President’s Announcements - Microsoft

Vol.100/Issue 0503 February 2020Scribe: TessQuote“The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within.”~William C. BryantGuests Daryll Rancor – visiting from Whitby Sunrise (And Shailene’s Brother-in-law)Shailene Panylo - guest of Tess PierceTito-Dante Marimpietri – guest of Tito Marimpietri Sr.President’s Announcements100th Anniversary gala is April 3rd. Tickets $100 Tickets are available through Snap’d Oshawa and Pres. JayPast President’s meeting after today’s lunchWorld Community Service meeting after this meetingBoard meeting tonight, February 3 at 5:30pm Core 21New Member InductionEven though much of the new member documents were not available today, that did not stop us from welcoming our newest member - Shailene Panylo. Tess was honored to present Shailene with the “Women of Rotary” pin that Tess received from AG Mary Lou Harrison. INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/70/bjjfhlv57fv7fr90flrw_1br0000gp/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET Only about 2 months until our birthday!MIC TimeTess Pierce – Valentine lunch next week – be here! Also new members are invited to Tess Pierce’s house for new members meeting on February 13.Tess also reminded us that the Feb 24th meeting is in the evening at Riley’s PubThe Noon Hour Draw was worth $212. Rhonda Gorham had the ticket but drew the Jack of Clubs. Rhonda donated the $15 consolation prise to club.Scribe for January Rhonda GorhamRotary Wheel: TessHappy BucksTito-Dante Marimpietri – Daughter’s soccer game; brother came and boasted as well; family together though is always happy! Gordon Dowsley – wife and I went to Oshawa Civic band concert; one member was their 80th year in the band – joined at 13 yrs old.Emmy Iheme – Superbowl! Voice is hoarse; cheered for same team as son!Geoff Lloyd –last Wednesday had privilege of being at Durham Regional HQ for proclamation for Durham Region Hospice; Province and Region providing 1/3 eachKim Tan – reminder let’s have a kid’s Christmas party this year!Tito Marimpietre – two happy bucks Knights of Columbus raised money for crippled children and it was great community workRhonda Gorham – Coldest Night of the Year – walking Feb 22Tess Pierce – happy to induct Shailene today!Several Members-joked that Tito-Dante has completed his 3 meetings and should be inducted next week! INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/70/bjjfhlv57fv7fr90flrw_1br0000gp/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET 382772162058Club AssemblyCroydon Demello – Financial UpdateFiscal Year started July 1 – 6 months inCurrently at 64 active members; 4 honorary membersAnnual dues: 85% paid – good confidence that we will reach 95-100%Approx $14000 received – mostly dues also lunch raffles and happy bucksBiggest expenses are RI dues (approx. $7000), District Dues, insurance, Club Runner, directory, and programme committee (approx. $1000)Finances are healthy and moving alongFundraising – Ribfest; focussing on sponsors and Summerfest alsoClub commitments $66,000 – Cadets, Scholarships, local community service; international community servicePO Box monitored and time sensitive mail is scanned and sent to recipient.Club Committees are Available for Serving!If you have a passion and want to serve or start a committee, please reach out to the board and we will be amazed what we can all do together! We are limitless.The current board is trying to streamline the information gathering and data streamlining for all of our different committees. Efficiency is the goal. Back to proper chain of command and board approval processes is the most beneficial for the Club.Tess suggested that Club Runner is underutilized and we can use it for committee chairs to post all of the committee information and meetings, etc…Tess asked if someone has an idea for a new general fundraiser, what kind of information the board needs. Jay said the board just needs to hear the bare bones of how it all might be accomplished and there might be a secondary proposal needed after initial approval.Next week we will have committee lists and sign up sheets available for members to join! Many hands make light work…. INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/70/bjjfhlv57fv7fr90flrw_1br0000gp/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET 00Club AssemblyCroydon Demello – Financial UpdateFiscal Year started July 1 – 6 months inCurrently at 64 active members; 4 honorary membersAnnual dues: 85% paid – good confidence that we will reach 95-100%Approx $14000 received – mostly dues also lunch raffles and happy bucksBiggest expenses are RI dues (approx. $7000), District Dues, insurance, Club Runner, directory, and programme committee (approx. $1000)Finances are healthy and moving alongFundraising – Ribfest; focussing on sponsors and Summerfest alsoClub commitments $66,000 – Cadets, Scholarships, local community service; international community servicePO Box monitored and time sensitive mail is scanned and sent to recipient.Club Committees are Available for Serving!If you have a passion and want to serve or start a committee, please reach out to the board and we will be amazed what we can all do together! We are limitless.The current board is trying to streamline the information gathering and data streamlining for all of our different committees. Efficiency is the goal. Back to proper chain of command and board approval processes is the most beneficial for the Club.Tess suggested that Club Runner is underutilized and we can use it for committee chairs to post all of the committee information and meetings, etc…Tess asked if someone has an idea for a new general fundraiser, what kind of information the board needs. Jay said the board just needs to hear the bare bones of how it all might be accomplished and there might be a secondary proposal needed after initial approval.Next week we will have committee lists and sign up sheets available for members to join! Many hands make light work…. INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/70/bjjfhlv57fv7fr90flrw_1br0000gp/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET ................

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