Yale Climate Connections

2020 Governmental and Non-Governmental Reports Related to Climate Change

A compilation of reports by Yale Climate Connections

Climate Science

State of the Climate 2019 – BAMS

WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2019 – WMO

Climate Change, Flooding, and Sea Level Rise

The First National Flood Risk Assessment: Defining America’s Growing Risk – FSF

At What Cost? How Chronic Gaps in Adaptation Finance Expose the World's Poorest People to Climate Chaos – Flood Resilience Alliance

Climate Change and Water Resources

Nature-Based Solutions for Adapting to Water-Related Climate Risks – OECD

World Water Development Report 2020: Water and Climate Change – UN Water

Climate Change and Food Security

Actions to Transform Food Systems Under Climate Change – CGIAR & CCAFS

The State of the World’s Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020 – UN FAO

Food Security and Nutrition: Building a Narrative Towards 2030 – UN SCN

Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2019 – UN HCR

The 2020 Global Report on Food Crises – UN WFP

Climate Change and the American Diet – YPCCC

Climate Change and Energy

How to Retire Early: Making Accelerated Coal Phaseout Feasible and Just – Carbon Tracker

How to Waste Over a Half-Trillion Dollars: [Ending] Coal Power Investments – Carbon Tracker

Political Decisions, Economic Realities: Cash Flows of Coal Power in COVID-19 – Carbon Tracker

Global Commission for Urgent Action on Energy Efficiency: Recommendations – IEA

Global Renewals Outlook: Energy Transformation 2050 – IRENA

Tracking SDG7: The Energy Progress Report 2020 – IRENA

Climate Change, Business, and Industry

The Nature of Fashion: Moving Toward a Regenerative System – Biomimicry Institute

The Business of Planting Trees: A Growing Investment Opportunity – Ceres

Below 2 ̊ C: Insurance for a Low-Carbon Economy – Lloyds of London

The Future of Nature and Business – World Economic Forum

Minerals for Climate Action: The Mineral Intensity of Clean Energy Transition – World Bank

Climate Change and Finance

The Green Swan: Central Banking and Financial Stability in Age of Climate Change – BIS

Addressing Climate as Systemic Risk: A Call to Action for U.S. Financial Regulators – Ceres

The Investor Guide to Deforestation and Climate Change – Ceres

Guide to Climate Scenario Analysis for Central Banks and Supervisors – NGFS

Banking on Climate Change: Fossil Fuel Finance Report 2020 – RAN

Breaking the Code: Deciphering Climate Action Efforts in the Finance Sector – RMI

Change Finance, Not the Climate – Oscar Reyes, TNI

Transformative Climate Finance – World Bank

Climate Change, Climate Justice, and International Relations

10 Insights on Climate Impacts and Peace – Adelphi

Evicted by Climate Change: Confronting Gendered Impacts of CC-Induced Displacement – Care

International Governance Issues on Climate Engineering – Geneva Environment Network

Defending Tomorrow: CC & Threats Agnst Land & Environmental Defenders – Global Witness

Global Trends in Climate Litigation: 2020 Snapshot – London School of Economics

Gender, Climate & Security: Sustaining Inclusive Peace on Frontlines of CC – UN Women

The World Climate and Security Report 2020 – IMCCS

World Happiness Report 2020 – Sustainable Development Solutions Network

Climate Change & (Plastic) Pollution

All Talk and No Recycling: An Investigation of US “Chemical Recycling” Industry – GAIA

Breaking the Plastic Wave: Pathways Towards Stopping Ocean Plastic Pollution – Pew CT

Climate Change & the Media

Adapting to a Change Climate: Collaboration in CC and Environmental Reporting – CCM

August 2020


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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