SVRS IEP Award of Excellence Application

Sorenson VRS (SVRS) IEP Award of Excellence Application

Guidelines for submitting application:

• Please fill out the following form in its entirety

• Upon completion, email the application as an attachment to IEP@ or mail the application to:

SVRS IEP Award of Excellence, 4192 South Riverboat Road, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123

Contact Information

|Contact Name:       |Title:       |

|Telephone/VP Number:       |Fax Number:       |

|Email Address:       |Website:       |

Interpreter Education Program and Faculty Information

|Interpreter Education Program Name: |

|      |

|Mailing Address:       |

|City:       |State:       |ZIP:       |

|Telephone/VP Number:       |Fax Number:       |

|Email Address:       |Website:       |

|Faculty Director or Department Chair:       |Title:       |

|Qualifications:       |

|Background:       |

|Credentials:       |

|VITA: Please insert your VITA below. |

Award Criteria

Section 1: Executive Summary

|Submit a 500-word summary of your program that highlights the ways in which it demonstrates excellence in interpreter education.  |

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Section 2: Curriculum

|A. Objectives |

|Please state the objectives of the curriculum and how they are measured. |

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| B. VRS Instruction Offered |

|Summarize the ways in which the program addresses VRS instruction. Include approximate number of contact hours in the curriculum that address VRS. Sample |

|topics could include but are not limited to: |

|What a VRS call is and how an interpreter facilitates these types of calls |

|Using VRS technology in an interpreting environment |

|Handling various VRS call scenarios |

|Benefits of working in a VRS environment |

|Hands-on lab environment in which mock VRS calls are conducted with volunteers from local deaf centers |

|Please provide course descriptions for each course that include video relay-related content currently offered, along with the educational objectives for the |

|course |

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|Enter the (600 word minimum, no maximum limit) summary here. |

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|C. Language Mentorship Opportunities Provided for the Class of 2010 During the Program |

|Mentorship is a one-to-one developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable ASL or English user helps develop specific ASL or |

|English skills in a less-experienced language user. |

|When was the language mentorship program established? |

|What are the components of the language mentorship program? |

|Does the program address both ASL and English? |

|How many times do language mentorship opportunities appear in the program? |

|How many language mentors are included in the program? |

|Enter the (600 word minimum, no maximum limit) summary here. |

|D.  Supervised Practicum for the Class of 2010 |

|A practicum is typically a course offered during the program that is designed to give students supervised practical experiences in interpreting. |

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|Submit a summary of supervised student practicum opportunities and processes. See below for a sample outline that shows processes including, but not limited |

|to, the following: |

|Qualifications |

|Interview |

|Observation |

|Training |

|Goal setting |

|Progress assessment |

|Completion guidelines |

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|Enter the (600 word minimum, no maximum limit) summary here. |

|E. Service Learning for the Class of 2010 |

|Service learning fosters civic responsibility through organized internships that foster community service as well as meet the needs of a specific community. |

|Service learning may be coordinated with existing community service programs. Classroom discussions reference and reinforce community-based experiences. |

|(Community Service Act, 1990) |

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|Describe the service learning component of the curriculum |

|How many hours of service learning did each student provide? |

|Describe the structured reflection aspect of the service learning experience. |

|Enter the (600 word minimum, no maximum limit) summary here. |

|F.  Internship |

|An internship, typically provided after students have completed their course work, provides supervised, real-world experience in interpreting with an emphasis |

|on on-the-job training. Internships can be paid or unpaid. Sometimes internships can take the form of a course offered at the end of a program that allows the |

|student to work in full- or part-time settings with supervision. |

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|Provide an executive summary of the internship portion of the curriculum and attach internship requirements and guidelines. |

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|Enter the (600 word minimum, no maximum limit) summary here. |

G.  Post-Graduate Mentorship Opportunities

Mentorship is a one-to-one developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable interpreter helps develop interpreting skills in a less experienced interpreter.

Does the IEP offer mentorship opportunities with schools, agencies, private organizations or VRS programs? If so, briefly describe the mentorship program.

Enter the (600 word minimum, no maximum limit) summary here.

H.  Hallmarks of Excellence

Describe the ways in which your IEP distinguishes itself from other IEPs and why it should receive the SVRS IEP Award of Excellence.

Enter the (600 word minimum, no maximum limit) summary here.

Section 3: Accreditation

|Please state which form of accreditation your institution uses and when accreditation was obtained. (e.g. Middle States Accreditation, Western Association of |

|Schools and Colleges, etc.) |

|If the program has applied for Commission on Collegiate Interpreter Education (CCIE) accreditation or other form of program accreditation, please furnish proof|

|of application for accreditation, admission to candidacy or accreditation. |

|      |

Section 4: Intended Use of Award Funds

|Submit an explanation and itemized budget detailing how funds would be used to improve your IEP should it receive the SVRS IEP Award of Excellence. For |

|example, budget descriptions might include, but would not be limited to, purchases of the following: |

|Additional IEP library books and DVDs - please list book and DVD titles |

|ELMO projector(s) |

|Video recording equipment |

|Computers equipped with web cameras |

|Lab equipment |

|Testing tools |

|Additional uses of funds could include, but would not be limited to, the following: |

|Curriculum revision |

|Practicum enhancement |

|Mentorship enhancement |

|CCIE application and accreditation process, including preparation of the Self Study Report (SSR) |

|Development of intraprogram evaluation and assessment tools |

|Enter summary detail here. Use of funds might include the following: practicum enhancement, CCIE application/accreditation, library materials (please list book|

|and DVD titles), lab and presentation equipment, computers, testing tools, etc. |

Section 5: Post Graduation Results for the Class of 2010

|Submit the following information: |

|The total number of graduates in 2010. |

|Enter number here. |

|The number of 2010 graduates that have either National Association of the Deaf (NAD)-Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) National Interpreter |

|Certification (NIC) tested or have received state quality assurance screening or certification at an advanced or higher level within six months of program |

|completion. Provide separate numbers on those who have taken the test but are awaiting results. |

|Enter number here. |

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|Include details on the processes the IEP uses to track all graduates' certification attempts or achievements after program completion. |

|Enter the (600 word minimum, no maximum limit) summary here. |

|The number of graduates that were gainfully employed in the field of interpreting by November 1, 2010. |

|Enter number here. |

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|Detail the types of employment in which the 2010 graduates are engaged and indicate which are full-time or part-time. |

|Enter the (600 word minimum, no maximum limit) summary here. |

|Include details on the processes the IEP uses to track all students from beginning the program through graduation and gainful employment to their present |

|positions. |

|Enter the (600 word minimum, no maximum limit) summary here. |

Additional Comments

|Additional comments may be entered here. |

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Rev. 12/10


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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