IELTS Writing Task 2:: Model essays and how to write them!

IELTS Writing Task 2:: Model essays and how to write them!

Mike Wattie

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IELTS Writing Task 2:: Model essays and how to write them!

Mike Wattie

IELTS Writing Task 2:: Model essays and how to write them! Mike Wattie This book is published in 2014 and it also comes with an offer for a free correction and feedback of a writing task. Learn all the skills and information you need to succeed with writing essays for the IELTS General or Academic Test. This book clearly explains the different types of questions that are asked for Task Two of the IELTS Writing Test. Step-by-step instructions are given about how to write each type of essay and common pitfalls are identified. As well as this, there are two model answers for each of the types of questions. This book also includes a section on the grading criteria and ways to increase your score for common tasks that are asked in the test. This section includes common errors with vocabulary and grammar, and also includes some useful vocabulary for a range of common topics. Improve your writing by learning how to: 1. analyze different topics and questions 2. plan and write your essays faster 3. structure different types of essays 4. use sophisticated vocabulary 5. use a range of sentence types 6. avoid the common mistakes

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