CELL SCAVENGER HUNT - Hopkins High School

CELL SCAVENGER HUNT (Sammler-S243) Name______________________________


For each cell part, you need to go to a place in school. The school location should have the same or similar function in school as the part has for the cell. You need to answer the question associated with the station and get the codes for the station and fill in your puzzle.

You also need to check in with me after 6 stations. I will be in the main lobby outside the office. I will check off that you are on track to complete the assignment in time.

You have 20 minutes to complete this assignment. If you are over 20 minutes, you will get a zero on the assignment. This is not a license to roam leisurely around the school. DO NOT RUN!!! You can complete all aspects within the time without running.

CELL WALL – Protects the cell from external elements. Gives it definite shape and form. Allows certain substances in and out.

■ Location hint – Look in a place where lots of students come in and out of the school, usually from the bus.

■ Question – What type of cells is this organelle found in only – ANIMAL or PLANT? _______________________

CELL MEMBRANE – Barrier for the cell. It specializes in letting certain molecules in and out of the cell. It also keeps other materials from ever getting in.

■ Location hint – Look in a place in the school where people are allowed in and out of the school. If you were a visitor, who do you have to check in with?

■ Question – What is the key adjective that describes how the cell allows certain molecules in and out? _________________________

NUCLEUS – The control center of the cell. This is what regulates most other aspects of cell function. It is like the main operation center of the cell.

■ Location hint – What is the main control center for the school? Where are most of the key figures that run school located?

■ Question – What is the main material stored in the nucleus? _____________

MITOCHONDRIA – This is the organelle that converts energy from food into energy that is usable within the cell. It is the energy making factory of the cell.

■ Location hint – Look in a place where people are themselves converting food into body energy. Where would they sit to do this?

■ Question – What is the form of energy that cells ultimately use? ___________

ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM – This organelle transfers molecules from one part of the cell to another part.

■ Location hint – What do you travel through between classe? Look on the second floor…going towards the old theater!

■ Question – The sheet refers to the ER as the “_________________” of the cell.

DNA – This is the genetic material of the cell. This contains all the information about how the cell is made and how the organism operates.

■ Location hint – DNA is located in the nucleus. AND if you didn’t already know,

secretaries are always the most knowledgeable about any place of work.

■ Question – Name one of the secretaries in the office. ___________________

RIBOSOME – This is a place that assembles proteins in the cell.

■ Location hint – We need to look for a place in school that teaches you how to take raw materials and assemble the items to make larger and more complex pieces. I’m thinking of a place with a lot of lumber available for students to create things with.

■ Question – The card describes ribosomes as a small __________________ on which proteins are made.

GOLGI APPARATUS – This receives molecules from different parts of the cell. It will then package them and send them to new locations in and out of the cell.

■ Location hint – There is a place in school that receives all copy requests for the district and then sends them back out.

■ Question – What government institution did the card compare the Golgi to? _____________________________

CHLOROPLAST – This converts sun energy into food resources, such as glucose for a plant.

■ Location hint – This is an organelle that makes food. Where are the classes in the school where you can learn to make food as well?

■ Question – What color do chloroplasts make a plant look like? _____________

VACUOLE – This is a storage area for the cell, which usually stores food, water, wastes, and other materials.

■ Location hint – The science wing has a storage room on the first floor.

■ Question – In plants, the vacuole can take over ________% of the cell’s volume.

LYSOSOME – This is an organelle that disposes of wastes or invaders.

■ Location hint – What should you dispose of your waste in around school? There are a lot of them in the school! Look for one by the art rooms!

■ Question – How does the lysosome destroy wastes/invaders? __________________

CYTOSKELETON – A network of fibers that add support to the cell and give it size & shape.

■ Location hint – There are lots of beams that hold the school’s ceiling up. Look for the biggest one! It also houses a means to move between floors.

■ Question – What material is the cytoskeleton made of? ____________________

Decode this message:

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6 20 17 15 6 4 4 17 9 16 20 2 5 6 20 1 2 13 10 15


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