Bible Point God wants us to confess our sins.

Jesus' Blood Cleanses Us From Our Sins

Jesus' Blood Cleanses Us From Our Sins ? Lesson 9

Bible Point God wants us to confess our sins.

Bible Verse

"But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness" (1 John 1:9).

Growing Closer to Jesus

Students will n see how sin can burden them, n understand that confession brings them back to God again, and n experience how God can take their sins away.

Teacher Enrichment

Bible Basis

n Jesus' blood cleanses us from our sins.

1 John 1:7-9

Just prior to today's passage, in 1 John 1:6, John establishes that no matter what we claim, if we habitually walk in darkness--that is, things that are evil, sinful, or wrong-- we don't really have fellowship with God.

Today's passage launches into the positive side of the issue--habitually walking in the light demonstrates that Jesus' blood has purified us from our sins. But how does blood purify anyone? The primary explanation for that metaphor is found in Leviticus 17:11. An animal's blood represented its life. When an animal was sacrificed, its blood--and therefore its life--was poured out on the altar. God accepted the sacrifice of the animal's life in place of the person's life: the animal's death atoned for the person's sins. Today, the ultimate sacrifice for sins has been made by Jesus when he poured out his blood--his life--on the cross for us.

The wonderful part of all this is found in 1 John 1:9. All we need to do to receive that atonement-- forgiveness of sins--is to confess our sins before God and believe in Jesus. What a joy it is for sinful people such as ourselves to be cleansed from all unrighteousness! We don't deserve it, but God does it!

Other Scriptures used in this lesson are Psalm 66:18; Proverbs 11:5; 29:6; Isaiah 59:2; Acts 2:38; Romans 6:11-12, 23; and 1 John 1:5-6; 2:1-2.


? Read Ephesians 1:7. ? The shedding of blood is not a pretty thing--but it is a beautiful thing! Reflect on what Jesus' shed blood

means in your life. ? Pray: Lord, help me to communicate effectively to my class the concept of forgiveness through Jesus' blood.

Help them to...

Hands-On Bible Curriculum--Grades 3 & 4 99

Lesson 9

Before the Lesson

n Collect the necessary items for the activities you plan to use, referring to the Classroom Supplies and Learning Lab Supplies listed on the chart.

n Make photocopies of the "Hands-On Fun at Home" handout (at the end of this lesson) to send home with your students.

n Pray for your students and for God's direction as you teach the lesson.

This Lesson at a Glance

What Students Will Do Classroom Supplies Attention Detective--Confess to holding a CD player Grabber heart lock or key.

Learning Lab Supplies

Bible Exploration &


Restrictive Relay--Run a relay with gizmo restrictions, and discuss Psalm 66:18; Proverbs 11:5; 29:6; Romans 6:11-12, 23; and 1 John 1:7-9; 2:1-2.

Bibles, index cards, pen, four soft balls

Mending What's Broken--Cut paper to learn what happens when we sin, read Isaiah 59:2 and 1 John 1:5-9, and make crosses to symbolize forgiveness.

Bible, markers, scissors, bottle of glue

Confession Session--Explore the consequences of confession in true-to-life situations, and then read Acts 2:38 to learn what true confession requires.


Closing Take It Away--Discover how

God can take their sins away

when they confess them.

CD player, index cards, pens, trash can

100 Hands-On Bible Curriculum--Grades 3 & 4

Jesus' Blood Cleanses Us From Our Sins


As kids arrive, ask them how they applied last week's lesson to their lives. Ask questions such as "How did you experience God's free gift of love last week?" and "Who did you tell about God's free gift?"

Tell the kids that whenever you sound the hand groan tube, they are to stop talking, raise their hands, and focus on you. Explain that it's important to respond to this signal quickly so the class can do as many fun activities as possible.

Attention Grabber

n Detective


track 28

Before class, cue the CD to "Heart Locks Music" (track 28).

Have kids stand in a circle. Randomly distribute the two heart locks and their two keys around the circle; then choose a volunteer to stand in the middle.

Say: While the music is playing, you'll pass the heart locks and keys to the left, but you must pass them behind your back. The person in the middle is our Detective and will try to discover who's holding the heart locks and keys. The Detective will have his or her eyes closed while the music is playing. When the music stops, the Detective will open his or her eyes, point to someone, and say, "You're holding a heart lock or key." If the Detective points to you and you're holding a heart lock or key, you'll say, "I confess. I'm guilty." If you're not holding a heart lock or key, you'll say, "I'm not guilty" and hold up your empty hands. The Detective can point to two people; then we'll choose a new Detective, and the mystery will start again.

Play "Heart Locks Music" for a few seconds. Then push Pause, and let the Detective point to two people. When those two have responded, choose a new Detective, and begin the music again. When everyone has had a turn to be the Detective, collect the heart locks and keys, and have kids sit down.

Ask: ? Did you really feel guilty when you were caught holding the heart lock or key? Why or why not? (Yes, because I didn't want to get caught; no, because I knew I didn't do anything wrong; no, because it was just a game.)

? How does confessing about holding a heart lock or key compare with confessing a real sin? (Confessing about holding a lock was easy because this was just a game; confessing was easy because we didn't really do anything wrong; confessing a real sin is hard because we have to admit that we did something wrong and maybe hurt someone; when we confess a real sin, we might get punished.)

Say: Confessing that you're guilty of holding a heart lock or key was just a game, but confessing our sins isn't a game. God wants us to confess our sins when we really are guilty. Let's see what can happen in our lives when we're guilty of sin.

Get to know the students in your class. When you meet your students for the first time, call them by name. Find out about their lives away from church. Learn and recognize their strengths. Make affirmation a regular part of your class. Be sure to compliment your students when you see them practicing what they've learned.

If you have fewer than 8 students in your class, use only one heart lock. If you have more than 14 students, have kids form two circles and give each circle a heart lock and a key.

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Lesson 9

Caution kids on the second team to wrap the bendable noodle around their ankles so that no excess hangs down to trip them.

Bible Exploration & Application

n Restrictive Relay

SUPPLIES: Bibles, index cards, four soft balls, pen Before class, write the following references on index cards: ? Card 1: Psalm 66:18 and Romans 6:23 ? Card 2: Proverbs 11:5 and 1 John 1:7-9 ? Card 3: Proverbs 29:6 and 1 John 2:1-2 ? Card 4: Romans 6:12 and Romans 6:11

Have kids form four teams, and have teams line up at one end of the room to run a relay race. Tell the kids that each team will have a special way to run the relay to the opposite wall and back. Give the first team the glitter tie, and tell team members that walkers must strap the elastic band of the glitter tie around their heads so the tie rests in front of their faces. Give the bendable noodle to the second team, and tell team members that walkers must wrap the bendable noodle around their ankles. Give the uninflated Tube-a-loon to the third team, and tell kids they must wrap the Tube-a-loon around their wrists. Give the telescope to the fourth team, and tell kids they must tuck the telescope under one arm, pirate-style.

Have the first person on each team put on his or her gizmo, and give each person a soft ball such as a tennis ball or rubber ball. Say: For our relay, you must walk to the other end of the room and back. Plus, you must toss the ball into the air and catch it at least three times on your way to the opposite wall and three times on the way back. If you drop the ball, you need to find it again and then start where you left off. When you get back to your team, hand the ball and the gizmo to the next person in line. That person has to put on the gizmo first and then continue with the relay.

When everyone understands the instructions, sound the hand groan tube to start the relay. When the relay is over, collect the glitter tie, bendable noodle, Tube-a-loon, and telescope to use in a later lesson. Collect the balls, and put them out of sight so they're not a distraction. Then have kids sit down in their teams to discuss the following questions:

? What was it like to run this relay with those gizmos? (It was hard; it was a pain.)

? How did the gizmo burden you as you tried to run the relay? (The gizmos got in the way; I couldn't see; I couldn't catch the ball with one hand.)

? How does sin burden us as we try to live our lives? (Sin can distract us; sin can lead us in wrong directions or slow us down.)

? How is running a relay with those restrictions like going through life pretending that our sin isn't there? (They both slow us down; they make us do things awkwardly; they make us look stupid; it would be easier to run the relay without the gizmos and to go through life without sin.)

? What do you think God would say about trying to ignore our sin? (It's not very smart; ignoring our sins doesn't make them go away; our sins still get in our way, even if we pretend that they're not there.)

Say: When we sin, it's as if we're carrying extra weight. We may try to go on with our lives, but we can't ignore our sin. God wants to get rid of our sin so we can move on and start fresh. God wants us to confess our sins so he can get

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Jesus' Blood Cleanses Us From Our Sins

rid of them. The Bible tells us what can happen when we have sins in our lives.

Give each group a Bible and one of the index cards you prepared before class. Give groups a few minutes to read the passages and talk about what they mean. Then each group should choose a Reader to read the first Bible passage to the class and a Translator to explain to the class what the group thinks the passage means. Groups should also choose a Reader and a Translator for the second passage.

Have Readers read the first passage on the cards for the class. Have Translators explain what the groups think the passages mean. Then ask:

? What do these passages say about the consequences of sin? (God doesn't listen to us if we don't confess our sins; wicked people fall under the burden of sin; sin traps evil people; sin can control the way we live.)

Say: We've seen how dangerous sin can be in our lives. Let's discover how confession takes away that heavy, dangerous sin.

Have the second group of Readers read their verses, and then have Translators explain the verses to the class.

Ask: ? What happens when you confess your sins to God? (We have forgiveness and eternal life; we can live for God's glory; we get along with each other; we have complete forgiveness.)

Say: Let's read 1 John 1:9 again. It's our key Bible verse for today. Have students find 1 John 1:9 in their Bibles, and have a volunteer read the verse aloud while the others follow along: "But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness." Then ask:

? How is your relationship with God different after you confess your sins? (I'm right with God again; God forgives my sins, so I don't need to be embarrassed or ashamed; I don't feel guilty; my sins are gone so they don't get in the way.)

? How does confessing your sins change the way you feel? (I don't feel guilty anymore; I feel God's love again.)

? How do those feelings compare with the feeling of being weighed down by sin? (God's love feels way better; I feel more free.)

Say: God wants us to confess our sins. In exchange for our sins, he'll fill our lives with feelings such as love and happiness. Let's see what happens to our relationship with God when we sin and when we confess our sins.

n Mending What's Broken

SUPPLIES: Bible, markers, scissors, bottle of glue Before class, cut one small rectangle of cloud paper for

each person. It's important that you cut rectangles. Save the remaining cloud paper for a later lesson.

Have kids sit in a circle, distribute markers and cloud paper rectangles, and say: First, let's think of things we've done that would be considered sins. When you've thought of a sin, write your initials on your rectangle of cloud paper.

Pass a pair of scissors around the circle, and have each person cut his or her pink cloud paper rectangle in half the long way. When the scissors have come back to you, have a volunteer read aloud Isaiah 59:2.

Ask: ? How does cutting our cloud paper reflect what happens to our relationship with God when we sin? (We're cut off from God; we're separated from God.)

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