Understanding Text Structure PowerPoint

[Pages:80]Understanding Text Structures

What is a text structure?

A "structure" is a building or framework.

"Text structure" refers to how a piece of text is built.

What is a text structure?

Builders can use different kinds of structures to build different things.

A skyscraper, for example, is a different kind of structure from a house.

What is a text structure?

Writers use different structures to build their ideas.

Each text structure communicates ideas in a different way

Chronological order

Authors use chronological order to explain how things happen in order

Chronological order is also called sequence or time order

Why might an author use chronological order to write about this frog?

Chronological order

You will know that you are reading a text in chronological order because you will see words like first, next, later, then, and finally

Chronological order

You will often see chronological order in directions: Have you ever made macaroni and cheese? It's simple! First, boil some water and make some macaroni. Then, make your cheese sauce. After the cheese sauce is ready, mix it with the macaroni. Bake the entire thing in the oven. Finally, it's time to eat!

Chronological order

Notice the transition words that connect the events in these directions. Have you ever made macaroni and cheese? It's simple! First, boil some water and make some macaroni. Then, make your cheese sauce. After the cheese sauce is ready, mix it with the macaroni. Bake the entire thing in the oven. Finally, it's time to eat!


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