The International Research Foundation for English …

TEST PREPARATION: SELECTED REFERENCES(Last updated 22 May 2017)Alderson, J. C., & Hamp-Lyons, L. (1996). TOEFL preparation courses: A study of washback. Language Testing, 13(3), 280-297.Appel, M., Kronberger, N., & Aronson, J. (2011). Stereotype threat impairs ability building: Effects on test preparation among women in science and technology. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41(7), 904-913.Bayer-Hummel, T. (2010). The effects of Jeopardy as a test preparation strategy for nursing students. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 5(1), 12-15.Brown, J. D. (1998). Does IELTS preparation work?: An application of the context-adaptive model of language program evaluation. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Research Reports 1998: Volume 1, 20.Brown, J. D. H. (1998). Does IELTS preparation work? An application of the context- adaptive model of language program evaluation. IELTS Research Reports, Volume 1. Retrieved from Bryant, D. A., & Carless, D. R. (2010). 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