Identifying Customer Needs - Stephan Sorger

Identifying Customer Needs

Disclaimer: ? All images such as logos, photos, etc. used in this presentation are the property of their respective copyright owners and are used here for educational purposes only ? Some material adapted from: Ulrich & Eppinger, "Product Design and Development," 4th edition New Product Development ? Stephan Sorger 2010: ; Customer Needs 4.1

Identifying Customer Needs: 5 Steps

Input: Mission Statement (from previous chapter)


Gather Raw Data From Customers


Interpret Raw Data in Terms Of Customer Needs


Organize the Needs into a Hierarchy


Establish the Relative Importance of the Needs


Reflect on the Results and the Process

Data Template

Need Statements

Hierarchical List

Importance Survey

New Product Development ? Stephan Sorger 2010: ; Customer Needs 4.2

Step 1: Gather Raw Data from Customers: 1 of 5

Data Collection Methods

Method Interviews

Focus Groups



1-2 hour one-on-one interviews with key customers Advantage: Quick, Inexpensive

2 hour discussion with group of 8-12 customers Advantage: Discussion may prompt new ideas

Watch customer use product Advantage: Readily shows product deficiencies

% of Needs Identified 80%

Comparison of Effectiveness of Focus Groups vs. Interviews

60% 40% 20%

Focus Groups Interviews: One-on-One

# of Interviews 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 New Product Development ? Stephan Sorger 2010: ; Customer Needs 4.3

Step 1: Gather Raw Data from Customers: 2 of 5

Selecting Customers to Interview



Extreme Users

Target extreme users - Customers using product at maximum capability - Dependent on performance of product in some way - Often able to articulate their emerging needs - Frustrated with inadequacies of other products - Using product in unusual way - Modified product with new features

Leapfrog Competitors Can gain advantage over competitive products


Procter & Gamble Swiffer focus group Product used for cleaning wood paneling on walls

Focus group found that extreme users cleaned their wood wall paneling with Swiffer product

New Product Development ? Stephan Sorger 2010: ; Customer Needs 4.4

Step 1: Gather Raw Data from Customers: 3 of 5

Interviewing Tips Tip Interview Guide

Props Latent Needs


Prepare ahead of time - Why do you use the product? - Walk us through a typical usage scenario - How do you decide on a product? - What do you like/ dislike about existing products? - What improvements would you suggest?

Bring your product, competitors' products, prototypes

Listen for needs not currently fulfilled by any product (Such as Swiffer example)

Prepare an interview guide, but feel free to explore interesting topics brought up by product user

New Product Development ? Stephan Sorger 2010: ; Customer Needs 4.5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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