Pre-Abroad Form FOR-CREDIT International Engineering ...

Pre-Abroad Form FOR-CREDIT

International Engineering Program


Independent Internship For-Credit Guidelines

First and Last Name Engineering Department Click to Select

R Number (Please include R)

I will fulfill my international experience degree requirement through other forms of educational and cultural programs, such as: international internship, service-learning, and/or research abroad. I understand my international experience must be a minimum of 6 weeks in length. I have discussed my program with the IEP Program Manager at the International Engineering Program's office and it has been approved.

Optional: Students enrolled in at least 3-credit hours relating to their experience abroad (during their time abroad) can enroll in the Global Scholar Certificate Program to fulfill the State of Texas multicultural requirement. Please see more information on the TTU Study Abroad Website.

Once I return from the international program, I will fill out the Post International Engineering Program Independent Internship Form as well as provide my portfolio (guidelines are given in IEP advising appointment and below).

Title of Internship Program:

City, Country:

Duration of Program: Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Have you completed the TTU Study Abroad application? Yes

End Date (MM/DD/YYYY) No

Approximate # of hours interning per week:

Please provide a description of what company you will be interning with and the duties/responsibilities you will be assigned. Internship offer letter on company letterhead must be given to Program Manager at the time you submit this form.

Student Signature:


Emergency Contact First and Last Name: Emergency Contact Phone Number: Relationship:


STOP: Office use only beyond this point.

Program Manager Signature:


International Internship Guidelines for Students, Faculty and Advisors

Applying for International Intern - Credit

Students will work with their Program Manager from the Whitacre College of Engineering (WCOE) to enroll in a section of ENGR 3000 to maintain affiliation with the university while on the internship. Even if the student is taking TTU courses by distance, the student must enroll in ENGR 3000 to track their participation.

For the students to be registered in a section of ENGR 3000, the students must show an offer letter. A copy of the offer letter must be submitted to the Program Manager on company letterhead. The offer letter must include the following:

Title Salary Supervisor's name and contact information Time period of employment Location of employment Job description and duties

International Internship Portfolio

Upon completion of the experience, the student must submit a portfolio of work performed while abroad. The portfolio is due the first day of class of the long semester (summer internships, portfolio is due the first day of fall classes). As the portfolio is due past the date that final grades are due for the semester; the student will not be given a grade, which will turn into an incomplete. However, the Program Manager will work with the advisor and faculty of the student's department to change the grade after submittal of the portfolio.

A grade for ENGR 3000 will be based on the delivery and ultimate quality of the portfolio. The portfolio must include the following.

Cover sheet (Name, R#, company, location, major) Table of contents Times New Roman font 12 point font is the maximum 1 inch margins No less than 20 pages Introduction explaining the work performed. The introduction should include the following:

o Description and detail of the company (history, student's interest in the company, etc) o Description of the job duties (if confidential job duties-student is responsible for

communicating with the supervisor of the best interpretation of the duties clearly and professionally for understanding of what the student performs) o Discussion on how work performed connected to completed and future coursework

o Discussion on your overall reflections of your experiences in another culture. These reflections should discuss your environment, daily activities, challenges and/or defeats, your community, etc.; and incorporate a reflection about your observations, experiences and feelings.

Examples of work performed (multiple visual, calculations, drawing, diagrams, etc.) Examples of community involvement and cultural experiences (pictures of your community,

work environment, tours, etc) Internship Student Evaluation

Grading of the Portfolio

The portfolio will be submitted to the Program Manager. The portfolio will then be reviewed by the student's academic advisor or a faculty member, as determined by the student's program of study. The portfolio will be evaluated using the grading rubric (Appendix A). If student is not in Lubbock to turn in the portfolio, student must work with the Program Manager on turn in dates. Every day past the due date the portfolio is late, one letter grade will be deducted and permission from the Program Manager in the WCOE Dean's Office to turn it in late.


The student is responsible for turning in the assignment by the deadline, for communicating changes, and issues with the internship contact the Program Manager. Failure to do so may result in a loss of credit for the internship, financial aid issues and other problems.

Program Managers

Allison Wright ? Europe Ashley Haseley ? Asia, Africa, Australia/Pacific & The Middle East Morgan Trevino ? Latin America



Student Name Employing Organization Contact Name Address Internship length Internship job title


1. Describe your internship assignment and your expected goals.

2. How did this experience impact your career visions and expectations?

3. What benefits do you see in doing an internship abroad?

4. Do you recommend this internship for other students? Why or why not?

5.Did the international internship change your global perspective? If so, how?

International Internship Paper Grading Rubric - Credit

Performance Element

Level 5-4

Level 3-2

Level 1-0

Provided a thorough description of Describes the Company the company (type of work

performed, clients, market, etc.).

Outlines Job Duties

The author clearly articulated the type of work done on the coop; can even demonstrate growth of responsibility during the coop experience.

Mostly described a thorough description of the company (type of work performed, clients, market, etc.).

Poor description of the company (type of work performed, clients, market, etc.). Unclear what the company does

Somewhat explained the job duties Did not clearly explain the type of and tasks performed on the coop. work completed on the coop.

Connection to Academic Study

Author clearly outlines how work performed connected to completed course work. Connects job activities to future courses and future employment desires.

Somewhat describes how the work performed built upon coursework conducted. Little effort to relate to future employment interests.

Did little to no connecting of job activities to academic course work and did not connect to future potential opportunities.

Cultural Reflection

Author clearly discusses their overall reflections while incorporating their observations and feelings.

Completeness of Thought and Organized Presentation

Responses to evaluation questions are very thorough. Paper flows and ideas are connected. Uses headings to organize thoughts.

Somewhat describes their reflections and feelings.

Reponses to evaluation questions need expansion. Paper not well organized; used topic sentences. Some structure.

Did not clearly incorporate their cultural reflections.

Some or all of the evaluation questions are incomplete. Paper not well organized; do not use topic sentences. No structure.

Grammar and Spelling

Proper grammar is used throughout. Very few spelling mistakes.

Some grammar corrections are required. Occasional spelling mistakes.

Attention to proper grammar is lacking. Many spelling mistakes.

International Engineering Program Independent Internship For-Credit Completion Form

Post-Abroad Form FOR-CREDIT

First and Last Name: R Number (Please include R):


Department: Click to Select

I have fulfilled my international requirement through other forms of educational and cultural programs, such as: international internship, service-learning, and/or research abroad. My program was approved by the IEP Program Manager at the International Engineering Program's office. With this form, I have also provided my portfolio which includes detailed information on my specific program and location. All students must follow the guidelines given to them before departure.

Title of Activity:

City, Country:

Program Duration: Start: (MM/DD/YYYY)


Date of Submittal:

Direct Supervisor Contact Information:

First and Last Name:




Phone Number:

Completion of Global Scholar Certificate:




Signature of Student



STOP: For office use only beyond this point.


Not Approved

IEP Program Manager Signature



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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