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Save the Planet - Phrasal VerbsIntroductionAsk and answer the questions with a partner:Think of some national or international organisations dedicated to protecting the environment.What do these organisations do?How effective are they?What problems/difficulties do they encounter?What can people do to support these organisations more?The WWFRead the text quickly. Does it mention any of the things you discussed in the introduction?Look at the phrasal verbs and expressions in bold and match them with the definitions below85726232363The World Wide Fund for NatureEvery day more and more trees are being cut down (11) in the rainforests of the world wiping out (2) hundreds of species. The current deforestation rate amounts to (14) 3 football pitches per minute. Precious water supplies are being used up (13) meaning that still more animals and plants are dying out (8). If we step back (6) and look at the bigger picture, it’s not just animals and plants that are affected. The rainforests are the Earth’s lungs and further damage will only lead to (5) misery for all life on the planet.Our organisation aims to put pressure on governments all over the world to make them step up (15) and take responsibility for the environment. Governments need to crack down on (9) bad practices such as illegal logging and mining in rainforests. Sadly, we’re coming up against (3) a lot of resistance from big business but that won’t stop us standing up for (12) the animal kingdom. We’re looking for volunteers to chip in (1) in any way they can; handing out (10) leaflets in the street or drumming up (7) support online are just two ways we can get our message across. (4) Join us today by clicking the link below!Help/contribute moneyKill or cause to die on a large scaleBe faced withMake people hear/understand informationCauseMentally withdraw from a situationTry to increase/encourage support for somethingBecome extinctIntroduce strong restrictionsGive something to peopleCause to fallDefend verbally or physicallyConsume all of somethingTotal/add up toTake action when it’s neededPracticeTry to remember the missing prepositions in the questions below without looking at the text. Then ask and answer the questions.How effective do you think practices like handing OUT leaflets actually are?Have you ever done anything to drum UP support for a charity or other organisation?What do you think governments should crack DOWN ON in your country?Think of some endangered animals. Which one would you be saddest about if it died OUT completely?What do you think is the most effective way for an organisation like the WWF to get its message ACROSS? Online? In person?What do you think are the most difficult issues that charities like the WWF come UP AGAINST when trying to help the environment?If you use UP all the toilet paper, do you always replace it?Think of a time when a friend or family member stood UP FOR you in a difficult situation.Now think of a time when nobody stood UP FOR you. Or when you failed to stand UP FOR a friend.Who has the biggest responsibility to step UP and take responsibility for the environment? Governments? Businesses? The general public? Why?When it’s a friend’s birthday, is it better if they receive lots of little presents or if everyone chips IN and gets them one big present. Which would you prefer on your birthday?If you added up all your screen time in one day, how much would it amount TO? Do you want to cut DOWN? Why? Why not? ................

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