Categories of ESL Exams

Guide to the Major ESL and Academic Tests and Examinations

1. Categories of ESL Tests

2. Comparing ESL Tests

3. Test and Examination Centers in Hong Kong

4. General English Tests

• About Cambridge ESOL Main Suite

• Cambridge ESOL Online Materials

5. Academic Tests

• About IELTS

• IELTS Online Materials

• About TOEFL iBT

• TOEFL iBT Online Materials

6. Business ESL Tests

• About Cambridge BEC

• BEC Online Materials

• About Cambridge BULATS

• BULATS Online Materials

• About TOEIC

• TOEIC Online Materials

7. University Entrance Tests

• About SAT

• SAT Online Materials

• About GMAT

• GMAT Online Materials

1. Categories of ESL Tests

There are many tests available for ESL students to choose from. We have categorized the major tests under the following headings: (click to go directly to information)


Cambridge ESOL






Cambridge BEC

Preliminary Vantage Higher

Cambridge BULATS


University Entrance



2. Comparing ESL Tests

You may be wondering how the different language tests compare to each other? If you’ve achieved IELTS Level 5 what sort of TOEFL score can you expect? Every ESL test is a little bit different so they are most usefully compared using the guidelines established by the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) and the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference (CEF). The CEF and ALTE determine language levels by identifying what learners are able to do at every step of learning. They do this using a series of ‘can do’ statements (Table 1). Using this framework, it is possible to compare ESL tests according to those levels (Table 2).

Both ALTE and the CEF divide language learners into six levels:

Mastery ~ CEF C2 / ALTE 5

Effective Operational Efficiency ~ CEF C1 / ALTE 4

Vantage ~ CEF B2 / ALTE 3

Threshold ~ CEF B1 / ALTE 2

Waystage ~ CEF A2 / ALTE 1

Breakthrough ~ CEF A1 / ALTE 0

Table 1 – CEF / ALTE levels

|  |Listening / Speaking |Reading |Writing |

|[pic] |

|[pic] |CAN advise on or talk about complex or |CAN understand documents, correspondence |CAN write letters on any subject and full |

| |sensitive issues, understanding colloquial |and reports, including the finer points of |notes of meetings or seminars with good |

| |references and dealing confidently with |complex texts. |expression and accuracy. |

| |hostile questions. | | |

|[pic] |CAN contribute effectively to meetings and |CAN read quickly enough to cope with an |CAN prepare/draft professional |

| |seminars within own area of work or keep up|academic course, to read the media for |correspondence, take reasonably accurate |

| |a casual conversation with a good degree of|information or to understand non-standard |notes in meetings or write an essay which |

| |fluency, coping with abstract expressions. |correspondence. |shows an ability to communicate. |

|[pic] |CAN follow or give a talk on a familiar |CAN scan texts for relevant information, |CAN make notes while someone is talking or |

| |topic or keep up a conversation on a fairly|and understand detailed instructions or |write a letter including non-standard |

| |wide range of topics. |advice. |requests. |

|[pic] |CAN express opinions on abstract/cultural |CAN understand routine information and |CAN write letters or make notes on familiar |

| |matters in a limited way or offer advice |articles, and the general meaning of |or predictable matters. |

| |within a known area, and understand |non-routine information within a familiar | |

| |instructions or public announcements. |area. | |

|[pic] |CAN express simple opinions or requirements|CAN understand straightforward information |CAN complete forms and write short simple |

| |in a familiar context. |within a known area, such as on products |letters or postcards related to personal |

| | |and signs and simple textbooks or reports |information. |

| | |on familiar matters. | |

|[pic] |CAN understand basic instructions or take |CAN understand basic notices, instructions |CAN complete basic forms, and write notes |

| |part in a basic factual conversation on a |or information. |including times, dates and places. |

| |predictable topic. | | |

|From: |

|Table 2 – Comparison of ESL tests and CEF / ALTE levels |

| |

| |

|ALTE 0 |

|A1 |

|Breakthrough |

|ALTE 1 |

|A2 |

|Waystage |

|ALTE 2 |

|B1 |

|Threshold |

|ALTE 3 |

|B2 |

|Vantage |

|ALTE 4 |

|C1 |

|Proficient |

|ALTE 5 |

|C2 |

|Mastery |

| |

| |


| |

|1 – 2 |

| |

|3 |

| |

|3.5 – 4.5 |

| |

|5 – 6 |

| |

|6.5 – 7 |

| |

|7.5 - 9 |

| |

| |


| |

| |

|96-125 |

| |

|126-175 |

| |

|176-235 |

| |

|236-275 |

| |

|276+ |

| |

| |

|Cambridge ESOL |

| |

| |

| |

|KET |

| |

|PET |

| |

|FCE |

| |

|CAE |

| |

|CPE |

| |

| |


| |

| |

| |

|Preliminary |

| |

|Vantage |

| |

|Higher |

| |

| |

| |

|BEC |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Higher |

| |

| |

| |


| |

| |

|246-380 |

| |

|381-540 |

| |

|541-700 |

| |

|701-910 |

| |

|911-990 |

| |

Please note: This is a general guide only.

3. Test and Examination Centers in Hong Kong

British Council Hong Kong

KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage, BEC Higher, IELTS

Test and registration information: Click on ‘Exams’

Center for Professional and Business English

BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage, BEC Higher

Test and registration information:


Register for the TOEFL iBT online at

Hong Kong is in Regional Registration Center (RRC) 6.

CEPAS Management Unit


Test and registration information:

ETS Test Center ~ Region 6


To Register:

Region 6 – ASIA - Call: 60-3-7628-3333 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

HONG KONG is Test Center Number: 8591

IDP Education Australia Hong Kong


Center and registration information:

4. General English Tests:

About Cambridge ESOL:  Main Suite

Cambridge ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) is the part of the University of Cambridge that provides qualifications for learners of English. The tests are well known for their high quality assessment of real English, as used in everyday work, study and leisure situations.

Cambridge ESOL certificates are recognised by thousands of educational organisations and employers throughout the world for study and work purposes. The tests are well known for their high quality assessment of real English, as used in everyday work, study and leisure situations by students around the world.

Cambridge ESOL consists of a series of five tests, from beginner to advanced:

Level 1 ~ KET (Key English Test)

□ Contains reading, writing, listening & speaking components

□ Two pass grades: ‘Pass with Merit’ and ‘Pass’

Level 2 ~ PET (Preliminary English Test)

□ Contains reading, writing, listening & speaking components

□ Two pass grades: ‘Pass with Merit’ and ‘Pass’

□ Recognized by some employers and universities

Level 3 ~ FCE (First Certificate in English)

□ Contains five sections: reading, writing, listening, speaking, & use of English

□ Widely recognized by employers and universities

□ Five grades: (A to E). A to C required for a Pass

Level 4 ~ CAE (Certificate in Advanced English)

□ Shows students are capable of following a university course and/or can function in a range of business contexts

□ Five grades: (A to E). A to C required for a Pass

Level 5 ~ CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English)

□ Shows students have the ability to function effectively in almost every English speaking context.

□ A requirement for non-native speakers who wish to train as English teachers

□ It usually takes three years of study after attaining an FCE to reach this level.

□ Five grades: (A to E). A to C required for a Pass

About Cambridge KET

KET is the first level Cambridge ESOL test, at level A2 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.. KET recognises the ability to cope with everyday written and spoken communications at a basic level.

Do you have basic English skills? Can you understand simple texts? Can you communicate in familiar situations? Can you understand short notices and simple spoken directions? If so, then KET is the test for you.

KET uses language from real life situations and covers the four language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking. It provides an assessment of practical skills, and encourages the development of abilities which can be used while travelling, as well as in study and working situations.

KET has three papers:

• Reading & Writing

• Listening

• Speaking

Each paper is returned to Cambridge for marking and assessment, except the Speaking Test, which is conducted by two locally based examiners who examine candidates face to face. All examiners are accredited by Cambridge ESOL.

Reading and Writing (Paper 1), 1 hour 10 minutes

The Reading and Writing paper assesses your ability to read and understand factual texts from signs, brochures, newspapers and magazines. You need to be able to understand the main messages, and have ways of dealing with unfamiliar words and structures.

You are assessed on your ability to complete gaps in simple texts, transfer information to forms, and complete an everyday writing task, such as writing a short note or message of around 20-25 words, to show you can use structure, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation.

Listening (Paper 2), 30 minutes (approx.)

The Listening paper assesses your ability to understand recorded material such as announcements and monologues, delivered at a moderate pace, and to understand factual information in the recordings.

Speaking (Paper 3), 8-10 minutes

The Speaking Test assesses your ability to interact in conversational English with an examiner and with another candidate. You need to be able to answer and ask questions about yourself and to talk freely about your likes and dislikes. You normally take the Speaking Test in pairs.

Cambridge KET - Online Materials

|Details |Location |

|Title: KET - University of Cambridge EOSL Examinations | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This is the official test web site for Cambridge EFL tests, including| |

|KET, PET, FCE, CAE & CPE. It provides a variety of information about the | |

|different test levels. Click on ‘Support’ from the menu bar at the top to | |

|access a number of free downloads to help you prepare for the tests. On the | |

|left you’ll see a box entitled ‘Site Pathways’. Click on ‘For Language | |

|Learners’ to find out more about the individual tests, what skills they cover | |

|and how to prepare for them. | |

| | |

|The second URL takes you to a number of downloadable PDF files to help you | |

|study. Included are sample papers and answer keys. | |

|Title: KET - Exams Resource Library | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: On this Longman ELT website, there are lots of ideas and free | |

|resources for English language exams. Try fun online activities, download free | |

|support materials and get helpful tips on studying for KET simply clicking on | |

|the KET ‘star’ button. You’ll be directed to a page that contains a description| |

|of the exam and student resources such as study tips and interactive exercises | |

|and quizzes. | |

|Title: KET - English- – EFL Exam Practice | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You’ll find plenty of exam advice and practice exercises at this | |

|site. Click on ‘KET’ and you’ll be given a description of the exam. From the | |

|menu bar at the top you can access information on the different skills that | |

|each exam focuses on. Click on ‘Introduction’ to find out more about that part | |

|of the exam. Then click on the different ‘Parts’ to see examples of questions, | |

|answers, and examiners comments. | |

|Title: KET - – ESL Exams |

|Units/pgs: - |pNode=3227&type=1 |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A |

|Features: This section of the popular web site includes information |xamination_Preparation.htm |

|and free practice test exercises for the Cambridge KET. | |

| | |

|The 2nd URL listed opposite is a large portal where you’ll find over 160 web | |

|pages of recommended sites related to a wide variety of ESL exams including the| |

|KET. | |

About Cambridge PET

PET is the second level Cambridge ESOL test. It is an intermediate level test, at Level B1 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. If you can deal with everyday written and spoken communications (e.g. read simple textbooks and articles, write simple personal letters, make notes during a meeting), then this is the test for you.

PET is a valuable qualification if you want to work or study abroad or to develop a career in international business. It is also useful preparation for higher level tests, such as FCE (First Certificate in English), CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) and CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).

Studying for PET is a popular way to improve your language skills and use them in a wide range of contexts. PET covers the four main language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking, using material from real life situations. It provides evidence of practical skills, and indicates sufficient ability to be of practical use in clerical, secretarial and managerial jobs, and in many industries, such as tourism, where contact with English speakers is required.

PET has three papers:

• Reading and Writing

• Listening

• Speaking

Each paper is returned to Cambridge for marking and assessment, except the Speaking Test, which is conducted by two locally based examiners who examine candidates face to face. All examiners are accredited by Cambridge ESOL.

Reading and Writing (Paper 1), 1 hour 30 minutes

The Reading and Writing paper assesses your ability to read and understand texts taken from signs, brochures, newspapers and magazines. You should be able to understand the main messages and the effect they may have on a reader, and be able to deal with words and structures you do not know.

The Writing component includes a sentence transformation task, a short communicative message addressing three points, and in Part 3 you have the choice of either an informal letter or a story. In Part 3 you must write approximately 100 words, demonstrating both ambition and control of structure, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation.

Listening (Paper 2), 35 minutes (approx.)

The Listening paper assesses your ability to understand recorded material such as public announcements and dialogues. You should be able to understand the factual information in the recordings, and assess the attitudes and intentions of the speakers.

Speaking (Paper 3), 10-12 minutes

The Speaking Test assesses your ability to interact in conversational English with an examiner and with another candidate. You need to be able to answer and ask questions about yourself and to talk freely about what you like and do not like.

Cambridge PET – Online Materials

|Details |Location |

|Title: PET - University of Cambridge EOSL Examinations | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This is the official exam web site for Cambridge EFL exams, including| |

|KET, PET, FCE, CAE & CPE. It provides a variety of information about the | |

|different exam levels. Click on ‘Support’ from the menu bar at the top to | |

|access a number of free downloads to help you prepare for the exams. On the | |

|left you’ll see a box entitled ‘Site Pathways’. Click on ‘For Language | |

|Learners’ to find out more about the individual exams, what skills they cover | |

|and how to prepare for them. | |

| | |

|The second URL takes you to a number of downloadable PDF files to help you | |

|study. Included are sample papers and answer keys. | |

|Title: PET - Exams Resource Library | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: On this Longman ELT website, there are lots of ideas and free | |

|resources for English language exams. Try fun online activities, download free | |

|support materials and get helpful tips on studying for PET simply clicking on | |

|the PET ‘star’ button. You’ll be directed to a page that contains a description| |

|of the exam and student resources such as study tips and interactive exercises | |

|and quizzes. | |

|Title: PET - English- – EFL Exam Practice | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You’ll find plenty of exam advice and practice exercises at this | |

|site. Click on KET and you’ll be given a description of the exam. From the menu| |

|bar at the top you can access information on the different skills that each | |

|exam focuses on. Click on ‘Introduction’ to find out more about that part of | |

|the exam. Then click on the different ‘Parts’ to see examples of questions, | |

|answers, and examiners comments. | |

|Title: PET - – ESL Exams |

|Units/pgs: - |pNode=3227&type=1 |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A |

|Features: This section of the popular web site includes information |xamination_Preparation.htm |

|and free practice test exercises for the Cambridge PET. | |

| | |

|The 2nd URL listed opposite is a large portal where you’ll find over 160 web | |

|pages of recommended sites related to a wide variety of ESL exams including the| |

|PET. | |

About Cambridge FCE

FCE is an intermediate level Cambridge ESOL test, at level B2 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Choose FCE if your knowledge of English is adequate for many practical everyday purposes, including business and study.

To be successful, you will have a wide grasp of vocabulary, and be able to construct an argument and use appropriate communication styles for a variety of situations. You also need to show awareness of register and of the conventions of politeness and degrees of formality as they are expressed through language.

FCE is ideal if you want to work or study abroad or to develop a career which requires language skills (e.g. business, medicine, and engineering). FCE indicates sufficient proficiency in English to be of practical use in clerical, secretarial and managerial jobs in many industries, in particular tourism, where contact with English speakers is required. Successful candidates have the ability to deal with routine letters and telephone enquiries, and to cope with some non-academic training courses and simple textbooks and articles.

FCE has five papers:

• Reading

• Writing

• Use of English

• Listening

• Speaking

Each of the written papers is returned to Cambridge for marking and assessment. The Speaking Test is conducted by two locally based examiners who examine you face to face. All examiners are accredited by Cambridge ESOL.

Reading (Paper 1), 1 hour 15 minutes

This paper assesses your ability to read and understand texts taken from fiction and non-fiction books, journals, newspapers and magazines. You are expected to be able to show understanding of gist, detail and text structure, and deduce meaning.

Writing (Paper 2), 1 hour 30 minutes

This paper assesses your ability to write non-specialised text types such as letters, articles, reports, compositions and reviews of 120-180 words covering a range of topics and target readers and also set texts.

Use of English (Paper 3), 1 hour 15 minutes

This paper requires you to demonstrate your knowledge and control of the language system by completing various tasks at text and sentence level. These include filling gaps, transforming words and phrases, and identifying errors in texts.

Listening (Paper 4), 40 minutes (approx.)

This paper assesses your ability to understand the meaning of spoken English, and to extract gist and meaning from spoken text. The texts are taken from a variety of text types including interviews, discussions, lectures and conversations.

Speaking (Paper 5), 14 minutes

The Speaking Test assesses your ability to interact in conversational English in a range of contexts. It contains four parts, including an interview section, individual long turns of about one minute, a collaborative task and a discussion. You are provided with stimulus material such as photographs and drawings. You will normally take the Speaking Test in pairs.

Cambridge FCE – Online Materials

|Details |Location |

|Title: FCE - University of Cambridge EOSL Examinations | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This is the official exam web site for Cambridge EFL exams, including| |

|KET, PET, FCE, CAE & CPE. It provides a variety of information about the | |

|different exam levels. Click on ‘Support’ from the menu bar at the top to | |

|access a number of free downloads to help you prepare for the exams. On the | |

|left you’ll see a box entitled ‘Site Pathways’. Click on ‘For Language | |

|Learners’ to find out more about the individual exams, what skills they cover | |

|and how to prepare for them. | |

| | |

|The second URL takes you to a number of downloadable PDF files to help you | |

|study. Included are sample papers and answer keys. | |

|Title: FCE - Flo-Joe | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: Flo-Joe was set up in April 2000 by a small team of Cambridge exam | |

|teachers and course book authors. Their aim is to help people who are working | |

|towards the Cambridge FCE, CAE and CPE exams. This site is updated regularly | |

|and provides free grammar, vocabulary and test material. There is also a | |

|discussion forum for teachers and students and you can subscribe to a regular | |

|e-newsletter. | |

|Title: FCE - Exams Resource Library | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: On this Longman ELT website, there are lots of ideas and free | |

|resources for English language exams. Try fun online activities, download free | |

|support materials and get helpful tips on studying for FCE simply clicking on | |

|the FCE ‘star’ button. You’ll be directed to a page that contains a description| |

|of the exam and student resources such as study tips and interactive exercises | |

|and quizzes. | |

|Title: FCE - English- – EFL Exam Practice | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You’ll find plenty of exam advice and practice exercises at this | |

|site. Click on ‘FCE’ and you’ll be given a description of the exam. From the | |

|menu bar at the top you can access information on the different skills that | |

|each exam focuses on. Click on ‘Introduction’ to find out more about that part | |

|of the exam. Then click on the different ‘Parts’ to see examples of questions, | |

|answers, and examiners comments. | |

|Title: FCE - – Free Sample Lessons and Exercises | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This site offers two types of online ESL lessons for a monthly or | |

|annual subscription. You can also sign up for a three day free trial of all the| |

|material on the site. To try a quick sample, go to the top of the menu bar on | |

|the left, click on ‘Free Sample Lessons and Exercises’ to access a selection of| |

|activities from different levels and different skill areas. | |

|The Academic English lessons are longer than the General English lessons and | |

|are perfect for intermediate-level and above students who need to prepare for | |

|English tests like the FCE. All the lessons and exercises are based on topical | |

|Reuters’ news articles and current events. The Academic English exercises | |

|contain the types of questions and tasks used in ESL tests such as the FCE | |

|test. | |

|Title: FCE - – ESL Exams |

|Units/pgs: - |pNode=3227&type=1 |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A |

|Features: This section of the popular web site includes information |xamination_Preparation.htm |

|and free practice test exercises for the Cambridge FCE. | |

| | |

|The 2nd URL listed opposite is a large portal where you’ll find over 160 web | |

|pages of recommended sites related to a wide variety of ESL exams including the| |

|FCE. | |

|Title: FCE - – Free FCE Study on the Internet | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This two-page section of deals specifically with the | |

|Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) test. Scroll through the section | |

|on page two and click on one of the following skill areas: ‘reading’, ‘use of | |

|English’, ‘writing’ or ‘listening’ that you wish to practice. You can also | |

|download a sample test. | |

About Cambridge CAE

CAE is the second highest level Cambridge ESOL test, at level C1 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Choose CAE if you are reaching a standard of English that is adequate for most purposes, including social and professional situations, and in higher education.

Although the level of language skills required is not as high as for CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English), CAE recognises the ability to communicate with confidence in English and deal with most aspects of everyday life.

CAE is ideal if you want to work or study abroad or to develop a career which requires language skills (e.g. business, medicine, and engineering). It is also useful preparation if you are working towards CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).

Studying for CAE helps you to improve your language skills and use them in a wide range of contexts. The tests are based on realistic tasks, and indicate the ability to use the language in practical situations. If you are successful, you'll be able to participate in meetings and discussions, expressing opinions clearly, and be able to understand and produce texts of various types, including business letters and reports. You'll also be more than capable of following university courses taught in English.

CAE has five papers:

• Reading

• Writing

• English in use

• Listening

• Speaking

The written papers are returned to Cambridge for marking and assessment. The Speaking Test is conducted by two locally based examiners who examine candidates face to face. All examiners are accredited by Cambridge ESOL.

Reading (Paper 1), 1 hour 15 minutes

This paper assesses your ability to read and understand a number of texts taken from books, newspapers and magazines. You are expected to be able to show understanding of gist, main points, detail, text structure or specific information, deduce meaning or recognise opinion and attitude.

Writing (Paper 2), 2 hours

This paper assesses your ability to write non-specialised text types such as letters, articles, reports and reviews for a given purpose and target reader, covering a range of topics. Responses are of about 250 words in length.

English in Use (Paper 3), 1 hour 30 minutes

In this paper, you are expected to demonstrate knowledge and control of the language system by completing various tasks at text and sentence level, based on authentic texts. This will include gap-filling, error correction, word formation; register transfer and text completion exercises.

Listening (Paper 4), 45 minutes (approx.)

This paper assesses your ability to understand the meaning of spoken English and to extract detailed and specific information from the spoken text and to understand speakers' attitudes and opinions. The texts are taken from a variety of text types including interviews, discussions, lectures and conversations.

Speaking (Paper 5), 15 minutes

The Speaking Test assesses your ability to interact in conversational English in a range of contexts. It contains four parts, including an interview section, individual long turns, a collaborative task and a discussion. You are provided with stimulus materials such as photographs and drawings You will normally take the Speaking Test in pairs.

Cambridge CAE – Online Materials

|Details |Location |

|Title: CAE - University of Cambridge EOSL Examinations | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This is the official exam web site for Cambridge EFL exams, including| |

|KET, PET, FCE, CAE & CPE. It provides a variety of information about the | |

|different exam levels. Click on ‘Support’ from the menu bar at the top to | |

|access a number of free downloads to help you prepare for the exams. On the | |

|left you’ll see a box entitled ‘Site Pathways’. Click on ‘For Language | |

|Learners’ to find out more about the individual exams, what skills they cover | |

|and how to prepare for them. | |

| | |

|The second URL takes you to a number of downloadable PDF files to help you | |

|study. Included are sample papers and answer keys. | |

|Title: CAE - Flo-Joe | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: Flo-Joe was set up in April 2000 by a small team of Cambridge exam | |

|teachers and course book authors. Their aim is to help people who are working | |

|towards the Cambridge FCE, CAE and CPE tests. This site is updated regularly | |

|and provides free grammar, vocabulary and test material. There is also a | |

|discussion forum for teachers and students and you can subscribe to a regular | |

|e-newsletter. | |

|Title: CAE - Exams Resource Library | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: On this Longman ELT website, there are lots of ideas and free | |

|resources for English language exams. Try fun online activities, download free | |

|support materials and get helpful tips on studying for CAE simply clicking on | |

|the CAE ‘star’ button. You’ll be directed to a page that contains a description| |

|of the exam and student resources such as study tips and interactive exercises | |

|and quizzes. | |

|Title: CAE - English- – EFL Exam Practice | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You’ll find plenty of exam advice and practice exercises at this | |

|site. Click on ‘CAE’ and you’ll be given a description of the exam. From the | |

|menu bar at the top you can access information on the different skills that | |

|each exam focuses on. Click on ‘Introduction’ to find out more about that part | |

|of the exam. Then click on the different ‘Parts’ to see examples of questions, | |

|answers, and examiners comments. | |

|Title: CAE - – Free Sample Lessons and Exercises | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This site offers two types of online ESL lessons for a monthly or | |

|annual subscription. You can also sign up for a three day free trial of all the| |

|material on the site. To try a quick sample, go to the top of the menu bar on | |

|the left, click on ‘Free Sample Lessons and Exercises’ to access a selection of| |

|activities from different levels and different skill areas. | |

|The Academic English lessons are longer than the General English lessons and | |

|are perfect for intermediate-level and above students who need to prepare for | |

|English tests like the CAE. All the lessons and exercises are based on topical | |

|Reuters’ news articles and current events. The Academic English exercises | |

|contain the types of questions and tasks used in ESL tests such as the CAE | |

|exam. | |

|Title: CAE - – ESL Exams |

|Units/pgs: - |pNode=3227&type=1 |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A |

|Features: This section of the popular web site includes information |xamination_Preparation.htm |

|and free practice test exercises for the CAE. | |

| | |

|The 2nd URL listed opposite is a large portal where you’ll find over 160 web | |

|pages of recommended sites related to a wide variety of ESL exams including the| |

|Cambridge CAE. | |

About Cambridge CPE

CPE is the highest level Cambridge ESOL test, at level C2 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. If you are able to function effectively in almost any English-speaking context and are approaching a standard of English similar to that of an educated native speaker, then this is the test for you.

CPE is ideal if you want to work or study abroad, or to develop a career which requires language skills (e.g. business, medicine, and engineering). On passing the test, you'll receive a certificate awarded by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. Your CPE certificate is recognised by thousands of universities and employers throughout the world.

While studying for CPE you will be improving your language skills and learning to use them in a wide range of contexts. Because many aspects of the tests are based on realistic tasks, a CPE certificate shows that you have progressed beyond a good knowledge of vocabulary and grammar and can actually use the language in real contexts.

CPE has five papers:

• Reading

• Writing

• Use of English

• Listening

• Speaking

The written papers are returned to Cambridge for marking and assessment. The Speaking Test is conducted by two locally based examiners who examine candidates face-to-face. All examiners are accredited by Cambridge ESOL.

Reading (Paper 1), 1 hour 30 minutes

The Reading paper assesses your ability to read and understand texts taken from a wide range of sources, including fiction and non-fiction books, journals, newspapers and magazines. You are expected to understand the meaning of written English at word, phrase, sentence, paragraph and whole text level. It includes understanding of text content, organisation and structure, and the development of ideas, opinions and attitudes.

Writing (Paper 2), 2 hours

The Writing paper assesses your ability to write non-specialised texts types such as letters, articles, reports and reviews for a given purpose and target reader, covering a wide range of topics. The paper also includes questions on set texts. Responses are of 300-350 words in length.

Use of English (Paper 3), 1 hour 30 minutes

In the Use of English paper, you are expected to demonstrate your knowledge and control of the language system by completing various tasks at word, sentence and text level. These include gap-filling and word formation exercises, comprehension questions and a summary writing task.

Listening (Paper 4), 40 minutes (approx.)

The Listening paper assesses the ability to listen to and understand texts taken from a variety of text types including interviews, discussions, lectures and conversations. It tests the ability to understand the meaning of spoken English, to extract information from a spoken text and to understand speakers' attitudes and opinions.

Speaking (Paper 5), 19 minutes

The Speaking Test assesses your ability to interact in conversational English in a range of contexts. The paper contains three parts, which take the form of an interview section, a collaborative task and individual long turns with follow-up discussion. You are provided with picture and written stimulus and you normally take the Speaking Test in pairs.

Cambridge CPE Online Materials

|Details |Location |

|Title: CPE - University of Cambridge EOSL Examinations | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This is the official exam web site for Cambridge EFL exams, including| |

|the CPE. Click on ‘Support’ from the menu bar at the top to access a number of | |

|free downloads to help you prepare for the exams. On the left you’ll see a box | |

|entitled ‘Site Pathways’. Click on ‘For Language Learners’ to find out more | |

|about the CPE, what skills it covers and how to prepare for it. | |

|Title: CPE - Flo-Joe | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: Flo-Joe was set up in April 2000 by a small team of Cambridge exam | |

|teachers and course book authors. Their aim is to help people who are working | |

|towards the Cambridge FCE, CAE and CPE tests. This site is updated regularly | |

|and provides free grammar, vocabulary and test material. There is also a | |

|discussion forum for teachers and students and you can subscribe to a regular | |

|e-newsletter. | |

|Title: CPE - Exams Resource Library | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: On this Longman ELT website, there are lots of ideas and free | |

|resources for English language exams. Try fun online activities, download free | |

|support materials and get helpful tips on studying for CPE simply clicking on | |

|the CPE ‘star’ button. You’ll be directed to a page that contains a description| |

|of the exam and student resources such as study tips and interactive exercises | |

|and quizzes. | |

|Title: CPE - English- – EFL Exam Practice | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You’ll find plenty of exam advice and practice exercises at this | |

|site. Click on ‘CPE’ and you’ll be given a description of the exam. From the | |

|menu bar at the top you can access information on the different skills that | |

|each exam focuses on. Click on ‘Introduction’ to find out more about that part | |

|of the exam. Then click on the different ‘Parts’ to see examples of questions, | |

|answers, and examiners comments. | |

|Title: CPE - – Free Sample Lessons and Exercises | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This site offers two types of online ESL lessons for a monthly or | |

|annual subscription. You can also sign up for a three day free trial of all the| |

|material on the site. To try a quick sample, go to the top of the menu bar on | |

|the left, click on ‘Free Sample Lessons and Exercises’ to access a selection of| |

|activities from different levels and different skill areas. | |

|The Academic English lessons are longer than the General English lessons and | |

|are perfect for intermediate-level and above students who need to prepare for | |

|English tests like the CPE. All the lessons and exercises are based on topical | |

|Reuters’ news articles and current events. The Academic English exercises | |

|contain the types of questions and tasks used in ESL tests such as the CPE | |

|exam. | |

|Title: CPE - – ESL Exams |

|Units/pgs: - |pNode=3227&type=1 |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A |

|Features: This section of the popular web site includes information |xamination_Preparation.htm |

|and free practice test exercises for the Cambridge CPE. | |

| | |

|The 2nd URL listed opposite is a large portal where you’ll find over 160 web | |

|pages of recommended sites related to a wide variety of ESL exams including the| |

|CPE. | |

5. Academic ESL Tests:

About IELTS:

The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test provides an evaluation of English for those who wish to study or train in English. IELTS is a jointly managed test by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, the British Council and IDP Education, Australia. IELTS is recognized by universities and colleges, as well as employers, immigration authorities and professional bodies in Britain, Ireland, Australia, South Africa, Canada, and New Zealand.

Studying for the IELTS test usually involves a long course. The preparation time is similar to that of the TOEFL, FCE or CAE courses (approximately 100 hours).

IELTS is available in two formats: ‘Academic’ and ‘General Training’. All candidates do the same Listening and Speaking sections. The Academic modules assess whether you are ready to study or train in the medium of English at an undergraduate or postgraduate level. The General Training modules emphasize basic skills in a broad social and educational context not at degree level.

Listening + General Training Reading + General Training Writing + Speaking


Listening + Academic Reading + Academic Writing + Speaking

The total test time of the exam is 2 hours and 45 minutes and consists of listening, reading, writing and speaking components.

Listening Section (4 parts; 40 questions; 30minutes):

Candidates listen to a number of recorded texts, which increase in difficulty as the test progresses. These include a mixture of monologues and conversations and feature a variety of English accents and dialects. The recording is heard only once, but candidates are given time to read the questions and write down their answers.

General Training Reading (3 parts; 40 questions; 60 minutes):

The texts are based on the type of material candidates would be expected to encounter on a daily basis in an English-speaking country. They are taken from sources such as newspapers, advertisements, instruction manuals and books to test the candidate’s ability to understand and use information. The test includes one longer text, which is descriptive rather than argumentative.

Academic Reading (3 parts; 40 questions; 60 minutes):

There are three reading passages with tasks. Texts are taken from books, magazines, journals, and newspapers, all written for a non-specialist audience. At least one of the texts contains a detailed argument.

General Training Writing (2 parts; 60 minutes):

The first task requires candidates to write a letter of at least 150 words either asking for information, or explaining a situation. For the second task, candidates write a short essay of at least 250 words in response to a statement or question. You are expected to demonstrate an ability to present a position, construct an argument, and discuss issues.

Academic Writing (2 parts; 60 minutes):

Candidates are asked to write a description of at least 150 words. This is based on material found in a chart, table, graph or diagram and should demonstrate their ability to present information and to summarise the main features of the input. For the second task, you will write a short essay of at least 250 words in response to a statement or question. You are expected to demonstrate an ability to present a position, construct and argument and discuss abstract issues.

Speaking (interview; 15 minutes):

The speaking test takes the form of a face-to-face interview. You will be assessed on your use of spoken English to answer short questions, to speak at length on a familiar topic, and also to interact with the examiner.


The test is scored on a scale of 1-9. Half scores such as 6.5 are possible. Universities often demand an IELTS score of 6 or 7. They may also demand a minimum score in each of the 4 sections.

IELTS – Online Materials

|Details |Location |

|Title: IELTS – HIPPO | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: Help with IELTS Preparation and Practice On-line (HIPPO) is an | |

|on-line resource to help HKUST students to prepare for the International | |

|English Language Testing Systems (IELTS) examination, which has been selected | |

|by the UGC as the examination for CEPAS (Common English Proficiency Assessment | |

|Scheme). This site includes and introduction to IELTS as well as how to prepare| |

|for the exam and practice tests. | |

|Title: IELTS – Home Page | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This is the official web site for . You can download the | |

|IELTS Handbook, which contains helpful information about the test. The third | |

|link is to the ‘Teacher Resource’ page that, although designed for teachers, | |

|contains sample tasks. Simply click on any of the following from the menu bar | |

|on the left: ‘Academic reading’, ‘Academic Writing’, ‘General Training | |

|Reading’, ‘General Training Writing’, ‘Listening’, or ‘Speaking’, do access | |

|information and questions about that part of the test. | |

|Title: IELTS – | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You can read a brief introduction to the test and then check your | |

|knowledge by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on the | |

|highlighted links: ‘Listening test’, ‘General reading test’, or ‘Academic | |

|reading test’. | |

|Title: IELTS – – Preparing for the IELTS for free on the internet | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This section of the popular web site includes information | |

|and tips for studying for the IELTS test. | |

| | |

|The 2nd URL listed opposite contains links that lead you to various free IELTS | |

|practice resources on the Internet. | |

|Title: IELTS – Preparation Web Site | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This site, managed by Australia’s Holmsglen Institute, offers | |

|information about IELTS as well as interactive tasks that you can do online and| |

|information you can download and print. Scroll to the bottom of the home page | |

|and click on any of the four skill areas (reading, writing, listening, | |

|speaking) that you wish to practise. Sample answers are included. | |

|Title: IELTS - Exercises | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: In the following pages you will find exercises to practice all four | |

|parts of the IELTS. Click on the skill you wish to test yourself on and read | |

|the introduction before printing out the exercises. The style of these | |

|paper-based questions does not exactly resemble those given in the actual IELTS| |

|test; however the question types are similar. Check your answers by clicking | |

|on the ‘answers’ link found at the end of the questions. | |

|Title: IELTS – Teacher Joe IELTS Preparation | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: ‘Teacher Joe’ is a former IELTS examiner and you’ll find plenty of | |

|practice activities at this site, especially speaking exercises. | |

|Title: IELTS - Exams Resource Library | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: On this Longman ELT website, there are lots of ideas and free | |

|resources for English language exams. Try fun online activities, download free | |

|support materials and get helpful tips on studying for IELTS simply clicking on| |

|the IELTS ‘star’ button. You’ll be directed to a page that contains a | |

|description of the exam and student resources such as study tips and | |

|interactive exercises and quizzes. | |

|Title: IELTS - English- – EFL Exam Practice | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You’ll find plenty of exam advice and practice exercises at this | |

|site. Click on ‘IELTS’ and you’ll be given a description of the exam. From the | |

|menu bar at the top you can access information on the different skills that | |

|each exam focuses on. Click on ‘Introduction’ to find out more about that part | |

|of the exam. Then click on the different ‘Parts’ to see examples of questions, | |

|answers, and examiners comments. | |

|Title: IELTS - One Stop English - Exams |

|Units/pgs: - |atid=58071&docid=144744 |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This section of One Stop English contains a variety of materials | |

|designed to help teachers prepare students for the IELTS exam. Worksheets and | |

|answer keys are provided free of charge for this substantial IELTS section. | |

|Click on the language area you wish to test yourself on. | |

|Title: IELTS - – Free Sample Lessons and Exercises | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This site offers two types of online ESL lessons for a monthly or | |

|annual subscription. You can also sign up for a three day free trial of all the| |

|material on the site. To try a quick sample, go to the top of the menu bar on | |

|the left, click on ‘Free Sample Lessons and Exercises’ to access a selection of| |

|activities from different levels and different skill areas. | |

|The Academic English lessons are longer than the General English lessons and | |

|are perfect for intermediate-level and above students who need to prepare for | |

|English tests like IELTS. All of the lessons and exercises are based on topical| |

|Reuters’ news articles and current events. The Academic English exercises | |

|contain the types of questions and tasks used in ESL tests such as the IELTS | |

|test. | |

About TOEFL iBT:

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) measures the ability of non-native speakers of English to use and understand North American English as it is spoken, written and heard in college and university settings. Most people who take the TOEFL test are planning to study at colleges and universities where instruction is in English. In addition, many government agencies, scholarship programs, and licensing/certification agencies use TOEFL scores to evaluate English proficiency. More than 5000 colleges and universities in 90 countries recognize the test.

Beginning in 2005 TOEFL phased in a new internet-Based Test (iBT), which will replace the current computer-based and paper-based tests. The iBT has 4 sections, reading, listening, speaking and writing, each with a score of 30, giving a total score of 120.

|1 |Reading |3-5 passages, 12-14 questions each |60-100 mins |

|2 |Listening |4-6 lectures, 6 questions each |60-90 mins |

| | |2-3 conversations, 5 questions each | |

|3 |Speaking |6 tasks, 2 independent and 2 integrated |20 mins |

|4 |Writing |1 integrated task |50 mins |

| | |1 independent task | |

An integrated task is one where you have to use more than one skill. For example, you read about something, listen to a lecture, and then write about what you have heard and read. The TOEFL iBT no longer has any computer-adaptive sections; it is a linear assessment test covering a full range of levels of question difficulty. Note taking is allowed during test in order to better reflect real-life academic situations. The iBT Test takes approximately four hours to finish, and is administered via the Internet at secure, ETS.-approved test centers.

Scoring Information

The Reading and Listening section scores are based on your performance on multiple-choice questions. The total points that you receive for each section are converted to a score on a scale from 0 to 30.

The Speaking section is based on your response to six questions. On the actual test, your responses will be rated by a human evaluator and receive a score of 0 (Low), 1, 2, 3, or 4 (High). The total score for the 6 questions will be converted to a scale from 0 to 30. The reported score for the Speaking section will always be on a scale of 0 to 30.

The Writing section has two writing tasks that are scored on a scale from 1 (Low) to 5 (High). On the actual test, your responses will be rated by human evaluators, and a score of 0 for off-topic responses will also be possible. Your Writing task total score will then be converted to a scale from 0 to 30. The reported score for the Writing section will always be on a scale of 0 to 30.

TOEFL iBT – Online Materials

|Details |Location |

|Title: TOEFL – | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You can read about the TOEFL iBT test and how you should prepare for | |

|it under the ‘Learners and Test Takers’ section. Scroll down the home page and | |

|click on ‘TOEFL Practice Online Tour’. The tour will tell you all about the | |

|TOEFL test and has a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section. | |

| | |

|For language skills practice, look at the menu bar on the left and click on | |

|‘Online Resources’. You’ll be directed to a page filled with plenty of | |

|recommended practice sites for you to check out. | |

|Title: TOEFL – English- - TOEFL Prep | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: At English- you can test yourself with a series of free | |

|interactive questions that will help you to increase your TOEFL-related | |

|vocabulary. At this site you’ll also be able to contact other people who are | |

|preparing for the TOEFL to share experiences through the TOEFL forum. | |

|Title: TOEFL - – Free TOEFL Study on the Internet | |

|Units/pgs: | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: Taking the TOEFL is a necessary step for any non US educated student | |

|wanting to study at a North American university. This site provides you with | |

|practice tasks and online exercises related to ‘listening’, ‘structure’, | |

|‘reading’ and ‘writing’. You’ll also find a selection of sample essays and | |

|practice tests. | |

|Title: TOEFL – | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You can read a brief introduction to the test and then check your | |

|knowledge by clicking on the highlighted link at the top of the page: ‘free | |

|practice material’. You have 20 minutes to do 20 questions. When you have | |

|completed the test you will get a score and you can review your answer to each | |

|question. | |

|Title: TOEFL – TOEFL Practice Session | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You can try a few practice questions at this site. The examples given| |

|are very similar to the questions you will see on the actual TOEFL. Make sure | |

|to read through the explanatory answers, even if you answer the questions | |

|correctly. They will give you important hints. While you are working through | |

|the examples you will notice that some of the text is red and some of the text | |

|is blue. The parts that you hear on the real TOEFL will be in red. The parts | |

|that you read will be in blue. You can choose from: ‘Listening’, ‘Structure’, | |

|‘Reading Comprehension’, or ‘Writing’. Before starting, click on ’20 TOEFL | |

|Tips’ for some preparation ideas. | |

|Title: TOEFL – Free- – Practice Test for the New TOEFL iBT | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: Free registration is required, but it’s worth it! This site contains | |

|detailed information about the new TOEFL iBT as well as practice sections. | |

|Choose from: ‘Reading’, ‘Listening’, ‘Writing’ and ‘Speaking’ from the menu at | |

|the top, or scroll down until you get to that section. You can choose from | |

|three different screen sizes and you will need the following system | |

|requirements: Flash Player: Version 6.x; High-Speed Internet connection; | |

|Computer resolution of 640x480 or greater; Headphones or speakers (except for | |

|the Reading Section). | |

|Title: TOEFL – iBT Course | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This commercial site offers tips, practice tests, and sample | |

|exercises and answer keys. From the menu bar on the left, you can test your | |

|knowledge of ‘Vocabulary’, ‘Writing’, ‘Listening’, ‘Speaking’, ‘Grammar’ or | |

|‘Spelling’. | |

|Title: TOEFL - iBT Sample Questions |

|Units/pgs: - |f |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You can print out this PDF document and test your ‘Reading’, | |

|‘Listening’, ‘Speaking’ and ‘Writing’ abilities. Answer keys are provided at | |

|the end of each section. The Listening section provides the transcript only. | |

|Title: TOEFL – Mini Practice Test |

|Units/pgs: - |-Cambridge-Exams/TOEFL/Online-Resources/IN_toefl_minipractice.html |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: Take a 35-minute mini practice test in preparation for the TOEFL iBT.| |

|Prepare for the Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing questions on the new | |

|test. You'll receive a score on the Reading and Listening sections and have an | |

|opportunity to review sample Speaking and Writing responses. Free registration | |

|required first. | |

|Title: TOEFL - – English Language Tests and Games |

|Units/pgs: - |fm |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This site is part of an English language resources service where you | |

|can work through fully interactive tests and educational games to improve your | |

|English language skills, access learning material and English language guides. | |

|There is no charge for using the public section. Most of the tests and games | |

|listed are available for everyone to use. Only those with a ‘lock’ symbol are | |

|for members only. | |

|Title: TOEFL - Exams Resource Library | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: On this Longman ELT website, there are lots of ideas and free | |

|resources for English language exams. Try fun online activities, download free | |

|support materials and get helpful tips on studying for the TOEFL simply | |

|clicking on the TOEFL ‘star’ button. You’ll be directed to a page that contains| |

|a description of the exam and student resources such as study tips and | |

|interactive exercises and quizzes. | |

|Title: TOEFL - English- – EFL Exam Practice | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You’ll find plenty of exam advice and practice exercises at this | |

|site. Click on ‘TOEFL’ and you’ll be given a description of the exam. From the | |

|menu bar at the top you can access information on the different skills that | |

|each exam focuses on. Click on ‘Introduction’ to find out more about that part | |

|of the exam. Then click on the different ‘Parts’ to see examples of questions, | |

|answers, and examiners comments. | |

|Title: TOEFL - One Stop English - Exams |

|Units/pgs: - |atid=58086&docid=144837 |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This section of One Stop English contains a TOEFL listening exercise | |

|and includes a worksheet and teacher’s notes. | |

|Title: TOEFL - – Free Sample Lessons and Exercises | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This site offers two types of online ESL lessons for a monthly or | |

|annual subscription. You can also sign up for a three day free trial of all the| |

|material on the site. To try a quick sample, go to the top of the menu bar on | |

|the left, click on ‘Free Sample Lessons and Exercises’ to access a selection of| |

|activities from different levels and different skill areas. | |

|The Academic English lessons are longer than the General English lessons and | |

|are perfect for intermediate-level and above students who need to prepare for | |

|English tests like TOEFL. All of the lessons and exercises are based on topical| |

|Reuters’ news articles and current events. The Academic English exercises | |

|contain the types of questions and tasks used in ESL tests such as the TOEFL | |

|test. | |

6. Business ESL Tests:

About Cambridge BEC:

Cambridge has two English tests for business: BULATS and BEC. The BEC (Business English Certificate) is the easier of the two and comes in three levels, Preliminary, Vantage and Higher. The types of test task are similar to those in the Cambridge ESOL Main Suite, but test language ability in a business context. They are recognized by many employers worldwide, and students take them to demonstrate language skills required for international business. There are two pass grades for BEC, "Pass with merit" and "Pass".

BEC Preliminary

Reading and Writing (1 hour 30 minutes)

In the Reading part there are seven tasks of the following types: multiple choice, matching, Right/Wrong/Doesn't Say, multiple choice gap-filling and form-filling. The Reading part is 25% of the total marks.

In the Writing part there are two tasks, both compulsory. Candidates produce a piece of internal company communication (approx. 30-40 words), and a piece of business communication (based on Reading input, approx. 60-80 words). The Writing part is 25% of the total marks.

Listening (approx. 40 minutes)

In the Listening component there are four tasks of the following types: multiple choice, gap-filling and form-filling. Texts used are monologues and dialogues, including interviews, discussions, telephone conversations and messages. The Listening paper is 25% of the total marks.

Speaking (approx. 12 minutes per pair of candidates)

The Speaking Test is conducted by two external examiners and candidates are tested in pairs. At centers with an uneven number of candidates, the last single candidate is examined with the last pair in a group of three. (Note: The group of three format may only be used to deal with uneven numbers, unexpected absence of candidates, illness, etc. It is not an option that may be selected in normal circumstances where there is an even number of candidates at a session. This is true for all Speaking components of the BEC).

During the test each candidate responds to questions, gives a 'mini-presentation' lasting approximately one minute, takes part in a collaborative task with the other candidate and takes part in a discussion with the other candidate and the interlocutor. The Speaking Test is 25% of the total marks.

BEC Vantage

Reading (1 hour)

In the Reading paper there are five tasks of the following types: multiple choice, matching, sentence level gap-filling, multiple choice gap-filling and error identification. The Reading paper is 25% of the total marks.

Writing (45 minutes)

In the Writing paper there are two tasks, both compulsory. Candidates produce a piece of internal company communication (approx. 40-50 words), and a short report, proposal or piece of business correspondence (based on Reading input, approx. 120-140 words). The Writing paper is 25% of the total mark.

Listening (approx. 40 minutes)

In the Listening paper there are three tasks of the following types: gap-filling or note completion, matching and multiple choice. Texts used are monologues and dialogues, including interviews, discussions, telephone conversations and messages. The Listening paper is 25% of the total marks.

Speaking (approx. 14 minutes per pair of candidates)

The Speaking Test is conducted by two external examiners and candidates are tested in pairs. At centers with an uneven number of candidates, the last single candidate is examined with the last pair in a group of three.

During the test each candidate responds to questions, gives a 'mini-presentation' lasting approximately one minute, takes part in a collaborative task with the other candidate and takes part in a discussion with the other candidate and the interlocutor. The Speaking Test is 25% of the total marks.

BEC Higher

Reading (1 hour)

In the Reading paper there are six tasks of the following types: multiple choice, matching, word level gap-filling, sentence level gap-filling, multiple choice gap-filling and error identification. The Reading paper is 25% of the total marks.

Writing (1 hour 10 minutes)

In the Writing paper there are two tasks. In Part One, candidates produce a short report (based on graphic input, approx. 120-140 words). In Part Two, candidates choose whether to write a report, proposal or piece of business correspondence. The Writing paper is 25% of the total marks.

Listening (approx. 40 minutes)

In the Listening paper there are three tasks of the following types: gap-filling or note completion, matching and multiple choice. Texts used are monologues and dialogues, including interviews, discussions, telephone conversations and messages. The Listening paper is 25% of the total marks.

Speaking (approx. 16 minutes per pair of candidates)

The Speaking Test is conducted by two external examiners and candidates are tested in pairs. At centers with an uneven number of candidates, the last single candidate is examined with the last pair in a group of three.

During the test each candidate responds to questions, gives a 'mini-presentation' lasting approximately one minute, takes part in a collaborative task with the other candidate and takes part in a discussion with the other candidate and the interlocutor. The Speaking Test is 25% of the total marks.

About Cambridge BULATS:

BULATS (The Business Language Testing Service) is a language assessment service specifically for the use of companies and organisations. BULATS is for organisations which need a reliable way of assessing the language ability of groups of employees or trainees.

The service is designed to test the language of employees who need to use a foreign language in their work and for students and employees on language courses or on professional/business courses where foreign language ability is an important element of the course.

Each of the four BULATS tests can be used independently of the others, or they can be used in various combinations. This principle of flexibility allows BULATS to customise the service for different situations.

A key feature of BULATS compared to other tests of English is that it offers you this choice. Ideally, it is recommended to use a combination of the BULATS Standard Test with the Speaking and/or Writing Test to offer a more complete picture of your English competence. In making your decision it is important that you consider what you want to use the test for. For example, some organisations use the Standard Test at an early stage in the recruitment of staff to check on a minimum English competence of a large number of applicants. They may then use the Speaking and/or Writing Tests in the final selection from a few candidates. If a post requires a high level of writing competence for emails or reports then it makes sense to use the Writing Test. Similarly, if a person needs to speak English to deal with customer enquiries or in working with English speaking staff then use the Speaking Test.

All the tests aim to be relevant to people using the language at work. They cover areas such as descriptions of jobs, companies and products, travel, management and marketing, customer service, planning, reports, phone messages, business correspondence and presentations. The tasks in the test are generally practical ones, e.g. taking a phone message, checking a letter, giving a presentation, understanding an article, writing a report.

Computer test

This is a test where the computer selects questions for you according to how well you have answered previous questions. In other words, the questions adapt to the level of the candidate. The Computer Test includes a large bank of test questions, covering all levels of ability from basic to advanced. The questions are displayed on-screen, and candidates respond using the keyboard and mouse. As each question is answered, the computer assesses the response and selects the next question. The questions are selected according to whether the candidate's previous answer was right or wrong; in this way, the questions become progressively easier or harder until the system has a reliable assessment of the candidate's level. Duration: about 75 minutes.

Standard test

This is a paper-based alternative to the computer test and usually takes about 110 minutes to complete. There are 110 questions that test your listening and reading skills as well as your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. You’ll listen to conversations, monologues and discussions and complete multiple-choice, gap-fill, and matching statements questions. The reading part of the test may ask you to read excerpts from a variety of documents such as notices, messages, timetables, and graphs etc. and answer questions on them.

Speaking Test

The speaking test has three parts that are conducted in a face-to-face interview and evaluation and that takes about 12 minutes. In part one you’ll be asked to answer questions about yourself, your work and your interests. In part two you choose a topic from a list you are given and give a short presentation. In part three you ask a question in a role-play situation and have a discussion on the topic.

Writing Test

For this test, which takes about 45 minutes, you are asked to prepare two pieces of business writing. For the first you will be asked to write a 50-60 word message or letter using information you are given. For the second piece you are required to write a 180-250 word report or letter following the instructions you are given.

All the tests assess candidates across the six levels of the ALTE Framework, i.e. the same test is used for all candidates whatever their level.

BULATS – Online Materials:

|Details |Location |

|Title: BULATS - | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This is the official web site of the testing service so you’ll find | |

|plenty of up-to-date information about the test as well as some sample | |

|questions. Click on the part of the test you are interested in and scroll to | |

|the bottom of the page to view example questions. From the menu bar on the left| |

|you can also run through a demonstration version of the computer test as well | |

|as download a 33-page ‘Handbook for Candidates’ (PDF) that contains sample | |

|questions for each of the section. | |

|Title: BULATS - | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: After reading a brief introduction to BULATS, you can practice by | |

|clicking on any of the following from the menu bar on the left: ‘Standard test | |

|paper’, ‘Writing test paper’, or ‘Speaking test paper’, to download sample | |

|papers in PDF format. No answer key is provided. | |

|Title: BULATS – Language Assessment – Sample Papers | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You’ll find a selection of BULATS-related files to download and test | |

|yourself on here. Under the ‘English’ language section, select from ‘Sample | |

|Paper’, Answer Key’, ‘Audio (tapescript)’, ‘Writing Paper’ or ‘Speaking Paper’.| |

|Title: BULATS - | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: After reading a brief introduction to the test, you can check your | |

|knowledge by clicking on the highlighted link at the top of the page: ‘Free | |

|Reading Practice Test’. | |

|Title: BULATS – – BULATS Reading Practice | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: Practice your reading skills here by reading the passage and then | |

|clicking on the multiple choice options. Answers provided as you go. | |

About TOEIC:

Every year four and a half million people take the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), run by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The TOEIC is a multiple choice test of 200 questions divided into two sections, listening and reading, each scored out of 445, giving a total of 990. The TOEIC test is under review with some changes being introduced to the new TOEIC. The main change is that you will also be able to take a Writing and Speaking test along with the Reading and Listening.

What’s the difference between TOEIC and TOEFL? Although both are run by ETS, TOEIC evaluates language skills for the workplace while TOEFL evaluates language skills in an academic context.

Many companies and government agencies use TOEIC as a criterion for recruiting or promoting staff, or for sending staff abroad. Some universities also use TOEIC, requiring their business school students to achieve a particular score prior to graduation, for example. In Hong Kong, the TOEIC is used for benchmarking in the Workplace English Campaign (see: )

It is important to understand that the TOEIC does not measure what have you learned in one particular English class but evaluates your general command of the English language in a business setting. This means, you have to use and explore as many materials, resources and methods as possible in order to improve your English. You should create an environment in which you are exposed to the English language on a daily basis. For example, you can listen to the Voice of America, watch television on CNN, SkyNews or BBC, read newspaper articles in English and write emails.

The TOEIC test is a paper-and-pencil, 200-question, multiple-choice assessment that uses audiocassettes, pictures, and written materials to evaluate English language skills. The test takes about two and a half hours to administer and the results are given in the form of a number as follows:

TOEIC number level

The TOEIC gives a score between 10 and 990:

• 905 – 990 International Proficiency

• 785 – 900 Working Proficiency Plus

• 605 – 780 Limited Working Proficiency

• 405 – 600 Elementary Proficiency Plus

• 255 – 400 Elementary Proficiency

• 185 – 250 Memorised Proficiency

• 10 – 180 No Useful Proficiency

Many jobs require a score of 600+ while managers often need a minimum score of 800.

TOEIC – Online Materials:

|Details |Location |

|Title: TOEIC - | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This is the official web site of the Educational Testing Service, | |

|which runs the TOIEC test. Click on ‘About the Test’ to be directed to | |

|information that will provide you with an overview of the test. From the tabs | |

|at the top choose ‘Test Preparation’ to access a PDF handout that you can | |

|download that contains helpful tips and sample questions. | |

|Title: TOIEC – English- | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: At English- you can practice free interactive questions to | |

|increase your TOEIC vocabulary. On the TOIEC forum you can communicate with | |

|other people who are preparing for the test. There is a total of 684 tests with| |

|10 questions each. If you take all of the tests you will have learned 3420 | |

|words that frequently occur in the TOEIC! You can approach the tests two ways: | |

|either by selecting the word by meaning, or selecting the meaning by word. | |

|Title: TOEIC – Sample Questions |

|Units/pgs: - |toeic/resources-to-help-you/toeicR-sample-questions/ |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: On this page, you’ll find a good selection of listening and reading | |

|questions to test your knowledge of. The answers are located immediately | |

|underneath each question so try not to look! | |

|Title: TOEIC – One- | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This is a colourful, fun, interactive site that lets you test your | |

|TOEIC knowledge. The site is divided into four sections. Choose from ‘Section | |

|01, 02, or 03’ from the tabs at the top. Each section contains different kinds | |

|of questions. As you go through the questions, you can check your answer by | |

|clicking on the question buttons at the bottom of the screen. At the bottom of | |

|the home page click on the middle button ‘Score Module’ to see your overall | |

|results. | |

|Title: TOEIC – – TOEIC Tips | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You’ll find 20 helpful study tips at this site. To test your | |

|knowledge, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘TOEIC Practice | |

|Session’. Here you’ll be able to view examples of each section of the test with| |

|accompanying explanations concerning right and wrong answers. | |

|Title: TOEIC – | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: | |

|Title: TOEIC – | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: After reading a brief introduction to the test, you can check your | |

|knowledge of ‘incomplete sentences’ and ‘error recognition’ by clicking on the | |

|highlighted links. When you have finished the practice test, you will be able | |

|to review each question and compare your answers with the correct answers. | |

|Title: TOEIC - Exams Resource Library | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: On this Longman ELT website, there are lots of ideas and free | |

|resources for English language exams. Try fun online activities, download free | |

|support materials and get helpful tips on studying for the TOEIC simply | |

|clicking on the TOEIC ‘star’ button. You’ll be directed to a page that contains| |

|a description of the exam and student resources such as study tips and | |

|interactive exercises and quizzes. | |

|Title: TOEIC - – Free Sample Lessons and Exercises | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This site offers two types of online ESL lessons for a monthly or | |

|annual subscription. You can also sign up for a three day free trial of all the| |

|material on the site. To try a quick sample, go to the top of the menu bar on | |

|the left, click on ‘Free Sample Lessons and Exercises’ to access a selection of| |

|activities from different levels and different skill areas. | |

|The Academic English lessons are longer than the General English lessons and | |

|are perfect for intermediate-level and above students who need to prepare for | |

|English tests like TOEIC. All of the lessons and exercises are based on topical| |

|Reuters’ news articles and current events. The Academic English exercises | |

|contain the types of questions and tasks used in ESL tests such as the TOEIC | |

|exam. | |

7. University Entrance Tests:

About SAT:

There are two kinds of SAT tests - the SAT Reasoning Test (general test) and SAT Subject Tests. The SAT Reasoning Test (formerly known as SAT I) measures the critical reading, writing and mathematical abilities you'll need for academic success in the US. SAT Subject Tests (formerly known as SAT II) measure your knowledge and skills in specific subjects. Subject Tests fall into five general subject areas - English, History and Social Studies, Mathematics, Science and Languages. Students can take up to three SAT Subject Tests on a single test date, but cannot take the SAT Reasoning Test and SAT Subject Tests during the same test administration.

The SAT Reasoning Test is administered by the College Board and is developed, published, and scored by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The test takes 3 hours and 45 minutes and costs US$41.50 (US$63.50 International). It is administered seven times a year in the U.S., and six times a year overseas.

The test has undergone a number of different modifications since it was first introduced in 1901. In 2005 it was renamed the SAT Reasoning Test with possible scores from 600 to 2400. Most of the questions on the SAT are multiple-choice with five possible answers to choose from. The questions are weighted equally. For each correct answer, one point is added. For each incorrect answer one-fourth of a point is deducted. No points are deducted for incorrect math grid-in questions. This ensures that your mathematically expected gain from guessing is zero.

The SAT consists of three major sections: Mathematics, Critical Reading, and Writing. Each section is scored on a scale of 200 to 800.

Part 1 ~ Critical Reading:

This section is comprised of three or four parts, with varying types of questions, including sentence completions and questions about short and long reading passages. The reading passages are excerpts from the social sciences, humanities, sciences, or personal narratives.

Part 2 ~ Mathematics:

This section consists of three to four parts all of which contain only questions with straightforward symbolic or numerical answers. There are two long (25-minute) sections and one short (20-minute) section, as follows:

• A 20- question multiple choice section (25 minutes)

• An 8-question multiple choice and 10-grid-in questions (25 minutes)

• A 16 question multiple choice section (20 minutes)

Part 3 ~ Writing:

This section includes a multiple choice questions and a brief essay. The multiple choice questions include error identification, sentence improvement, and paragraph improvement questions. These questions are designed to test your grammar, vocabulary, and knowledge of paragraph development.

The essay takes 25 minutes and is in response to a ‘prompt’, which are usually broad and often philosophical.


In addition to your score, with each section graded on a scale of 200 to 800, you will receive your percentile (the percentage of other test takers with lower scores).

SAT – Online Materials:

|Details |Location |

|Title: SAT – – SAT Preparation |

|Units/pgs: - |tml |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A |

|Features: You’ll find plenty of practice questions at this site. Click on any |.pdf |

|of the following options from the menu bar on the left: ‘General test-taking | |

|approaches’, ‘Critical reading’, ‘Mathematics’, ‘Writing’, and ‘Practice Test’.| |

|Click on the second URL to download a PDF document on preparing for the SAT. | |

|Title: SAT - – SAT Study Guides | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: offers an exclusive free, downloadable study guide| |

|to the Internet community for the SAT test.  The guide is in PDF format, so | |

|you'll need Adobe's free Reader. Click on the exam area you are interested in | |

|studying and testing yourself on. You can choose from Writing, Reading, Math, | |

|Essay, Practise Questions and Exam Information. | |

|Title: SAT - English- | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: At English- you can test yourself with a series of free | |

|interactive questions that will help you to increase your SAT-related | |

|vocabulary. At this site you’ll also be able to contact other people who are | |

|preparing for the SAT to share experiences through the SAT forum. | |

|Title: SAT – The Online Test Page | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This free site contains a good selection of quizzes and practice | |

|tests related to the SAT test. All of the activities are arranged under the | |

|following headings: ‘SAT Tests and Drills’, ‘Vocabulary Tests and Drills’ and | |

|‘Mathematics Tests and Drills’. Simply click on the one you are interested in | |

|testing yourself on. | |

|Title: SAT - Yahoo! Education |

|Units/pgs: - |ylt=AvlWCrOz9xY9dY.TWlvrSbwemrQF |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: Yahoo! Education offers practice SAT questions in reading | |

|comprehension, sentence correction, critical reasoning, data sufficiency, and | |

|problem solving. Click on the area you are interested in. | |

|Title: SAT - – SAT Practice | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: is a world-wide provider of free, online practice exams. | |

|Click on the math or critical reading quizzes in this section on the SAT to | |

|test yourself. | |

|Title: SAT – Syvum SAT Test Preparation Practice Exercises | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This sites SAT Test Preparation section contains practice exercise | |

|tests that will help you sharpen your math, writing and critical reading skills| |

|to maximize your score. A set of questions is randomly selected from a | |

|carefully prepared database for each practice exercise test. After scoring, | |

|please click the "Try another set" button to get a new set of SAT questions | |

|from the same database. Click on any of activities arranged under the following| |

|headings: ‘SAT Mathematics Ability’, ‘SAT Critical Reading and Verbal Ability’,| |

|‘SAT Vocabulary Builder’ | |

|Title: SAT Preparation | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: This is a vocabulary-oriented site that will help you test yourself | |

|on words commonly found in the vocabulary section of the SAT. Click on the | |

|‘Quiz’ icon on the left to be directed to a selection of tests you can choose | |

|from. | |

About GMAT:

The Graduate Management Admissions Test, more commonly referred to by the acronym GMAT (pronounced G-mat) is a standardized aptitude designed to measure basic verbal, mathematical, and analytical writing skills. It is often required as a prerequisite for graduate business studies. The GMAT test is one of the selection criteria used by many business schools for admission into their MBA programs. The fee to take the test is currently US$250 worldwide and scores are valid for five years from the date the test taker sits for the test.

As of 1 January 2006, the GMAT test is administered by ACT Inc. (which develops the test questions and CAT software) and Pearson Vue (which delivers the test at testing centers worldwide). The GMAT is a computer adaptive test. This means that the multiple choice questions in the quantitative and verbal sections are adjusted to the ability level of the test taker.

Specific details on how the computer adaptive test process works can be found online at the Graduate Management Admission Council’s website. Because the computer test system will not advance to the next question without answering the current question, all questions must be answered. In cases where the answer is not known, it is therefore necessary to make an educated guess. It is also imperative that all test questions are completed. Therefore, proper pacing throughout the test is necessary. 

The test consists of three main parts: the Analytical Writing Assessment, the Quantitative Section and the Verbal Section.

Part 1 ~ Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA):

The AWA consists of two separate writing tasks—Analysis of an Issue and Analysis of an Argument. Test takers are allowed 30 minutes to complete each essay. The essays are read by two readers who each mark the essay in 0.5 increments. If the two scores are within one point of each other, they are averaged. If there is more than one point difference, a third reader is asked to read the essays to provide another opinion.

The first ‘reader’ is a computer program, called ‘Intellimetric’, developed by Vantage Learning to analyse syntax, grammar and spelling. The second and third readers are human. The human readers generally look at the overall impact of the essay. Although spelling does not formally count against your score, it can bring your score down if the reader can’t understand what you are saying due to misspelled words. There are no length requirements for the essays. The readers are looking for well structured writing that flows smoothly.

Part 2 ~ Quantitative Section:

Following an optional ten-minute break, the Quantitative section test begins. This section contains 37 multiple-choice questions of two question types—Data Sufficiency and Problem Solving. Test takers are allowed a maximum of 75 minutes to complete the entire section.

Part 3 ~ Verbal Section:

After a second optional ten-minute break, the Verbal Section of the test begins. This section contains 41 multiple-choice questions of three question types—Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, and Sentence Correction. Test takers are allowed a maximum of 75 minutes to complete the entire section.

Required Scores

The verbal and quantitative sections of the GMAT have scores that range from zero to 60. These raw scores are then converted to an overall “total” score that ranges from 200 to 800. Two thirds of all test takers will have a total score between 400 and 600.

Most business schools don’t publish the minimum score they require. Generally, however, top schools take in students with scores in the upper 600s. Other less prestigious schools will have average scores that may be in the 500s or less. Remember that half of all successful applicants will have scored below the median mark. Business schools also look at real work accomplishments, undergraduate performance, and references etc. when selecting candidates.

GMAT – Online Materials:

|Details |Location |

|Title: GMAT - Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC) | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web |

|Accent: N/A |htm |

|Features: This site provides accurate information about the GMAT test including| |

|an FAQ (frequently asked questions) section. The second URL takes you to a page| |

|that details what the GMAT test measures and analyses. | |

|Title: GMAT - – GMAT Study Guides | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: offers an exclusive free, downloadable study guide| |

|to the Internet community for the GMAT test.  The guide is in PDF format, so | |

|you'll need Adobe's free Reader | |

|Title: GMAT - Test Prep Review – GMAT Online Study | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: Read about the GMAT test and then scroll down and click on the area | |

|you wish to practice. You can choose from Algebra, Grammar, Reading | |

|Comprehension, etc. Complete the multiple choice questions and then click on | |

|the ‘evaluate’ icon to find out your score. | |

|Title: GMAT - English- | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: At English- you can test yourself with a series of free | |

|interactive questions that will help you to increase your GMAT-related | |

|vocabulary. At this site you’ll also be able to contact other people who are | |

|preparing for the GMAT to share experiences through the GMAT forum. | |

|Title: GMAT - Yahoo! Education |

|Units/pgs: - |_ylt=Ao6lcXSJzst9Bie.HZ_nzPEQmrQF |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: Yahoo! Education offers practice GMAT questions in reading | |

|comprehension, sentence correction, critical reasoning, data sufficiency, and | |

|problem solving. Click on the area you are interested in. | |

|Title: GMAT - The GMAT Cat | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: You’ll find a selection of interactive GMAT-related activities and | |

|quizzes at this site under headings such as ‘Teach Yourself’, ‘Coach Yourself’,| |

|‘Test Yourself’ and ‘Prepare Yourself’. Simply click on the area you are | |

|interested in. | |

|Title: GMAT - | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: 800 Score is a professional GMAT preparation company so some services| |

|on the site you must pay for. However, there are a lot of free sample questions| |

|and tips to be found here, including an essay guide and time-management | |

|strategies. | |

|Title: GMAT - Business Week Magazine – GMAT Prep | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: The online version of Business Week Magazine has practice resources | |

|and strategies for the GMAT. Some exclusive Kaplan prep questions are also | |

|available free here. This section will help you prepare for the GMAT with | |

|regularly updated tips on how to excel at the nearly four-hour, computerized | |

|test. You can get an idea of what the test questions will look like so that | |

|you're comfortable on test day. Click on ‘Test Your Skills’ to access a | |

|selection of quizzes. | |

|Title: GMAT - – GMAT Prep |

|Units/pgs: - |s_Test.htm |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: divides its GMAT prep resources into subtopics of | |

|analytical writing, verbal, and quantitative. There are also answers to | |

|frequently asked questions, and articles titled "How to Prepare for the GMAT" | |

|and "Overview of the GMAT." | |

|Title: GMAT - – GMAT Resources | |

|Units/pgs: - | |

|Type: Web | |

|Accent: N/A | |

|Features: At this official GMAT site you can learn the basics about the test | |

|and browse preparation materials. | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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