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Early bird

Regular fee

DV Conference Track (Tuesday & Wednesday)



SO Conference Track (Wednesday through Friday)



1 Day attendance (Any one day Tuesday-Friday)



Full Conference attendance



With a checkmark, please indicate which conference option you'd like to attend:

DV Conference Track (Pick from Track A, B, C) SO Conference Track (Pick from Track C, D, E, F, G) One day attendance (Pick any Track available no any one day) Full Four Day Conference (Pick a session from each Track available on the agenda) STEP 3: MAKE YOUR PREFERED SESSION SELECTIONS

Based on your conference track selection, please select the sessions you'd like to attend, enter number 1 for your first choice and number 2 for your second choice.

DV Conference Track Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Breakout Sessions A


A1 Batterer Intervention Programs and Evidence-Based Practices: An Overview and

Future Directions

A2 A Collaborative Model for Investigating and Responding to Domestic Violence in

Later Life

A3 How Domestic Violence Fatality Review Informs Practice

DV Conference Track Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Breakout Sessions B


B4 Overview of Treatment Victim Advocacy in DV Offender Treatment

B5 Domestic Violence Victim Interactions: Best Practice Strategies for Optimum

Offender Prosecution and Treatment

2 B6 Application of the Danger Assessment Tool

DV/SO Conference Track Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Breakout Sessions C


B7 Civil Court Domestic Violence Offender Evaluation and Treatment Orders

C8 Better Together ? Combatting Secondary Trauma with Team Resilience

C9 Evidence-Based Processes: Your Compass Through Evidence Based Practice


C10 Disabilities and Domestic Violence ? Closing the Gap

C11 When the Group Room Door Closes: The Three Pillars of Group Therapy and the

REPS Model

C12 Love Hurts but Dating Shouldn't: Empowering Teens through Healthy


SO Conference Track Thursday, July 11, 2019

Breakout Sessions D


D13 The Domestic Violence & Sexual Violence Survivor Empathy Panel

D14 Worldview 101

D15 Behind the Bars: Lifting the veil on offense specific treatment in the Colorado

Department of Corrections

D16 Clarification and Reunification in Sex Assault Cases

D17 Interventions with Sexually Abusive Youth: Resistance & Evolution

SO Conference Track Thursday, July 11, 2019

Breakout Sessions E


E18 Sex Offender Management and Supervision Project Focus Groups

E19 Escaping the Black Box of Supervision

E20 Working with Therapy-Obstructing Risk Factors

E21 Sex Trafficking: The Sex Trafficking Offender Prevention (STOP) Screening

Measure for Juveniles Involved in the Criminal Justice System

E22 Juvenile Sexting in Colorado: The Whole Picture

SO Conference Track Friday, July 12, 2019

Breakout Sessions F


F23 Assessment of Child Pornography Possessors

F24 Better Together: Bridging the Worlds of Community Supervision, Treatment,

Research, and Policy

F25 Psychopathy: From Concept to Treatment

F26 Prevention, Victim/Survivor Services, and Offender Management:

Working Together for a Common Mission

SO Conference Track Friday, July 12, 2019

Breakout Sessions G


G27 Clinical Supervision ? Professional and Identity Development for Supervisors and

Supervisees in Forensic Practice.

G28 Understanding and Using Biofeedback to Target Criminogenic Needs

G29 Bridging the Gap Between Offender and Victim: Restorative Community Justice

and Maximizing the Benefits in Relationship with Victim Representative.

G30 Sex Offense Specific Treatment and The IDD Client


Please let us know how you'd like to pay for your conference fee

_____Check enclosed (preferred)

_____State Agency internal payment


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