2015 IEBC Overview Slides 10-6-2015

2015 IEBC Overview

2015 International Existing Building Code Overview

Based on the International Existing Building Code? (IEBC?)


Discusses critical concepts of the 2015 International Existing Building Code? (IEBC?).

Provides a basis for the correct use and application of the code.

Builds an understanding of the intent of the code through detailing:

Basic tables Categorizations A case study

2015 IEBC Overview


Copyright 2015 International Code Council


To identify and describe key provisions of the 2015 IEBC.

2015 IEBC Overview



Upon completion, participants will be better able to:

Recognize the limitations and extent of the codes related to existing buildings.

Identify the three different compliance methods offered by the IEBC.

Recognize the classifications of work associated with existing buildings.

Identify fire protection systems that need to be upgraded. Recognize vertical openings that need partial or complete


2015 IEBC Overview



2015 IEBC Overview


Upon completion, participants will be better able to:

Identify unsafe interior finishes that need to be replaced. Determine adequate means of egress. Identify needed accessibility improvements. Identify improvements to structural systems. Describe the compliance alternative tabular method of evaluating

existing buildings.

2015 IEBC Overview


Code Adoption

A sample adoption ordinance is included in the front of the 2015 IEBC.

The jurisdiction must adopt a specific edition of the code.

Any appendix must specifically be adopted. The code official is responsible for enforcing the

adopted code and any state laws dealing with construction issues.

2015 IEBC Overview


Copyright 2015 International Code Council

Introduction to the IEBC

Basic building block of code enforcement education

Developed using ideas from the model building codes, model rehab codes, state rehab codes and numerous other standards and documents

2015 IEBC Overview


Introduction to the IEBC

Purpose is to encourage the use and reuse of existing buildings, while requiring reasonable upgrades and improvements.

Upgrades and improvements, where applicable, are lifesafety related and include upgrading fire protection systems, partially or completely enclosing vertical openings, replacing unsafe interior finishing, ensuring adequate means of egress, and improving accessibility and the structural system.

It is important to note that the necessity of the upgrades and/or improvements is determined by the type and extent of the work, not the expense.

2015 IEBC Overview



2015 IEBC Overview

Introduction to the IEBC

Is a regulatory code in the family of I-Codes, which is maintained and promulgated by the International Code Council? (ICC?).

This code, as well as the rest of the family of I-Codes, was developed and is maintained using ICC's Governmental Consensus Process that allows all interested parties to participate in the ongoing process to enhance and maintain the document.

More recently, cdpACCESS has been launched that allows online collaboration and voting.

This includes voting by those who are unable to attend the code development hearings.

2015 IEBC Overview


Purpose and Intent of the IEBC

Before one can fully utilize the IEBC and understand the basic philosophy, the following questions will need to be answered:

Why was the IEBC created? Why not use the IBC? Is the IEBC considered an equivalent to the IBC? How is the IEBC different than requirements for

existing buildings in the IFC?

2015 IEBC Overview


Copyright 2015 International Code Council

Why Was the IEBC Created?

Based on the principles to encourage the use and reuse of existing buildings that adequately protect public health, safety and welfare provisions that do not unnecessarily increase construction costs, and do not restrict the use of new materials, products or methods of construction.

One of the baseline principles within the IEBC is that whatever the type of classification of work being performed, the construction cannot reduce the existing level of safety or level of conformance in the building.

2015 IEBC Overview


Why Not Use the IBC?

It is not a reasonable expectation for existing buildings to comply with the IBC because, historically, the primary focus of model code provisions has been toward the construction of new buildings, not alterations of existing buildings.

Further, model codes, including the I-Codes, are revised every three years. These codes recognize the latest technology in life-safety and structural

systems. These types of systems can be cost prohibitive to retrofit to existing

buildings. When dealing with existing buildings, local enforcement officials have to

recognize and understand the local climate (e.g., economic development, revitalization efforts, political influences, etc.) while at the same time securing public safety related to the built environment.

2015 IEBC Overview



2015 IEBC Overview

Is the IEBC Equivalent to the IBC?

Should not be considered an alternative or equivalent to the IBC for the construction of new buildings, but a fair and reasonable approach to the enhancement of public safety within existing buildings without gaining full compliance with the IBC.

Provisions in the IEBC do not obtain the same overall level of safety as those provided for in the IBC.

For this reason, code officials, registered design professionals, owners, etc., should fully understand the requirements of the IEBC, particularly the administrative provisions, in order to utilize all the options available to gain compliance.

2015 IEBC Overview


How is the IEBC Different than

Requirements for Existing Buildings in

the IFC?

The IEBC is sometimes referred to as a "point in time" code. In other words, it only applies when a repair, alteration, change of

occupancy or addition occurs. The IFC, and particularly Chapter 11 of that document, are considered to

apply to existing buildings regardless of whether changes are being made to a building. Chapter 11 of the IFC contains construction requirements for existing buildings if those building do not already minimally comply. In addition, the IFC also contains provisions related to operational and maintenance requirements. An example of a operational requirement would be requirements related to hot work. A maintenance requirement would be how automatic sprinkler systems are to be continually inspected and tested.

2015 IEBC Overview


Copyright 2015 International Code Council

Module 1

Chapter 1 Administration



The 2015 IEBC, when adopted by a jurisdiction, is a legal document that regulates the repair, alteration, change of occupancy, addition and relocation of existing buildings.

Provisions for application, enforcement and administration are in the first chapter of the IEBC.

2015 IEBC Overview



2015 IEBC Overview

General--Section 101

Section 101.2 ? Scope The IEBC covers all aspects of existing

buildings, including maintenance, repairs, alterations, additions, change in use, historic buildings and relocation. The scope of the IEBC does not exclude any specific category of buildings. The code is applicable to all occupancies and categories of buildings, including all categories of residential buildings.

2015 IEBC Overview


General--Section 101

Section 101.3 ? Intent The code is intended to provide alternative approaches

(regulations) that address the public health, safety and welfare in existing construction. This intent becomes important in the application of any enforcement-oriented interpretive action or judgment. More importantly, the code official needs to be able to review, evaluate and rule on performance designs, alternative methods of construction and modifications with respect to construction related to existing buildings.

2015 IEBC Overview


Copyright 2015 International Code Council

General--Section 101

Section 101.4 ? Applicability A building or portion thereof not previously occupied or

used for its intended purpose shall comply with the IBC, or the International Residential Code? (IRC?) as applicable, for new construction. Regardless of a jurisdiction's previous enforcement process, to be considered an existing building that building would have to been occupied and used for its original purpose. One method of proof of occupancy may be the record of an occupancy permit.

2015 IEBC Overview


General--Section 101

Can a building take advantage of the more relaxed provisions of the code before construction of the building has begun?

No. A building or portion thereof that has not been occupied previously or used for its intended

purpose must comply with the provisions of the IBC.

2015 IEBC Overview




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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