because of race, religion, age, national origin, |

|color, height, weight, marital status, genetic information, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, political beliefs or disability. |



|This document provides line-by-line instructions for the Foster Care/Adoption/Juvenile Justice Caseworker Visit Tool. All information gathered at the visit must be |

|documented in the Initial Services Plan (ISP)/Updated Services Plan (USP). |

|Item # |Item Name |Instructions |

|1. |Child/Children’s name(s). |List the names of all the children. |

|2. |Date/time of visit. |Document date and time the visit took place. |

|3. |Caseworker name. |Document the name of the caseworker who completed the visit. |

|4. |County name/number. |Document county name and county number. |

|5. |Visit location: Child’s residence or other. |Check the box ‘Child’s residence’ if the visit took place where the child is currently |

| | |living. If the visit was not in the child’s residence check the ‘Other’ box and document |

| | |where the visit took place, i.e. school. |

|6. |Announced visit. |Document if this was an announced visit by checking the appropriate box. |

|7. |List all person/caregiver(s) present at the visit. |List the name of each person present at the visit and note their relationship to child. |

|8. |List any changes in the home, including who resides in the |Document all changes in the home/residence of the child including who is residing in the home|

| |home. |at the time of the visit and if the placement is stable. |

|9. |Assessment of home. |Document all concerns of the home (include sanitary, safety or privacy issues and safe sleep |

| | |issues for infants). |

|10. |Notice of court hearing given. |Document if the caregiver and the child (if developmentally appropriate) were given notice of|

| | |the next court hearing. |


|11. |Child seen alone during visit? |Check the appropriate box to indicate if the child was seen alone or not. The caseworker |

| | |should see the child alone for part of the visit if the child is older than an infant. |

|12. |Viewed child’s bedroom? |Check the appropriate box to indicate if the caseworker viewed the child’s bedroom. |

|13. |Note child’s physical appearance. |Document child’s physical appearance and note any change. |

|14. |Child’s feelings/observations about being in their |Document the child’s feelings and observations about living in their residence including |

| |residence. |relationships with others living there. |

|15. |Education – grades, Individualized Education Plan (IEP), |Identify the child’s educational needs and if those needs are appropriately addressed or note|

| |Early On, school issues. |the plan to address the needs. Document information pertinent to the child’s education |

| | |including grades, IEP, Early On, school achievements or issues. |

|16. |Discuss parent/sibling visitation plan. |Document information pertinent to the visitation between parents and siblings. |

|17. |Extracurricular/cultural/ |Update information on extracurricular/cultural/hobbies the child participated in since last |

| |hobbies participated in since last visit. |visit including activities child is involved in to maintain connections with their |

| | |neighborhood, community, faith, extended family, tribe, school, and friends. |

|18. |Medical/dental/mental health needs and appointments. |Identify medical, dental (age appropriate), mental health and behavioral health needs, |

| | |appointments. Document if the needs are appropriately addressed or note the plan to address |

| | |the needs. |

|19. |Discuss psychotropic medications with child and document. |Documentation and discussion should include side effects and benefits of medication, |

| | |administration of medication, time frame, and regularity. Concerns about health or daily |

| | |function should also be documented. |

|20. |Permanency plan and how shared with the child. |Document the permanency plan and note how the caseworker shared the plan with the |

| | |child/children (if developmentally appropriate). |


|21. |Date of child’s last physical exam. |Document date of the last physical exam for each child. |

|22. |Date of child’s last dental exam. |Document date of the last dental exam for each child. |

|23. |List medications - dosage, physician, diagnosis for the |Document the medication name, dosage, physician prescribing the medication including the |

| |child. |diagnosis and purpose for the medication for the child. |

|24. |Discuss psychotropic medications with caregiver and |Discuss and document benefits, side effects, complications or concerns, compliance with |

| |document. |appointments, and dates or last/upcoming appointments. Conversation should also include any |

| | |barriers to medication availability, administration, and refill process. |

|25. |Child’s medical/dental/mental health-concerns, appointments,|Document medical, dental, mental health concerns, appointments, medication reviews, lab work,|

| |medication reviews, lab work, psychological evaluations, |psychological evaluations, monitoring, and treatment including therapy updates. Document if |

| |monitoring, treatment, follow-up care and therapy updates. |the needs are appropriately addressed or note the plan to address the needs. |

|26. |Progress toward reaching goals addressed in the Service |Document progress or lack of progress that the family has made in achieving the Service Plan |

| |Plan/Risk Assessment. |goals and Risk Assessment. Document concerted efforts made to involve the caregiver in the |

| | |case planning process. |

|27. |Child behaviors – worker/caregiver concerns, developmental |Document each child’s behaviors including any concerns and developmental milestones. |

| |milestones. | |

|28. |Human Trafficking indicators. |Assess the child for the following: |

| | |History of running away. |

| | |Withdrawal or lack of interest in previous activities. |

| | |Signs of current physical abuse and/or sexually transmitted diseases. |

| | |Inexplicable appearance of expensive gifts, clothing, cell phones, tattoos, or other costly |

| | |items. |

| | |Presence of an older boyfriend or girlfriend. |

| | |Drug addiction. |

| | |Gang involvement. |

| | |The presence of some of these indictors is not conclusive evidence of trafficking, but |

| | |further inquiry should take place. When two or more indicators are checked or if you have |

| | |reasonable cause to suspect trafficking or any form of abuse or neglect, contact Centralized |

| | |Intake at 855-444-3911. |

|29. |Education – school status/performance, behaviors, and |Identify child’s educational needs and document if those needs are addressed through |

| |services provided. |appropriate services or document the plan to address the needs. Document information |

| | |pertinent to the child’s education including grades, IEP, Early On, school achievements, |

| | |issues, behavior and school services provided to the child. |

|30. |Caregiver tasks required to meet the child’s needs |Document caregiver tasks that are needed to meet the child’s needs. |

| |(completed/attempted). | |

|31. |Caregiver family adjustment to child’s placement. |Document information regarding how the child is adjusting to this placement, including |

| | |information on relationships with others residing in the placement. |

|32. |Permanency plan and how shared with the caregiver. |Document the permanency plan and if the caseworker shared the plan with the |

| | |parents/caregiver. |

|33. |Any CPS complaint made since last visit. |Document information regarding any Child Protective Services complaints that occurred since |

| | |the caseworker’s last visit. |

|34. |For relative placement, if the relative is pursuing foster |Document if the relative is pursuing foster care licensure and give an update on their |

| |care licensure, obtain update on progress towards achieving |progress towards achieving a license. |

| |a license. | |

|CHILD MOVE/REPLACEMENT (if applicable) |

|35. |Medicaid card/number sent to caregiver within 5 days. |Note if the Medicaid card/number was sent to the caregiver within 5 days and if the caregiver|

| | |received the card/number. |

|36. |Enrolled in/attending school within 5 days. |Document if the child was enrolled in and attending school within 5 days of placement. If not|

| | |give the reason and note the plan for enrollment. |

|37. |If child is attending the same school, discuss |Document the name of the school the child is attending and if it is the same school the child|

| |transportation plan. |attended prior to placement, explain the transportation plan. |

|38. |Revision of parent/sibling visitation (if applicable). |Document the revised parent/sibling visitation plan that was developed due to the child being|

| | |moved to a new placement. |

| | | |


|39. |Unmet needs or services to be provided. |Document all unmet needs and services to be provided to the family to ensure the safety and |

| | |well-being of the child/children. |

|40. |Follow-up activities for worker. |List activities for the worker to address or follow up on to provide support services. |

|41. |Date of next scheduled visit. |List activities for the worker to address or follow up on to provide support services. |

|42. |Contact FC-PMOU |If any psychotropic medications have a change in dosage or are discontinued, document and |

| | |email this information to the FC-PMOU mailbox. Note: Medications cannot be discontinued |

| | |unless recommended by a prescribing physician. If the caregiver and/or child report wishing |

| | |to discontinue a medication, suggest making an appointment with the prescribing clinician to |

| | |discuss. |


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