Graduates 4 International Growth 2011

Graduates 4 International Growth II“A resource for market development”IDA Reference DocumentBackground: The “Graduates 4 International Growth” (G4IG) offer, involving graduates being recruited by Irish based companies and placed in the overseas markets for 12 months after an initial 6 month period in Ireland, is viewed both as providing graduates with an opportunity to acquire valuable skills and experience, while more importantly, providing companies with an additional market research resource. Graduates 4 International Growth II will provide increased support to a larger number of graduates and companies.2. Objective of Graduates 4 International Growth IIThe objective of Graduates 4 International Growth II is to assist companies with ambitious growth plans in key markets to acquire a market research resource and possible future business development panies that are supported will create one or more entry level graduate market researcher position(s). Graduate market researchers will complete a project related to companies’ growth plans in an overseas market. Graduates will work within an infrastructure that supports them, both in their development and in the completion of this project, for the duration of the programme. Graduates with identified potential to develop to be the next generation of business development executives will be matched with companies and provided with a structured means of developing new skills in International Growth. G4IG is 18 months in duration, with participants based a minimum of 12 months in an overseas market. Graduates 4 International Growth has a strong focus on action learning and project work, coupled with skills modules on relevant topics such as ‘The Challenge of International Business’, ‘Leading High Performance in International Markets’ and ‘Developing Customer Value Propositions’. Funding This is a competitive fund and funding will be available to up to 15 IDA company projects that score highest in the ranking process and also meet the minimum scores as outlined. All eligible projects submitted by eligible companies will be considered with the evaluation process for grant-aid (full or partial funding) subject to:A Company De Minimis Limit of €200,000 over 3 fiscal yearsThe number of projects, submitted by a company, approved for pany Size: Large Company or SME (Large companies are eligible to receive full funding on a maximum of one project and SME’s eligible to receive full funding on a maximum of two projects. Additional projects may be partially supported.)4. Legal BasisThe legal basis for Graduates 4 International Growth is Section 25 and 28 of the Industrial Development Act 1986. 5. State Aid Basis The State Aid basis is Aid under De Minimis Aid – EC 1998/20066. Applicant Eligibility6.1 Company Applicant EligibilityEligible companiesGraduates 4 International Growth is open to IDA client companies engaged in manufacturing or the provision of high growth potential traded services. In addition to the above, companies (or Group where the company is part of a Group) must satisfy all of the below criteria: Have a minimum of 10 employees Turnover of at least 1 millionBe generating sales for at least 2 yearsIneligible companies: Food companies and/or food ingredient companies with graduate projects targeting foods for human consumption or horticulture companies as Board Bia is seen as providing an alternative solution for graduates in this area. 6.2 Graduate Applicant EligibilityEligible graduatesEligible graduates are graduates that have applied to Enterprise Ireland’s G4IG panel and are: Seeking graduate entry level market research positionsAre willing to relocate to an overseas market, as advised by participating companies, for a duration of 12 months.Have a recognised undergraduate degree not less that Level 8 on National Vocational Qualifications Framework or recognised equivalent or a postgraduate degree not less than Level 9 of the National Vocational Qualifications Framework or recognised equivalent. Have a valid work permit to work in Ireland (if required) to cover the period up to 31st May 2012Ineligible graduates: Cannot provide evidence of having reached the required academic standard on the National Vocational Qualifications Framework or demonstrate equivalence. Does not at time of application have a valid work permit to work in Ireland.7. Project EligibilityProjects eligible for consideration will meet the following criteria:Are submitted by eligible companiesThe project is part of the strategic development plan of the company in international markets. The project is sufficient to require the creation of an entry level graduate market researcher position.The project will require that the graduate market researcher will be located for a minimum of twelve months in an overseas market. The required twelve month period is set out in the Graduates 4 International Growth II schedule. The company clearly demonstrates they have an appropriate infrastructure to enable the graduate to fulfil the aims of the programme.There is no limit to the number of projects per company that are eligible.8. Eligible ActivitiesEligible activitiesMarket research activities against a specific project in a specific market that fits in with the company’s overall strategic development plan. The market research is for;a new product in a new marketa new product in a existing marketan existing product in a new marketActivities that support the development of the graduate specifically in relation to the graduate attaining the Diploma in International Growth.Ineligible ActivitiesActivities relating to foods for human consumption or horticulture.Selling of products or any activities that would result in Enterprise Ireland support being considered export aid (e.g. market research for existing products in existing markets). 9. Eligible Expenditure9.1 Programme Costs:Programme costs, to cover recruitment, matching and training costs, of up to €14,500 for each graduate who is on the programme. There is no limit to the number of graduates per company that can be supported on the programme. On acceptance of a training grant offer (to cover programme costs) companies will mandate the IDA to request Enterprise Ireland to pay the relevant service providers fees in relation to the recruitment, matching of graduates with companies, and training of graduates.9.2 Eligible Company Salary Costs:Eligible company salary costs are costs directly associated with the payment of a salary to graduates and are capped at a maximum, depending on the overseas location of the graduate as outlined in the table below:Maximum Eligible Company Salary Costs by Graduate LocationZoneOverseas MarketMaximum salary spend (over 18 months) eligible for support with an employment grantZone 1Singapore, Japan, Russia60,000Zone 2The Gulf, Australia45,000Zone 3Europe, UK, Americas, China42,000Zone 4Other 31,000Eligible company salary costs will vary depending on the size of the company: Large companies are eligible to receive salary support, in the form of an employment grant, for one graduate market researcher only.SME’s are eligible to receive salary support, in the form of an employment grant, for up to two graduate market researchers. In order to be eligible for salary support on one or more entry level graduate market researcher positions companies will need to demonstrate a strong business case and demonstrate an appropriate infrastructure to enable the graduate to fulfil the aims of the programme.Ineligible ExpenditureBonuses related to the Graduate’s salaryEmployers PRSI contributionsTravel and subsistence in Ireland and OverseasFlights10. Maximum Funding LevelsProgramme costs to cover recruitment, matching of graduates with companies, and training of graduates, of up to €14,500 for each graduate who is on the programme will be funded at 100% by IDA. Large companies will be funded at 50% on eligible company salary costs, against direct salary costs of an entry level graduate market researcher for a duration of 18 months (including 12 months overseas). SME’s will be funded at 70% on eligible company salary costs, against direct salary costs of an entry level graduate market researcher for a duration of 18 months (including 12 months overseas)All funding is subject to the company not exceeding the permitted De Minimis limit of €200,000 over 3 fiscal years.11. Company ResponsibilityCompanies are responsible for all aspects in relation to setting of appropriate graduate salaries, having a company policy in place in relation to payment of Irish and overseas expenses, graduate visa applications, the cost of processing visas and ensuring payment of graduate taxes locally where applicable. IDA requires that companies have adequate health insurance in place for graduates where graduates are located in markets outside the EU.11. Total Programme Costs LARGE COMPANYZone 1 Zone 2Zone 3Zone 4Maximum Eligible Company Salary Costs 60,00045,00042,00031,000Company Employment Grant Rate at 50%30,00022,50021,00015,500Maximum Eligible Programme Costs (Training Grant at 100% up to a max of €14,500)14,50014,50014,50014,500Total Company Contribution30,00022,50021,00015,500Total Maximum Amount Paid by EI = Company De Minimis Support44,50037,00035,50030,000SME COMPANYZone 1 Zone 2Zone 3Zone 4Maximum Eligible Company Salary Costs 60,00045,00042,00031,000Company Employment Grant Rate at 70%42,00031,50029,40021,700Maximum Eligible Programme Costs (Training Grant at 100% up to a max of €14,500)14,50014,50014,50014,500Total Company Contribution18,00013,50012,6009,300Total Amount Paid by EI = Company De Minimis Support56,50046,00043,90036,20012. CommitteeProjects will be approved by IDA and Enterprise Ireland’s Investment Committee.13. Delegation of Power Standard delegated powers apply. Changes to market location can be approved by Divisional Managers once the programme has commenced where: a company requests to change a market location a rematch of graduate with an alternative company is required (and may involve offering support on salary costs to the company).14. Form of aid & budget allocationFunding will be in the form of a De Minimis Aid grant to the Company. Funding will come from IDA Ireland capital budget. A maximum of up to €500,000 has been allocated for IDA clients to this pilot scheme. 15. Application ProcessApplications for Graduates 4 International Growth II are invited from companies through a public call for submissions between the 7th of September and the 4th of October 2011.15.1 Company Application ProcessApplication forms and guidelines for companies are available on the Enterprise Ireland website g4ig. The application form must be submitted to csu@enterprise- no later than 5.30pm on the 4th of October 2011Receipt of applications will be acknowledged by the Client Service Unit (CSU) within 3 working days. If after this period, the company has not received acknowledgement then it should contact the CSU by email csu@enterprise-. 15.2 Graduate Application ProcessThis phase is now closed as of the 12th of August 201116. Evaluation Process 16.1 Company Evaluation Process Suitable company projects will be supported on Programme Costs under this phase of G4IG, based on the evaluation process outlined below. A number of these company projects will also be supported on Eligible Company Salary Costs, subject to the company being within De Minimis Limits, the number of projects submitted by the company, and the company size.a) Scoring of ApplicationsApplications will be assessed by the Project Executive and recommended by the Department Manager within Enterprise Ireland (or the equivalent persons in other agencies). Applications will be scored against the criteria below for each project submitted. Scoring Criteria for Company applicationMaximum score 1Track record and company performance to-date 752Quality of the Business Plan 753Quality of the Graduate project 1004Proposed international market and its potential for dev. 1005Company Capability to Execute – infrastructure, mentor, supports 150Total 500The IDA and Enterprise Ireland will ensure consistency of scoring across all applications.In order to proceed eligible applications must achieve minimum scores of300 out of 500 overall60 against criteria 3 (Quality of the Graduate project) and a minimum score of 90 against criteria 5 (Company Capability to Execute) above.b) Ranking of ProjectsBased on applications reaching the minimum scores outlined above all projects will be ranked. The ranking of the projects will then be considered in relation to the market focus of the project. Reasonable effort will be made to reach the project market targets outlined below: Breakdown of G4IG Company Projects by MarketMarkets:Allocation of Company ProjectsAsia10%Rest of the world60%UK30%Total100%c) Bases for Recommendation of Company Projects for Full or Partial Support Having considered the market spread of projects, company projects will then be recommended for full or partial support based on their ranking and subject to Funding (Section 3). Of these, up to 15 projects will be with IDA client companies. If any company does not accept the offer of support, the next highest ranking project on the contingency list may be offered support.d) Reporting of RecommendationsThe Enterprise Ireland Mentoring and Advisory Department will prepare a document for the sub-committee with the score, market and grant amount for each company, broken down into projects recommended for support and not recommend for support. The recommended projects will be sent to the G4IG sub-committee for evaluation and its recommendations will be presented to the IDA’s Investment Committee for decision. 16.2 Graduate Evaluation ProcessEligible applicants are invited to psychometric (ability) testing and personality /behavioural assessment. All applicant results are marked on a percentile bases by comparing with a relevant norm group of graduates. Only applicants meeting a minimum result can be considered to proceed to the shortlisting for phase 2 Competency AssessmentGraduates are categorised into 1 of 5 categories reflective of their language skills, high academic achievement, educational fit, experience and motivation or technical fit. Each category will have a quota attached to it to proceed to be invited to assessment centre, as agreed by Enterprise Ireland and in line with yielding a sufficient number of graduates within each category to facilitate adequate choice at the client matching phase.Eligible applicants are invited to phase 2, Assessment Centre, based on their ranking, within their assigned category, on results from ability testing and personality/behavioural assessment. A shortlist of candidates will be drawn up for the assessment centre. The shortlist will include inviting sufficient candidates to meet quota requirements for each assessment centre. Phase 2, Assessment Centre. Candidates are evaluated against a number of competencies by assessing their performance undertaking a series of exercises and interview.A shortlist of graduates, with minimum scores at assessment centre, will be prepared for each company. Reports from assessment centres will also be made available to companies. Companies will arrange an interview with graduates and either offer the graduate a position or decline the graduate. See Appendix 1 for further detail.17. Approval CommitteeThe IDA Investment Committee will be presented with a list of (a) companies recommended for support (b) companies not recommended for support (c) score for each company. The proposal will also outline the associated costs and proposed markets. Ranking of CompaniesSubject to budget, up to 15 IDA projects will be supported. IDA Investment Committee approval will be sought for an additional 5 IDA projects, to allow a contingency in the event that one of the approved companies/graduates does not take up the offer.In the event that projects are on the same score after assessment companies will be ranked higher based on their score under criterion 4 (Proposed international market and its potential for dev.). If there companies with the same score on criterion 4, companies with the higher score under criterion 2 (Quality of the Business Plan) will be ranked higher and thereafter to the company with the next highest score under this criterion.MatchingFollowing the approval of the IDA Investment Committee that the companies can participate on Graduates 4 International Growth, graduates will be matched with suitable companies. Prior to the commencement of Graduates 4 International Growth II, the IDA Investment Committee will be presented with the list of graduate names who have been assigned to each company, with the associated costs and proposed markets. 18. Post approval stageEnterprise Ireland’s CSU will be notified all applicants by email on the outcome of their application following the IDA Investment Committee Decision. Unsuccessful applicants will receive an email informing them of the Committee’s decision. Feedback will be available to companies if requested.Following receipt of signed minutes from the IDA Investment Committee, IDA will issue a letter of offer to successful client, which forms the legal agreement between IDA and the client company. IDA and Enterprise Ireland will run a workshop for company mentors in November 2011. The purpose of the company workshop is to outline the specifics of the companies’ responsibility in relation to mentoring. All company mentors should be in attendance at this panies must release graduates to attend relevant skills modules associated with the Diploma in International Growth which will take place over 18 days in Dublin between the 28th of November 2011 and 1st of June 2012. Graduates must attend all modules associated with the Diploma in International Growth and submit in a timely manner required course work associated with the course or else medical certificates must be supplied to the course provider for unexplained absences or delays. The graduate will be requested to fill out progress updates and submit them to the training provider over the period of the overseas assignment. The Mentoring and Advisory Department will liaise with the service provider over this period.19. Start Date & End Date of Graduates 4 International GrowthThe Start Date of Graduates 4 International Growth II is the 28th of November 2011. Graduates 4 International Growth is 18 months duration - 6 months in Ireland and 12 months in the overseas market. The end date of Graduates 4 International Growth is 31st of May 2013.The Ireland based part of Graduates 4 International Growth II will run from 28th of November 2011 to 1st June 2012. During this time graduates will attend 20 days training scheduled between December 2011 and May 2012. Prior to attending their first training day graduates will have commenced employment with client companies from the 28th of November 2011. The overseas based part of Graduates 4 International Growth II will run from 4thof June 2012 to 31st of May 2013.20. Time period for approval and drawing down grantsThere will be in two claiming periods. The first claim period will be on receipt of the company signed letter of offer, graduate employment contract and a tax clearance certificate. This claim period will be before 23rd of December 2011 and will be for 50% of the approved eligible costs. The second claim period will be payable on completion of the programme, for the remaining 50% of the approved eligible costs. The company will need to provide a valid tax clearance certificate, proof of graduate payment, copy of graduate payslip, director’s statement and the relevant claim form. The final claim must be submitted by 1st October 2013.21. Review period A review of the Dublin based part of Graduates 4 International Growth II will take place in 2012. A review of the impact of Graduates 4 International Growth II will be undertaken in 2013. ................

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