Research Methods in Computer Science

[Pages:14]Scientific method Intellectual discovery Problem solving

Research Methods in Computer Science

Lecture 5: Intellectual discovery Ullrich Hustadt

Department of Computer Science University of Liverpool

Ullrich Hustadt

Research Methods in Computer Science

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Scientific method Intellectual discovery Problem solving

Previously . . .

10 Research process models Sequential Generalised Circulatory Evolutionary

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Scientific method Intellectual discovery Problem solving


11 Scientific method Elements

12 Intellectual discovery Deduction Abduction Induction Process model

13 Problem solving

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Scientific method Intellectual discovery Problem solving

Scientific method


Scientists use observations and reasoning to develop technologies and propose explanations for natural phenomena in the form of hypotheses

Predictions from these hypotheses are tested by experiment and further technologies developed

Any hypothesis which is cogent enough to make predictions can then be tested reproducibly in this way

Once it has been established that a hypothesis is sound, it becomes a theory.

Sometimes scientific development takes place differently with a theory first being developed gaining support on the basis of its logic and principles

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Scientific method Intellectual discovery Problem solving


Elements of a scientific method

The essential elements of a scientific method are iterations, recursions, interleavings and orderings of the following:

Characterisations (Quantifications, observations and measurements)

Hypotheses (theoretical, hypothetical explanations of observations and measurements)

Predictions (reasoning including logical deduction from hypotheses and theories)

Experiments (tests of all of the above)

Both characterisations and experiments involve data collection

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Scientific method Intellectual discovery Problem solving

Intellectual discovery

Deduction Abduction Induction Process model

Knowing what the elements of a scientific method are does not tell us how to come up with the right instances of these elements

What predictions does a theory make?

What is the right hypothesis in a particular situation?

What is the right experiment to conduct?

These are commonly derived by a process involving Deductive reasoning Abductive reasoning Inductive reasoning

Classification by Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) See for additional details

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Scientific method Intellectual discovery Problem solving

Deduction Abduction Induction Process model

Intellectual discovery: Deduction (1)

Deductive reasoning proceeds from our knowledge of the world (theories) and predicts `likely' observations

Example: ? Assume we know that A implies B. ? A has been observed. ? Then we should also obverse B.

Useful for experiment generation for theories

Example: Newton's theory of gravity versus Einstein's theory of relativity

Largely make the same predictions Both predict that the sun's gravity should bend rays of light However, Einstein's theory predicts a greater deflection Correctness of Einstein's prediction confirmed by observation in 1919

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Scientific method Intellectual discovery Problem solving

Deduction Abduction Induction Process model

Intellectual discovery: Deduction (2)

Deductive reasoning is often said not to lead to new knowledge (Note: This implies pure mathematicians largely waste

their time)

Seriously underestimates the computational effort involved in deductive reasoning

Most theories are undecidable (There is no algorithm that even given infinite time could determine whether a statements follows from a theory or not)

Thus, establishing that a statement follows from a theory extends our knowledge

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