General Information on the Return of Module Marks 9

Procedure for Uploading Module Marks 10










Broadsheets 32


|NUIM Workbench |[pic] |

| | |

|Accessing admin reports | |

|Accessing ITS | |

|Accessing exam upload | |

|Querying students – via Student History | |

|Admin Report |[pic] |

|Viewing reports | |

|Creating classlists | |

|Creating spreadsheets for upload | |

|ITS |[pic] |

|Creating subject spreadsheets | |

|Checking registration | |

|Exam Upload |[pic] |

|Uploading marks | |

|Committing marks | |

|Viewing broadsheets | |

|Exams Office |[pic] |

| | |

|Getting procedure document | |

|Getting subject calculations | |

|Exams Office Staff |Kathleen – 3571 |

|Answering queries |Justine – 3820 |

|Troubleshooting |Linda – 6310 |


All the exam related reports are available from the Maynooth University Staff Workbench. You need to login to the workbench and select the ‘InCampus Links’ option. You then select ‘Admin Reports’ and enter the username and password (available by calling the Examinations Office).


The following reports are available to help with the creation and maintenance of class lists/module spreadsheets. (Click on blue flag beside report to access it)


To create a module spreadsheet for uploading in month 1 or month 5 select ‘Classlists Subjects Modules – Template for Exams Module upload’ (circled above)


1. Enter Calendar year (eg 2014 for 2013/2014) and click APPLY PARAMETERS

2. Select your department from the dropdown list. You can now select one of the module codes belonging to your department.


3. You will now need to export the data in the chosen module list to excel. Click on the ‘export data’ link on the top of the screen. The system will ask ‘what export format do you want?’ The default option is Microsoft Excel Workbook (*.xls) – this is the correct option. Click on EXPORT button on far right.

4. You will be told that the export is ready. Click on the “view or save” button. You are now given the option to open or save. SAVE here.


5. You will be prompted to “SAVE AS”. Save as type Excel 97-2003 workbook. Rename the file by the module name (eg GN110, AN210 etc) and choose where to save it.



Another option box will appear saying “DOWNLOAD COMPLETE”.


Choose the option to OPEN, if you get a macros warning choose to enable macros,

and the Excel file will open up from where it has been saved

In Office 2007 the macro warning appears above the spreadsheet - click on ‘options’ and enable the macros.


6. You will need to tidy up the spreadsheet:

delete rows 1 to 4 inclusive

reduce width of surname column

remove all formatting


A. Highlight an unformatted cell and check that its format is “General” (From the Format menu chose the option Cells)


B. Click the format painter icon on the Standard Toolbar to grab the clean cell’s format


C. Click on Column Headings (Columns A to E inclusive) to select these columns


D. The finished result should look like this:


7. The data in the spreadsheet must be in the following order:

Column A – surname

Column B – first names

Column C – student number

Column D – final module mark.

You will need to add a blank column D for the module mark or you can delete the qualification information which is currently in column D. (use DELETE function from the toolbar, not delete on the keyboard). You must enter the module code in row 1 of column D (e.g. AN101, CH310).

You can delete the columns containing Block Code and Offering Type information, unless it is beneficial for you.

8. The spreadsheet is now ready to be used for recording final module marks or sub-components of final mark (e.g. practical marks, essay marks, attendance etc). You can also use the spreadsheet to record notes or comments regarding students. You should use columns E onwards to record this information. You should not place any comments or formatting in the rows below the last student on the spreadsheet.

9. You may add formulae, text and colours to the spreadsheet. However, columns A to D inclusive will be uploaded to ITS and must not be altered or formatted in any way.


Remember that the Exam Upload will not accept marks with decimals points. Therefore all numeric exam marks should be rounded to a whole number.

The following Formula can be used in Excel to achieve this rounding:


This formula will round up or round down to the next whole number as appropriate. If this formula is applied to Column D to round the value contained in Column E the result would be as follows:



Most departments will download module spreadsheets at the beginning of each semester. However, it is likely that some students will subsequently amend their module registration resulting in your spreadsheets having ‘extra’ or ‘missing’ students. You should regularly check your spreadsheet details against the ITS registration information to identify these extra or missing students.

The following Admin Reports have been developed to assist you in keeping your spreadsheets up to date:

STUDENT.Amended (New) Registration - By Module:

STUDENT.Amended Registration - Cancelled Modules

Enter the academic year (2014 for the academic year 2013/2014). You then need to enter a date in the format DD-MON-YYYY. The report will then list all the registration changes that have occurred on or after this date. For example, if you downloaded your original spreadsheet on 28th October then you will only need to check for changes that occurred on or after this date.

When the report runs you will need to select your department and the relevant module code to see the students who have amended their registration. Students are listed in date order so that the most recent changes appear at the end of the list.

If you discover students are now registered to a specific module but are not listed on your spreadsheet you will need to ADD them to your spreadsheet. You can simply type the student details (surname, first names and student number) into your spreadsheet. They do not need to be added alphabetically. Take care to ensure you spell the student’s name exactly as on the Admin Report.

If you discover students have now cancelled their registration for a specific module but are still listed on your spreadsheet you will need to DELETE them from your spreadsheet (use DELETE function from the toolbar, not delete on the keyboard).

General Information on the Return of Module Marks

The ‘owner/teaching’ department has responsibility for the upload of all module marks belonging to them. This includes ‘rogue’ (modules taken outside the subject) and service teaching marks.

Departments will use the NUIM Exam Upload to transfer module marks to ITS. Each module spreadsheet will be uploaded separately.

The information to be uploaded will need to be in a standardised format, free from formatting and formulae:

Column A Surname

Column B First names

Column C Student number

Column D Module mark or allowable grade

The upload process will ignore all data contained in the spreadsheet to the right of column D. You cannot have data, text or formatting in the rows below the last student record on the spreadsheet in ANY column.

You will need to apply a round function (to remove decimal points from column D) to the spreadsheet as the upload process will reject marks with decimal points – see the section on Rounding to Whole Numbers in Excel for instructions.

Procedure for Uploading Module Marks

1. Login to the NUIM Staff Workbench

2. Select ‘InCampus Links’ and click on the ‘Exam Upload’ application

3. Enter your username and password – these are the ones you use to log onto your PC.

4. Select the option called MODULE UPLOAD


5. Click on the BROWSE button and a new window pops up called ‘Choose File’. Navigate through your PC until you see the file you wish to upload. Select this file and click on the OPEN button.

Ensure that the correct year and month are selected. 2014 refers to the academic year 2013/2014, month 1 refers to Semester 1 module and month 5 refers to Semester 2 module.

Click on the SUBMIT button and your file will be uploaded to ITS.


You will then get a message box saying the following. Please click on ‘submit’ to continue


6. If your spreadsheet uploads successfully you will see the following report on screen


7. If your spreadsheet contains errors the upload process will fail. A report will be generated to list the errors (grouped by category of error). You will need to rectify the errors in your spreadsheet and attempt the upload again.

The upload process will fail for any of the following reasons:

➢ Marks contain decimal points

➢ Blank space in any row

➢ Student name and number do not match

➢ Spelling of student name is incorrect

➢ Missing Students (i.e. students registered in ITS but not on your spreadsheet)

➢ Extra Students (i.e. student on your spreadsheet but not registered in ITS for that module)

➢ Mark greater than the maximum (maximum mark for modules is 100, maximum mark for subjects is 1000).

➢ Incorrect grade code used

➢ The marks have already been finally committed.

8. Users can upload module marks multiple times until they finally commit the marks or the First Committal Deadline has passed. The deadline for the upload of module marks is circulated to Departments in October annually. For a specified period, departments will be prevented from further module uploads to ITS after this date.


You may wish to check or verify the marks that have been uploaded to the ITS system. You can run a report listing all module and subject marks and grades that have been uploaded to ITS

From the Exam Upload screen select the ‘Exams Temp Report’ option.


You will need to input the module or subject code (in capitals, not lowercase) and select the year and month to generate the report. You will see a report like this:



1. Your file (XXX.xls) could not be uploaded.

There is (are) empty cell(s) in the first four columns.

Check that you have entered a mark or grade against each student in your spreadsheet – every student registered to a module must have either a mark or grade entered for that module.

Check that you have entered the module code in cell D1

Check that there is no data or formatting in the cells below the last student on the spreadsheet.

2. This program encountered a problem

Either you are not authorised to upload this module


The Exams Temp Table has not yet been set up to handle this module yet

It is possible that you do not have rights to upload marks. Only certain staff in each department are permitted to upload marks to ITS. Please contact Examinations Office if you need rights to upload marks.

It is possible that your department does not have responsibility to upload the particular module marks in question. Is this a service taught course? If so, only the owner/teaching department can upload the marks

It is possible that the Exams Office has not yet set up the temporary table – please contact Exams Office.

3. Invalid Results

Do any of your marks contain decimal points? You will need to remove all decimal points from marks. See document called ‘Rounding to Whole Numbers in Excel’ for tips on how to apply a rounding function in excel.

Have you used any invalid grade codes? Only certain grade codes are permitted – see the list of acceptable grade codes later in this document. Is there a space after a grade code?

4. Invalid Out of Mark

Are any of your marks greater than maximum allowed? Modules have a maximum mark of 100 and subject marks have a maximum mark of 1000.

5. Unregistered Students

You have ‘extra’ student(s) on your spreadsheet. Extra Students are on your spreadsheet but are not registered in ITS for this module. Please contact the Examinations Office immediately so that the registration information can be amended to allow you proceed with your upload.

You will also get this message if you have an incorrect student number against a student’s name in your spreadsheet. Check ITS system to ensure you have the correct name/number combination.

6. Spreadsheet Exceptions

You have ‘missing’ student(s) on your spreadsheet. Missing Students are registered in ITS for this module but are not on your spreadsheet. You need to add the student(s) to your spreadsheet – please see section of the manual called ‘How to keep you spreadsheet up to date’.

You will also get this message if you have an incorrect student number against a student’s name in your spreadsheet. Check ITS system to ensure you have the correct name/number combination.

7. Invalid Name

The format of student name(s) on your spreadsheet does not match that in ITS. Common errors include:

Student registered in ITS with Irish version of name but English version on your spreadsheet and vice versa.

Incorrect spelling of name in your spreadsheet – eg Kehoe vs Keogh

8. This program encountered a problem

Some or all of the marks for 'XXX’ have already been finally committed

Further Uploads are not permitted - please contact the Examinations Office

These marks have already been finally committed by a user - you cannot conduct further uploads with these marks. Please contact the Exams Office directly if you wish to amend finally committed marks.

9. This program encountered a problem

‘XXX’ is not a module and cannot be uploaded through this application

You have attempted to upload subject marks through the module upload application. Please select the ‘Subject Upload’ application and try again.

10. This program encountered a problem

'XXX' is not loaded on the ITS system for Year : 2012 Exam Month : X

Are you sure you selected the correct Year and Exam Month for this module?

You have selected the wrong month or year for this module upload. Please retry the upload with the correct month/year combination.


Before you commence the process of subject calculation you should run and print the following two reports (available as Admin Reports).

1. Penultimate Year Marks

Run and print this report for all relevant penultimate year codes for your department.

2. Report detailing Marks for Repeat Student

Run and print the report called ‘Marks for Repeat Students’ for your department.


1. Login to the NUIM Staff Workbench

2. Select ‘InCampus Links’ and click on the ‘ITS’ application

3. You will be asked to enter your username and password. This is your ITS password and not necessarily the same as the one you use to log in to your PC.

4. You will be brought to this screen. From the left hand side of the screen select the option Extract Subject Result Calculation File


5. Click on return (Enter) and you now need to enter the parameters required.

• Enter the academic year (eg 2014 for 2013/2014)

• The relevant subject code (eg HY100, ANH200, CHS400).

• The next parameter asks ‘Is this Month 8?’Say N to this question unless you are running the report for the autumn board (month 8).


6. Click on the ‘Run’ button and when report has run click on ‘VIEW’.


7. The report will now open in a new window.


8. From the FILE menu select the SAVE AS option - save the file as a text file (i.e. *.txt). We suggest that you name it with the relevant Subject code (e.g. AN100, CHD300).

9. Find the file where you have saved it and right click on the file icon and choose the RENAME option.


Keep the same name (eg AN100, CHD300) but change the extension to .csv (comma separated value format). You may get a warning that the file may become unusable – don’t worry, say yes. The icon will now change to an Excel icon.


10. Double click on this icon and the file will automatically open in Excel.

Immediately, save the file with the same name but choose Microsoft Excel Workbook (.xls) as the file

This spreadsheet has been generated in a standardised format and is suitable for uploading subject marks without modification.

Column A contains the Surname

Column B contains the First Names

Column C contains student number

Column D contains the Qualification

Column E is ready for population with the final subject mark.

Columns F to Y inclusive are empty and are ready for you to paste in the relevant subject calculation formulae

Columns Z onwards contain the module marks that you have already uploaded. Service taught courses and rogue module marks will also appear in these columns if relevant to the subject in question.

11. You are now ready to paste in the subject calculation formulae. You will find the formulae on the exams office webpage. Click on the link called Information for Staff.


Make sure you select the correct formulae for the subject calculation you wish to perform. There are several different formulae available (a detailed explanation of the formulae used is given further on in this document).


12. Click on the appropriate link to open the spreadsheet with the formulae. You now need to copy the formula and paste it into your subject calculation spreadsheet. To copy the formula – highlight all the formula cells in the first three rows of the template. Once you have the selection highlighted select COPY from the toolbar.

Go back to your subject calculation spreadsheet and click into cell F1. To paste in the formulae select PASTE from the toolbar. Your subject calculation spreadsheet will now look like this:


Formula will always start in column F but the number of columns with formula varies depending on the particular type of calculation needed. For example the formula for non-final year 20 credits has only 8 columns of formula but formula for final-year 60 credits has 10 columns. For ease of use we have inserted black borders at the beginning and end of the formula section.

13. The final subject mark as calculated by the formulae must be contained in column E for the upload process to be successful. Therefore you will need to copy the value into column E. In the example below, we have copied the value from column S into column E by typing =S3 into cell E3.


14. Next, you should highlight all the cells where you want the formulae to appear. You need to select all columns from E to the last column containing formulae.


You now need to ‘fill down’ the formula into the selected cells. You can do this by choosing the FILL DOWN option or you can type CTRL + D on the keyboard.

15. Even though you may have empty columns after the formula and before the module mark information it is important that you DO NOT DELETE COLUMNS from this spreadsheet as this can affect the formula referencing information. If you wish, you may HIDE unwanted columns. Select the columns to hide and select HIDE from the FORMAT menu. In the example above columns T to Y inclusive are now hidden and the module information starts in column Z.

You may like to tidy up the spreadsheet further:

➢ Increase the height of row 1 – this will allow the headings to appear in a single line

➢ Centre the data in columns if you prefer

➢ Select entire spreadsheet (control+A on keyboard or click on the cell to the left of column A) and from the FORMAT menu select AUTOFIT COLUMN WIDTH. This adjusts the size of the columns automatically.

➢ You may find is easier to work with this document if you FREEZE PANES so that you can always see important columns. Click in the cell immediately below and to the right of where you want the freeze panes to appear and select FREEZE PANES from the toolbar.



Once you have set up your subject calculation spreadsheet you can then begin to check the marks calculated by the formulae.

1. Check ‘Full Credits taken’ column

The initial check on every spreadsheet must be to check the credits taken by each student. The value contained in column F should always equal the value of the subject.

NB Students who are repeating the year may appear to have fewer credits if they have passed

modules in a previous year. You need to identify the appropriate modules and insert the

relevant marks into your subject calculation spreadsheet


2. Penultimate Year Marks – For Final Years Only

If you are calculating the subject marks for the final year of an undergraduate degree programme, you will need to enter the marks obtained by each student in the penultimate year of the programme. The column for these marks is highlighted in green.

3. Required Modules

If your subject has required modules we suggest that you highlight (in colour) the entire module column so that you can easily check students results.

4. Checking Subject Mark Awarded

You are now ready to check the ‘final subject mark’ calculated for each student on your spreadsheet.

As defined in Marks and Standards, in order to pass a subject, a student must:

➢ Pass all required modules

➢ Obtain 40% on aggregate in the subject

➢ Pass modules to a credit value of at least half the credit value of the subject

➢ Not fall below 25% in any module.

NB some courses may deviate from the standard Marks and Standards – the standard Marks

and Standards information is available from the Examinations Office website

The formulae you have pasted into your subject calculation spreadsheet checks for three of these four conditions – but it does not check to ensure students have passed required modules.

You now need to check the ‘final subject mark’ column in conjunction with the column to the immediate left.

No Flag

Students who are not flagged in any way do not need to be checked any further as they have either clearly Passed or clearly Failed the subject.

F Flag

Students who have failed to satisfy the conditions for passing the subject are flagged as F. You need to check each of these students.

➢ If the student has indeed failed the subject then you should manually amend the subject mark 380TF.

➢ If the student has received a grade of “F” in a continuous assessment module then you should remove the subject mark completely and replace with the grade category “F”

➢ If the student has been absent for one or more modules or has not registered for the required number of modules in this academic year and has failed another module you should remove the mark completely and replace with the grade category “F”

➢ If the student has been absent for one or more modules and has passed all his other modules you should remove the mark completely and replace with the grade category “FI”

PC? Flag – Award of Pass by Compensation

Students who are flagged as PC? may be eligible for compensation but you need to check these carefully as the formulae does not check to ensure students have passed required modules.

If a student is not eligible for compensation (having failed one or more required modules) you should amend the subject mark to 380TF.

If a student has qualified for compensation you should highlight (in colour) the module marks where compensation is to be applied.

If any students are eligible for compensation we suggest that you print the subject calculation spreadsheet before proceeding further. You will then need to amend the marks on the appropriate module spreadsheet to nnPC (where nn is the module mark) and re-upload the module spreadsheet. If the module in question belongs to another department (i.e. rogue or service-taught module) you will need to contact the relevant department and request that they amend their spreadsheet accordingly and re-upload to ITS. You must re-upload the relevant module spreadsheet – this does not happen automatically

5. Students with Borderline Marks

You may wish to check for students who are within a few marks of obtaining a higher grade of subject award. If you wish to raise the marks for a particular student you should make the relevant amendment on the subject calculation spreadsheet so that the subject mark now reflects your final decision. You then need to highlight the amended module mark(s) so that you remember to re-upload the relevant module spreadsheet with the revised mark(s).

6. SAVE your subject calculation spreadsheet


General Information

Departments will use the Maynooth University spreadsheet upload process to transfer subject marks to ITS. Each subject calculation spreadsheet will be uploaded separately.

The information to be uploaded will need to be in a standardised format:

Column A Surname

Column B First name

Column C Student number

Column D Student Qualification

Column E Subject mark or allowable grade

The upload process will ignore all data contained in the spreadsheet to the right of column E. You cannot have data, text or formatting in the rows below the last student record on the spreadsheet.

The deadline for the upload and final committal of all module and subject marks is circulated to departments annually in October by the Examinations Office. This date is called the ‘final committal deadline’ and it is not possible to conduct further uploads after this date.

Procedure for Uploading Subject Marks

1. Login to the NUIM Staff Workbench

2. Select ‘InCampus Links’ and click on the ‘Exam Upload’ application

3. Enter your username and password – these are the ones you use to log onto your PC.

4. Select the option called SUBJECT UPLOAD


5. Click on the BROWSE button and a new window pops up called ‘Choose File’. Navigate through your PC until you see the file you wish to upload. Highlight this file and click on the OPEN button. The relevant file is now populated in the upload screen.

Ensure that the correct year and month are selected. Subject marks are month 5 for Summer exam board and month 8 for Autumn exam board.

Click on the SUBMIT button and your file will be uploaded to ITS.


6. If your spreadsheet uploads successfully you will see the following report on screen:


The ITS system will award the appropriate grade code to each subject mark uploaded as follows:

P1 First Class Honours

PY Second Class Honours Grade 1

PZ Second Class Honours Grade 2

P2 Second Class Honours

P3 Third Class Honours

P Pass

F Fail

7. If your spreadsheet contains errors the upload process will fail. A report will be generated to list the errors (grouped by category of error). You will need to rectify the errors in your spreadsheet and attempt the upload again.

The upload process will fail for any of the following reasons:

➢ Marks contain decimal points

➢ Student name and number do not match

➢ Spelling of student name is incorrect

➢ Missing Students (ie students registered in ITS but not on your spreadsheet)

➢ Extra Students (ie student on your spreadsheet but not registered in ITS for that module)

➢ Mark greater than the maximum (maximum mark for modules is 100, maximum mark for subjects is 1000).

➢ Incorrect grade code used (see list of acceptable grade codes in this document)

➢ The marks have already been finally committed.

8. Users can upload module and subject marks multiple times until they finally commit the marks or the specified deadline passes, whichever is the earlier.

Departments will be prevented from making further uploads after the Final Committal deadline


In most cases, when you are calculating the subject marks for final year undergraduate degree students you will need to insert the penultimate year marks into the subject calculation spreadsheet.

Firstly, identify all the relevant penultimate year codes for your department. Check the report called ‘Final year Subject with Penultimate Codes’ on the exams office web page for a full list of all codes for your department. You then need to run the PENULTIMATE YEAR MARKS report (available from Admin Reports) for each relevant subject. To run the report you need to enter two parameters: subject code and ‘last’ year. The ‘subject code’ refers to the subject code of the penultimate year.


We suggest that you print out this report and retain for use when performing subject calculation. Select the ‘printer friendly format’ before printing this report.


General rules regarding penultimate year marks:

➢ Some courses do not have penultimate year marks eg BA Applied Social Studies

➢ Some students do not have penultimate year marks – eg students who transfer to Maynooth University for final year of programme

➢ Where students are pursuing a joint honours programme in the penultimate year and progress to a single honours programme in the final year, the penultimate mark of the relevant subject is used.


For students who passed modules in a previous academic year you will need to manually add their successfully completed module marks to your subject calculation spreadsheet in order to complete their final subject calculation.

This report is available from Maynooth University Admin Reports – “MarksForRepeatStudents” and then click on “Modules Previously Passed”. To run this report you will need to enter two parameters – LAST year and THIS year. When this report has run, you need to select your department from the drop-down list.


Print out the entire report for your department and use it to enter the relevant module marks for repeat students.


All module and subject marks must be finally committed by a specified deadline. This deadline is circulated to all departments in October annually.

In order to finally commit module and subject marks you need select the option ‘PROCESS FINAL COMMITS’ from the Exam Upload screen.


A list of module and subject codes will appear on your screen. This list is divided into three categories:

Top block (BLUE): Modules and subject marks not yet ready to be committed. You have not yet uploaded marks for these modules/subjects. Please ensure that you have not overlooked uploading relevant marks.

Middle Block (ORANGE): Module and subject marks already committed. These are module/subject marks that you have already finally committed to ITS.

Bottom block (GREEN): Module and subject marks ready to be committed. These are modules/subjects marks that have been uploaded and are potentially ready to be finally committed.


To finally commit module and/or subject marks you need to insert Y into the check box against the relevant codes as indicated below. Then click on the SUBMIT button:


A report detailing marks finally committed will automatically generate and is displayed on screen. You may wish to print out this report and retain for your records.

When you have finally committed all module and subject marks for your department you should run ‘Report on Final Commits’. This report should be printed out, signed by the Head of Department or nominee and returned to the Examinations Office.



The staff member attending the Exam Board Meeting will need to bring a copy of the Broadsheets with them. They can do this either by either printing out a hard copy of the broadsheets or by saving the file to a laptop.

REMEMBER- Under the Data Protection Act, examination information is regarded as highly sensitive and you should ensure it is secure at all times and is not accessible by unauthorised third parties. You should not store broadsheet information on a memory stick

The broadsheets can be accessed in two ways.

1) Staff who use the Exam Upload panel can click on the Broadsheet link to view the file.


2) Staff who do not use the upload system but who have been given authorisation to view broadsheets should use this URL:



Module Marks

|Module assessed by Continuous assessment only |Student completed required continuous assessment. Otherwise return a |

| |grade of F and no mark. |

|Written examination only |Student attempted written examination. Otherwise return grade of Absent|

| |(FX). |

|Multiple assessment methods (eg combination of examination, |Only return a mark if the student attempted the written examination. |

|continuous assessment, projects, lab work etc) |Otherwise return grade of Absent (FX). |

Subject Grades

Natural Grades – leave the mark in

|Passed everything with or without a PC in a module |Leave and the system will assign grade |

|If a student is a natural fail – i.e. below 391 |LEAVE the fail mark, if above 380 bring down to 380TF |

Artificial Grades – replace calculated mark

|If student has mark greater than 380 but has: |Bring mark down to 380TF |

|a module mark below 25% or | |

|failed half the credit value of the subject or | |

|failed a required module | |

You only remove the subject mark if a student is absent for one or more module(s) OR has a module mark of “F”.

|ABS for one or more modules, all others 40% or higher |FI |

|ABS for one or more modules, other module(s) below 40% or F |F |

|If “FX” or “F” for a module |No PC possible |

Students who have cancelled Registration during Academic Year.

Some students will have retired from Maynooth University during the academic year. Module marks should be returned for retired students if they satisfy one of the following criteria:

|Module Assessment Method |Return a module mark if: |

|Module assessed by Continuous assessment only |Student completed required continuous assessment. Otherwise return a |

| |grade of F and no mark. |

|Written examination only |Student attempted written examination. Otherwise return grade of |

| |Absent (FX). |

|Multiple assessment methods (eg combination of examination, |Only return a mark if the student attempted the written examination. |

|continuous assessment, projects, lab work etc) |Otherwise return grade of Absent (FX). |

You do not need to calculate the overall subject mark for a student who retired during the academic year.

Acceptable Grade Codes for Module and Subject Marks

|Code |Code Description |Permitted Use of Code |

|FX |Absent |All module and subject codes |

|P |Pass |Student has completed everything necessary to pass |

|FD |Deferred |Can only be used for Adult Education and Postgraduate courses |

|nnPC |Pass by Compensation |Undergraduate modules where student is entitled to pass by compensation. You |

| | |must enter mark followed by code PC in excel cell and upload to ITS (eg 28PC) |

|FI |Incomplete |To be used for subjects only. Use in situations where student has passed all |

| | |modules taken, has no failed modules but one or more absents (FXs) |

|F |Fail |Student has not passed the module/subject |

|nnnTF |Technical Fail |To be used for subjects only. Use where student has subject marks in excess of |

| | |380 but you are artificially reducing the marks to 380 because student failed to|

| | |meet requirements for passing subject. |

|A |Teaching Grade A |Used for Professional Diploma in Education |

|B |Teaching Grade B |Used for Professional Diploma in Education |

|C |Teaching Grade C |Used for Professional Diploma in Education |

|D1 |Teaching Grade D1 |Used for Professional Diploma in Education |

|D2 |Teaching Grade D2 |Used for Professional Diploma in Education |

|E |Teaching Grade E |Used for Professional Diploma in Education |

|S |Satisfactory |Used for specified Adult Education and Applied Social Studies programmes |

|HS |Highly Satisfactory |Used for specified Adult Education programmes |

|FS |Not Satisfactory |Used for specified Adult Education programmes |

|PD |Distinction |Used for specified Adult Education programmes |

|FL |Did not complete |Used for Research Programmes (Module Level) |

|PP |Progress |Used for Research Programmes (Subject Level) |

|FN |Not progress |Used for Research Programmes (Subject Level) |

Explanation of Formulae for calculating Final Year 30 Credit Subject


CELL F3 “Full Credits Taken”

=SUM(G3,I3,H3,J3,K3) This adds the credits for all of the modules taken.

CELL G3 “Credit value of modules with mark >40”

=SUMIF(Z3:BZ3,">=40",Z$2:BZ$2) This calculates the credit values of the modules that have a mark above or equal to 40.

CELL H3 “Credit value of modules with mark 0),"F",IF(AND(MIN(Z3:BZ3)=391), "PC?",""))

This calculates whether a student is eligible for PC. If any column contains an F then the column displays an F but if the student has marks less than 40 in any modules displayed from Z3->BZ3 and if the Subject mark is greater than or equal to 391 then this column will flag that the student MAY be eligible for compensation. This formula does not check that students have passed required modules.

CELL U3 “Final Subject mark”


You may need to amend the value in this column. For example:

If the student is ineligible for “pass by compensation” – reduce mark to 380TF

If the student is recorded as absent from modules – remove mark and insert grade of F or FI as appropriate.

If the student did not take the full complement of modules - remove mark and insert grade of F or FI as appropriate.


Select your department here

Select your module code here

Click to export report to excel

Choose OPEN

Select this link to upload module marks

Ensure you have selected the correct month:

Month 1 for semester 1 marks

Month 2 for Erasmus S1 marks

Month 5 for semester 2 marks

Month 8 for autumn marks

Click here to select your module spreadsheet from your PC

Select the link ‘Exams Temp Report’ to run the verification report.

Enter the required parameters here

Select the SAVE AS option from the file menu

Select the RENAME option

File now has .csv extension

Warning Message – click YES

Click on this link to access the subject calculation formulae

Select the appropriate formula from the list

Copy the Final Subject Mark into column E

Select this link to upload subject marks

Click here to select your subject spreadsheet from your PC

Ensure you have selected the correct month:

Month 5: subjects for June exam board.

Month 8: subjects for Autumn exam board

Select the ‘printable page’ format before printing this report

Select the option ‘Process Final Commits’ when you wish to finalise your module and subject marks

Module/subject marks NOT ready for final committal

Module/subject marks already finally committed

Module/subject marks ready for final committal

Insert a Y against module and subject codes when you wish to finally commit marks. Then click ‘SUBMIT’.

Click here to run the Report detailing all finalised marks for your department


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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