'On the Sidewalk Bleeding' Questions

"On the Sidewalk Bleeding" Questions

As you complete the following questions remember to provide evidence from the text to support your answer.

Before Reading…

FREE WRITE: In a response journal entry, respond to one or more of the following questions (or variations of them):

a. When you form impressions or opinions about people you first meet, what kinds of things do you consider: their looks, clothing, where they are, what they are doing, etc?

b. What do you think people consider about you when they first meet you and form an impression?

c. How would you answer the question: Who are you?

d. Is there a symbol: sign, picture, article of clothing, etc., that you believe represents your identity? Would people who know you recognize that symbol as identifying you?

Take a few minutes to preview the text. List some of the text features that stand out.

Look at the title and illustration for “On the Sidewalk, Bleeding”. Predict the conflict, what do you think has already happened and what the outcome of the conflict will be, without looking or reading ahead.

Discuss your responses in small groups.

After Reading – Literature Discussion …

In pairs or small groups discuss the following questions

1. What effect does Andy's jacket have on the people who find him in the alley?

2. What are the reasons these people do not help Andy?

3. At what point does Andy realize he is dying?

4. What does Andy do with the last of his strength? Why?

5. What is the police officer's reaction to Andy? How does this contribute to the author's message?

6. What kind of person do you think Andy was? Did he deserve what he got?

7. At certain times, most people wonder - who am I? What did Andy conclude in answer to that question?

8. Did previewing the text help you better understand what you were reading? Why or why not?

“On the Sidewalk, Bleeding”- multiple choice

Directions: Carefully read each question. Choose the best answer for each question.

1. When Freddie and Angela find Andy in the alley, Freddie says, “We help him, and the Guardians’ll be down our neck” (4). The Guardians are most likely-

a. the local police

b. the gang they are in

c. Andy’s rival gang

d. the community security guards

2. “The old lady carried an umbrella with broken ribs, carried it like a queen” (5). Which of the following dictionary definitions most closely explains the word ribs as it is used in the above referenced quote?


a. Definition 1 - one of a series of curved bones in humans

b. Definition 2 - a structure that supports the shape of something

c. Definition 3 - a cut of meat

d. Definition 4 - a main vein of a leaf

3. Read the paragraph, on the bottom of page, five that begins with the underlined sentence “The alley looked very long now…” The mood of this paragraph can best be described as

a. rueful

b. vengeful

c. peaceful

d. hopeful

4. Andy thinks to himself, “I never turkeyed out of a rumble with the Guardians. I got heart”. (page 5) “I got heart” most likely means the same as

a. I’m still alive

b. I love fighting

c. I’m in a gang

d. I’m brave

5. “The jacket had only one meaning now, and that was a very simple meaning” (page 6). Throughout the course of the story, what the Royals jacket represents to Andy changes from:

a. shame to pride

b. pride to hatred

c. hatred to violence

d. violence to regret

6. Andy had been stabbed________________ minutes before the story started.

a. ten c. thirty

b. twenty d. one hour

7. Andy was __________________ years of age

a. 15 c. 17

b. 16 d. 18

8. Andy was a member of a gang called The_______________.

a. Rebels c. Revolution

b. Angles d. Royals

9. ________________________was Andy's girlfriend.

a. Linda c. Laura

b. Lilly d. Angela

10. Andy had left the jump to _______________________________

a. buy cigarettes

b. buy a drink

c. make a phone call

11. The story was set in the city of __________________

a. Los Angeles

b. New York

c. Toronto

12. The first person to find Andy was _________________________

a. the old woman

b. Freddie

c. the drunk

13. The young couple didn't want to get involved for feared the rival gang known as the _________________________

a. Guardians

b. Wanderers

c. Warriors

d. Royals

14. Andy first knew that he was going to die immediately after ______________

a. he had been stabbed

b. the old woman left

c. he had removed the jacket


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