English Notes | One day I will find the right words and ...

4855210-18034000Level 2 WritingBar Charts / Line GraphsInformation Transfer 2Preparation – Fall 2015Your class test for Information Transfer 1 is in Week 8. Get ready!For the test, you will have to write a report about a bar chart or line graph. You will have ______ minutes. You will have to write at least _____words.You will write ____ paragraphsName: _____________________ID: __________________Section: ____________________651510-348615What is the graph saying? Discuss with a partner.What does the graph show?Which number is higher: The number at the beginning (in 1990), or the end (1999)?Which period had the highest percentage of sales?Which period had the lowest number?What happened between 2000 and 2003?What happened between 2003 and 2004?What happened between 2004 and 2006?Discuss some vocabulary and then write a sentence in response to each question above. Subject = Verbs = Went up – Went down – Did not change – VOCABULARY TO DESCRIBE TRENDSTrends are changes or movements over time. These changes are normally expressed in numeric items, for example, percentage, weight, or number. There are three basic trends: Rising Falling Remaining the same For each trend there are a number of verbs and nouns to express the movement. We can use a verb of change, for example:Population levels fell. Match the graphic with the vocabulary below. Draw it into the box next to the vocab:picturePast Tenserose to increased towent up to climbed tofell todeclined todecreased todropped went down toleveled out atdid not changeremained steady atstayed constant atfluctuated peaked atplateaued atstood at (began at…)USING ADVERBS TO EXPLAIN VERBS OF CHANGEWe use ADVERBS (following the verb) to describe to what extent (how much) the verb of change plete the sentences below by filling in the correct adverb or adjective - look at the arrows to guide you. rapidlydramaticallysharplysteadilygradually moderatelyslightly0361315Choose the best word from the box to fill in the blank.stood atfell dramatically tooverall trendremained steadygradually declinedtorose rapidly toThe line graph shows the percentage of cute babies born in the USA from 1990 to 1999. As an 1._____________________, the cutest babies were born from 1993 to 1995.First, in 1990 the percentage of cute babies 2.__________________ 70%. Then, in 1991 the percentage of cute babies 3. ____________________ 30% in 1991 and 20% in 1992. After that, in 1993 the percentage of cute babies 4. _________________________ 80% until it 5. _____________________ 70% in 1996, and 60% in 1997 where it 6. _______________________ until 1999.(p. 11) Essential vocabulary for writing temporal line and bar chartsVerbsP-tenseAdverbsOthersriserapidlyconstantincreasedramaticallyaroundclimbsharplyapproximatelyfallgraduallyaboutdecreasemoderatelyreducesteadilydropslightlyRemain the sameslowlyLevel outStay the samefluctuateplateaupeakComplete the table then label the simple charts below with adverbs or nouns.Sentence patterns to use in your report (p. 7)You can use the verb/ adverb forms to describe a trend:The number of students increased rapidly in 2008.The amount of wheat dropped moderately between 2004 and 2006..tipsBe careful of spellings – learn the vocabulary table.Use the correct adverbs to describe trends.Use the correct tense for verbs and vary them. (L2 uses past tense)Check that you have an overall trend and that it is correct.The population of rabbits in Queensland ___________ __________ during 1998.The number of households owning more than one car ___________ ____________ between 2001 and plete the following sentences by using an appropriate verb and an adverb (for most sentences). Please put the sentences in the past tense.The number of students attending Oxford University _________ ______________ between 1997 and 200.Stocks in computer chips ___________ __________ during December.The amount of rainfall in the UAE ________ ____________ during July.The number of homes owning more than one TV ________ ________ during September then __________ ________ during October and ratings ________ at ten million on June 30th. Sales of Play Station Three ___________ _________ during March then ____________ _____________ during April. The number of people investing in on-line bonds ______________ during the months of February and March. Sales of crude oil ________________ between 2 and 2.5 million barrels during May. (p. 8) Describe the chart. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Write at least 120 words. Double space.Number of people in UAE with Blackberry phonesthousands(p. 9) Describe the chart. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Write at least 120 words. Double space.Number of people worldwide with Samsung phonesmillions Percentage of people in Europe with iPhonespercentageWriting the Introduction (p 12)Two sentences1st sentence: what the table/chart shows –Example: The chart shows the percentage of cute babies born in the UAE from ……………… to ………………...Tip: include all the info from the title, X axis, Y, axis (where, what, when, how measured)Options: The chart shows the cute babies born in the UAE from 1990 to 1999, in percentage.2nd sentence: overall trendExample: As an overall trend, we can see that the percentage [increased / decreased] over the ……… -year period.Options: “..over the ……… years” Writing the BodyBody Paragraph TS - Sentence 1: TS identifies “In general, we can see that…..”SS - data at start. (“In ….., the ….. stood at ….”)SS - data for changes + LW “Then/after that, …. increased/decreased...... to…” – use some verb/adverbs & some noun/adjectivesSS – end / Special points (highest / lowest)Example answerThe line graph ………………. the percentage of cute babies born in the UAE from 1990 to 1999. As an overall ……………………., the ………………… of cute babies ………………. in the UAE over this period.We can see that overall, the percentage of cute babies increased over the 9 year period. In 1990 the percentage …………………… …………80%. Then, from 1990 to 1995 the percentage decreased ………….. from 80% to 5%. Between 1995 and ………. the percentage did not ……………. Finally, from 1997 to 1999 the percentage of cute babies born in the UAE ………………… dramatically from 5% to 90%. The number was the highest in 1999, at 90%54368702426970 (95 words) English 2 Task 1 Writing Practice TestFall 2015 Q1- Exam Time: 30 minutesWrite 120 words, minimum.At the end of the exam, return all exam materials to the teacher.72738816002100Example Answer: The line graph shows how many tourists visited Al Ain’s Old Souq every year from 2004 to 2015. As an overall trend, the number of people visiting the souq decreased over the eleven-year period.In 2004 the number of tourists stood at 2,100. Then, from 2004 until 2007, it rose gradually, and peaked at 2,300. The next year, in 2008, tourist numbers fell dramatically to 1,600, which was the lowest point in the eleven years shown. Then from 2008 to 2012, they fluctuated between 1,600 and 1,700. Then, in 2013, there was a sharp climb in tourist numbers to 1,950 people. After that, from 2013, the amount of visitors declined steadily until numbers fell to 1,850 in 2015. 126 wordsAnalysis:How does the report start? (Write the first four words.) _______________________________Is the title paraphrased? (different words with the same meaning) __________What is the title? (Exact words.) __________________________________________________What is the paraphrased title?____________________________________________________Is it correct to say ‘the line increased’? _____________________________________________Is it ok to say ‘the tourists increased’? ______________________________________________Is it best to say ‘the number of tourists increased’? ____________________________________How many different ways is the number of tourists written?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How can you write: In 2013, there was a sharp climb in tourist numbers to 1,959 people. in a different way?____________________________________________________________________________Why does Souq have a capital S in the first line, but a small S in the second?What is the minimum word count for the Level Two Line Graph task?_____________How many words are there in the model answer?___________Is it ok to write more than 120 words?______What happens if you write fewer words than the word count says?___________What is another word that means dramatically?___________What is another word for increased?___________How many paragraphs are there? _______Is it necessary to write a conclusion in an IELTS Task 1 line graph report? ______528447045720ERROR CORRECTION PRACTICEThe underlined words contain errors. Correct them and mark them with the CODESFind some that are not marked yet, and mark them with the CODESAfter you fix Check it √ (so that it is clear that you saw and fixed it)Extra points, re-write the essayThe line graph show the percentage of cute babys born in the UAE and germany from 1990 to 1999. As an overall trend, we can the percentage of cute babies increase in the UAE. but it decreased in Germany. Looking at the percentage of babies in the UAE, we can see that overall, the cute babies increase over the 9 years period. In 1990 the percentage stood at 80%. Then, from 1990 to 1994 there was a steady decrease from 80% to 50%. In 1994, the percentge decreased rapidly to 5%, which was the lowest point in period. Between 1995 and 1997 the percentage not change. Finally, from 1997 to 1999 the percentage of cute babies born in the UAE climb dramatically from 5% to 90%, which was the highest point in the period.Unlike the UAE, in Germany we can see that there was an overall decline in the percentage of cute babies throughout the 10 year period. In 1990, the percentage stood at 50%, and it remained constant for the next two years. From 1992 to 1997, there it fluctuated up and down, between 40% and 90%. Then, in 1997, there was a sharp decrease from 90% down to 5%, which was the lowest percentage in the 10 years.(163 words)Which words do you want to remember how to spell? Write them correctly.Vocabulary practice for writing about line graphsDraw an arrow above the sentences to show what the sentence is describing:Example:There was a sharp rise in the population of spiders between June and August in Rome, Italy.Between August and December, the number of Nissan Patrols sold in Al Ain fluctuated between 400 and 500.In 2005 the population of Ankara Turkey fell dramatically.There was a slight increase in the cost of milk in January.The temperature peaked at 47 degrees in August.In 1993 the number of bicycles sold in Al Ain remained steady at 250.Write the following phrases in the box that best matches the arrows:Rose to a declinestayed constant atclimbed toan increaseno changebegan at went up toa fallstood at an upward trenddeclined tofell todropped increased to did not changea decreasewent down toleveled out ata rise(p 13) Identify the following trends and complete each sentence:Amount of oil produced in Canada10 20 30 40 50 60 70 (millions of barrels)2001 2002 2003 200420052006 20072008200920102011Between _______ and 2004, the amount of oil produced in Canada _________ sharply to a ________ of ____ million ________, and then from 2006 to ________, it _____________ the same at approximately _______ million.Amount of oil produced in Canada10 20 30 40 50 60 70 (millions of barrels)2001 2002 2003 200420052006 20072008200920102011From _____ to 2005 the number of ________ _________________ from around ___ _______ barrels in 2001 to about 60 ________ in _______. Then, __________ 2005 and _____ the amount _____ dropped __________ to about ____ million in ______.Amount of oil produced in Canada10 20 30 40 50 60 70 (millions of barrels)2001 2002 2003 200420052006 20072008200920102011In _______, the amount of _____ stood at 20 __________ barrels, after which it _______ slightly to around ____ million in _____. Between 2008 and ______, the amount increase ___________ to _________ million barrels.Amount of oil produced in Canada10 20 30 40 50 60 70 (millions of barrels)2001 2002 2003 200420052006 20072008200920102011From _____ to 2003, the __________ of barrels _______ sharply from ____ million to around ______ million. Next, the number ___________ steadily to about _____ million between 2003 ____ ______.Amount of oil produced in Canada10 20 30 40 50 60 70 (millions of barrels)2001 2002 2003 200420052006 20072008200920102011In ______, the __________ of barrels ________ at ______ million, and then it remained ____ _______ until _______. Following that, _____ number ___________ at around 70 million in _______.Line Graph Timed Writing Exam – FA 14 Q2 – Level 2-3Name: ID Section: Date_____ Content/ _____ Organization (10 points)IntroductionYESNO11st sent. : what the table/chart shows (“The chart/graph shows… [title] + what the data includes [line key], from [when] to [when], by/in [unit of measurement on Y axis”)22nd sentence gives a clear and correct general overview of trends for All lines (As an overall trend, we can say that the …….”)Body Paragraph 1 (1st Line)YESNO3TS identifies 1st line (“Looking at the ……”) and gives overview of trend (“As an overall trend, we can say that…..”)4SS - data at start. (“In ….., the ….. stood at ….”)5SS - data for changes + LW “Then/after that, …. increased/decreased...... to…” – use some verb/adverbs & some noun/adjectives6SS - Special pointsBody Paragraph 2 (2nd Line)YESNO7topic sentence gives a general overview (2 points: from beginning to end, 2) 8SS - data at start. (“In ….., the ….. stood at ….”)9SS - data for changes + LW “Then/after that, …. increased/decreased...... to…” – use some verb/adverbs & some noun/adjectives10SS - Special pointsBody Paragraph 3 (3rd Line)YESNO11topic sentence compares to Line 1 and 2 gives a general overview 12SS - data at start. (“In ….., the ….. stood at ….”)13SS - data for changes + LW “Then/after that, …. increased/decreased...... to…” – use some verb/adverbs & some noun/adjectives14SS - Special points_____ Grammar/ _____ Vocab (10 points)YESNOEvery sentence has a subject and verb. (su, v)P is used to separate sentences correctly (P)Some clauses are combined (but, and)Prepositions are used correctly (prep)Capital letters are used correctly ?Spelling is Correct (sp)new vocab is tried. (Voc)Forms (Verbs/adverbs/Nouns/adj) used correctly (F)485775-4768854722495355727000Essay 1, by HaleemarightbottomThe line graph shows the percentage of cute babies born in the UAE between 1990 and 1999. The highest number of cute babies was born in 1998 and 1999, and the lowest number of cute babies was between 1995 and 1997.In 1990 the percentage of cute babies stood at 80%. Then, between 1991 and 1994 the percentage of cute babies decreased steadily from 80% to 50%. From 1994 to 1995 that percentage dropped dramatically from 50% to only 5%. That percentage remained steady at 5% from 1995 to 1997. After that, the percentage of cute babies born in the UAE rose sharply from 5% to 90% between 1997 and 1999.120 wordsEssay 2,by Ahmed (he was born in 1998)The line graph shows the percentage of cute babies born in the UAE from 1990 to 1999. As an overall trend, the percentage of cute babies increased. First, in 1990 the percentage of cute babies born in the UAE stood at 80%. Then, from 1990 to 1995 the percentage of cute babies decreased rapidly from 80% to 5%. Between 1995 and 1997 the percentage of cute babies did not change. Finally, from 1997 to 1999 the percentage of cute babies born in the UAE climbed dramatically from 5% to 90%. ................

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