Charts for TETF - LASEC

Lockport Area Special Education Cooperative

Performance Evaluation Report

Special Education Teacher


ASSIGNMENT: ______________________ STATUS/YEAR:


EVALUATION SEQUENCE: Pre-Evaluation Visitation Date _____________________

Performance Observation Date _____________________

Length of Visit

Post Observation Conference Date – Evaluation Completed ________________


SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Four Domains of Teaching with 23 components and 79 Elements

| | |

|Domain 1: Planning and Preparation |Domain 2: The Classroom Environment |

| | |

|a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students c. Selecting IEP Goals |a. Creating an Environment of Respect and |

|d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources e. Designing Coherent Instruction |Rapport |

|f. Assessing Student Learning |b. Establishing a Culture for Learning c. Managing Classroom Procedures |

| |d. Managing Student Behavior e. Organizing Physical Space |

| | |

|Domain 3: Instruction |Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities |

| | |

|a. Communicating Clearly and Accurately |a. Reflecting on Teaching |

|b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques c. Engaging Students in Learning |b. Maintaining Accurate Records |

|d. Providing Feedback to Students |c. Communicating with Families and Staff d. Contributing to the School and District |

|e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness f. Using Student Assessment Data |e. Growing and Developing Professionally f. Showing Professionalism |



Name: Date: School: Grade Level/Subject Area:

Please set 1-3 goals ONLY in the targeted Domains

| | |


|Targeted |STRATEGIES: What will the Special | |

|Components: |Education Teacher do to achieve goal(s)? |Sources of Data/Proof/Evidence: |

| | | |

| | |


|Targeted |STRATEGIES: What will the Special | |

|Components: |Education Teacher do to achieve goal(s)? |Sources of Data/Proof/Evidence: |

| | | |

From: Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching” by Charlotte Danielson, ASCD Publications, 1996




Name: ________________________________ Date of Observation: ________________________

School: _ Grade/SubjectArea: ______

|1. Briefly describe the students in this class, including those with special needs. |6. How do you plan to engage students in the content? What will you do? |

|(Component 1b) |What will the students do? (Component 1e) |

|2. What are your goals and objectives for students for this lesson? What do you want the students to know |7. What difficulties do students typically experience in this area, and how do you plan to anticipate these|

|and be able to do? (Component 1c) |difficulties? (Component 1a) |

|3. Why are these goals suitable for this group of students? (Component 1c) |8. What instructional materials or other resources, if any, will you use? |

| |(Component 1d) |

|4. How do these goals support the district’s content and performance standards? |9. How do you plan to assess student achievement of the goals? What data will you collect? (Attach any |

|(Components 1a and 1c) |tests or performance tasks, with accompanying scoring guides or rubrics.) (Component 1f) |

|5. How do these goals relate to broader curriculum goals in the discipline as a whole? (Component 1c) |10.How do you plan to make use of the results of the assessment? (Component |

| |1f) |

Please us the back of this page to share any other relevant information.



School Year: Component 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content


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| |Special Education Teacher makes content |Special Education Teacher displays basic content|Special Education Teacher displays solid |Special Education Teacher displays extensive |

| |errors or does not correct content errors|knowledge but cannot articulate connections with|content knowledge and makes |content knowledge, with evidence of |

|Knowledge of |students make. |other parts of the discipline or with other |connections between the content and other |continuing pursuit of such knowledge. |

|Content | |disciplines. |parts of the discipline and other | |

| | | |disciplines. | |

| |Special Education Teacher displays little|Special Education Teacher indicates some |Special Education Teacher’s plans and |Special Education Teacher actively builds on |

|Knowledge of Prerequisite |understanding of prerequisite knowledge |awareness of prerequisite learning, although |practices reflect understanding of |knowledge of |

|Relationships* |important for student learning of the |such knowledge may be incomplete or inaccurate. |prerequisite relationships among topics |prerequisite relationships when describing |

| |content. | |and concepts. |instruction or seeking causes for student |

| | | | |misunderstanding. |

| |Special Education Teacher displays little|Special Education Teacher displays basic |Pedagogical practices reflect current |Special Education Teacher |

| |understanding of pedagogical issues |pedagogical knowledge but does not anticipate |research on best pedagogical practice |displays continuing search for best practice |

|Knowledge of |involved in student learning of the |student misconceptions. |within the discipline but without |and anticipates student misconceptions. |

|Content-related pedagogy |content. | |anticipating student misconceptions. | |

| |Special Education Teacher fails to |Special Education Teacher uses state mandated |Special Education Teacher uses forms and |Special Education Teacher uses forms, |

| |complete or use state mandated IEP forms.|IEP forms but does not complete all sections – |completes sections required. |completed required sections and provides |

| | |including supplementary aids/services, related | |support/guidance to other team members on |

|Knowledge of | |services, special education services, dates for | |compliance with forms. |

|IEP Content (see WCSD “look| |ignition, duration of services, frequency, | | |

|fors”) | |location, methods for reporting progress, and | | |

| | |statewide and/or district-wide assessment. | | |

*Prerequisite relationships: This is referring to a “dependent sequence,” or order, that assists students’ understanding, i.e., socks before shoes, place value before addition and subtraction.

*Content-related pedagogy: Teaching strategies closely aligned and supporting content outcomes, i.e. foreign language teachers who use the appropriate accent and physical education teachers who demonstrate skills rather than telling about them.


School Year: Component 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students


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| |Special Education Teacher displays |Special Education Teacher displays generally |Special Education Teacher |Special Education Teacher displays knowledge of|

| |minimal knowledge of developmental |accurate knowledge of developmental |displays thorough understanding of typical |typical developmental characteristics of age |

|Knowledge of |characteristics |characteristics of age group and the impact |developmental characteristics of age group as|group, the impact of the disability on student |

|Characteristics of Age |of age group and the impact of the |of the disability on student performance. |well as exceptions to general patterns and |performance, exceptions to the patterns, and |

|Group |disability on student performance. | |the impact of the disability on student |the extent to which each student follows |

| | | |performance. |patterns. |

| |Special Education Teacher is unfamiliar |Special Education Teacher displays general |Special Education Teacher |Special Education Teacher uses, knowledge of |

|Knowledge of Students’ |with the different approaches to learning|understanding of the different approaches to |displays solid understanding of the different|students’ varied approaches to learning in |

|Varied Approaches to |that student’s exhibit, such as learning |learning that students exhibit, and |approaches to learning that different |instructional planning, as an integral part of |

|Learning* |styles, modalities, and different |includes a limited variety in lesson |students exhibit and occasionally uses those |their instructional planning repertoire. |

| |“intelligences.” |planning. |approaches. | |

| |Special Education Teacher displays little|Special Education Teacher recognizes the |Special Education Teacher displays knowledge |Special Education Teacher displays knowledge of|

|Knowledge of Students’ |knowledge of students’ present level of |value of understanding students’ present |of students’ present level of performance and|students’ present level of performance and the |

|Present Level of |performance and of the students’ |level of performance and the students’ |student potential and loosely connects |students’ potential and is directly correlated |

|Performance |potential and does not indicate that such|potential but does not relate knowledge to |knowledge to the goals and objectives |to the goals and objectives. |

| |knowledge is valuable. |goals and objectives. | | |

|Knowledge of |Special Education Teacher displays little|Special Education Teacher recognizes the |Special Education Teacher |Special Education Teacher displays knowledge of|

|Students’ Interests, |knowledge of students’ interests or |value of understanding students’ interests or|displays knowledge of the interests or |the interests or cultural heritage of each |

|Cultural Heritage, and |cultural heritage and does not indicate |cultural heritage but displays this knowledge|cultural heritage of groups of students and |student. |

|Special Needs |that such knowledge is valuable. |for the class only as a whole. |recognizes the value of this knowledge. | |

|Knowledge of Students’ |Goals do not address the needs of the |Goals loosely relate to the present levels of|Goals relate directly to the present levels |Goals relate directly to the present levels of |

|Goals and Objectives |student as defined in the present level |performance section of |of performance section of the IEP and address|performance section of the IEP and address all |

| |of performance. |the IEP but do not address areas of need for |most areas of need for the student. |areas of need for the student. |

| | |the student | | |


School Year: Component 1c: Selecting Instructional/IEP Goals


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| |Goals are not valuable and |Goals are moderately valuable in |Goals are valuable in their level |Not only are the goals valuable, |

| |represent low expectations or no |either their expectations or conceptual |of expectations, conceptual understanding, |but Special Education Teacher can also |

|Value (Instructional / IEP |conceptual understanding for students. |understanding for students and in |and importance of learning. If applicable, |clearly articulate how goals establish high |

|goals that align with district |Goals do not reflect important learning, |importance of learning. |the goals are an integral part of |expectations and relate to curriculum |

|standards are based on |and are not grounded in district’s content| |prescribed intervention programs (such as |frameworks and standards. If applicable, the |

|assessment data and are |standards. | |SFA, Reading Recovery, etc.) |goals are an integral part of prescribed |

|essential to the discipline | | | |intervention programs |

|being taught). | | | | |

| |Goals are either not clear or are stated |Goals are only moderately clear or include|Most of the goals are clear but may include|All the goals are clear, written in the form |

|Clarity |as student activities. Goals do not permit|a combination of |a few activities. Most permit viable |of student learning, and include viable |

|(Goals stated as student |viable methods of assessment. |goals and activities. Some goals do not |methods of assessment. |methods of assessment. |

|learning that is assessable.) | |permit viable methods of assessment. | | |

| |Goals are not suitable for the diversity, |Most of the goals are suitable for most |All the goals are suitable for most |Goals take into account the varying learning |

| |ages, developmental levels, disability, |students in the class. |students in the class. |needs of individual students or groups. |

|Suitable for Diverse |prior knowledge, or backgrounds of class | | | |

|Students |members. | | | |

|Balance (Goals balance factual |Goals reflect only one type of learning |Goals reflect several types of learning |Goals reflect several different types of |Goals balance many different types of |

|knowledge with conceptual |and one discipline or strand. |but no effort at coordination or |learning and opportunities for integration.|learning, and may include student initiative |

|understanding and longer units | |integration. | |in establishing learning goals. |

|include reasoning, social & | | | | |

|communication skills.) | | | | |


School Year: Component 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources


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| |Special Education Teacher is unaware of |Special Education Teacher displays limited |Special Education Teacher is fully aware of |In addition to being aware of school and |

| |resources available through the school or |awareness or use of resources available |resources available through the school or |district resources, teacher actively seeks |

| |district. |through the school or district. |district and makes use of them regularly. |and uses other materials to enhance |

|Resources for | | | |instruction, for example, from professional |

|Teaching | | | |organizations or through the community. |

| |Special Education Teacher is unaware of |Special Education Teacher displays limited |Special Education Teacher is aware of |In addition to being aware of school and |

| |resources available to assist students who|awareness of resources available through the |resources available through the school or |district resources and support, Special |

| |need them. |school or district. |district and knows how to gain access for |Education Teacher is aware of how to access |

|Resources for | | |students. |additional resources available |

|Students | | | |through the community and assists students in|

| | | | |gaining access. |

| |Special Education Teacher rarely uses |Special Education Teacher displays some |Special Education Teacher accesses and |Special Education Teacher uses the computer |

| |computer or other technology. Special |computer literacy and comfort with other |efficiently uses computers or other |regularly and efficiently for record keeping,|

| |Education Teacher has difficulty helping |technology but use is limited. Special |technology to assist with record keeping, |report writing and communication, and is able|

|Knowledge of Technological |students with “high tech” assistive |Education Teacher does not always feel |report writing, and communication. Special |to develop additional ways to use technology |

|Resources and Computer |technology devices. |comfortable with the “high tech” assistive |Education Teacher is able to assist students |to improve efficiency. Special Education |

|Literacy | |technology devices that students are trying |to become more comfortable with technology. |Teacher can easily help students become more |

| | |to learn. | |proficient with computer operated assistive |

| | | | |technology devices. |


School Year: Component 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction


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| |Learning activities are not suitable to |Only some of the learning activities are |Most of the learning activities are |Learning activities are highly relevant to |

| |students or IEP goals. They do not follow |suitable to students or instructional |suitable to students and instructional |students and instructional goals. They |

| |an organized progression and do not reflect|goals. Progression of activities in the |goals. Progression of activities in the |progress coherently, producing a unified whole|

| |sound professional research. |unit is uneven, and only some activities |unit is fairly even, and most activities |and reflecting sound professional research. |

|Learning Activities | |reflect sound professional research. |reflect sound professional research. | |

| |Materials and resources do not support the |Some of the materials and resources support|All materials and resources support the IEP|All materials and resources support the IEP |

|Instructional Materials and|IEP goals or engage students in meaningful |the IEP goals, and some engage students in |goals, and most engage students in |goals, and most engage students in meaningful |

|Resources |learning. |meaningful learning. |meaningful learning. |learning. Students may participate in |

| | | | |selecting or adapting materials. |

| |Instructional groups do not support the IEP|Instructional groups are inconsistent in |Instructional groups are appropriate to the|Instructional groups are varied, as |

| |goals and offer no variety of instructional|support of the IEP goals and offer minimal |student’s IEP goals and offer a variety of |appropriate to the different IEP goals. |

|Instructional |techniques. |variety of instructional techniques. |instructional techniques. |Students may have choices in selecting |

|Groups | | | |different instructional groups when |

| | | | |appropriate. |


School Year: Component 1f: Assessing Student Learning


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| |Content and methods of assessment lack|Some of the instructional/IEP goals are|All the instructional/IEP goals are nominally |The Special Education Teacher’s formal and |

|Congruence with |congruence with instructional/IEP |assessed through congruent assessment |assessed through a variety of assessments, but |informal assessments are completely congruent with|

|Instructional Goals |goals. |methods, but many are not. |the approach is more suitable to some goals than |the instructional/IEP goals, both in content and |

| | | |to others. |process. |

| |The Special Education Teacher’s |Assessment criteria minimally takes |Assessment criteria is clear, reflects progress |Assessment criteria is clear, reflects progress as|

| |proposed assessment does not consider |into account progress on IEP goals and |as stated in the IEP goals and have been |stated in the IEP goals and have been clearly |

|Criteria and |the progress as per IEP goals. |are not clear or have not been |communicated to students. |communicated to students. Students may contribute|

|Standards | |communicated to students, if | |to assessment through self-monitoring or |

| | |appropriate. | |self-assessment. |

| |The assessment results only minimally |Special Education Teacher uses |Special Education Teacher uses assessment results|Special Education Teacher uses assessment results |

| |affect planning for these students. |assessment results to plan for |to plan for individuals and groups of students to|to plan for individuals and groups of students. |

|Use for Planning | |lessons/activity. |work towards IEP goals. |Students are aware of how they are meeting the |

| | | | |established IEP goals and participate in planning |

| | | | |the next steps, when appropriate. |

| |No PLOPs are available or present |Annual PLOPs are assessed using |Annual PLOPs are documented based on progress on |Annual PLOPs are documented in relation to |

| |levels are determined by |standardized assessments only. There |current measurable goals and objectives. |measurable goals and objectives. Discussion is |

|Using Present Levels of |unsubstantiated methods of |is no discussion regarding progress on |Standardized assessments may be provided. There |provided on how these levels impact the student’s |

|Performance (PLOP) |measurement. |current goals and objectives. |is minimal discussion on how these levels impact |performance in the regular classroom. |

| | | |the student’s performance in the regular | |

| | | |classroom. | |

| |Progress is not documented or reported|Progress is documented but not reported|Goals and objectives are measurable. Progress is |Goals and objectives are measurable and progress |

| |to case manager and/or parent. |to case manager and/or parent. |documented; data is collected but minimally |towards goals is reflected in lesson plans. Data |

|Using Goals and | | |reported to case manager and/or parent. |is collected and effectively reported to case |

|Objectives | | | |manager and/or parent. |


School Year: Component 2a: Creating an Environment of Respect & Rapport


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| |Special Education Teacher interaction with|Special Education Teacher- student |Special Education Teacher-student interactions |Special Education Teacher demonstrates |

| |at least some students is negative, |interactions are generally appropriate but |are friendly and demonstrate general warmth, |genuine caring and respect for individual |

|Special Education Teacher’s|demeaning, sarcastic, or inappropriate to |may reflect occasional inconsistencies, |caring, and respect. Such interactions are |students. Students exhibit respect for |

|Interaction with Students |the age or culture of the students. |favoritism, or disregard for students’ |appropriate to developmental and cultural |Special Education Teacher as an individual,|

| |Students exhibit disrespect for Special |cultures. Students exhibit only minimal |norms. Students exhibit respect for Special |beyond that for the role. * |

| |Education Teacher. * |respect for Special Education Teacher. * |Education Teacher. * | |

| |Student interactions are characterized by |Special Education Teacher has established a|Special Education Teacher has established a |Special Education Teacher has fostered an |

| |conflict, sarcasm, or put-downs. * |climate in which students do not |climate in which students do not demonstrate |environment, which encourages students to |

|Student | |demonstrate negative behavior toward one |negative behavior toward one another. |demonstrate genuine caring for one another |

|Interaction | |another. * |Student interactions are generally polite and |as individuals and as students. * |

| | | |respectful. * | |


School Year: Component 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning


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| |Special Education Teacher or students |Special Education Teacher communicates |Special Education Teacher conveys genuine |Because Special Education Teacher conveys |

| |convey a negative attitude toward the |importance of the work but with little |enthusiasm for the subject, and students |genuine enthusiasm for the subject, |

|Importance of the |content, suggesting that the content is |conviction and only minimal apparent buy-in |demonstrate apparent buy-in. |students demonstrate through their active |

|Content |not important or is mandated by others. |by the students. | |participation, curiosity, and attention to |

| | | | |detail that they value the content’s |

| | | | |importance. |

| |Students demonstrate little or no pride in|Students minimally accept the responsibility |Students accept Special Education Teacher |Students take obvious pride in their work and|

| |their work. They seem to be motivated by |to “do good work” but invest little of their |insistence of work of high quality and |initiate improvements in it; for example, by |

| |the desire to complete a task rather than |energy in the quality of the work. * |demonstrate pride in their work commensurate |revising drafts on heir own initiative, |

|Student Pride in |do high-quality work. * | |with |helping peers, and ensuring that high-quality|

|Work | | |their present level of performance. |work is |

| | | |* |displayed commensurate with their present |

| | | | |level of performance. * |

| |IEP goals and activities, interactions, |IEP goals and activities, interactions, and |IEP goals and activities, interactions, and |High expectations for the learning of all |

| |and the classroom environment convey only |the classroom environment convey inconsistent|the classroom environment convey high |students are established and maintained |

|Expectations for Learning |modest expectations for student |expectations for student achievement based on|expectations for student achievement based on|through planning of learning activities, |

|and Achievement |achievement based on potential. |potential. |potential. |interactions, and the classroom environment |

| | | | |based on individual potential. |


School Year: Component 2c: Managing Classroom Procedures


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|Management of Instructional|Students not working with the |Tasks for group work are partially |Tasks for group work are |Groups working independently are |

|Groups* |Special Education Teacher are not |organized, resulting in some off- task |organized, and groups are managed so most |productively engaged with all for |

| |productively engaged in learning. |behavior when Special Education Teacher is |students are engaged most of the times. |productivity, and maintaining momentum |

| | |involved with one group. | |without need for continuous monitoring. |

|Management of |Much time is lost during transitions. |Transitions are sporadically efficient, |Transitions occur smoothly, with little loss |Transitions are seamless, with students |

|Transitions | |resulting in some loss of instructional time.|of instructional time. |assuming some responsibility for efficient |

| | | | |operation. |

| |Materials are handled inefficiently, |Routines for handling materials and supplies |Routines for handling materials and supplies |Routines for handling materials and supplies |

|Management of Materials and|resulting in loss of instructional time. |function moderately well. |occur smoothly, with little loss of |are seamless, with students assuming some |

|Supplies | | |instructional time. |responsibility for efficient operation. |

|Performance of |Considerable instructional time is lost in|Systems for performing no instructional |Efficient systems for performing |Systems for performing non- instructional |

|Non-instructional Duties |performing non- instructional duties. |duties are fairly efficient, resulting in |non-instructional duties are in place, |duties are well established. |

| | |little loss of instructional time. |resulting in minimal loss of instructional | |

| | | |time. | |

|Supervision of Volunteers |Volunteers and paraprofessionals have no |Volunteers and paraprofessionals are |Volunteers and paraprofessionals are |Volunteers and paraprofessionals make a |

|and Para- Professionals** |clearly defined duties or do nothing most |productively engaged during portions of class|productively and independently engaged during|substantive contribution to the classroom |

| |of the time. |time but require frequent supervision. |the entire class. |environment. |


School Year: Component 2d: Managing Student Behavior


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| |No standards of conduct appear to have |Standards of conduct appear to have been |Standards of conduct are clear to students.|Standards of conduct are clear to all |

| |been established, or students are confused|established for most situations, and most | |stakeholders and a behavior plan |

|Expectations |as to what the standards are. |students seem to understand them. | |has been developed. |

| |Student behavior is not monitored, and the|Special Education Teacher is generally aware |Special Education Teacher is alert to |Monitoring by the Special Education Teacher is|

| |Special Education Teacher is unaware of |of student behavior but may miss the |student behavior at all times |subtle and preventive. Students monitor their|

|Monitoring of |what students are doing. |activities of some students. |and employs strategies that maintain |own and their peers’ behavior, correcting one |

|Student Behavior | | |student attention or momentum. |another respectfully. |

| |Special Education Teacher does not respond|Special Education Teacher attempts to respond|Special Education Teacher response to |Special Education Teacher response to |

| |to misbehavior, or the response is |to student misbehavior but with uneven |misbehavior is appropriate and successful |misbehavior is highly effective and sensitive |

|Response to Student |inconsistent, overly repressive, or does |results, or no serious disruptive behavior |and respects the student’s dignity, or |to students’ individual needs, or student |

|Misbehavior |not respect the student’s dignity. |occurs. |student behavior is generally appropriate. |behavior is |

| | | | |entirely appropriate. |


School Year: Component 2e: Organizing Physical Space


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| |The classroom is unsafe, or the furniture |The classroom is safe, and classroom |The classroom is safe, and the furniture |The classroom is safe, and both Special |

|Safety and Arrangement of |arrangement is not suited to the lesson |furniture is adjusted for a lesson, or if |arrangement is a resource for learning |Education Teacher and students may adjust |

|Furniture |activities, or both. |necessary, a lesson |activities. |the furniture to advance their purposes in |

| | |is adjusted to the furniture, but with | |learning. |

| | |limited success. | | |

|Accessibility to Learning |Special Education Teacher uses physical |Special Education Teacher uses physical |Special Education Teacher uses physical |Both Special Education Teacher and students|

|and Use of Physical |resources poorly, or learning is not |resources adequately, and at least essential|resources skillfully, and all learning is |use physical resources optimally, and |

|Resources |accessible to some students. |learning is accessible to all students. |equally accessible to all students. |students ensure that all learning is |

| | | | |equally accessible to all students. |

Special Ed. Teacher’s Name: DOMAIN 3: INSTRUCTION

School Year: Component 3a: Communicating Clearly and Accurately


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| |Special Education Teacher’s directions and |Special Education Teacher directions and |Special Education Teacher directions and |Special Education Teacher directions and |

| |procedures are confusing to students or are |procedures are clarified after initial |procedures are clear and concise to students|procedures are clear and concise to |

|Directions and |presented at an inappropriate level. |student confusion or are excessively |and |students and anticipate possible student |

|Procedures | |detailed. |contain an appropriate level of detail. |misunderstanding. |

| |Special Education Teacher’s spoken language |Special Education Teacher’s spoken language |Special Education Teacher’s spoken and |Special Education Teacher’s spoken and |

| |is inaudible, or written language is |is audible, and written language is legible.|written language is clear and correct. |written language is correct and expressive,|

| |illegible. Spoke or written language may |Both are used correctly. Vocabulary is |Vocabulary is appropriate to student age and|with well- chosen vocabulary that enriches |

| |contain many grammar and syntax errors. |correct but limited or is not appropriate to|interests, background and disability |the lesson and is appropriate to student |

|Oral and Written |Vocabulary may be inappropriate, vague, or |student age and interests, backgrounds or | |age and interest, background and |

|Language |used incorrectly, leaving students confused.|disabilities. | |disability. |

Special Ed. Teacher’s Name: DOMAIN 3: INSTRUCTION

School Year: Component 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques


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| |Special Education Teacher’s questions are |Special Education Teacher’s questions are a |Most of Special Education Teacher’s |Special Education Teacher’s questions are |

| |virtually all of poor quality. |combination of low and high quality. Only |questions are of high quality. When a |of uniformly high quality. Special |

| | |some |question causes confusion, the Special |Education Teacher knows the processing |

| | |invite a response. |Education Teacher is able to rephrase it and|style of the child and formulates questions|

|Quality of | | |elicit a response. Adequate time is |that are as abstract or concrete as the can|

|Questions | | |available for students to respond. |handle. Adequate time for students to |

| | | | |respond. |

| |Interaction between Special |Special Education Teacher makes |Classroom interaction represents |Special Education Teacher guides |

| |Education Teacher and students is |some attempt to engage students in a true |true discussion, with Special Education |students in assuming considerable |

|Discussion |predominately recitation style, with Special|discussion, with uneven results. |Teacher stepping, when appropriate, to the |responsibility for the success of the |

|Techniques |Education Teacher mediating all questions | |side. |discussion, initiating topics and making |

| |and answers. | | |unsolicited contributions. |

| |Only a few students participate in the |Special Education Teacher attempts to engage|Special Education Teacher successfully |Special Education Teacher successfully |

| |discussion. |all students in the discussion, but with |engages most students in the discussion. |engages all students in the discussion and |

|Student | |only limited success. | |students may encourage and honor the |

|Participation | | | |participation of others. |

Special Ed. Teacher’s Name: DOMAIN 3: INSTRUCTION

School Year: Component 3c: Engaging Students in Learning


| | |




| |Representation of content is |Representation of content is inconsistent in |Representation of content is |Representation of content is appropriate and links |

| |inappropriate and unclear or uses poor|quality: Some is done skillfully, with good |appropriate and links well with |well with students’ knowledge, experience, |

|Representation of |examples and analogies. Presentation |examples; other portions are difficult to |students’ knowledge, experience, |background and IEP goals. Students may contribute |

|Content |does not align with IEP goals. |follow. Presentation only marginally aligns |background and IEP goals. |to |

| | |with IEP goals | |representation of content. |

| |Activities and assignments |Some activities and assignments are appropriate|Most activities and assignments are |All students are cognitively engaged in the |

| |are inappropriate for students in |to students and engage them, but others do not.|appropriate to students. Almost all |activities and assignments and are making progress |

|Activities and |terms of their age, backgrounds or IEP| |students are engaged in them and are |toward their IEP goals. Students may initiate or |

|Assignments |goals. Students are not actively | |making progress toward their IEP goals.|adapt activities and projects to enhance |

| |engaged. | | |understanding. |

| |Instructional groups are inappropriate|Instructional groups are only partially |Instructional groups are productive and|Instructional groups are productive and fully |

| |to the students or to the IEP and |appropriate to the students or only moderately |fully appropriate to the students or to|appropriate to the IEP and instructional goals of a|

|Grouping of |instructional goals. |successful in advancing the IEP and |the IEP and instructional goals of a |lesson. Students take the initiative to influence |

|Students | |instructional goals of a lesson. |lesson. |instructional groups to advance their |

| | | | |understanding. |

| |Instructional materials and resources |Instructional materials and resources are |Instructional materials and resources |Instructional materials and resources are suitable |

| |are unsuitable to the IEP and |partially suitable to the IEP and instructional|are suitable to the IEP and |to the IEP and instructional goals and engage |

|Instructional Materials and|instructional goals or do not engage |goals, or students’ level of mental engagement |instructional goals and engage students|students mentally. Students may initiate the |

|Resources |students mentally. |is moderate. |mentally. |choice, adaptation, or creation of materials to |

| | | | |their own purposes. |

| |The lesson has no clearly defined |The lesson has a recognizable structure, |The lesson has a clearly defined |The lesson’s structure is highly coherent, allowing|

| |structure, or the pacing of the lesson|although it is not uniformly maintained |structure around which the activities |for reflection and closure as appropriate. Pacing |

|Structure and |is too slow or rushed, or both. |throughout the lesson. Pacing of the lesson is |are organized. Pacing of the lesson is|of the lesson is consistent and adapted if |

|Pacing | |inconsistent. |consistent. |needed to be appropriate for all students. |

Special Ed. Teacher’s Name: DOMAIN 3: INSTRUCTION

School Year: Component 3d: Providing Feedback to Students


| | |




|Quality: Accurate, |Feedback is either not provided or is of |Feedback is inconsistent in quality and it |Feedback is consistently of high quality and|Feedback is consistently high quality and |

|Substantive, Constructive, |uniformly poor quality. |does not take into account age, background |does take into account age, background and |does take into account age, background and |

|and Specific | |and disability. |disability. |disability. Provision is made for students |

| | | | |to learn to use feedback in their learning.|

| |Feedback is not provided in a timely manner.|Timeliness of feedback is inconsistent. |Feedback is consistently provided in a |Feedback is consistently provided in a |

| | | |timely manner. |timely manner. Students make prompt use of|

|Timeliness | | | |the feedback in their learning. |

Special Ed. Teacher’s Name: DOMAIN 3: INSTRUCTION

School Year: Component 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility & Responsiveness


| | |




| |Special Education Teacher adheres rigidly to|Special Education Teacher attempts to adjust|Special Education Teacher makes a minor |Special Education Teacher successfully |

|Lesson |an instructional plan, even when a change |a lesson, with mixed results. |adjustment to a lesson, and the adjustment |makes a major adjustment to a lesson. |

|Adjustment |will clearly improve a lesson. | |occurs smoothly. | |

| |Special Education Teacher ignores or brushes|Special Education Teacher |Special Education Teacher successfully |Special Education Teacher seizes a major |

| |aside students’ questions or interests. |attempts to accommodate students’ questions |accommodates students’ questions or |opportunity to enhance learning, building |

|Response to | |or interests. The effects on the coherence |interests. |on a spontaneous event. |

|Students | |of a lesson are uneven. | | |

| |When a student has difficulty learning, the |Special Education Teacher accepts |Special Education Teacher persists in |Special Education Teacher persists in |

| |Special Education Teacher either gives up or|responsibility for the success of all |seeking approaches for students who have |seeking effective approaches for students |

| |blames the student or the environment for |students but has only a limited repertoire |difficulty learning, possessing a moderate |who need help, using an extensive |

|Persistence |the student’s lack of success. |of instructional |repertoire |repertoire of strategies and soliciting |

| | |strategies to use. |of strategies. |additional resources from the school. |

Special Ed. Teacher’s Name: DOMAIN 3: INSTRUCTION

School Year: Component 3f: Using Student Assessment Data


| | |




| |PLOP contains no clear criteria or |IEP goals have been developed from the PLOP, |IEP goals are developed from the PLOP and |IEP goals developed from the PLOP have been|

|Present Levels of |relationship to the general education |but they are not clear, not measurable, nor |are clear, measurable and students are |clearly communicated to students. Special |

|Performance as Expectations|classroom or the district’s standards. |have they been communicated to students when |aware of the criteria when appropriate. |Education Teacher uses assessments that are|

|for Student Performance | |appropriate. | |directly |

| | | | |correlated to the district’s adopted |

| | | | |academic content standards, when |

| | | | |appropriate. |

| |Lessons and activities are not based on the |Lessons and activities are inconsistently |Instructional planning and implementation |Instructional planning and implementation |

|Connecting Assessment Data |PLOP. |based on the PLOP. |are often based on the PLOP and from data |are directly correlated to the PLOP and the|

|to Instructional Decisions | | |the Special Education Teacher has analyzed|needs of students revealed through analysis|

| | | |from informal and/or formal assessments. |of formal and/or informal assessment data. |


School Year: Component 4a: Reflecting on Teaching


| | |




| |Special Education Teacher does not know if|Special Education Teacher has a generally |Special Education Teacher makes an accurate|Special Education Teacher makes a |

| |a lesson was |accurate impression of a lesson’s effectiveness|assessment of a lesson’s effectiveness and |thoughtful and accurate assessment of a |

| |effective or achieved its goals, or |and the extent to which IEP/instructional goals|the extent to which it achieved its goals |lesson’s effectiveness and the extent to |

| |profoundly misjudges the |were met. |and can cite general references to support |which it achieved its goals, citing many |

|Accuracy |success of a lesson. | |the judgment. |specific examples from the lesson and |

| | | | |weighing the relative strength of each. |

| |Special Education Teacher has no |Special Education Teacher makes general |Special Education Teacher makes a few |Drawing on an extensive repertoire of |

| |suggestions for how a lesson may be |suggestions about how a lesson may be improved.|specific suggestions of what he may try |skills, the Special Education Teacher |

|Use in Future |improved another time. | |another time. |offers specific alternative actions, |

|Teaching | | | |complete with probable successes of |

| | | | |different approaches. |


School Year: Component 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records


| | |




| |Special Education Teacher’s system for |Special Education Teacher’s system for |Special Education Teacher’s system for |Special Education Teacher’s system for |

| |maintaining |maintaining information on student completion |maintaining |maintaining information on student completion |

|Student Completion of |information on student completion of |of assignments |information on student completion of |of assignments |

|Assignments |assignments is in disarray. |is rudimentary and only partially effective. |assignments is fully effective. |is fully effective. Students participate in |

| | | | |the maintenance of records. |

| |Special Education Teacher has no system for |Special Education Teacher’s system for |Special Education Teacher’s system for |Special Education Teacher’s system for |

|Student Progress Toward|maintaining information on student progress,|maintaining information on student progress is|maintaining information on student progress |maintaining information on student progress is|

|IEP Goals |or the system is in disarray, or is |rudimentary and partially effective. |is effective, and can be easily and |fully effective. Students may contribute |

| |inaccurate. | |accurately reported to students |information and interpretation of the records.|

| | | |and parents. | |

| |Special Education Teacher’s records for |Special Education Teacher’s records for |Special Education Teacher’s system for |Special Education Teacher’s system for |

|Non- Instructional |non-instructional activities are in |non-instructional activities are adequate, but|maintaining information on non-instructional|maintaining information on non- instructional |

|Records* |disarray, resulting in errors and confusion.|they require frequent monitoring to avoid |activities is fully effective. |activities is highly effective, and students |

| | |error. | |may contribute to its maintenance. |

| |Special Education Teacher rarely has a copy |Special Education Teacher is inconsistent in |Files contain current IEP, protocols of |Files contain current IEP, protocols of |

| |of the current IEP. Notes are not available.|updating files. Many files do not contain a |standardized tests, and notes that are |standardized tests, and notes that are current|

|Maintaining |Files are left in unlocked places. |current IEP. File security is inconsistent. |relatively current and complete. Files are |and complete. Files are kept in a securely |

|Student Files | | |usually locked in a secure location. |locked location. Special Education Teacher |

| | | | |delivers or returns unneeded files promptly. |

| |Special Education Teacher fails to document |Special Education Teacher records of student |Special Education Teacher documents in |Special Education Teacher documentation of |

| |in Section II of the Special Education file |related contacts are incomplete, or difficult |Section II of the IEP file most student |student related contacts are thoroughly |

| |most student-related contacts. Notes |to follow. |related contacts, keeping copies of e-mail |documented in Section II of the IEP file. |

|Recording Contacts with|are not kept of consultation or meetings. | |and handwritten notes, logs of phone and | |

|Students | | |in-person conversations, notes of meetings, | |

| | | |and records. | |

*Example: Permission slips, collection of money, inventory of supplies.



School Year: Component 4c: Communicating with Families and Staff


| | |




| |Special Education Teacher provides little |Special Education Teacher participates in|Special Education Teacher provides |Special Education Teacher frequently provides |

| |information about the educational plan to |the activities for parent communication. |frequent information to parents, as |information to parents, as appropriate, about the |

|Information about the |families. |Special Education Teacher provides |appropriate, about the educational plan. |educational plan. Parents feel comfortable about |

|Educational Plan |It is difficult or uncomfortable for |parents with ways to be reached but |Special Education Teacher can be reached |contacting the Special Education Teacher for more |

| |parents to contact the Special Education |offers little additional information. |for additional information. |information. |

| |Teacher. | | | |

| |Special Education Teacher provides minimal |Special Education Teacher adheres to the |Special Education Teacher communicates |Special Education Teacher provides information to |

| |information to parents and does not respond|school’s required procedures for |with parents about students’ progress on a|parents frequently on both positive and negative |

|Information about |or responds insensitively to parent |communicating to parents. Responses to |regular basis and is available as needed |aspects of student progress. Response to parent |

|Individual Students |concerns about students. |parent concerns are minimal. |to respond to parent concerns. |concerns is handled with great sensitivity. |

|Engagement of Families in |Special Education Teacher makes no attempt |Special Education Teacher makes modest |Special Education Teacher’s efforts to |Special Education Teacher’s efforts to engage |

|the Specialized Educational|to engage families in the educational |and inconsistently successful attempts to|engage families in the educational program|families in the educational program are frequent |

|Programs |program, or such attempts are |engage families in the educational |are frequent and successful. |and successful. Students contribute ideas for |

| |inappropriate. |program. | |projects that will be enhanced by family |

| | | | |participation. |

| |Special Education Teacher does not provide |Special Education Teacher includes all |Special Education Teacher communicates |Special Education Teacher communicates clearly in |

| |information in the IEP of current levels of|the information in the IEP about present |well in the IEP about present levels of |the written IEP and orally during the meeting, |

| |function that apply to educational |levels of performance and goals the |performance and goals the student is to |broadening the understanding of the parents and |

|Communication During the |concerns. The educational relevance is |student is to meet, but the information |meet. Abbreviations and jargon are avoided|general education teachers of how and why the |

|IEP process |unclear from the |is not meaningful |or explained. |student is performing as he is. |

| |written IEP and the discussions at the IEP |to general education teachers or parents | | |

| |meeting. |because of the way it is presented. | | |


*IEPs, Assessments, Educational Placements, FAPE, Procedural Safeguards


School Year: Component 4d: Contributing to the School and District


| | |




| |Special Education Teacher’s relationships |Special Education Teacher maintains cordial|Support and cooperation characterize |Support and cooperation characterize |

| |with colleagues are negative or |relationship with colleagues to fulfill the|relationships with colleagues. |relationships with colleagues. |

|Relationships with |self-serving. |duties that the school or district | |Special Education Teacher takes initiative in |

|Colleagues | |requires. | |assuming leadership among the faculty. |

| |Special Education Teacher avoids becoming |Special Education Teacher participates in |Special Education Teacher volunteers to |Special Education Teacher volunteers to |

| |involved in school events. Special |school events when specifically asked. |participate in school events, making a |participate in school events, making a |

| |Education Teacher makes no attempt to be | |substantial contribution. The |substantial contribution, and assumes a |

|Service to the |flexible when a school event is in | |possibility of schedule adjustments is |leadership role in at least some aspect of |

|School (may not apply to |conflict with educational plans. | |examined when school events are in |school life. Special Education Teacher makes |

|itinerant staff) | | |conflict with the educational plan. |adjustments as possible around school events. |

| |Special Education Teacher avoids becoming |Special Education Teacher participates in |Special Education Teacher volunteers to |Special Education Teacher volunteers to |

| |involved in school and district projects. |school and district projects when |participate in school and district |participate in school and district projects, |

|Participation in School and | |specifically asked. |projects, making a substantial |making a |

|District Projects | | |contribution. |substantial contribution, and assumes a |

| | | | |leadership role in a major school or district |

| | | | |project. |

| |Special Education Teacher ignores special |Special Education Teacher |Special Education Teacher contributes to |Special Education Teacher takes a leadership |

|Contribution to the |education policies and procedures |usually follows the recommended special |the development of district special |role in the development of special education |

|Development of District-wide |recommended for use throughout the |education policies and procedures but |education policies and procedures and |policies and procedures and the recommended |

|Special Education Policies and|district, doing |contributes little to their development. |follows the recommended procedures. |procedures. |

|Procedures |assessment or service delivery in ways | | | |

| |that cannot be supported district-wide. | | | |


School Year: Component 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally


| | |




| |Special Education Teacher engages in no |Special Education Teacher participates in|Special Education Teacher seeks out |Special Education Teacher seeks out opportunities |

|Enhancing of Content Knowledge|professional development activities to |professional activities to a limited |opportunities for professional |for professional development and makes a systematic|

|and Pedagogical Skill |enhance knowledge or skill. |extent when they are convenient. |development to enhance content |attempt to conduct action research in his |

| | | |knowledge and pedagogical skill. |classroom. |

| |Special Education Teacher makes no effort |Special Education Teacher finds limited |Special Education Teacher participates |Special Education Teacher initiates important |

| |to share knowledge with others or to |ways to contribute to the profession. |actively in assisting other educators. |activities to contribute to the profession, such as|

| |assume professional responsibilities. |Special Education Teacher minimally |Special Education Teacher fulfills the |mentoring new Special Education Teachers, writing |

| |Special Education Teacher is not aware of |adheres to the rules, policies and |rules, policies and procedures |articles for publication, and making presentations.|

| |or disregards the rules, policies and |procedures established by the school, the|established by the school, the |Special Education Teacher fulfills the rules, |

| |procedures established by the school, the |district, and the Negotiated Agreement. |district, and the Negotiated Agreement.|policies and procedures established by the school, |

|Service to the |district, and the Negotiated Agreement. | | |the district, and the Negotiated Agreement in an |

|Profession | | | |exemplary way. |


School Year: Component 4f: Showing Professionalism


| | |




| |Special Education Teacher is not alert to|Special Education Teacher’s attempts to |Special Education Teacher is moderately |Special Education Teacher is highly proactive |

|Service to |individual student’s needs |serve students individual needs are |active in service individual student’s |in serving students individual needs, seeking |

|Students | |inconsistent. |needs. |out resources when necessary. |

| |Special Education Teacher contributes to |Special Education Teacher does not |Special Education Teacher models advocacy |Special Education Teacher models advocacy and |

| |school practices that are negative toward|knowingly contribute to school practices |for students by working within the context |instructs students in self advocacy skills |

| |students with disabilities. |that are negative toward students with |of a particular team or department to |making a |

| | |disabilities. |ensure that all students with disabilities |particular effort to challenge negative |

|Advocacy | | |receive a fair opportunity to succeed. |attitudes and helps ensure that all students |

| | | | |with disabilities are honored in the school. |

| |Special Education Teacher makes decisions|Special Education Teacher’s decisions are |Special Education Teacher maintains an open|Special Education Teacher takes a leadership |

| |based on self- serving interests. |based on limited though genuinely |mind and participates in team or |role in team or department decision-making and |

|Decision Making | |professional consideration. |departmental decision-making. |helps ensure |

| | | | |that such decisions are based on the highest |

| | | | |professional standards. |


Each domain will include:

1) Number of marks received as excellent, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory

2) Areas of strength, including examples

3) Areas in need of development, including examples

Domain 1 – Planning and Preparation Excellent 0 Proficient 0 Needs Improvement 0 Unsatisfactory 0

Domain 2- The Classroom Environment Excellent 0 Proficient 0 Needs Improvement 0 Unsatisfactory 0

Domain 3-Instruction Excellent 0 Proficient 0 Needs Improvement 0 Unsatisfactory 0

Domain 4-Professional Responsibilities Excellent 0 Proficient 0 Needs Improvement 0 Unsatisfactory 0

Total Score Excellent 0 Proficient 0 Needs Improvement 0 Unsatisfactory 0

Rating Scale:

|Excellent | |

|Proficient | |

|Needs Improvement | |

|Unsatisfactory | |

|Excellent |Proficient |Needs Improvement* |Unsatisfactory* |

| | | | |

*Growth/Remediation Plan Implementation Required.


_________________________________________ _______________________

Administrator/Evaluator Date

_________________________________________ _______________________

Special Education Teacher Date



| | |

|Component 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records | |


| | |




| |Special Education Teacher does |Special Education Teacher is often |Special Education Teacher |Special Education Teacher |

| |not have assessment completed and reports |surprised by approaching IEP deadlines and is |incorporates assessment within the schedule|incorporates assessment within the schedule |

|Assessment |written to meet all IEP deadlines |either incomplete with assessment procedures |with occasional loss of teaching time. |with minimal loss of teaching time. Reports |

|Timeliness | |or takes excessive time from other teaching |Reports meet IEP deadlines. |directly address education concerns to meet IEP|

| | |responsibilities. | |deadlines. |


| | |

|Component 4c: Communicating with Families and Staff | |


| | |




| |Special Education Teacher fails to respond |Special Education Teacher responds to |Special Education Teacher responds to |Special Education Teacher seizes a major |

|Response to General |to concerns and questions of general |questions and concerns, but fails to |messages in a timely fashion, seeking |opportunity to enhance learning, building on |

|Education Teachers and |education teachers and other professionals.|respond promptly or to address all |answers when not readily available. |questions and concerns of general education |

|Other Professionals |Does not |issues. May |Provides team members with IEP |teachers or other professionals. Provides team |

| |provide the IEP information to other team |inform team members of IEP |information. |members with IEP information. |

| |members |components upon request. | | |

| |Initial and 3-year evaluations are not |IEPs, 3-year evaluations and initial |IEPs, 3-year evaluations and initial |IEPs, 3-year evaluations and initial evaluations |

| |completed in an appropriate timeframe. |evaluations are conducted but not in a |evaluations are conducted in a timely |are conducted in a timely manner. Special Education|

| |Special Education Teacher fails to provide |timely manner. Special Education Teacher |manner. Special Education Teacher provides|Teacher provides notice to family/staff and sends |

| |written notice to parents/staff within an |provides notice to family/staff but not |notice to family/staff within an |reminders before meeting is to occur. Also provides|

|Providing IEP paperwork in|appropriate timeframe. |enough notice for most people to attend. |appropriate time frame for all members to |family/staff with drafts. |

|timely Manner* | | |attend. | |



From: Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching” by Charlotte Danielson, ASCD Publications, 1996

Lockport Area Special Education Cooperative



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