
320040152400Name___________________________Date___________________________Maths Homework Challenges – Time Talk about the time of day and draw what you do e.g. breakfast time, morning, school time.Learn your birthday, find it on the calendar.Talk about days of the week certain things happen e.g. swimming is on a Wednesday, we go to Gran’s on a Sunday.Use time words such as today, yesterday and tomorrow.Write a timetable of a typical week.Look at a calendar or diary to find special days e.g. Christmas.Write out the birthdays of family members using days, dates, months and years. Record some of your challenges.00Name___________________________Date___________________________Maths Homework Challenges – Time Talk about the time of day and draw what you do e.g. breakfast time, morning, school time.Learn your birthday, find it on the calendar.Talk about days of the week certain things happen e.g. swimming is on a Wednesday, we go to Gran’s on a Sunday.Use time words such as today, yesterday and tomorrow.Write a timetable of a typical week.Look at a calendar or diary to find special days e.g. Christmas.Write out the birthdays of family members using days, dates, months and years. Record some of your challenges.center-139509500 ................

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