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Transscript of the speaking Part 2

Describe an important invention that you think has positively influenced the human race.

You should say:

What the invention is

Who invented it

What changes it brought

and explain how it has positively influenced the human race.

I would like to say something about the compass it is considered as one of the greatest inventions in the old China and actually it was invented in the Chinchu Dynasty in the ancient China and it was invented for the need of war cause it was very useful for navigation it is work it worked it works through the magnetic gravity of the globe it has a small pin in it and the pin always points to the souths direction so that you can navigated navigates through it and I think it had an breakthrough effect in human history cause when it was brought to the Europe it helped to begin a new era of ???? I believe that it help Colombo to sailed across the whole Antarctic ocean and then eventually find American continents and since then the humans' history of connection has began and the whole world changed. That's all thank you

Band descriptors feedback

1 Fluency and Coherence

YOU SPEAK FLUENTLY partially, you can speak a little fluent, but basic

YOU USE COMPLEX SPEECH FLUENTLY no, you use basic language to express yourself

YOU USE SIMPLE SPEECH FLUENTLY partially, you can talk about something simple with some form of fluency

YOU DON’T SPEAK TOO SLOW no, you can speak a bit faster

YOU AVOID REPETITIONS no, there are still some repetions

YOUR REPETITIONS ARE CONTENT BASED AND NOT LANGUAGE BASED No, the repetions are language based as you are searching to use the correct tense forms

YOU AVOID PAUSES: no, there are still a lot of pauses

YOU DO NOT USE AUTO CORRECTIONS no, you still use some auto correction

YOU USE DISCOURSE MARKERS AND COHESIVE DEVICES WELL partially, you use some discourse markers and cohesive devices, but you could use more

YOU CAN SPEAK AT LENGTH partially, you can fill the 2 minutes but there are still a lot of pauses and repetions, plus you use basic language to try to speak at lenght

YOU CAN SPEAK AT LENGTH ABOUT ANY TOPIC, not applicable as you only spoke about 1 topic

2 Lexical Resource

YOU USE A WIDE RANGE OF VOCABULARY partially, you use mostly basic expression to talk about the topic apart from some more advanced ones here and there

YOU USE YOUR VOCABULARY FLEXIBLY partially you still struggle here and there to say exacly what you mean

YOU CAN CONVEY PRECISE MEANING partially the words you use can convay precise meaning but you can use more complex vocabulary to talk about the topic

YOU USE LESS COMMON IDIOMATIC LANGUAGE no, you use here and there some more complex language but not really idiomatic

YOU CAN TALK ABOUT ANY TOPIC AT LENGTH not applicable as you only talked about 1 topic


YOU HAVE GOOD AWARENESS OF STYLE partially, cause is a bit too informal in this case

YOU HAVE GOOD AWARENESS OF COLLOCATIONS partially, you have some awareness, but still make some mistakes. You also use some basic language here and there without too many collocations

YOUR WORD CHOICES ARE CORRECT mostly, most of your choices are correct but you still make some mistakes here and there

YOU HAVE NO PROBLEMS WITH WORD FORMATION yes, no issues of word formation


3 Grammatical Range and Accuracy

YOU USE A WIDE RANGE OF GRAMMAR STRUCTURES partially, you use some different tenses, you use the passive. But most grammar is still simple use

YOU CAN USE THESE STRUCTURES FLEXIBLY mostly, the structures that you use you seem to be able to use felxibly, tough some mistakes occure

YOU PRODUCE ERROR FREE SENTENCES no, all sentences have some form of mistake pressent

YOU DON’T HAVE ANY SYSTEMATIC ERRORS no, some of the errors are styematic as when looking for the corrct tense

YOUR GRAMMAR USE DOES NOT CAUSE COMPREHENSION ISSUES yes, eventhough there are some mistakes one can understand what is said and meant


5 Pronunciation

YOU DON’T HAVE ISSUES WITH INDIVIDUAL SOUNDS no, you have some systematic errors with individual sounds

INDIVIDUAL SOUNDS DO NOT CAUSE COMPREHENSION ISSUES mostly, here and there there is some strain and one time a word is not understandable

YOU DON’T HAVE ISSUES WITH WORDSTRESS partially, there are some issues with word stress


YOU CAN USE DIFFERENT FEATURES OF CONNECTED SPEECH no, you are not really using many feartures of connected speach and some are used wrongly

YOU HAVE NO ISSUES WITH INTONATION mostly intonation is good

YOUR L1 ACCENT DOES NOT CAUSE ANY COMPREHENSION ISSUES mostly, on one occasion there was an issue in understanding a word

General feedback on target score

GOAL 6.5+ :

1 FLUENCY AND COHESION: more work needed

You have some issues with fluency. For this you need more practice speaking and dealing with different topics as well as expanding your lexical resources

2 LEXICAL RESOURCES: more work needed

Though you use some more complex vocabulary you should go more toward idiomatic language and more use of collocations. You also have to be a bit more careful with your word choices. This means you need to expand your vocabulary more


You make some systematic errors with articles and tenses. You need some more work on this. You can auto correct most of your mistakes, the next step would be using them correctly so autocorrect is no longer needed. You will need some more work on the correct use of articles and this should be firstly done by more gap fill exercises and trying to use it correctly in speech

4 PRONUNCIATION: more work needed

You have some typical Asian pronunciation issues, but most of the time they do not cause any problems for comprehension.


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